Abstract:Humanoid robots hold the potential for unparalleled versatility in performing human-like, whole-body skills. However, achieving agile and coordinated whole-body motions remains a significant challenge due to the dynamics mismatch between simulation and the real world. Existing approaches, such as system identification (SysID) and domain randomization (DR) methods, often rely on labor-intensive parameter tuning or result in overly conservative policies that sacrifice agility. In this paper, we present ASAP (Aligning Simulation and Real-World Physics), a two-stage framework designed to tackle the dynamics mismatch and enable agile humanoid whole-body skills. In the first stage, we pre-train motion tracking policies in simulation using retargeted human motion data. In the second stage, we deploy the policies in the real world and collect real-world data to train a delta (residual) action model that compensates for the dynamics mismatch. Then, ASAP fine-tunes pre-trained policies with the delta action model integrated into the simulator to align effectively with real-world dynamics. We evaluate ASAP across three transfer scenarios: IsaacGym to IsaacSim, IsaacGym to Genesis, and IsaacGym to the real-world Unitree G1 humanoid robot. Our approach significantly improves agility and whole-body coordination across various dynamic motions, reducing tracking error compared to SysID, DR, and delta dynamics learning baselines. ASAP enables highly agile motions that were previously difficult to achieve, demonstrating the potential of delta action learning in bridging simulation and real-world dynamics. These results suggest a promising sim-to-real direction for developing more expressive and agile humanoids.
Abstract:Understanding how humans interact with each other is key to building realistic multi-human virtual reality systems. This area remains relatively unexplored due to the lack of large-scale datasets. Recent datasets focusing on this issue mainly consist of activities captured entirely in controlled indoor environments with choreographed actions, significantly affecting their diversity. To address this, we introduce Harmony4D, a multi-view video dataset for human-human interaction featuring in-the-wild activities such as wrestling, dancing, MMA, and more. We use a flexible multi-view capture system to record these dynamic activities and provide annotations for human detection, tracking, 2D/3D pose estimation, and mesh recovery for closely interacting subjects. We propose a novel markerless algorithm to track 3D human poses in severe occlusion and close interaction to obtain our annotations with minimal manual intervention. Harmony4D consists of 1.66 million images and 3.32 million human instances from more than 20 synchronized cameras with 208 video sequences spanning diverse environments and 24 unique subjects. We rigorously evaluate existing state-of-the-art methods for mesh recovery and highlight their significant limitations in modeling close interaction scenarios. Additionally, we fine-tune a pre-trained HMR2.0 model on Harmony4D and demonstrate an improved performance of 54.8% PVE in scenes with severe occlusion and contact. Code and data are available at https://jyuntins.github.io/harmony4d/.
Abstract:Predicting future human behavior is an increasingly popular topic in computer vision, driven by the interest in applications such as autonomous vehicles, digital assistants and human-robot interactions. The literature on behavior prediction spans various tasks, including action anticipation, activity forecasting, intent prediction, goal prediction, and so on. Our survey aims to tie together this fragmented literature, covering recent technical innovations as well as the development of new large-scale datasets for model training and evaluation. We also summarize the widely-used metrics for different tasks and provide a comprehensive performance comparison of existing approaches on eleven action anticipation datasets. This survey serves as not only a reference for contemporary methodologies in action anticipation, but also a guideline for future research direction of this evolving landscape.
Abstract:Goal-oriented planning, or anticipating a series of actions that transition an agent from its current state to a predefined objective, is crucial for developing intelligent assistants aiding users in daily procedural tasks. The problem presents significant challenges due to the need for comprehensive knowledge of temporal and hierarchical task structures, as well as strong capabilities in reasoning and planning. To achieve this, prior work typically relies on extensive training on the target dataset, which often results in significant dataset bias and a lack of generalization to unseen tasks. In this work, we introduce VidAssist, an integrated framework designed for zero/few-shot goal-oriented planning in instructional videos. VidAssist leverages large language models (LLMs) as both the knowledge base and the assessment tool for generating and evaluating action plans, thus overcoming the challenges of acquiring procedural knowledge from small-scale, low-diversity datasets. Moreover, VidAssist employs a breadth-first search algorithm for optimal plan generation, in which a composite of value functions designed for goal-oriented planning is utilized to assess the predicted actions at each step. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VidAssist offers a unified framework for different goal-oriented planning setups, e.g., visual planning for assistance (VPA) and procedural planning (PP), and achieves remarkable performance in zero-shot and few-shot setups. Specifically, our few-shot model outperforms the prior fully supervised state-of-the-art method by +7.7% in VPA and +4.81% PP task on the COIN dataset while predicting 4 future actions. Code, and models are publicly available at https://sites.google.com/view/vidassist.
Abstract:In this work, we focus on generating hand grasp over objects. Compared to previous works of generating hand poses with a given object, we aim to allow the generalization of both hand and object shapes by a single model. Our proposed method Multi-modal Grasp Diffusion (MGD) learns the prior and conditional posterior distribution of both modalities from heterogeneous data sources. Therefore it relieves the limitation of hand-object grasp datasets by leveraging the large-scale 3D object datasets. According to both qualitative and quantitative experiments, both conditional and unconditional generation of hand grasp achieve good visual plausibility and diversity. The proposed method also generalizes well to unseen object shapes. The code and weights will be available at \url{https://github.com/noahcao/mgd}.
Abstract:We present EMBED (Egocentric Models Built with Exocentric Data), a method designed to transform exocentric video-language data for egocentric video representation learning. Large-scale exocentric data covers diverse activities with significant potential for egocentric learning, but inherent disparities between egocentric and exocentric data pose challenges in utilizing one view for the other seamlessly. Egocentric videos predominantly feature close-up hand-object interactions, whereas exocentric videos offer a broader perspective on human activities. Additionally, narratives in egocentric datasets are typically more action-centric and closely linked with the visual content, in contrast to the narrative styles found in exocentric datasets. To address these challenges, we employ a data transformation framework to adapt exocentric data for egocentric training, focusing on identifying specific video clips that emphasize hand-object interactions and transforming narration styles to align with egocentric perspectives. By applying both vision and language style transfer, our framework creates a new egocentric dataset derived from exocentric video-language data. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of EMBED, achieving state-of-the-art results across various egocentric downstream tasks, including an absolute improvement of 4.7% on the Epic-Kitchens-100 multi-instance retrieval and 6.2% on the EGTEA classification benchmarks in zero-shot settings. Furthermore, EMBED enables egocentric video-language models to perform competitively in exocentric tasks. Finally, we showcase EMBED's application across various exocentric datasets, exhibiting strong generalization capabilities when applied to different exocentric datasets.
Abstract:Feedback is essential for learning a new skill or improving one's current skill-level. However, current methods for skill-assessment from video only provide scores or compare demonstrations, leaving the burden of knowing what to do differently on the user. We introduce a novel method to generate actionable feedback from video of a person doing a physical activity, such as basketball or soccer. Our method takes a video demonstration and its accompanying 3D body pose and generates (1) free-form expert commentary describing what the person is doing well and what they could improve, and (2) a visual expert demonstration that incorporates the required corrections. We show how to leverage Ego-Exo4D's videos of skilled activity and expert commentary together with a strong language model to create a weakly-supervised training dataset for this task, and we devise a multimodal video-language model to infer coaching feedback. Our method is able to reason across multi-modal input combinations to output full-spectrum, actionable coaching -- expert commentary, expert video retrieval, and the first-of-its-kind expert pose generation -- outperforming strong vision-language models on both established metrics and human preference studies.
Abstract:We present a method for controlling a simulated humanoid to grasp an object and move it to follow an object trajectory. Due to the challenges in controlling a humanoid with dexterous hands, prior methods often use a disembodied hand and only consider vertical lifts or short trajectories. This limited scope hampers their applicability for object manipulation required for animation and simulation. To close this gap, we learn a controller that can pick up a large number (>1200) of objects and carry them to follow randomly generated trajectories. Our key insight is to leverage a humanoid motion representation that provides human-like motor skills and significantly speeds up training. Using only simplistic reward, state, and object representations, our method shows favorable scalability on diverse object and trajectories. For training, we do not need dataset of paired full-body motion and object trajectories. At test time, we only require the object mesh and desired trajectories for grasping and transporting. To demonstrate the capabilities of our method, we show state-of-the-art success rates in following object trajectories and generalizing to unseen objects. Code and models will be released.
Abstract:De gustibus non est disputandum ("there is no accounting for others' tastes") is a common Latin maxim describing how many solutions in life are determined by people's personal preferences. Many household tasks, in particular, can only be considered fully successful when they account for personal preferences such as the visual aesthetic of the scene. For example, setting a table could be optimized by arranging utensils according to traditional rules of Western table setting decorum, without considering the color, shape, or material of each object, but this may not be a completely satisfying solution for a given person. Toward this end, we present DegustaBot, an algorithm for visual preference learning that solves household multi-object rearrangement tasks according to personal preference. To do this, we use internet-scale pre-trained vision-and-language foundation models (VLMs) with novel zero-shot visual prompting techniques. To evaluate our method, we collect a large dataset of naturalistic personal preferences in a simulated table-setting task, and conduct a user study in order to develop two novel metrics for determining success based on personal preference. This is a challenging problem and we find that 50% of our model's predictions are likely to be found acceptable by at least 20% of people.
Abstract:Developing autonomous vehicles that can safely interact with pedestrians requires large amounts of pedestrian and vehicle data in order to learn accurate pedestrian-vehicle interaction models. However, gathering data that include crucial but rare scenarios - such as pedestrians jaywalking into heavy traffic - can be costly and unsafe to collect. We propose a virtual reality human-in-the-loop simulator, JaywalkerVR, to obtain vehicle-pedestrian interaction data to address these challenges. Our system enables efficient, affordable, and safe collection of long-tail pedestrian-vehicle interaction data. Using our proposed simulator, we create a high-quality dataset with vehicle-pedestrian interaction data from safety critical scenarios called CARLA-VR. The CARLA-VR dataset addresses the lack of long-tail data samples in commonly used real world autonomous driving datasets. We demonstrate that models trained with CARLA-VR improve displacement error and collision rate by 10.7% and 4.9%, respectively, and are more robust in rare vehicle-pedestrian scenarios.