Abstract:Crafting a single, versatile physics-based controller that can breathe life into interactive characters across a wide spectrum of scenarios represents an exciting frontier in character animation. An ideal controller should support diverse control modalities, such as sparse target keyframes, text instructions, and scene information. While previous works have proposed physically simulated, scene-aware control models, these systems have predominantly focused on developing controllers that each specializes in a narrow set of tasks and control modalities. This work presents MaskedMimic, a novel approach that formulates physics-based character control as a general motion inpainting problem. Our key insight is to train a single unified model to synthesize motions from partial (masked) motion descriptions, such as masked keyframes, objects, text descriptions, or any combination thereof. This is achieved by leveraging motion tracking data and designing a scalable training method that can effectively utilize diverse motion descriptions to produce coherent animations. Through this process, our approach learns a physics-based controller that provides an intuitive control interface without requiring tedious reward engineering for all behaviors of interest. The resulting controller supports a wide range of control modalities and enables seamless transitions between disparate tasks. By unifying character control through motion inpainting, MaskedMimic creates versatile virtual characters. These characters can dynamically adapt to complex scenes and compose diverse motions on demand, enabling more interactive and immersive experiences.
Abstract:Physically-simulated models for human motion can generate high-quality responsive character animations, often in real-time. Natural language serves as a flexible interface for controlling these models, allowing expert and non-expert users to quickly create and edit their animations. Many recent physics-based animation methods, including those that use text interfaces, train control policies using reinforcement learning (RL). However, scaling these methods beyond several hundred motions has remained challenging. Meanwhile, kinematic animation models are able to successfully learn from thousands of diverse motions by leveraging supervised learning methods. Inspired by these successes, in this work we introduce SuperPADL, a scalable framework for physics-based text-to-motion that leverages both RL and supervised learning to train controllers on thousands of diverse motion clips. SuperPADL is trained in stages using progressive distillation, starting with a large number of specialized experts using RL. These experts are then iteratively distilled into larger, more robust policies using a combination of reinforcement learning and supervised learning. Our final SuperPADL controller is trained on a dataset containing over 5000 skills and runs in real time on a consumer GPU. Moreover, our policy can naturally transition between skills, allowing for users to interactively craft multi-stage animations. We experimentally demonstrate that SuperPADL significantly outperforms RL-based baselines at this large data scale.
Abstract:We present a method to estimate human motion in a global scene from moving cameras. This is a highly challenging task due to the coupling of human and camera motions in the video. To address this problem, we propose a joint optimization framework that disentangles human and camera motions using both foreground human motion priors and background scene features. Unlike existing methods that use SLAM as initialization, we propose to tightly integrate SLAM and human motion priors in an optimization that is inspired by bundle adjustment. Specifically, we optimize human and camera motions to match both the observed human pose and scene features. This design combines the strengths of SLAM and motion priors, which leads to significant improvements in human and camera motion estimation. We additionally introduce a motion prior that is suitable for batch optimization, making our approach significantly more efficient than existing approaches. Finally, we propose a novel synthetic dataset that enables evaluating camera motion in addition to human motion from dynamic videos. Experiments on the synthetic and real-world RICH datasets demonstrate that our approach substantially outperforms prior art in recovering both human and camera motions.
Abstract:In this work, we present Conditional Adversarial Latent Models (CALM), an approach for generating diverse and directable behaviors for user-controlled interactive virtual characters. Using imitation learning, CALM learns a representation of movement that captures the complexity and diversity of human motion, and enables direct control over character movements. The approach jointly learns a control policy and a motion encoder that reconstructs key characteristics of a given motion without merely replicating it. The results show that CALM learns a semantic motion representation, enabling control over the generated motions and style-conditioning for higher-level task training. Once trained, the character can be controlled using intuitive interfaces, akin to those found in video games.
Abstract:Movement is how people interact with and affect their environment. For realistic character animation, it is necessary to synthesize such interactions between virtual characters and their surroundings. Despite recent progress in character animation using machine learning, most systems focus on controlling an agent's movements in fairly simple and homogeneous environments, with limited interactions with other objects. Furthermore, many previous approaches that synthesize human-scene interactions require significant manual labeling of the training data. In contrast, we present a system that uses adversarial imitation learning and reinforcement learning to train physically-simulated characters that perform scene interaction tasks in a natural and life-like manner. Our method learns scene interaction behaviors from large unstructured motion datasets, without manual annotation of the motion data. These scene interactions are learned using an adversarial discriminator that evaluates the realism of a motion within the context of a scene. The key novelty involves conditioning both the discriminator and the policy networks on scene context. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through three challenging scene interaction tasks: carrying, sitting, and lying down, which require coordination of a character's movements in relation to objects in the environment. Our policies learn to seamlessly transition between different behaviors like idling, walking, and sitting. By randomizing the properties of the objects and their placements during training, our method is able to generalize beyond the objects and scenarios depicted in the training dataset, producing natural character-scene interactions for a wide variety of object shapes and placements. The approach takes physics-based character motion generation a step closer to broad applicability.
Abstract:Developing systems that can synthesize natural and life-like motions for simulated characters has long been a focus for computer animation. But in order for these systems to be useful for downstream applications, they need not only produce high-quality motions, but must also provide an accessible and versatile interface through which users can direct a character's behaviors. Natural language provides a simple-to-use and expressive medium for specifying a user's intent. Recent breakthroughs in natural language processing (NLP) have demonstrated effective use of language-based interfaces for applications such as image generation and program synthesis. In this work, we present PADL, which leverages recent innovations in NLP in order to take steps towards developing language-directed controllers for physics-based character animation. PADL allows users to issue natural language commands for specifying both high-level tasks and low-level skills that a character should perform. We present an adversarial imitation learning approach for training policies to map high-level language commands to low-level controls that enable a character to perform the desired task and skill specified by a user's commands. Furthermore, we propose a multi-task aggregation method that leverages a language-based multiple-choice question-answering approach to determine high-level task objectives from language commands. We show that our framework can be applied to effectively direct a simulated humanoid character to perform a diverse array of complex motor skills.
Abstract:We present ORBIT, a unified and modular framework for robot learning powered by NVIDIA Isaac Sim. It offers a modular design to easily and efficiently create robotic environments with photo-realistic scenes and fast and accurate rigid and deformable body simulation. With ORBIT, we provide a suite of benchmark tasks of varying difficulty -- from single-stage cabinet opening and cloth folding to multi-stage tasks such as room reorganization. To support working with diverse observations and action spaces, we include fixed-arm and mobile manipulators with different physically-based sensors and motion generators. ORBIT allows training reinforcement learning policies and collecting large demonstration datasets from hand-crafted or expert solutions in a matter of minutes by leveraging GPU-based parallelization. In summary, we offer an open-sourced framework that readily comes with 16 robotic platforms, 4 sensor modalities, 10 motion generators, more than 20 benchmark tasks, and wrappers to 4 learning libraries. With this framework, we aim to support various research areas, including representation learning, reinforcement learning, imitation learning, and task and motion planning. We hope it helps establish interdisciplinary collaborations in these communities, and its modularity makes it easily extensible for more tasks and applications in the future. For videos, documentation, and code: https://isaac-orbit.github.io/.
Abstract:Robotic assembly is one of the oldest and most challenging applications of robotics. In other areas of robotics, such as perception and grasping, simulation has rapidly accelerated research progress, particularly when combined with modern deep learning. However, accurately, efficiently, and robustly simulating the range of contact-rich interactions in assembly remains a longstanding challenge. In this work, we present Factory, a set of physics simulation methods and robot learning tools for such applications. We achieve real-time or faster simulation of a wide range of contact-rich scenes, including simultaneous simulation of 1000 nut-and-bolt interactions. We provide $60$ carefully-designed part models, 3 robotic assembly environments, and 7 robot controllers for training and testing virtual robots. Finally, we train and evaluate proof-of-concept reinforcement learning policies for nut-and-bolt assembly. We aim for Factory to open the doors to using simulation for robotic assembly, as well as many other contact-rich applications in robotics. Please see https://sites.google.com/nvidia.com/factory for supplementary content, including videos.
Abstract:The incredible feats of athleticism demonstrated by humans are made possible in part by a vast repertoire of general-purpose motor skills, acquired through years of practice and experience. These skills not only enable humans to perform complex tasks, but also provide powerful priors for guiding their behaviors when learning new tasks. This is in stark contrast to what is common practice in physics-based character animation, where control policies are most typically trained from scratch for each task. In this work, we present a large-scale data-driven framework for learning versatile and reusable skill embeddings for physically simulated characters. Our approach combines techniques from adversarial imitation learning and unsupervised reinforcement learning to develop skill embeddings that produce life-like behaviors, while also providing an easy to control representation for use on new downstream tasks. Our models can be trained using large datasets of unstructured motion clips, without requiring any task-specific annotation or segmentation of the motion data. By leveraging a massively parallel GPU-based simulator, we are able to train skill embeddings using over a decade of simulated experiences, enabling our model to learn a rich and versatile repertoire of skills. We show that a single pre-trained model can be effectively applied to perform a diverse set of new tasks. Our system also allows users to specify tasks through simple reward functions, and the skill embedding then enables the character to automatically synthesize complex and naturalistic strategies in order to achieve the task objectives.
Abstract:Human motion synthesis is an important problem with applications in graphics, gaming and simulation environments for robotics. Existing methods require accurate motion capture data for training, which is costly to obtain. Instead, we propose a framework for training generative models of physically plausible human motion directly from monocular RGB videos, which are much more widely available. At the core of our method is a novel optimization formulation that corrects imperfect image-based pose estimations by enforcing physics constraints and reasons about contacts in a differentiable way. This optimization yields corrected 3D poses and motions, as well as their corresponding contact forces. Results show that our physically-corrected motions significantly outperform prior work on pose estimation. We can then use these to train a generative model to synthesize future motion. We demonstrate both qualitatively and quantitatively significantly improved motion estimation, synthesis quality and physical plausibility achieved by our method on the large scale Human3.6m dataset \cite{h36m_pami} as compared to prior kinematic and physics-based methods. By enabling learning of motion synthesis from video, our method paves the way for large-scale, realistic and diverse motion synthesis.