Abstract:Non-prehensile pushing to move and reorient objects to a goal is a versatile loco-manipulation skill. In the real world, the object's physical properties and friction with the floor contain significant uncertainties, which makes the task challenging for a mobile manipulator. In this paper, we develop a learning-based controller for a mobile manipulator to move an unknown object to a desired position and yaw orientation through a sequence of pushing actions. The proposed controller for the robotic arm and the mobile base motion is trained using a constrained Reinforcement Learning (RL) formulation. We demonstrate its capability in experiments with a quadrupedal robot equipped with an arm. The learned policy achieves a success rate of 91.35% in simulation and at least 80% on hardware in challenging scenarios. Through our extensive hardware experiments, we show that the approach demonstrates high robustness against unknown objects of different masses, materials, sizes, and shapes. It reactively discovers the pushing location and direction, thus achieving contact-rich behavior while observing only the pose of the object. Additionally, we demonstrate the adaptive behavior of the learned policy towards preventing the object from toppling.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) often necessitates a meticulous Markov Decision Process (MDP) design tailored to each task. This work aims to address this challenge by proposing a systematic approach to behavior synthesis and control for multi-contact loco-manipulation tasks, such as navigating spring-loaded doors and manipulating heavy dishwashers. We define a task-independent MDP to train RL policies using only a single demonstration per task generated from a model-based trajectory optimizer. Our approach incorporates an adaptive phase dynamics formulation to robustly track the demonstrations while accommodating dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances. We compare our method against prior motion imitation RL works and show that the learned policies achieve higher success rates across all considered tasks. These policies learn recovery maneuvers that are not present in the demonstration, such as re-grasping objects during execution or dealing with slippages. Finally, we successfully transfer the policies to a real robot, demonstrating the practical viability of our approach.
Abstract:Combining manipulation with the mobility of legged robots is essential for a wide range of robotic applications. However, integrating an arm with a mobile base significantly increases the system's complexity, making precise end-effector control challenging. Existing model-based approaches are often constrained by their modeling assumptions, leading to limited robustness. Meanwhile, recent Reinforcement Learning (RL) implementations restrict the arm's workspace to be in front of the robot or track only the position to obtain decent tracking accuracy. In this work, we address these limitations by introducing a whole-body RL formulation for end-effector pose tracking in a large workspace on rough, unstructured terrains. Our proposed method involves a terrain-aware sampling strategy for the robot's initial configuration and end-effector pose commands, as well as a game-based curriculum to extend the robot's operating range. We validate our approach on the ANYmal quadrupedal robot with a six DoF robotic arm. Through our experiments, we show that the learned controller achieves precise command tracking over a large workspace and adapts across varying terrains such as stairs and slopes. On deployment, it achieves a pose-tracking error of 2.64 cm and 3.64 degrees, outperforming existing competitive baselines.
Abstract:Pedipulation leverages the feet of legged robots for mobile manipulation, eliminating the need for dedicated robotic arms. While previous works have showcased blind and task-specific pedipulation skills, they fail to account for static and dynamic obstacles in the environment. To address this limitation, we introduce a reinforcement learning-based approach to train a whole-body obstacle-aware policy that tracks foot position commands while simultaneously avoiding obstacles. Despite training the policy in only five different static scenarios in simulation, we show that it generalizes to unknown environments with different numbers and types of obstacles. We analyze the performance of our method through a set of simulation experiments and successfully deploy the learned policy on the ANYmal quadruped, demonstrating its capability to follow foot commands while navigating around static and dynamic obstacles.
Abstract:Physics-based simulations have accelerated progress in robot learning for driving, manipulation, and locomotion. Yet, a fast, accurate, and robust surgical simulation environment remains a challenge. In this paper, we present ORBIT-Surgical, a physics-based surgical robot simulation framework with photorealistic rendering in NVIDIA Omniverse. We provide 14 benchmark surgical tasks for the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) and Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR) which represent common subtasks in surgical training. ORBIT-Surgical leverages GPU parallelization to train reinforcement learning and imitation learning algorithms to facilitate study of robot learning to augment human surgical skills. ORBIT-Surgical also facilitates realistic synthetic data generation for active perception tasks. We demonstrate ORBIT-Surgical sim-to-real transfer of learned policies onto a physical dVRK robot. Project website: orbit-surgical.github.io
Abstract:Symmetry is a fundamental aspect of many real-world robotic tasks. However, current deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approaches can seldom harness and exploit symmetry effectively. Often, the learned behaviors fail to achieve the desired transformation invariances and suffer from motion artifacts. For instance, a quadruped may exhibit different gaits when commanded to move forward or backward, even though it is symmetrical about its torso. This issue becomes further pronounced in high-dimensional or complex environments, where DRL methods are prone to local optima and fail to explore regions of the state space equally. Past methods on encouraging symmetry for robotic tasks have studied this topic mainly in a single-task setting, where symmetry usually refers to symmetry in the motion, such as the gait patterns. In this paper, we revisit this topic for goal-conditioned tasks in robotics, where symmetry lies mainly in task execution and not necessarily in the learned motions themselves. In particular, we investigate two approaches to incorporate symmetry invariance into DRL -- data augmentation and mirror loss function. We provide a theoretical foundation for using augmented samples in an on-policy setting. Based on this, we show that the corresponding approach achieves faster convergence and improves the learned behaviors in various challenging robotic tasks, from climbing boxes with a quadruped to dexterous manipulation.
Abstract:Legged robots have the potential to become vital in maintenance, home support, and exploration scenarios. In order to interact with and manipulate their environments, most legged robots are equipped with a dedicated robot arm, which means additional mass and mechanical complexity compared to standard legged robots. In this work, we explore pedipulation - using the legs of a legged robot for manipulation. By training a reinforcement learning policy that tracks position targets for one foot, we enable a dedicated pedipulation controller that is robust to disturbances, has a large workspace through whole-body behaviors, and can reach far-away targets with gait emergence, enabling loco-pedipulation. By deploying our controller on a quadrupedal robot using teleoperation, we demonstrate various real-world tasks such as door opening, sample collection, and pushing obstacles. We demonstrate load carrying of more than 2.0 kg at the foot. Additionally, the controller is robust to interaction forces at the foot, disturbances at the base, and slippery contact surfaces. Videos of the experiments are available at https://sites.google.com/leggedrobotics.com/pedipulate.
Abstract:Real-time path planning in outdoor environments still challenges modern robotic systems due to differences in terrain traversability, diverse obstacles, and the necessity for fast decision-making. Established approaches have primarily focused on geometric navigation solutions, which work well for structured geometric obstacles but have limitations regarding the semantic interpretation of different terrain types and their affordances. Moreover, these methods fail to identify traversable geometric occurrences, such as stairs. To overcome these issues, we introduce ViPlanner, a learned local path planning approach that generates local plans based on geometric and semantic information. The system is trained using the Imperative Learning paradigm, for which the network weights are optimized end-to-end based on the planning task objective. This optimization uses a differentiable formulation of a semantic costmap, which enables the planner to distinguish between the traversability of different terrains and accurately identify obstacles. The semantic information is represented in 30 classes using an RGB colorspace that can effectively encode the multiple levels of traversability. We show that the planner can adapt to diverse real-world environments without requiring any real-world training. In fact, the planner is trained purely in simulation, enabling a highly scalable training data generation. Experimental results demonstrate resistance to noise, zero-shot sim-to-real transfer, and a decrease of 38.02% in terms of traversability cost compared to purely geometric-based approaches. Code and models are made publicly available: https://github.com/leggedrobotics/viplanner.
Abstract:When humans perform a task with an articulated object, they interact with the object only in a handful of ways, while the space of all possible interactions is nearly endless. This is because humans have prior knowledge about what interactions are likely to be successful, i.e., to open a new door we first try the handle. While learning such priors without supervision is easy for humans, it is notoriously hard for machines. In this work, we tackle unsupervised learning of priors of useful interactions with articulated objects, which we call interaction modes. In contrast to the prior art, we use no supervision or privileged information; we only assume access to the depth sensor in the simulator to learn the interaction modes. More precisely, we define a successful interaction as the one changing the visual environment substantially and learn a generative model of such interactions, that can be conditioned on the desired goal state of the object. In our experiments, we show that our model covers most of the human interaction modes, outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods for affordance learning, and can generalize to objects never seen during training. Additionally, we show promising results in the goal-conditional setup, where our model can be quickly fine-tuned to perform a given task. We show in the experiments that such affordance learning predicts interaction which covers most modes of interaction for the querying articulated object and can be fine-tuned to a goal-conditional model. For supplementary: https://actaim.github.io.
Abstract:We present ORBIT, a unified and modular framework for robot learning powered by NVIDIA Isaac Sim. It offers a modular design to easily and efficiently create robotic environments with photo-realistic scenes and fast and accurate rigid and deformable body simulation. With ORBIT, we provide a suite of benchmark tasks of varying difficulty -- from single-stage cabinet opening and cloth folding to multi-stage tasks such as room reorganization. To support working with diverse observations and action spaces, we include fixed-arm and mobile manipulators with different physically-based sensors and motion generators. ORBIT allows training reinforcement learning policies and collecting large demonstration datasets from hand-crafted or expert solutions in a matter of minutes by leveraging GPU-based parallelization. In summary, we offer an open-sourced framework that readily comes with 16 robotic platforms, 4 sensor modalities, 10 motion generators, more than 20 benchmark tasks, and wrappers to 4 learning libraries. With this framework, we aim to support various research areas, including representation learning, reinforcement learning, imitation learning, and task and motion planning. We hope it helps establish interdisciplinary collaborations in these communities, and its modularity makes it easily extensible for more tasks and applications in the future. For videos, documentation, and code: https://isaac-orbit.github.io/.