AUTOLab at the University of California, Berkeley
Abstract:Cloud robotics enables robots to offload complex computational tasks to cloud servers for performance and ease of management. However, cloud compute can be costly, cloud services can suffer occasional downtime, and connectivity between the robot and cloud can be prone to variations in network Quality-of-Service (QoS). We present FogROS2-FT (Fault Tolerant) to mitigate these issues by introducing a multi-cloud extension that automatically replicates independent stateless robotic services, routes requests to these replicas, and directs the first response back. With replication, robots can still benefit from cloud computations even when a cloud service provider is down or there is low QoS. Additionally, many cloud computing providers offer low-cost spot computing instances that may shutdown unpredictably. Normally, these low-cost instances would be inappropriate for cloud robotics, but the fault tolerance nature of FogROS2-FT allows them to be used reliably. We demonstrate FogROS2-FT fault tolerance capabilities in 3 cloud-robotics scenarios in simulation (visual object detection, semantic segmentation, motion planning) and 1 physical robot experiment (scan-pick-and-place). Running on the same hardware specification, FogROS2-FT achieves motion planning with up to 2.2x cost reduction and up to a 5.53x reduction on 99 Percentile (P99) long-tail latency. FogROS2-FT reduces the P99 long-tail latency of object detection and semantic segmentation by 2.0x and 2.1x, respectively, under network slowdown and resource contention.
Abstract:This paper describes the robot technology behind an original performance that pairs a human dancer (Cuan) with an industrial robot arm for an eight-hour dance that unfolds over the timespan of an American workday. To control the robot arm, we combine a range of sinusoidal motions with varying amplitude, frequency and offset at each joint to evoke human motions common in physical labor such as stirring, digging, and stacking. More motions were developed using deep learning techniques for video-based human-pose tracking and extraction. We combine these pre-recorded motions with improvised robot motions created live by putting the robot into teach-mode and triggering force sensing from the robot joints onstage. All motions are combined with commercial and original music using a custom suite of python software with AppleScript, Keynote, and Zoom to facilitate on-stage communication with the dancer. The resulting performance contrasts the expressivity of the human body with the precision of robot machinery. Video, code and data are available on the project website:
Abstract:In logistics, the ability to quickly compute and execute pick-and-place motions from bins is critical to increasing productivity. We present Bin-Optimized Motion Planning (BOMP), a motion planning framework that plans arm motions for a six-axis industrial robot with a long-nosed suction tool to remove boxes from deep bins. BOMP considers robot arm kinematics, actuation limits, the dimensions of a grasped box, and a varying height map of a bin environment to rapidly generate time-optimized, jerk-limited, and collision-free trajectories. The optimization is warm-started using a deep neural network trained offline in simulation with 25,000 scenes and corresponding trajectories. Experiments with 96 simulated and 15 physical environments suggest that BOMP generates collision-free trajectories that are up to 58 % faster than baseline sampling-based planners and up to 36 % faster than an industry-standard Up-Over-Down algorithm, which has an extremely low 15 % success rate in this context. BOMP also generates jerk-limited trajectories while baselines do not. Website:
Abstract:Running optimization across many parallel seeds leveraging GPU compute have relaxed the need for a good initialization, but this can fail if the problem is highly non-convex as all seeds could get stuck in local minima. One such setting is collision-free motion optimization for robot manipulation, where optimization converges quickly on easy problems but struggle in obstacle dense environments (e.g., a cluttered cabinet or table). In these situations, graph-based planning algorithms are used to obtain seeds, resulting in significant slowdowns. We propose DiffusionSeeder, a diffusion based approach that generates trajectories to seed motion optimization for rapid robot motion planning. DiffusionSeeder takes the initial depth image observation of the scene and generates high quality, multi-modal trajectories that are then fine-tuned with a few iterations of motion optimization. We integrate DiffusionSeeder to generate the seed trajectories for cuRobo, a GPU-accelerated motion optimization method, which results in 12x speed up on average, and 36x speed up for more complicated problems, while achieving 10% higher success rate in partially observed simulation environments. Our results show the effectiveness of using diverse solutions from a learned diffusion model. Physical experiments on a Franka robot demonstrate the sim2real transfer of DiffusionSeeder to the real robot, with an average success rate of 86% and planning time of 26ms, improving on cuRobo by 51% higher success rate while also being 2.5x faster.
Abstract:Cloud robotics enables robots to offload computationally intensive tasks to cloud servers for performance, cost, and ease of management. However, the network and cloud computing infrastructure are not designed for reliable timing guarantees, due to fluctuating Quality-of-Service (QoS). In this work, we formulate an impossibility triangle theorem for: Latency reliability, Singleton server, and Commodity hardware. The LSC theorem suggests that providing replicated servers with uncorrelated failures can exponentially reduce the probability of missing a deadline. We present FogROS2-Probabilistic Latency Reliability (PLR) that uses multiple independent network interfaces to send requests to replicated cloud servers and uses the first response back. We design routing mechanisms to discover, connect, and route through non-default network interfaces on robots. FogROS2-PLR optimizes the selection of interfaces to servers to minimize the probability of missing a deadline. We conduct a cloud-connected driving experiment with two 5G service providers, demonstrating FogROS2-PLR effectively provides smooth service quality even if one of the service providers experiences low coverage and base station handover. We use 99 Percentile (P99) latency to evaluate anomalous long-tail latency behavior. In one experiment, FogROS2-PLR improves P99 latency by up to 3.7x compared to using one service provider. We deploy FogROS2-PLR on a physical Stretch 3 robot performing an indoor human-tracking task. Even in a fully covered Wi-Fi and 5G environment, FogROS2-PLR improves the responsiveness of the robot reducing mean latency by 36% and P99 latency by 33%.
Abstract:Humans can learn to manipulate new objects by simply watching others; providing robots with the ability to learn from such demonstrations would enable a natural interface specifying new behaviors. This work develops Robot See Robot Do (RSRD), a method for imitating articulated object manipulation from a single monocular RGB human demonstration given a single static multi-view object scan. We first propose 4D Differentiable Part Models (4D-DPM), a method for recovering 3D part motion from a monocular video with differentiable rendering. This analysis-by-synthesis approach uses part-centric feature fields in an iterative optimization which enables the use of geometric regularizers to recover 3D motions from only a single video. Given this 4D reconstruction, the robot replicates object trajectories by planning bimanual arm motions that induce the demonstrated object part motion. By representing demonstrations as part-centric trajectories, RSRD focuses on replicating the demonstration's intended behavior while considering the robot's own morphological limits, rather than attempting to reproduce the hand's motion. We evaluate 4D-DPM's 3D tracking accuracy on ground truth annotated 3D part trajectories and RSRD's physical execution performance on 9 objects across 10 trials each on a bimanual YuMi robot. Each phase of RSRD achieves an average of 87% success rate, for a total end-to-end success rate of 60% across 90 trials. Notably, this is accomplished using only feature fields distilled from large pretrained vision models -- without any task-specific training, fine-tuning, dataset collection, or annotation. Project page:
Abstract:Building semantic 3D maps is valuable for searching for objects of interest in offices, warehouses, stores, and homes. We present a mapping system that incrementally builds a Language-Embedded Gaussian Splat (LEGS): a detailed 3D scene representation that encodes both appearance and semantics in a unified representation. LEGS is trained online as a robot traverses its environment to enable localization of open-vocabulary object queries. We evaluate LEGS on 4 room-scale scenes where we query for objects in the scene to assess how LEGS can capture semantic meaning. We compare LEGS to LERF and find that while both systems have comparable object query success rates, LEGS trains over 3.5x faster than LERF. Results suggest that a multi-camera setup and incremental bundle adjustment can boost visual reconstruction quality in constrained robot trajectories, and suggest LEGS can localize open-vocabulary and long-tail object queries with up to 66% accuracy.
Abstract:Generative AI systems have shown impressive capabilities in creating text, code, and images. Inspired by the rich history of research in industrial ''Design for Assembly'', we introduce a novel problem: Generative Design-for-Robot-Assembly (GDfRA). The task is to generate an assembly based on a natural language prompt (e.g., ''giraffe'') and an image of available physical components, such as 3D-printed blocks. The output is an assembly, a spatial arrangement of these components, and instructions for a robot to build this assembly. The output must 1) resemble the requested object and 2) be reliably assembled by a 6 DoF robot arm with a suction gripper. We then present Blox-Net, a GDfRA system that combines generative vision language models with well-established methods in computer vision, simulation, perturbation analysis, motion planning, and physical robot experimentation to solve a class of GDfRA problems with minimal human supervision. Blox-Net achieved a Top-1 accuracy of 63.5% in the ''recognizability'' of its designed assemblies (eg, resembling giraffe as judged by a VLM). These designs, after automated perturbation redesign, were reliably assembled by a robot, achieving near-perfect success across 10 consecutive assembly iterations with human intervention only during reset prior to assembly. Surprisingly, this entire design process from textual word (''giraffe'') to reliable physical assembly is performed with zero human intervention.
Abstract:Scaling up robot learning requires large and diverse datasets, and how to efficiently reuse collected data and transfer policies to new embodiments remains an open question. Emerging research such as the Open-X Embodiment (OXE) project has shown promise in leveraging skills by combining datasets including different robots. However, imbalances in the distribution of robot types and camera angles in many datasets make policies prone to overfit. To mitigate this issue, we propose RoVi-Aug, which leverages state-of-the-art image-to-image generative models to augment robot data by synthesizing demonstrations with different robots and camera views. Through extensive physical experiments, we show that, by training on robot- and viewpoint-augmented data, RoVi-Aug can zero-shot deploy on an unseen robot with significantly different camera angles. Compared to test-time adaptation algorithms such as Mirage, RoVi-Aug requires no extra processing at test time, does not assume known camera angles, and allows policy fine-tuning. Moreover, by co-training on both the original and augmented robot datasets, RoVi-Aug can learn multi-robot and multi-task policies, enabling more efficient transfer between robots and skills and improving success rates by up to 30%.
Abstract:We explore how to enhance next-token prediction models to perform in-context imitation learning on a real robot, where the robot executes new tasks by interpreting contextual information provided during the input phase, without updating its underlying policy parameters. We propose In-Context Robot Transformer (ICRT), a causal transformer that performs autoregressive prediction on sensorimotor trajectories without relying on any linguistic data or reward function. This formulation enables flexible and training-free execution of new tasks at test time, achieved by prompting the model with sensorimotor trajectories of the new task composing of image observations, actions and states tuples, collected through human teleoperation. Experiments with a Franka Emika robot demonstrate that the ICRT can adapt to new tasks specified by prompts, even in environment configurations that differ from both the prompt and the training data. In a multitask environment setup, ICRT significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art next-token prediction models in robotics on generalizing to unseen tasks. Code, checkpoints and data are available on