Abstract:Learning policies in simulation and transferring them to the real world has become a promising approach in dexterous manipulation. However, bridging the sim-to-real gap for each new task requires substantial human effort, such as careful reward engineering, hyperparameter tuning, and system identification. In this work, we present a system that leverages low-level skills to address these challenges for more complex tasks. Specifically, we introduce a hierarchical policy for in-hand object reorientation based on previously acquired rotation skills. This hierarchical policy learns to select which low-level skill to execute based on feedback from both the environment and the low-level skill policies themselves. Compared to learning from scratch, the hierarchical policy is more robust to out-of-distribution changes and transfers easily from simulation to real-world environments. Additionally, we propose a generalizable object pose estimator that uses proprioceptive information, low-level skill predictions, and control errors as inputs to estimate the object pose over time. We demonstrate that our system can reorient objects, including symmetrical and textureless ones, to a desired pose.
Abstract:We present "Humans and Structure from Motion" (HSfM), a method for jointly reconstructing multiple human meshes, scene point clouds, and camera parameters in a metric world coordinate system from a sparse set of uncalibrated multi-view images featuring people. Our approach combines data-driven scene reconstruction with the traditional Structure-from-Motion (SfM) framework to achieve more accurate scene reconstruction and camera estimation, while simultaneously recovering human meshes. In contrast to existing scene reconstruction and SfM methods that lack metric scale information, our method estimates approximate metric scale by leveraging a human statistical model. Furthermore, it reconstructs multiple human meshes within the same world coordinate system alongside the scene point cloud, effectively capturing spatial relationships among individuals and their positions in the environment. We initialize the reconstruction of humans, scenes, and cameras using robust foundational models and jointly optimize these elements. This joint optimization synergistically improves the accuracy of each component. We compare our method to existing approaches on two challenging benchmarks, EgoHumans and EgoExo4D, demonstrating significant improvements in human localization accuracy within the world coordinate frame (reducing error from 3.51m to 1.04m in EgoHumans and from 2.9m to 0.56m in EgoExo4D). Notably, our results show that incorporating human data into the SfM pipeline improves camera pose estimation (e.g., increasing RRA@15 by 20.3% on EgoHumans). Additionally, qualitative results show that our approach improves overall scene reconstruction quality. Our code is available at: muelea.github.io/hsfm.
Abstract:We present EgoAllo, a system for human motion estimation from a head-mounted device. Using only egocentric SLAM poses and images, EgoAllo guides sampling from a conditional diffusion model to estimate 3D body pose, height, and hand parameters that capture the wearer's actions in the allocentric coordinate frame of the scene. To achieve this, our key insight is in representation: we propose spatial and temporal invariance criteria for improving model performance, from which we derive a head motion conditioning parameterization that improves estimation by up to 18%. We also show how the bodies estimated by our system can improve the hands: the resulting kinematic and temporal constraints result in over 40% lower hand estimation errors compared to noisy monocular estimates. Project page: https://egoallo.github.io/
Abstract:Humans can learn to manipulate new objects by simply watching others; providing robots with the ability to learn from such demonstrations would enable a natural interface specifying new behaviors. This work develops Robot See Robot Do (RSRD), a method for imitating articulated object manipulation from a single monocular RGB human demonstration given a single static multi-view object scan. We first propose 4D Differentiable Part Models (4D-DPM), a method for recovering 3D part motion from a monocular video with differentiable rendering. This analysis-by-synthesis approach uses part-centric feature fields in an iterative optimization which enables the use of geometric regularizers to recover 3D motions from only a single video. Given this 4D reconstruction, the robot replicates object trajectories by planning bimanual arm motions that induce the demonstrated object part motion. By representing demonstrations as part-centric trajectories, RSRD focuses on replicating the demonstration's intended behavior while considering the robot's own morphological limits, rather than attempting to reproduce the hand's motion. We evaluate 4D-DPM's 3D tracking accuracy on ground truth annotated 3D part trajectories and RSRD's physical execution performance on 9 objects across 10 trials each on a bimanual YuMi robot. Each phase of RSRD achieves an average of 87% success rate, for a total end-to-end success rate of 60% across 90 trials. Notably, this is accomplished using only feature fields distilled from large pretrained vision models -- without any task-specific training, fine-tuning, dataset collection, or annotation. Project page: https://robot-see-robot-do.github.io
Abstract:gsplat is an open-source library designed for training and developing Gaussian Splatting methods. It features a front-end with Python bindings compatible with the PyTorch library and a back-end with highly optimized CUDA kernels. gsplat offers numerous features that enhance the optimization of Gaussian Splatting models, which include optimization improvements for speed, memory, and convergence times. Experimental results demonstrate that gsplat achieves up to 10% less training time and 4x less memory than the original implementation. Utilized in several research projects, gsplat is actively maintained on GitHub. Source code is available at https://github.com/nerfstudio-project/gsplat under Apache License 2.0. We welcome contributions from the open-source community.
Abstract:Aiming to replicate human-like dexterity, perceptual experiences, and motion patterns, we explore learning from human demonstrations using a bimanual system with multifingered hands and visuotactile data. Two significant challenges exist: the lack of an affordable and accessible teleoperation system suitable for a dual-arm setup with multifingered hands, and the scarcity of multifingered hand hardware equipped with touch sensing. To tackle the first challenge, we develop HATO, a low-cost hands-arms teleoperation system that leverages off-the-shelf electronics, complemented with a software suite that enables efficient data collection; the comprehensive software suite also supports multimodal data processing, scalable policy learning, and smooth policy deployment. To tackle the latter challenge, we introduce a novel hardware adaptation by repurposing two prosthetic hands equipped with touch sensors for research. Using visuotactile data collected from our system, we learn skills to complete long-horizon, high-precision tasks which are difficult to achieve without multifingered dexterity and touch feedback. Furthermore, we empirically investigate the effects of dataset size, sensing modality, and visual input preprocessing on policy learning. Our results mark a promising step forward in bimanual multifingered manipulation from visuotactile data. Videos, code, and datasets can be found at https://toruowo.github.io/hato/ .
Abstract:In many Reinforcement Learning (RL) papers, learning curves are useful indicators to measure the effectiveness of RL algorithms. However, the complete raw data of the learning curves are rarely available. As a result, it is usually necessary to reproduce the experiments from scratch, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. We present Open RL Benchmark, a set of fully tracked RL experiments, including not only the usual data such as episodic return, but also all algorithm-specific and system metrics. Open RL Benchmark is community-driven: anyone can download, use, and contribute to the data. At the time of writing, more than 25,000 runs have been tracked, for a cumulative duration of more than 8 years. Open RL Benchmark covers a wide range of RL libraries and reference implementations. Special care is taken to ensure that each experiment is precisely reproducible by providing not only the full parameters, but also the versions of the dependencies used to generate it. In addition, Open RL Benchmark comes with a command-line interface (CLI) for easy fetching and generating figures to present the results. In this document, we include two case studies to demonstrate the usefulness of Open RL Benchmark in practice. To the best of our knowledge, Open RL Benchmark is the first RL benchmark of its kind, and the authors hope that it will improve and facilitate the work of researchers in the field.
Abstract:We introduce RotateIt, a system that enables fingertip-based object rotation along multiple axes by leveraging multimodal sensory inputs. Our system is trained in simulation, where it has access to ground-truth object shapes and physical properties. Then we distill it to operate on realistic yet noisy simulated visuotactile and proprioceptive sensory inputs. These multimodal inputs are fused via a visuotactile transformer, enabling online inference of object shapes and physical properties during deployment. We show significant performance improvements over prior methods and the importance of visual and tactile sensing.
Abstract:Factored feature volumes offer a simple way to build more compact, efficient, and intepretable neural fields, but also introduce biases that are not necessarily beneficial for real-world data. In this work, we (1) characterize the undesirable biases that these architectures have for axis-aligned signals -- they can lead to radiance field reconstruction differences of as high as 2 PSNR -- and (2) explore how learning a set of canonicalizing transformations can improve representations by removing these biases. We prove in a two-dimensional model problem that simultaneously learning these transformations together with scene appearance succeeds with drastically improved efficiency. We validate the resulting architectures, which we call TILTED, using image, signed distance, and radiance field reconstruction tasks, where we observe improvements across quality, robustness, compactness, and runtime. Results demonstrate that TILTED can enable capabilities comparable to baselines that are 2x larger, while highlighting weaknesses of neural field evaluation procedures.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) are a rapidly growing area of research with wide-ranging applications in computer vision, graphics, robotics, and more. In order to streamline the development and deployment of NeRF research, we propose a modular PyTorch framework, Nerfstudio. Our framework includes plug-and-play components for implementing NeRF-based methods, which make it easy for researchers and practitioners to incorporate NeRF into their projects. Additionally, the modular design enables support for extensive real-time visualization tools, streamlined pipelines for importing captured in-the-wild data, and tools for exporting to video, point cloud and mesh representations. The modularity of Nerfstudio enables the development of Nerfacto, our method that combines components from recent papers to achieve a balance between speed and quality, while also remaining flexible to future modifications. To promote community-driven development, all associated code and data are made publicly available with open-source licensing at https://nerf.studio.