Abstract:We present flow Q-learning (FQL), a simple and performant offline reinforcement learning (RL) method that leverages an expressive flow-matching policy to model arbitrarily complex action distributions in data. Training a flow policy with RL is a tricky problem, due to the iterative nature of the action generation process. We address this challenge by training an expressive one-step policy with RL, rather than directly guiding an iterative flow policy to maximize values. This way, we can completely avoid unstable recursive backpropagation, eliminate costly iterative action generation at test time, yet still mostly maintain expressivity. We experimentally show that FQL leads to strong performance across 73 challenging state- and pixel-based OGBench and D4RL tasks in offline RL and offline-to-online RL. Project page: https://seohong.me/projects/fql/
Abstract:Recent advances in robotic foundation models have enabled the development of generalist policies that can adapt to diverse tasks. While these models show impressive flexibility, their performance heavily depends on the quality of their training data. In this work, we propose Reinforcement Learning Distilled Generalists (RLDG), a method that leverages reinforcement learning to generate high-quality training data for finetuning generalist policies. Through extensive real-world experiments on precise manipulation tasks like connector insertion and assembly, we demonstrate that generalist policies trained with RL-generated data consistently outperform those trained with human demonstrations, achieving up to 40% higher success rates while generalizing better to new tasks. We also provide a detailed analysis that reveals this performance gain stems from both optimized action distributions and improved state coverage. Our results suggest that combining task-specific RL with generalist policy distillation offers a promising approach for developing more capable and efficient robotic manipulation systems that maintain the flexibility of foundation models while achieving the performance of specialized controllers. Videos and code can be found on our project website https://generalist-distillation.github.io
Abstract:The modern paradigm in machine learning involves pre-training on diverse data, followed by task-specific fine-tuning. In reinforcement learning (RL), this translates to learning via offline RL on a diverse historical dataset, followed by rapid online RL fine-tuning using interaction data. Most RL fine-tuning methods require continued training on offline data for stability and performance. However, this is undesirable because training on diverse offline data is slow and expensive for large datasets, and in principle, also limit the performance improvement possible because of constraints or pessimism on offline data. In this paper, we show that retaining offline data is unnecessary as long as we use a properly-designed online RL approach for fine-tuning offline RL initializations. To build this approach, we start by analyzing the role of retaining offline data in online fine-tuning. We find that continued training on offline data is mostly useful for preventing a sudden divergence in the value function at the onset of fine-tuning, caused by a distribution mismatch between the offline data and online rollouts. This divergence typically results in unlearning and forgetting the benefits of offline pre-training. Our approach, Warm-start RL (WSRL), mitigates the catastrophic forgetting of pre-trained initializations using a very simple idea. WSRL employs a warmup phase that seeds the online RL run with a very small number of rollouts from the pre-trained policy to do fast online RL. The data collected during warmup helps ``recalibrate'' the offline Q-function to the online distribution, allowing us to completely discard offline data without destabilizing the online RL fine-tuning. We show that WSRL is able to fine-tune without retaining any offline data, and is able to learn faster and attains higher performance than existing algorithms irrespective of whether they retain offline data or not.
Abstract:Unsupervised pretraining has been transformative in many supervised domains. However, applying such ideas to reinforcement learning (RL) presents a unique challenge in that fine-tuning does not involve mimicking task-specific data, but rather exploring and locating the solution through iterative self-improvement. In this work, we study how unlabeled prior trajectory data can be leveraged to learn efficient exploration strategies. While prior data can be used to pretrain a set of low-level skills, or as additional off-policy data for online RL, it has been unclear how to combine these ideas effectively for online exploration. Our method SUPE (Skills from Unlabeled Prior data for Exploration) demonstrates that a careful combination of these ideas compounds their benefits. Our method first extracts low-level skills using a variational autoencoder (VAE), and then pseudo-relabels unlabeled trajectories using an optimistic reward model, transforming prior data into high-level, task-relevant examples. Finally, SUPE uses these transformed examples as additional off-policy data for online RL to learn a high-level policy that composes pretrained low-level skills to explore efficiently. We empirically show that SUPE reliably outperforms prior strategies, successfully solving a suite of long-horizon, sparse-reward tasks. Code: https://github.com/rail-berkeley/supe.
Abstract:Recent literature has found that an effective method to customize or further improve large language models (LLMs) is to add dynamic adapters, such as low-rank adapters (LoRA) with Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) structures. Though such dynamic adapters incur modest computational complexity, they surprisingly lead to huge inference latency overhead, slowing down the decoding speed by 2.5+ times. In this paper, we analyze the fine-grained costs of the dynamic adapters and find that the fragmented CUDA kernel calls are the root cause. Therefore, we propose LoRA-Switch, a system-algorithm co-designed architecture for efficient dynamic adapters. Unlike most existing dynamic structures that adopt layer-wise or block-wise dynamic routing, LoRA-Switch introduces a token-wise routing mechanism. It switches the LoRA adapters and weights for each token and merges them into the backbone for inference. For efficiency, this switching is implemented with an optimized CUDA kernel, which fuses the merging operations for all LoRA adapters at once. Based on experiments with popular open-source LLMs on common benchmarks, our approach has demonstrated similar accuracy improvement as existing dynamic adapters, while reducing the decoding latency by more than 2.4 times.
Abstract:Aiming to replicate human-like dexterity, perceptual experiences, and motion patterns, we explore learning from human demonstrations using a bimanual system with multifingered hands and visuotactile data. Two significant challenges exist: the lack of an affordable and accessible teleoperation system suitable for a dual-arm setup with multifingered hands, and the scarcity of multifingered hand hardware equipped with touch sensing. To tackle the first challenge, we develop HATO, a low-cost hands-arms teleoperation system that leverages off-the-shelf electronics, complemented with a software suite that enables efficient data collection; the comprehensive software suite also supports multimodal data processing, scalable policy learning, and smooth policy deployment. To tackle the latter challenge, we introduce a novel hardware adaptation by repurposing two prosthetic hands equipped with touch sensors for research. Using visuotactile data collected from our system, we learn skills to complete long-horizon, high-precision tasks which are difficult to achieve without multifingered dexterity and touch feedback. Furthermore, we empirically investigate the effects of dataset size, sensing modality, and visual input preprocessing on policy learning. Our results mark a promising step forward in bimanual multifingered manipulation from visuotactile data. Videos, code, and datasets can be found at https://toruowo.github.io/hato/ .
Abstract:Human mathematicians are often good at recognizing modular and reusable theorems that make complex mathematical results within reach. In this paper, we propose a novel method called theoREm-from-prooF extrACTOR (REFACTOR) for training neural networks to mimic this ability in formal mathematical theorem proving. We show on a set of unseen proofs, REFACTOR is able to extract 19.6% of the theorems that humans would use to write the proofs. When applying the model to the existing Metamath library, REFACTOR extracted 16 new theorems. With newly extracted theorems, we show that the existing proofs in the MetaMath database can be refactored. The new theorems are used very frequently after refactoring, with an average usage of 733.5 times, and help shorten the proof lengths. Lastly, we demonstrate that the prover trained on the new-theorem refactored dataset proves more test theorems and outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by frequently leveraging a diverse set of newly extracted theorems. Code can be found at https://github.com/jinpz/refactor.
Abstract:Learning to solve tasks from a sparse reward signal is a major challenge for standard reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. However, in the real world, agents rarely need to solve sparse reward tasks entirely from scratch. More often, we might possess prior experience to draw on that provides considerable guidance about which actions and outcomes are possible in the world, which we can use to explore more effectively for new tasks. In this work, we study how prior data without reward labels may be used to guide and accelerate exploration for an agent solving a new sparse reward task. We propose a simple approach that learns a reward model from online experience, labels the unlabeled prior data with optimistic rewards, and then uses it concurrently alongside the online data for downstream policy and critic optimization. This general formula leads to rapid exploration in several challenging sparse-reward domains where tabula rasa exploration is insufficient, including the AntMaze domain, Adroit hand manipulation domain, and a visual simulated robotic manipulation domain. Our results highlight the ease of incorporating unlabeled prior data into existing online RL algorithms, and the (perhaps surprising) effectiveness of doing so.
Abstract:Deep reinforcement learning algorithms that learn policies by trial-and-error must learn from limited amounts of data collected by actively interacting with the environment. While many prior works have shown that proper regularization techniques are crucial for enabling data-efficient RL, a general understanding of the bottlenecks in data-efficient RL has remained unclear. Consequently, it has been difficult to devise a universal technique that works well across all domains. In this paper, we attempt to understand the primary bottleneck in sample-efficient deep RL by examining several potential hypotheses such as non-stationarity, excessive action distribution shift, and overfitting. We perform thorough empirical analysis on state-based DeepMind control suite (DMC) tasks in a controlled and systematic way to show that high temporal-difference (TD) error on the validation set of transitions is the main culprit that severely affects the performance of deep RL algorithms, and prior methods that lead to good performance do in fact, control the validation TD error to be low. This observation gives us a robust principle for making deep RL efficient: we can hill-climb on the validation TD error by utilizing any form of regularization techniques from supervised learning. We show that a simple online model selection method that targets the validation TD error is effective across state-based DMC and Gym tasks.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) problems can be challenging without well-shaped rewards. Prior work on provably efficient RL methods generally proposes to address this issue with dedicated exploration strategies. However, another way to tackle this challenge is to reformulate it as a multi-task RL problem, where the task space contains not only the challenging task of interest but also easier tasks that implicitly function as a curriculum. Such a reformulation opens up the possibility of running existing multi-task RL methods as a more efficient alternative to solving a single challenging task from scratch. In this work, we provide a theoretical framework that reformulates a single-task RL problem as a multi-task RL problem defined by a curriculum. Under mild regularity conditions on the curriculum, we show that sequentially solving each task in the multi-task RL problem is more computationally efficient than solving the original single-task problem, without any explicit exploration bonuses or other exploration strategies. We also show that our theoretical insights can be translated into an effective practical learning algorithm that can accelerate curriculum learning on simulated robotic tasks.