Abstract:Offline goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (GCRL) is a major problem in reinforcement learning (RL) because it provides a simple, unsupervised, and domain-agnostic way to acquire diverse behaviors and representations from unlabeled data without rewards. Despite the importance of this setting, we lack a standard benchmark that can systematically evaluate the capabilities of offline GCRL algorithms. In this work, we propose OGBench, a new, high-quality benchmark for algorithms research in offline goal-conditioned RL. OGBench consists of 8 types of environments, 85 datasets, and reference implementations of 6 representative offline GCRL algorithms. We have designed these challenging and realistic environments and datasets to directly probe different capabilities of algorithms, such as stitching, long-horizon reasoning, and the ability to handle high-dimensional inputs and stochasticity. While representative algorithms may rank similarly on prior benchmarks, our experiments reveal stark strengths and weaknesses in these different capabilities, providing a strong foundation for building new algorithms. Project page: https://seohong.me/projects/ogbench
Abstract:Sample-efficient online reinforcement learning often uses replay buffers to store experience for reuse when updating the value function. However, uniform replay is inefficient, since certain classes of transitions can be more relevant to learning. While prioritization of more useful samples is helpful, this strategy can also lead to overfitting, as useful samples are likely to be more rare. In this work, we instead propose a prioritized, parametric version of an agent's memory, using generative models to capture online experience. This paradigm enables (1) densification of past experience, with new generations that benefit from the generative model's generalization capacity and (2) guidance via a family of "relevance functions" that push these generations towards more useful parts of an agent's acquired history. We show this recipe can be instantiated using conditional diffusion models and simple relevance functions such as curiosity- or value-based metrics. Our approach consistently improves performance and sample efficiency in both state- and pixel-based domains. We expose the mechanisms underlying these gains, showing how guidance promotes diversity in our generated transitions and reduces overfitting. We also showcase how our approach can train policies with even higher update-to-data ratios than before, opening up avenues to better scale online RL agents.
Abstract:Unsupervised pretraining has been transformative in many supervised domains. However, applying such ideas to reinforcement learning (RL) presents a unique challenge in that fine-tuning does not involve mimicking task-specific data, but rather exploring and locating the solution through iterative self-improvement. In this work, we study how unlabeled prior trajectory data can be leveraged to learn efficient exploration strategies. While prior data can be used to pretrain a set of low-level skills, or as additional off-policy data for online RL, it has been unclear how to combine these ideas effectively for online exploration. Our method SUPE (Skills from Unlabeled Prior data for Exploration) demonstrates that a careful combination of these ideas compounds their benefits. Our method first extracts low-level skills using a variational autoencoder (VAE), and then pseudo-relabels unlabeled trajectories using an optimistic reward model, transforming prior data into high-level, task-relevant examples. Finally, SUPE uses these transformed examples as additional off-policy data for online RL to learn a high-level policy that composes pretrained low-level skills to explore efficiently. We empirically show that SUPE reliably outperforms prior strategies, successfully solving a suite of long-horizon, sparse-reward tasks. Code: https://github.com/rail-berkeley/supe.
Abstract:Diffusion models and flow-matching models have enabled generating diverse and realistic images by learning to transfer noise to data. However, sampling from these models involves iterative denoising over many neural network passes, making generation slow and expensive. Previous approaches for speeding up sampling require complex training regimes, such as multiple training phases, multiple networks, or fragile scheduling. We introduce shortcut models, a family of generative models that use a single network and training phase to produce high-quality samples in a single or multiple sampling steps. Shortcut models condition the network not only on the current noise level but also on the desired step size, allowing the model to skip ahead in the generation process. Across a wide range of sampling step budgets, shortcut models consistently produce higher quality samples than previous approaches, such as consistency models and reflow. Compared to distillation, shortcut models reduce complexity to a single network and training phase and additionally allow varying step budgets at inference time.
Abstract:While imitation learning requires access to high-quality data, offline reinforcement learning (RL) should, in principle, perform similarly or better with substantially lower data quality by using a value function. However, current results indicate that offline RL often performs worse than imitation learning, and it is often unclear what holds back the performance of offline RL. Motivated by this observation, we aim to understand the bottlenecks in current offline RL algorithms. While poor performance of offline RL is typically attributed to an imperfect value function, we ask: is the main bottleneck of offline RL indeed in learning the value function, or something else? To answer this question, we perform a systematic empirical study of (1) value learning, (2) policy extraction, and (3) policy generalization in offline RL problems, analyzing how these components affect performance. We make two surprising observations. First, we find that the choice of a policy extraction algorithm significantly affects the performance and scalability of offline RL, often more so than the value learning objective. For instance, we show that common value-weighted behavioral cloning objectives (e.g., AWR) do not fully leverage the learned value function, and switching to behavior-constrained policy gradient objectives (e.g., DDPG+BC) often leads to substantial improvements in performance and scalability. Second, we find that a big barrier to improving offline RL performance is often imperfect policy generalization on test-time states out of the support of the training data, rather than policy learning on in-distribution states. We then show that the use of suboptimal but high-coverage data or test-time policy training techniques can address this generalization issue in practice. Specifically, we propose two simple test-time policy improvement methods and show that these methods lead to better performance.
Abstract:Can we pre-train a generalist agent from a large amount of unlabeled offline trajectories such that it can be immediately adapted to any new downstream tasks in a zero-shot manner? In this work, we present a functional reward encoding (FRE) as a general, scalable solution to this zero-shot RL problem. Our main idea is to learn functional representations of any arbitrary tasks by encoding their state-reward samples using a transformer-based variational auto-encoder. This functional encoding not only enables the pre-training of an agent from a wide diversity of general unsupervised reward functions, but also provides a way to solve any new downstream tasks in a zero-shot manner, given a small number of reward-annotated samples. We empirically show that FRE agents trained on diverse random unsupervised reward functions can generalize to solve novel tasks in a range of simulated robotic benchmarks, often outperforming previous zero-shot RL and offline RL methods. Code for this project is provided at: https://github.com/kvfrans/fre
Abstract:One of the grand challenges of reinforcement learning is the ability to generalize to new tasks. However, general agents require a set of rich, diverse tasks to train on. Designing a `foundation environment' for such tasks is tricky -- the ideal environment would support a range of emergent phenomena, an expressive task space, and fast runtime. To take a step towards addressing this research bottleneck, this work presents Powderworld, a lightweight yet expressive simulation environment running directly on the GPU. Within Powderworld, two motivating challenges distributions are presented, one for world-modelling and one for reinforcement learning. Each contains hand-designed test tasks to examine generalization. Experiments indicate that increasing the environment's complexity improves generalization for world models and certain reinforcement learning agents, yet may inhibit learning in high-variance environments. Powderworld aims to support the study of generalization by providing a source of diverse tasks arising from the same core rules.
Abstract:This work presents CLIPDraw, an algorithm that synthesizes novel drawings based on natural language input. CLIPDraw does not require any training; rather a pre-trained CLIP language-image encoder is used as a metric for maximizing similarity between the given description and a generated drawing. Crucially, CLIPDraw operates over vector strokes rather than pixel images, a constraint that biases drawings towards simpler human-recognizable shapes. Results compare between CLIPDraw and other synthesis-through-optimization methods, as well as highlight various interesting behaviors of CLIPDraw, such as satisfying ambiguous text in multiple ways, reliably producing drawings in diverse artistic styles, and scaling from simple to complex visual representations as stroke count is increased. Code for experimenting with the method is available at: https://colab.research.google.com/github/kvfrans/clipdraw/blob/main/clipdraw.ipynb
Abstract:Inspired by natural evolution, evolutionary search algorithms have proven remarkably capable due to their dual abilities to radiantly explore through diverse populations and to converge to adaptive pressures. A large part of this behavior comes from the selection function of an evolutionary algorithm, which is a metric for deciding which individuals survive to the next generation. In deceptive or hard-to-search fitness landscapes, greedy selection often fails, thus it is critical that selection functions strike the correct balance between gradient-exploiting adaptation and exploratory diversification. This paper introduces Sel4Sel, or Selecting for Selection, an algorithm that searches for high-performing neural-network-based selection functions through a meta-evolutionary loop. Results on three distinct bitstring domains indicate that Sel4Sel networks consistently match or exceed the performance of both fitness-based selection and benchmarks explicitly designed to encourage diversity. Analysis of the strongest Sel4Sel networks reveals a general tendency to favor highly novel individuals early on, with a gradual shift towards fitness-based selection as deceptive local optima are bypassed.
Abstract:Meta-learning models, or models that learn to learn, have been a long-desired target for their ability to quickly solve new tasks. Traditional meta-learning methods can require expensive inner and outer loops, thus there is demand for algorithms that discover strong learners without explicitly searching for them. We draw parallels to the study of evolvable genomes in evolutionary systems -- genomes with a strong capacity to adapt -- and propose that meta-learning and adaptive evolvability optimize for the same objective: high performance after a set of learning iterations. We argue that population-based evolutionary systems with non-static fitness landscapes naturally bias towards high-evolvability genomes, and therefore optimize for populations with strong learning ability. We demonstrate this claim with a simple evolutionary algorithm, Population-Based Meta Learning (PBML), that consistently discovers genomes which display higher rates of improvement over generations, and can rapidly adapt to solve sparse fitness and robotic control tasks.