UC Berkeley
Abstract:Interacting with the world is a multi-sensory experience: achieving effective general-purpose interaction requires making use of all available modalities -- including vision, touch, and audio -- to fill in gaps from partial observation. For example, when vision is occluded reaching into a bag, a robot should rely on its senses of touch and sound. However, state-of-the-art generalist robot policies are typically trained on large datasets to predict robot actions solely from visual and proprioceptive observations. In this work, we propose FuSe, a novel approach that enables finetuning visuomotor generalist policies on heterogeneous sensor modalities for which large datasets are not readily available by leveraging natural language as a common cross-modal grounding. We combine a multimodal contrastive loss with a sensory-grounded language generation loss to encode high-level semantics. In the context of robot manipulation, we show that FuSe enables performing challenging tasks that require reasoning jointly over modalities such as vision, touch, and sound in a zero-shot setting, such as multimodal prompting, compositional cross-modal prompting, and descriptions of objects it interacts with. We show that the same recipe is applicable to widely different generalist policies, including both diffusion-based generalist policies and large vision-language-action (VLA) models. Extensive experiments in the real world show that FuSeis able to increase success rates by over 20% compared to all considered baselines.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms aim to balance exploiting the current best strategy with exploring new options that could lead to higher rewards. Most common RL algorithms use undirected exploration, i.e., select random sequences of actions. Exploration can also be directed using intrinsic rewards, such as curiosity or model epistemic uncertainty. However, effectively balancing task and intrinsic rewards is challenging and often task-dependent. In this work, we introduce a framework, MaxInfoRL, for balancing intrinsic and extrinsic exploration. MaxInfoRL steers exploration towards informative transitions, by maximizing intrinsic rewards such as the information gain about the underlying task. When combined with Boltzmann exploration, this approach naturally trades off maximization of the value function with that of the entropy over states, rewards, and actions. We show that our approach achieves sublinear regret in the simplified setting of multi-armed bandits. We then apply this general formulation to a variety of off-policy model-free RL methods for continuous state-action spaces, yielding novel algorithms that achieve superior performance across hard exploration problems and complex scenarios such as visual control tasks.
Abstract:Efficient tokenization of videos remains a challenge in training vision models that can process long videos. One promising direction is to develop a tokenizer that can encode long video clips, as it would enable the tokenizer to leverage the temporal coherence of videos better for tokenization. However, training existing tokenizers on long videos often incurs a huge training cost as they are trained to reconstruct all the frames at once. In this paper, we introduce CoordTok, a video tokenizer that learns a mapping from coordinate-based representations to the corresponding patches of input videos, inspired by recent advances in 3D generative models. In particular, CoordTok encodes a video into factorized triplane representations and reconstructs patches that correspond to randomly sampled $(x,y,t)$ coordinates. This allows for training large tokenizer models directly on long videos without requiring excessive training resources. Our experiments show that CoordTok can drastically reduce the number of tokens for encoding long video clips. For instance, CoordTok can encode a 128-frame video with 128$\times$128 resolution into 1280 tokens, while baselines need 6144 or 8192 tokens to achieve similar reconstruction quality. We further show that this efficient video tokenization enables memory-efficient training of a diffusion transformer that can generate 128 frames at once.
Abstract:Training reinforcement learning (RL) agents on robotic tasks typically requires a large number of training samples. This is because training data often consists of noisy trajectories, whether from exploration or human-collected demonstrations, making it difficult to learn value functions that understand the effect of taking each action. On the other hand, recent behavior-cloning (BC) approaches have shown that predicting a sequence of actions enables policies to effectively approximate noisy, multi-modal distributions of expert demonstrations. Can we use a similar idea for improving RL on robotic tasks? In this paper, we introduce a novel RL algorithm that learns a critic network that outputs Q-values over a sequence of actions. By explicitly training the value functions to learn the consequence of executing a series of current and future actions, our algorithm allows for learning useful value functions from noisy trajectories. We study our algorithm across various setups with sparse and dense rewards, and with or without demonstrations, spanning mobile bi-manual manipulation, whole-body control, and tabletop manipulation tasks from BiGym, HumanoidBench, and RLBench. We find that, by learning the critic network with action sequences, our algorithm outperforms various RL and BC baselines, in particular on challenging humanoid control tasks.
Abstract:Sample-efficient online reinforcement learning often uses replay buffers to store experience for reuse when updating the value function. However, uniform replay is inefficient, since certain classes of transitions can be more relevant to learning. While prioritization of more useful samples is helpful, this strategy can also lead to overfitting, as useful samples are likely to be more rare. In this work, we instead propose a prioritized, parametric version of an agent's memory, using generative models to capture online experience. This paradigm enables (1) densification of past experience, with new generations that benefit from the generative model's generalization capacity and (2) guidance via a family of "relevance functions" that push these generations towards more useful parts of an agent's acquired history. We show this recipe can be instantiated using conditional diffusion models and simple relevance functions such as curiosity- or value-based metrics. Our approach consistently improves performance and sample efficiency in both state- and pixel-based domains. We expose the mechanisms underlying these gains, showing how guidance promotes diversity in our generated transitions and reduces overfitting. We also showcase how our approach can train policies with even higher update-to-data ratios than before, opening up avenues to better scale online RL agents.
Abstract:Expressive large-scale neural networks enable training powerful models for prediction tasks. However, in many engineering and science domains, such models are intended to be used not just for prediction, but for design -- e.g., creating new proteins that serve as effective therapeutics, or creating new materials or chemicals that maximize a downstream performance measure. Thus, researchers have recently grown an interest in building deep learning methods that solve offline \emph{model-based optimization} (MBO) problems, in which design candidates are optimized with respect to surrogate models learned from offline data. However, straightforward application of predictive models that are effective at predicting in-distribution properties of a design are not necessarily the best suited for use in creating new designs. Thus, the most successful algorithms that tackle MBO draw inspiration from reinforcement learning and generative modeling to meet the in-distribution constraints. Meanwhile, recent theoretical works have observed that exploiting the structure of the target black-box function is an effective strategy for solving MBO from offline data. Unfortunately, discovering such structure remains an open problem. In this paper, following first principles, we develop a model that learns the structure of an MBO task and empirically leads to improved designs. To this end, we introduce \emph{Cliqueformer} -- a scalable transformer-based architecture that learns the black-box function's structure in the form of its \emph{functional graphical model} (FGM), thus bypassing the problem of distribution shift, previously tackled by conservative approaches. We evaluate Cliqueformer on various tasks, ranging from high-dimensional black-box functions from MBO literature to real-world tasks of chemical and genetic design, consistently demonstrating its state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Diffusion models and flow-matching models have enabled generating diverse and realistic images by learning to transfer noise to data. However, sampling from these models involves iterative denoising over many neural network passes, making generation slow and expensive. Previous approaches for speeding up sampling require complex training regimes, such as multiple training phases, multiple networks, or fragile scheduling. We introduce shortcut models, a family of generative models that use a single network and training phase to produce high-quality samples in a single or multiple sampling steps. Shortcut models condition the network not only on the current noise level but also on the desired step size, allowing the model to skip ahead in the generation process. Across a wide range of sampling step budgets, shortcut models consistently produce higher quality samples than previous approaches, such as consistency models and reflow. Compared to distillation, shortcut models reduce complexity to a single network and training phase and additionally allow varying step budgets at inference time.
Abstract:Efficient video tokenization remains a key bottleneck in learning general purpose vision models that are capable of processing long video sequences. Prevailing approaches are restricted to encoding videos to a fixed number of tokens, where too few tokens will result in overly lossy encodings, and too many tokens will result in prohibitively long sequence lengths. In this work, we introduce ElasticTok, a method that conditions on prior frames to adaptively encode a frame into a variable number of tokens. To enable this in a computationally scalable way, we propose a masking technique that drops a random number of tokens at the end of each frames's token encoding. During inference, ElasticTok can dynamically allocate tokens when needed -- more complex data can leverage more tokens, while simpler data only needs a few tokens. Our empirical evaluations on images and video demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in efficient token usage, paving the way for future development of more powerful multimodal models, world models, and agents.
Abstract:We present an approach to learn general robot manipulation priors from 3D hand-object interaction trajectories. We build a framework to use in-the-wild videos to generate sensorimotor robot trajectories. We do so by lifting both the human hand and the manipulated object in a shared 3D space and retargeting human motions to robot actions. Generative modeling on this data gives us a task-agnostic base policy. This policy captures a general yet flexible manipulation prior. We empirically demonstrate that finetuning this policy, with both reinforcement learning (RL) and behavior cloning (BC), enables sample-efficient adaptation to downstream tasks and simultaneously improves robustness and generalizability compared to prior approaches. Qualitative experiments are available at: \url{https://hgaurav2k.github.io/hop/}.
Abstract:In recent years, the transformer architecture has become the de facto standard for machine learning algorithms applied to natural language processing and computer vision. Despite notable evidence of successful deployment of this architecture in the context of robot learning, we claim that vanilla transformers do not fully exploit the structure of the robot learning problem. Therefore, we propose Body Transformer (BoT), an architecture that leverages the robot embodiment by providing an inductive bias that guides the learning process. We represent the robot body as a graph of sensors and actuators, and rely on masked attention to pool information throughout the architecture. The resulting architecture outperforms the vanilla transformer, as well as the classical multilayer perceptron, in terms of task completion, scaling properties, and computational efficiency when representing either imitation or reinforcement learning policies. Additional material including the open-source code is available at https://sferrazza.cc/bot_site.