Abstract:Imitation learning is a powerful machine learning algorithm for a robot to acquire manipulation skills. Nevertheless, many real-world manipulation tasks involve precise and dexterous robot-object interactions, which make it difficult for humans to collect high-quality expert demonstrations. As a result, a robot has to learn skills from suboptimal demonstrations and unstructured interactions, which remains a key challenge. Existing works typically use offline deep reinforcement learning (RL) to solve this challenge, but in practice these algorithms are unstable and fragile due to the deadly triad issue. To overcome this problem, we propose GSR, a simple yet effective algorithm that learns from suboptimal demonstrations through Graph Search and Retrieval. We first use pretrained representation to organize the interaction experience into a graph and perform a graph search to calculate the values of different behaviors. Then, we apply a retrieval-based procedure to identify the best behavior (actions) on each state and use behavior cloning to learn that behavior. We evaluate our method in both simulation and real-world robotic manipulation tasks with complex visual inputs, covering various precise and dexterous manipulation skills with objects of different physical properties. GSR can achieve a 10% to 30% higher success rate and over 30% higher proficiency compared to baselines. Our project page is at https://zhaohengyin.github.io/gsr.
Abstract:The acquisition of manipulation skills through language instruction remains an unresolved challenge. Recently, vision-language models have made significant progress in teaching robots these skills. However, their performance is restricted to a narrow range of simple tasks. In this paper, we propose that vision-language models can provide a superior source of rewards for agents. Our method decomposes complex tasks into simpler sub-goals, enabling better task comprehension and avoiding potential failures with sparse failure guidance. Empirical evidence demonstrates that our algorithm consistently outperforms baselines such as CLIP, LIV, and RoboCLIP. Specifically, our algorithm achieves a $5.4\times$ higher average success rate compared to the best baseline, RoboCLIP, across a series of manipulation tasks. It has shown a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of robotic manipulation tasks.
Abstract:Manipulating objects with two multi-fingered hands has been a long-standing challenge in robotics, attributed to the contact-rich nature of many manipulation tasks and the complexity inherent in coordinating a high-dimensional bimanual system. In this work, we consider the problem of twisting lids of various bottle-like objects with two hands, and demonstrate that policies trained in simulation using deep reinforcement learning can be effectively transferred to the real world. With novel engineering insights into physical modeling, real-time perception, and reward design, the policy demonstrates generalization capabilities across a diverse set of unseen objects, showcasing dynamic and dexterous behaviors. Our findings serve as compelling evidence that deep reinforcement learning combined with sim-to-real transfer remains a promising approach for addressing manipulation problems of unprecedented complexity.
Abstract:Executing contact-rich manipulation tasks necessitates the fusion of tactile and visual feedback. However, the distinct nature of these modalities poses significant challenges. In this paper, we introduce a system that leverages visual and tactile sensory inputs to enable dexterous in-hand manipulation. Specifically, we propose Robot Synesthesia, a novel point cloud-based tactile representation inspired by human tactile-visual synesthesia. This approach allows for the simultaneous and seamless integration of both sensory inputs, offering richer spatial information and facilitating better reasoning about robot actions. The method, trained in a simulated environment and then deployed to a real robot, is applicable to various in-hand object rotation tasks. Comprehensive ablations are performed on how the integration of vision and touch can improve reinforcement learning and Sim2Real performance. Our project page is available at https://yingyuan0414.github.io/visuotactile/ .
Abstract:Humans often acquire new skills through observation and imitation. For robotic agents, learning from the plethora of unlabeled video demonstration data available on the Internet necessitates imitating the expert without access to its action, presenting a challenge known as Imitation Learning from Observations (ILfO). A common approach to tackle ILfO problems is to convert them into inverse reinforcement learning problems, utilizing a proxy reward computed from the agent's and the expert's observations. Nonetheless, we identify that tasks characterized by a progress dependency property pose significant challenges for such approaches; in these tasks, the agent needs to initially learn the expert's preceding behaviors before mastering the subsequent ones. Our investigation reveals that the main cause is that the reward signals assigned to later steps hinder the learning of initial behaviors. To address this challenge, we present a novel ILfO framework that enables the agent to master earlier behaviors before advancing to later ones. We introduce an Automatic Discount Scheduling (ADS) mechanism that adaptively alters the discount factor in reinforcement learning during the training phase, prioritizing earlier rewards initially and gradually engaging later rewards only when the earlier behaviors have been mastered. Our experiments, conducted on nine Meta-World tasks, demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods across all tasks, including those that are unsolvable by them.
Abstract:Predicting the solubility of given molecules is an important task in the pharmaceutical industry, and consequently this is a well-studied topic. In this research, we revisited this problem with the advantage of modern computing resources. We applied two machine learning models, a linear regression model and a graph convolutional neural network model, on multiple experimental datasets. Both methods can make reasonable predictions while the GCNN model had the best performance. However, the current GCNN model is a black box, while feature importance analysis from the linear regression model offers more insights into the underlying chemical influences. Using the linear regression model, we show how each functional group affects the overall solubility. Ultimately, knowing how chemical structure influences chemical properties is crucial when designing new drugs. Future work should aim to combine the high performance of GCNNs with the interpretability of linear regression, unlocking new advances in next generation high throughput screening.
Abstract:Tactile information plays a critical role in human dexterity. It reveals useful contact information that may not be inferred directly from vision. In fact, humans can even perform in-hand dexterous manipulation without using vision. Can we enable the same ability for the multi-finger robot hand? In this paper, we present Touch Dexterity, a new system that can perform in-hand object rotation using only touching without seeing the object. Instead of relying on precise tactile sensing in a small region, we introduce a new system design using dense binary force sensors (touch or no touch) overlaying one side of the whole robot hand (palm, finger links, fingertips). Such a design is low-cost, giving a larger coverage of the object, and minimizing the Sim2Real gap at the same time. We train an in-hand rotation policy using Reinforcement Learning on diverse objects in simulation. Relying on touch-only sensing, we can directly deploy the policy in a real robot hand and rotate novel objects that are not presented in training. Extensive ablations are performed on how tactile information help in-hand manipulation.Our project is available at https://touchdexterity.github.io.
Abstract:We propose a sim-to-real framework for dexterous manipulation which can generalize to new objects of the same category in the real world. The key of our framework is to train the manipulation policy with point cloud inputs and dexterous hands. We propose two new techniques to enable joint learning on multiple objects and sim-to-real generalization: (i) using imagined hand point clouds as augmented inputs; and (ii) designing novel contact-based rewards. We empirically evaluate our method using an Allegro Hand to grasp novel objects in both simulation and real world. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first policy learning-based framework that achieves such generalization results with dexterous hands. Our project page is available at https://yzqin.github.io/dexpoint
Abstract:Imitation learning is a class of promising policy learning algorithms that is free from many practical issues with reinforcement learning, such as the reward design issue and the exploration hardness. However, the current imitation algorithm struggles to achieve both high performance and high in-environment sample efficiency simultaneously. Behavioral Cloning (BC) does not need in-environment interactions, but it suffers from the covariate shift problem which harms its performance. Adversarial Imitation Learning (AIL) turns imitation learning into a distribution matching problem. It can achieve better performance on some tasks but it requires a large number of in-environment interactions. Inspired by the recent success of EfficientZero in RL, we propose EfficientImitate (EI), a planning-based imitation learning method that can achieve high in-environment sample efficiency and performance simultaneously. Our algorithmic contribution in this paper is two-fold. First, we extend AIL into the MCTS-based RL. Second, we show the seemingly incompatible two classes of imitation algorithms (BC and AIL) can be naturally unified under our framework, enjoying the benefits of both. We benchmark our method not only on the state-based DeepMind Control Suite, but also on the image version which many previous works find highly challenging. Experimental results show that EI achieves state-of-the-art results in performance and sample efficiency. EI shows over 4x gain in performance in the limited sample setting on state-based and image-based tasks and can solve challenging problems like Humanoid, where previous methods fail with small amount of interactions. Our code is available at https://github.com/zhaohengyin/EfficientImitate.
Abstract:Animals are able to imitate each others' behavior, despite their difference in biomechanics. In contrast, imitating the other similar robots is a much more challenging task in robotics. This problem is called cross domain imitation learning~(CDIL). In this paper, we consider CDIL on a class of similar robots. We tackle this problem by introducing an imitation learning algorithm based on invariant representation. We propose to learn invariant state and action representations, which aligns the behavior of multiple robots so that CDIL becomes possible. Compared with previous invariant representation learning methods for similar purpose, our method does not require human-labeled pairwise data for training. Instead, we use cycle-consistency and domain confusion to align the representation and increase its robustness. We test the algorithm on multiple robots in simulator and show that unseen new robot instances can be trained with existing expert demonstrations successfully. Qualitative results also demonstrate that the proposed method is able to learn similar representations for different robots with similar behaviors, which is essential for successful CDIL.