Abstract:Videos of robots interacting with objects encode rich information about the objects' dynamics. However, existing video prediction approaches typically do not explicitly account for the 3D information from videos, such as robot actions and objects' 3D states, limiting their use in real-world robotic applications. In this work, we introduce a framework to learn object dynamics directly from multi-view RGB videos by explicitly considering the robot's action trajectories and their effects on scene dynamics. We utilize the 3D Gaussian representation of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) to train a particle-based dynamics model using Graph Neural Networks. This model operates on sparse control particles downsampled from the densely tracked 3D Gaussian reconstructions. By learning the neural dynamics model on offline robot interaction data, our method can predict object motions under varying initial configurations and unseen robot actions. The 3D transformations of Gaussians can be interpolated from the motions of control particles, enabling the rendering of predicted future object states and achieving action-conditioned video prediction. The dynamics model can also be applied to model-based planning frameworks for object manipulation tasks. We conduct experiments on various kinds of deformable materials, including ropes, clothes, and stuffed animals, demonstrating our framework's ability to model complex shapes and dynamics. Our project page is available at https://gs-dynamics.github.io.
Abstract:Predictive models are a crucial component of many robotic systems. Yet, constructing accurate predictive models for a variety of deformable objects, especially those with unknown physical properties, remains a significant challenge. This paper introduces AdaptiGraph, a learning-based dynamics modeling approach that enables robots to predict, adapt to, and control a wide array of challenging deformable materials with unknown physical properties. AdaptiGraph leverages the highly flexible graph-based neural dynamics (GBND) framework, which represents material bits as particles and employs a graph neural network (GNN) to predict particle motion. Its key innovation is a unified physical property-conditioned GBND model capable of predicting the motions of diverse materials with varying physical properties without retraining. Upon encountering new materials during online deployment, AdaptiGraph utilizes a physical property optimization process for a few-shot adaptation of the model, enhancing its fit to the observed interaction data. The adapted models can precisely simulate the dynamics and predict the motion of various deformable materials, such as ropes, granular media, rigid boxes, and cloth, while adapting to different physical properties, including stiffness, granular size, and center of pressure. On prediction and manipulation tasks involving a diverse set of real-world deformable objects, our method exhibits superior prediction accuracy and task proficiency over non-material-conditioned and non-adaptive models. The project page is available at https://robopil.github.io/adaptigraph/ .
Abstract:This paper presents a novel approach 4DRecons that takes a single camera RGB-D sequence of a dynamic subject as input and outputs a complete textured deforming 3D model over time. 4DRecons encodes the output as a 4D neural implicit surface and presents an optimization procedure that combines a data term and two regularization terms. The data term fits the 4D implicit surface to the input partial observations. We address fundamental challenges in fitting a complete implicit surface to partial observations. The first regularization term enforces that the deformation among adjacent frames is as rigid as possible (ARAP). To this end, we introduce a novel approach to compute correspondences between adjacent textured implicit surfaces, which are used to define the ARAP regularization term. The second regularization term enforces that the topology of the underlying object remains fixed over time. This regularization is critical for avoiding self-intersections that are typical in implicit-based reconstructions. We have evaluated the performance of 4DRecons on a variety of datasets. Experimental results show that 4DRecons can handle large deformations and complex inter-part interactions and outperform state-of-the-art approaches considerably.
Abstract:The acquisition of manipulation skills through language instruction remains an unresolved challenge. Recently, vision-language models have made significant progress in teaching robots these skills. However, their performance is restricted to a narrow range of simple tasks. In this paper, we propose that vision-language models can provide a superior source of rewards for agents. Our method decomposes complex tasks into simpler sub-goals, enabling better task comprehension and avoiding potential failures with sparse failure guidance. Empirical evidence demonstrates that our algorithm consistently outperforms baselines such as CLIP, LIV, and RoboCLIP. Specifically, our algorithm achieves a $5.4\times$ higher average success rate compared to the best baseline, RoboCLIP, across a series of manipulation tasks. It has shown a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of robotic manipulation tasks.
Abstract:While 6D object pose estimation has wide applications across computer vision and robotics, it remains far from being solved due to the lack of annotations. The problem becomes even more challenging when moving to category-level 6D pose, which requires generalization to unseen instances. Current approaches are restricted by leveraging annotations from simulation or collected from humans. In this paper, we overcome this barrier by introducing a self-supervised learning approach trained directly on large-scale real-world object videos for category-level 6D pose estimation in the wild. Our framework reconstructs the canonical 3D shape of an object category and learns dense correspondences between input images and the canonical shape via surface embedding. For training, we propose novel geometrical cycle-consistency losses which construct cycles across 2D-3D spaces, across different instances and different time steps. The learned correspondence can be applied for 6D pose estimation and other downstream tasks such as keypoint transfer. Surprisingly, our method, without any human annotations or simulators, can achieve on-par or even better performance than previous supervised or semi-supervised methods on in-the-wild images. Our project page is: https://kywind.github.io/self-pose .
Abstract:Establishing visual correspondence across images is a challenging and essential task. Recently, an influx of self-supervised methods have been proposed to better learn representations for visual correspondence. However, we find that these methods often fail to leverage semantic information and over-rely on the matching of low-level features. In contrast, human vision is capable of distinguishing between distinct objects as a pretext to tracking. Inspired by this paradigm, we propose to learn semantic-aware fine-grained correspondence. Firstly, we demonstrate that semantic correspondence is implicitly available through a rich set of image-level self-supervised methods. We further design a pixel-level self-supervised learning objective which specifically targets fine-grained correspondence. For downstream tasks, we fuse these two kinds of complementary correspondence representations together, demonstrating that they boost performance synergistically. Our method surpasses previous state-of-the-art self-supervised methods using convolutional networks on a variety of visual correspondence tasks, including video object segmentation, human pose tracking, and human part tracking.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) provides a powerful framework for decision-making, but its application in practice often requires a carefully designed reward function. Adversarial Imitation Learning (AIL) sheds light on automatic policy acquisition without access to the reward signal from the environment. In this work, we propose Auto-Encoding Adversarial Imitation Learning (AEAIL), a robust and scalable AIL framework. To induce expert policies from demonstrations, AEAIL utilizes the reconstruction error of an auto-encoder as a reward signal, which provides more information for optimizing policies than the prior discriminator-based ones. Subsequently, we use the derived objective functions to train the auto-encoder and the agent policy. Experiments show that our AEAIL performs superior compared to state-of-the-art methods in the MuJoCo environments. More importantly, AEAIL shows much better robustness when the expert demonstrations are noisy. Specifically, our method achieves $16.4\%$ and $47.2\%$ relative improvement overall compared to the best baseline FAIRL and PWIL on clean and noisy expert data, respectively. Video results, open-source code and dataset are available in https://sites.google.com/view/auto-encoding-imitation.