Abstract:Language model agents excel in long-session planning and reasoning, but existing benchmarks primarily focus on goal-oriented tasks with explicit objectives, neglecting creative adaptation in unfamiliar environments. To address this, we introduce EscapeBench, a benchmark suite of room escape game environments designed to challenge agents with creative reasoning, unconventional tool use, and iterative problem-solving to uncover implicit goals. Our results show that current LM models, despite employing working memory and Chain-of-Thought reasoning, achieve only 15% average progress without hints, highlighting their limitations in creativity. To bridge this gap, we propose EscapeAgent, a framework designed to enhance creative reasoning through Foresight (innovative tool use) and Reflection (identifying unsolved tasks). Experiments show that EscapeAgent can execute action chains over 1,000 steps while maintaining logical coherence. It navigates and completes games with up to 40% fewer steps and hints, performs robustly across varying difficulty levels, and achieves higher action success rates with more efficient and innovative puzzle-solving strategies. All the data and codes are released.
Abstract:Neural-network-based dynamics models learned from observational data have shown strong predictive capabilities for scene dynamics in robotic manipulation tasks. However, their inherent non-linearity presents significant challenges for effective planning. Current planning methods, often dependent on extensive sampling or local gradient descent, struggle with long-horizon motion planning tasks involving complex contact events. In this paper, we present a GPU-accelerated branch-and-bound (BaB) framework for motion planning in manipulation tasks that require trajectory optimization over neural dynamics models. Our approach employs a specialized branching heuristics to divide the search space into subdomains, and applies a modified bound propagation method, inspired by the state-of-the-art neural network verifier alpha-beta-CROWN, to efficiently estimate objective bounds within these subdomains. The branching process guides planning effectively, while the bounding process strategically reduces the search space. Our framework achieves superior planning performance, generating high-quality state-action trajectories and surpassing existing methods in challenging, contact-rich manipulation tasks such as non-prehensile planar pushing with obstacles, object sorting, and rope routing in both simulated and real-world settings. Furthermore, our framework supports various neural network architectures, ranging from simple multilayer perceptrons to advanced graph neural dynamics models, and scales efficiently with different model sizes.
Abstract:Tactile and visual perception are both crucial for humans to perform fine-grained interactions with their environment. Developing similar multi-modal sensing capabilities for robots can significantly enhance and expand their manipulation skills. This paper introduces \textbf{3D-ViTac}, a multi-modal sensing and learning system designed for dexterous bimanual manipulation. Our system features tactile sensors equipped with dense sensing units, each covering an area of 3$mm^2$. These sensors are low-cost and flexible, providing detailed and extensive coverage of physical contacts, effectively complementing visual information. To integrate tactile and visual data, we fuse them into a unified 3D representation space that preserves their 3D structures and spatial relationships. The multi-modal representation can then be coupled with diffusion policies for imitation learning. Through concrete hardware experiments, we demonstrate that even low-cost robots can perform precise manipulations and significantly outperform vision-only policies, particularly in safe interactions with fragile items and executing long-horizon tasks involving in-hand manipulation. Our project page is available at \url{https://binghao-huang.github.io/3D-ViTac/}.
Abstract:Videos of robots interacting with objects encode rich information about the objects' dynamics. However, existing video prediction approaches typically do not explicitly account for the 3D information from videos, such as robot actions and objects' 3D states, limiting their use in real-world robotic applications. In this work, we introduce a framework to learn object dynamics directly from multi-view RGB videos by explicitly considering the robot's action trajectories and their effects on scene dynamics. We utilize the 3D Gaussian representation of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) to train a particle-based dynamics model using Graph Neural Networks. This model operates on sparse control particles downsampled from the densely tracked 3D Gaussian reconstructions. By learning the neural dynamics model on offline robot interaction data, our method can predict object motions under varying initial configurations and unseen robot actions. The 3D transformations of Gaussians can be interpolated from the motions of control particles, enabling the rendering of predicted future object states and achieving action-conditioned video prediction. The dynamics model can also be applied to model-based planning frameworks for object manipulation tasks. We conduct experiments on various kinds of deformable materials, including ropes, clothes, and stuffed animals, demonstrating our framework's ability to model complex shapes and dynamics. Our project page is available at https://gs-dynamics.github.io.
Abstract:Diffusion-based policies have shown remarkable capability in executing complex robotic manipulation tasks but lack explicit characterization of geometry and semantics, which often limits their ability to generalize to unseen objects and layouts. To enhance the generalization capabilities of Diffusion Policy, we introduce a novel framework that incorporates explicit spatial and semantic information via 3D semantic fields. We generate 3D descriptor fields from multi-view RGBD observations with large foundational vision models, then compare these descriptor fields against reference descriptors to obtain semantic fields. The proposed method explicitly considers geometry and semantics, enabling strong generalization capabilities in tasks requiring category-level generalization, resolving geometric ambiguities, and attention to subtle geometric details. We evaluate our method across eight tasks involving articulated objects and instances with varying shapes and textures from multiple object categories. Our method demonstrates its effectiveness by increasing Diffusion Policy's average success rate on unseen instances from 20% to 93%. Additionally, we provide a detailed analysis and visualization to interpret the sources of performance gain and explain how our method can generalize to novel instances.
Abstract:Representing robotic manipulation tasks as constraints that associate the robot and the environment is a promising way to encode desired robot behaviors. However, it remains unclear how to formulate the constraints such that they are 1) versatile to diverse tasks, 2) free of manual labeling, and 3) optimizable by off-the-shelf solvers to produce robot actions in real-time. In this work, we introduce Relational Keypoint Constraints (ReKep), a visually-grounded representation for constraints in robotic manipulation. Specifically, ReKep is expressed as Python functions mapping a set of 3D keypoints in the environment to a numerical cost. We demonstrate that by representing a manipulation task as a sequence of Relational Keypoint Constraints, we can employ a hierarchical optimization procedure to solve for robot actions (represented by a sequence of end-effector poses in SE(3)) with a perception-action loop at a real-time frequency. Furthermore, in order to circumvent the need for manual specification of ReKep for each new task, we devise an automated procedure that leverages large vision models and vision-language models to produce ReKep from free-form language instructions and RGB-D observations. We present system implementations on a wheeled single-arm platform and a stationary dual-arm platform that can perform a large variety of manipulation tasks, featuring multi-stage, in-the-wild, bimanual, and reactive behaviors, all without task-specific data or environment models. Website at https://rekep-robot.github.io.
Abstract:Understanding and reasoning about objects' physical properties in the natural world is a fundamental challenge in artificial intelligence. While some properties like colors and shapes can be directly observed, others, such as mass and electric charge, are hidden from the objects' visual appearance. This paper addresses the unique challenge of inferring these hidden physical properties from objects' motion and interactions and predicting corresponding dynamics based on the inferred physical properties. We first introduce the Compositional Physical Reasoning (ComPhy) dataset. For a given set of objects, ComPhy includes limited videos of them moving and interacting under different initial conditions. The model is evaluated based on its capability to unravel the compositional hidden properties, such as mass and charge, and use this knowledge to answer a set of questions. Besides the synthetic videos from simulators, we also collect a real-world dataset to show further test physical reasoning abilities of different models. We evaluate state-of-the-art video reasoning models on ComPhy and reveal their limited ability to capture these hidden properties, which leads to inferior performance. We also propose a novel neuro-symbolic framework, Physical Concept Reasoner (PCR), that learns and reasons about both visible and hidden physical properties from question answering. After training, PCR demonstrates remarkable capabilities. It can detect and associate objects across frames, ground visible and hidden physical properties, make future and counterfactual predictions, and utilize these extracted representations to answer challenging questions.
Abstract:Predictive models are a crucial component of many robotic systems. Yet, constructing accurate predictive models for a variety of deformable objects, especially those with unknown physical properties, remains a significant challenge. This paper introduces AdaptiGraph, a learning-based dynamics modeling approach that enables robots to predict, adapt to, and control a wide array of challenging deformable materials with unknown physical properties. AdaptiGraph leverages the highly flexible graph-based neural dynamics (GBND) framework, which represents material bits as particles and employs a graph neural network (GNN) to predict particle motion. Its key innovation is a unified physical property-conditioned GBND model capable of predicting the motions of diverse materials with varying physical properties without retraining. Upon encountering new materials during online deployment, AdaptiGraph utilizes a physical property optimization process for a few-shot adaptation of the model, enhancing its fit to the observed interaction data. The adapted models can precisely simulate the dynamics and predict the motion of various deformable materials, such as ropes, granular media, rigid boxes, and cloth, while adapting to different physical properties, including stiffness, granular size, and center of pressure. On prediction and manipulation tasks involving a diverse set of real-world deformable objects, our method exhibits superior prediction accuracy and task proficiency over non-material-conditioned and non-adaptive models. The project page is available at https://robopil.github.io/adaptigraph/ .
Abstract:Tactile feedback is critical for understanding the dynamics of both rigid and deformable objects in many manipulation tasks, such as non-prehensile manipulation and dense packing. We introduce an approach that combines visual and tactile sensing for robotic manipulation by learning a neural, tactile-informed dynamics model. Our proposed framework, RoboPack, employs a recurrent graph neural network to estimate object states, including particles and object-level latent physics information, from historical visuo-tactile observations and to perform future state predictions. Our tactile-informed dynamics model, learned from real-world data, can solve downstream robotics tasks with model-predictive control. We demonstrate our approach on a real robot equipped with a compliant Soft-Bubble tactile sensor on non-prehensile manipulation and dense packing tasks, where the robot must infer the physics properties of objects from direct and indirect interactions. Trained on only an average of 30 minutes of real-world interaction data per task, our model can perform online adaptation and make touch-informed predictions. Through extensive evaluations in both long-horizon dynamics prediction and real-world manipulation, our method demonstrates superior effectiveness compared to previous learning-based and physics-based simulation systems.
Abstract:The systematic evaluation and understanding of computer vision models under varying conditions require large amounts of data with comprehensive and customized labels, which real-world vision datasets rarely satisfy. While current synthetic data generators offer a promising alternative, particularly for embodied AI tasks, they often fall short for computer vision tasks due to low asset and rendering quality, limited diversity, and unrealistic physical properties. We introduce the BEHAVIOR Vision Suite (BVS), a set of tools and assets to generate fully customized synthetic data for systematic evaluation of computer vision models, based on the newly developed embodied AI benchmark, BEHAVIOR-1K. BVS supports a large number of adjustable parameters at the scene level (e.g., lighting, object placement), the object level (e.g., joint configuration, attributes such as "filled" and "folded"), and the camera level (e.g., field of view, focal length). Researchers can arbitrarily vary these parameters during data generation to perform controlled experiments. We showcase three example application scenarios: systematically evaluating the robustness of models across different continuous axes of domain shift, evaluating scene understanding models on the same set of images, and training and evaluating simulation-to-real transfer for a novel vision task: unary and binary state prediction. Project website: https://behavior-vision-suite.github.io/