Abstract:Learning policies in simulation and transferring them to the real world has become a promising approach in dexterous manipulation. However, bridging the sim-to-real gap for each new task requires substantial human effort, such as careful reward engineering, hyperparameter tuning, and system identification. In this work, we present a system that leverages low-level skills to address these challenges for more complex tasks. Specifically, we introduce a hierarchical policy for in-hand object reorientation based on previously acquired rotation skills. This hierarchical policy learns to select which low-level skill to execute based on feedback from both the environment and the low-level skill policies themselves. Compared to learning from scratch, the hierarchical policy is more robust to out-of-distribution changes and transfers easily from simulation to real-world environments. Additionally, we propose a generalizable object pose estimator that uses proprioceptive information, low-level skill predictions, and control errors as inputs to estimate the object pose over time. We demonstrate that our system can reorient objects, including symmetrical and textureless ones, to a desired pose.
Abstract:Touch is a crucial sensing modality that provides rich information about object properties and interactions with the physical environment. Humans and robots both benefit from using touch to perceive and interact with the surrounding environment (Johansson and Flanagan, 2009; Li et al., 2020; Calandra et al., 2017). However, no existing systems provide rich, multi-modal digital touch-sensing capabilities through a hemispherical compliant embodiment. Here, we describe several conceptual and technological innovations to improve the digitization of touch. These advances are embodied in an artificial finger-shaped sensor with advanced sensing capabilities. Significantly, this fingertip contains high-resolution sensors (~8.3 million taxels) that respond to omnidirectional touch, capture multi-modal signals, and use on-device artificial intelligence to process the data in real time. Evaluations show that the artificial fingertip can resolve spatial features as small as 7 um, sense normal and shear forces with a resolution of 1.01 mN and 1.27 mN, respectively, perceive vibrations up to 10 kHz, sense heat, and even sense odor. Furthermore, it embeds an on-device AI neural network accelerator that acts as a peripheral nervous system on a robot and mimics the reflex arc found in humans. These results demonstrate the possibility of digitizing touch with superhuman performance. The implications are profound, and we anticipate potential applications in robotics (industrial, medical, agricultural, and consumer-level), virtual reality and telepresence, prosthetics, and e-commerce. Toward digitizing touch at scale, we open-source a modular platform to facilitate future research on the nature of touch.
Abstract:We present an approach to learn general robot manipulation priors from 3D hand-object interaction trajectories. We build a framework to use in-the-wild videos to generate sensorimotor robot trajectories. We do so by lifting both the human hand and the manipulated object in a shared 3D space and retargeting human motions to robot actions. Generative modeling on this data gives us a task-agnostic base policy. This policy captures a general yet flexible manipulation prior. We empirically demonstrate that finetuning this policy, with both reinforcement learning (RL) and behavior cloning (BC), enables sample-efficient adaptation to downstream tasks and simultaneously improves robustness and generalizability compared to prior approaches. Qualitative experiments are available at: \url{https://hgaurav2k.github.io/hop/}.
Abstract:In-hand manipulation of pen-like objects is an important skill in our daily lives, as many tools such as hammers and screwdrivers are similarly shaped. However, current learning-based methods struggle with this task due to a lack of high-quality demonstrations and the significant gap between simulation and the real world. In this work, we push the boundaries of learning-based in-hand manipulation systems by demonstrating the capability to spin pen-like objects. We first use reinforcement learning to train an oracle policy with privileged information and generate a high-fidelity trajectory dataset in simulation. This serves two purposes: 1) pre-training a sensorimotor policy in simulation; 2) conducting open-loop trajectory replay in the real world. We then fine-tune the sensorimotor policy using these real-world trajectories to adapt it to the real world dynamics. With less than 50 trajectories, our policy learns to rotate more than ten pen-like objects with different physical properties for multiple revolutions. We present a comprehensive analysis of our design choices and share the lessons learned during development.
Abstract:Recent progress in reinforcement learning (RL) and tactile sensing has significantly advanced dexterous manipulation. However, these methods often utilize simplified tactile signals due to the gap between tactile simulation and the real world. We introduce a sensor model for tactile skin that enables zero-shot sim-to-real transfer of ternary shear and binary normal forces. Using this model, we develop an RL policy that leverages sliding contact for dexterous in-hand translation. We conduct extensive real-world experiments to assess how tactile sensing facilitates policy adaptation to various unseen object properties and robot hand orientations. We demonstrate that our 3-axis tactile policies consistently outperform baselines that use only shear forces, only normal forces, or only proprioception. Website: https://jessicayin.github.io/tactile-skin-rl/
Abstract:Aiming to replicate human-like dexterity, perceptual experiences, and motion patterns, we explore learning from human demonstrations using a bimanual system with multifingered hands and visuotactile data. Two significant challenges exist: the lack of an affordable and accessible teleoperation system suitable for a dual-arm setup with multifingered hands, and the scarcity of multifingered hand hardware equipped with touch sensing. To tackle the first challenge, we develop HATO, a low-cost hands-arms teleoperation system that leverages off-the-shelf electronics, complemented with a software suite that enables efficient data collection; the comprehensive software suite also supports multimodal data processing, scalable policy learning, and smooth policy deployment. To tackle the latter challenge, we introduce a novel hardware adaptation by repurposing two prosthetic hands equipped with touch sensors for research. Using visuotactile data collected from our system, we learn skills to complete long-horizon, high-precision tasks which are difficult to achieve without multifingered dexterity and touch feedback. Furthermore, we empirically investigate the effects of dataset size, sensing modality, and visual input preprocessing on policy learning. Our results mark a promising step forward in bimanual multifingered manipulation from visuotactile data. Videos, code, and datasets can be found at https://toruowo.github.io/hato/ .
Abstract:Manipulating objects with two multi-fingered hands has been a long-standing challenge in robotics, attributed to the contact-rich nature of many manipulation tasks and the complexity inherent in coordinating a high-dimensional bimanual system. In this work, we consider the problem of twisting lids of various bottle-like objects with two hands, and demonstrate that policies trained in simulation using deep reinforcement learning can be effectively transferred to the real world. With novel engineering insights into physical modeling, real-time perception, and reward design, the policy demonstrates generalization capabilities across a diverse set of unseen objects, showcasing dynamic and dexterous behaviors. Our findings serve as compelling evidence that deep reinforcement learning combined with sim-to-real transfer remains a promising approach for addressing manipulation problems of unprecedented complexity.
Abstract:To achieve human-level dexterity, robots must infer spatial awareness from multimodal sensing to reason over contact interactions. During in-hand manipulation of novel objects, such spatial awareness involves estimating the object's pose and shape. The status quo for in-hand perception primarily employs vision, and restricts to tracking a priori known objects. Moreover, visual occlusion of objects in-hand is imminent during manipulation, preventing current systems to push beyond tasks without occlusion. We combine vision and touch sensing on a multi-fingered hand to estimate an object's pose and shape during in-hand manipulation. Our method, NeuralFeels, encodes object geometry by learning a neural field online and jointly tracks it by optimizing a pose graph problem. We study multimodal in-hand perception in simulation and the real-world, interacting with different objects via a proprioception-driven policy. Our experiments show final reconstruction F-scores of $81$% and average pose drifts of $4.7\,\text{mm}$, further reduced to $2.3\,\text{mm}$ with known CAD models. Additionally, we observe that under heavy visual occlusion we can achieve up to $94$% improvements in tracking compared to vision-only methods. Our results demonstrate that touch, at the very least, refines and, at the very best, disambiguates visual estimates during in-hand manipulation. We release our evaluation dataset of 70 experiments, FeelSight, as a step towards benchmarking in this domain. Our neural representation driven by multimodal sensing can serve as a perception backbone towards advancing robot dexterity. Videos can be found on our project website https://suddhu.github.io/neural-feels/
Abstract:We introduce RotateIt, a system that enables fingertip-based object rotation along multiple axes by leveraging multimodal sensory inputs. Our system is trained in simulation, where it has access to ground-truth object shapes and physical properties. Then we distill it to operate on realistic yet noisy simulated visuotactile and proprioceptive sensory inputs. These multimodal inputs are fused via a visuotactile transformer, enabling online inference of object shapes and physical properties during deployment. We show significant performance improvements over prior methods and the importance of visual and tactile sensing.
Abstract:Robotic manipulation tasks such as object insertion typically involve interactions between object and environment, namely extrinsic contacts. Prior work on Neural Contact Fields (NCF) use intrinsic tactile sensing between gripper and object to estimate extrinsic contacts in simulation. However, its effectiveness and utility in real-world tasks remains unknown. In this work, we improve NCF to enable sim-to-real transfer and use it to train policies for mug-in-cupholder and bowl-in-dishrack insertion tasks. We find our model NCF-v2, is capable of estimating extrinsic contacts in the real-world. Furthermore, our insertion policy with NCF-v2 outperforms policies without it, achieving 33% higher success and 1.36x faster execution on mug-in-cupholder, and 13% higher success and 1.27x faster execution on bowl-in-dishrack.