Abstract:We present an approach to model-based RL that achieves a new state of the art performance on the challenging Craftax-classic benchmark, an open-world 2D survival game that requires agents to exhibit a wide range of general abilities -- such as strong generalization, deep exploration, and long-term reasoning. With a series of careful design choices aimed at improving sample efficiency, our MBRL algorithm achieves a reward of 67.4% after only 1M environment steps, significantly outperforming DreamerV3, which achieves 53.2%, and, for the first time, exceeds human performance of 65.0%. Our method starts by constructing a SOTA model-free baseline, using a novel policy architecture that combines CNNs and RNNs. We then add three improvements to the standard MBRL setup: (a) "Dyna with warmup", which trains the policy on real and imaginary data, (b) "nearest neighbor tokenizer" on image patches, which improves the scheme to create the transformer world model (TWM) inputs, and (c) "block teacher forcing", which allows the TWM to reason jointly about the future tokens of the next timestep.
Abstract:We propose Diffusion Model Predictive Control (D-MPC), a novel MPC approach that learns a multi-step action proposal and a multi-step dynamics model, both using diffusion models, and combines them for use in online MPC. On the popular D4RL benchmark, we show performance that is significantly better than existing model-based offline planning methods using MPC and competitive with state-of-the-art (SOTA) model-based and model-free reinforcement learning methods. We additionally illustrate D-MPC's ability to optimize novel reward functions at run time and adapt to novel dynamics, and highlight its advantages compared to existing diffusion-based planning baselines.
Abstract:Learning from previously collected data via behavioral cloning or offline reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful recipe for scaling generalist agents by avoiding the need for expensive online learning. Despite strong generalization in some respects, agents are often remarkably brittle to minor visual variations in control-irrelevant factors such as the background or camera viewpoint. In this paper, we present theDeepMind Control Visual Benchmark (DMC-VB), a dataset collected in the DeepMind Control Suite to evaluate the robustness of offline RL agents for solving continuous control tasks from visual input in the presence of visual distractors. In contrast to prior works, our dataset (a) combines locomotion and navigation tasks of varying difficulties, (b) includes static and dynamic visual variations, (c) considers data generated by policies with different skill levels, (d) systematically returns pairs of state and pixel observation, (e) is an order of magnitude larger, and (f) includes tasks with hidden goals. Accompanying our dataset, we propose three benchmarks to evaluate representation learning methods for pretraining, and carry out experiments on several recently proposed methods. First, we find that pretrained representations do not help policy learning on DMC-VB, and we highlight a large representation gap between policies learned on pixel observations and on states. Second, we demonstrate when expert data is limited, policy learning can benefit from representations pretrained on (a) suboptimal data, and (b) tasks with stochastic hidden goals. Our dataset and benchmark code to train and evaluate agents are available at: https://github.com/google-deepmind/dmc_vision_benchmark.
Abstract:Touch is an important sensing modality for humans, but it has not yet been incorporated into a multimodal generative language model. This is partially due to the difficulty of obtaining natural language labels for tactile data and the complexity of aligning tactile readings with both visual observations and language descriptions. As a step towards bridging that gap, this work introduces a new dataset of 44K in-the-wild vision-touch pairs, with English language labels annotated by humans (10%) and textual pseudo-labels from GPT-4V (90%). We use this dataset to train a vision-language-aligned tactile encoder for open-vocabulary classification and a touch-vision-language (TVL) model for text generation using the trained encoder. Results suggest that by incorporating touch, the TVL model improves (+29% classification accuracy) touch-vision-language alignment over existing models trained on any pair of those modalities. Although only a small fraction of the dataset is human-labeled, the TVL model demonstrates improved visual-tactile understanding over GPT-4V (+12%) and open-source vision-language models (+32%) on a new touch-vision understanding benchmark. Code and data: https://tactile-vlm.github.io.
Abstract:To achieve human-level dexterity, robots must infer spatial awareness from multimodal sensing to reason over contact interactions. During in-hand manipulation of novel objects, such spatial awareness involves estimating the object's pose and shape. The status quo for in-hand perception primarily employs vision, and restricts to tracking a priori known objects. Moreover, visual occlusion of objects in-hand is imminent during manipulation, preventing current systems to push beyond tasks without occlusion. We combine vision and touch sensing on a multi-fingered hand to estimate an object's pose and shape during in-hand manipulation. Our method, NeuralFeels, encodes object geometry by learning a neural field online and jointly tracks it by optimizing a pose graph problem. We study multimodal in-hand perception in simulation and the real-world, interacting with different objects via a proprioception-driven policy. Our experiments show final reconstruction F-scores of $81$% and average pose drifts of $4.7\,\text{mm}$, further reduced to $2.3\,\text{mm}$ with known CAD models. Additionally, we observe that under heavy visual occlusion we can achieve up to $94$% improvements in tracking compared to vision-only methods. Our results demonstrate that touch, at the very least, refines and, at the very best, disambiguates visual estimates during in-hand manipulation. We release our evaluation dataset of 70 experiments, FeelSight, as a step towards benchmarking in this domain. Our neural representation driven by multimodal sensing can serve as a perception backbone towards advancing robot dexterity. Videos can be found on our project website https://suddhu.github.io/neural-feels/
Abstract:Robotic manipulation tasks such as object insertion typically involve interactions between object and environment, namely extrinsic contacts. Prior work on Neural Contact Fields (NCF) use intrinsic tactile sensing between gripper and object to estimate extrinsic contacts in simulation. However, its effectiveness and utility in real-world tasks remains unknown. In this work, we improve NCF to enable sim-to-real transfer and use it to train policies for mug-in-cupholder and bowl-in-dishrack insertion tasks. We find our model NCF-v2, is capable of estimating extrinsic contacts in the real-world. Furthermore, our insertion policy with NCF-v2 outperforms policies without it, achieving 33% higher success and 1.36x faster execution on mug-in-cupholder, and 13% higher success and 1.27x faster execution on bowl-in-dishrack.
Abstract:Scaling to arbitrarily large bundle adjustment problems requires data and compute to be distributed across multiple devices. Centralized methods in prior works are only able to solve small or medium size problems due to overhead in computation and communication. In this paper, we present a fully decentralized method that alleviates computation and communication bottlenecks to solve arbitrarily large bundle adjustment problems. We achieve this by reformulating the reprojection error and deriving a novel surrogate function that decouples optimization variables from different devices. This function makes it possible to use majorization minimization techniques and reduces bundle adjustment to independent optimization subproblems that can be solved in parallel. We further apply Nesterov's acceleration and adaptive restart to improve convergence while maintaining its theoretical guarantees. Despite limited peer-to-peer communication, our method has provable convergence to first-order critical points under mild conditions. On extensive benchmarks with public datasets, our method converges much faster than decentralized baselines with similar memory usage and communication load. Compared to centralized baselines using a single device, our method, while being decentralized, yields more accurate solutions with significant speedups of up to 953.7x over Ceres and 174.6x over DeepLM. Code: https://github.com/facebookresearch/DABA.
Abstract:We present Theseus, an efficient application-agnostic open source library for differentiable nonlinear least squares (DNLS) optimization built on PyTorch, providing a common framework for end-to-end structured learning in robotics and vision. Existing DNLS implementations are application specific and do not always incorporate many ingredients important for efficiency. Theseus is application-agnostic, as we illustrate with several example applications that are built using the same underlying differentiable components, such as second-order optimizers, standard costs functions, and Lie groups. For efficiency, Theseus incorporates support for sparse solvers, automatic vectorization, batching, GPU acceleration, and gradient computation with implicit differentiation and direct loss minimization. We do extensive performance evaluation in a set of applications, demonstrating significant efficiency gains and better scalability when these features are incorporated. Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/theseus-ai
Abstract:We present iSDF, a continual learning system for real-time signed distance field (SDF) reconstruction. Given a stream of posed depth images from a moving camera, it trains a randomly initialised neural network to map input 3D coordinate to approximate signed distance. The model is self-supervised by minimising a loss that bounds the predicted signed distance using the distance to the closest sampled point in a batch of query points that are actively sampled. In contrast to prior work based on voxel grids, our neural method is able to provide adaptive levels of detail with plausible filling in of partially observed regions and denoising of observations, all while having a more compact representation. In evaluations against alternative methods on real and synthetic datasets of indoor environments, we find that iSDF produces more accurate reconstructions, and better approximations of collision costs and gradients useful for downstream planners in domains from navigation to manipulation. Code and video results can be found at our project page: https://joeaortiz.github.io/iSDF/ .
Abstract:We show that a distributed network of robots or other devices which make measurements of each other can collaborate to globally localise via efficient ad-hoc peer to peer communication. Our Robot Web solution is based on Gaussian Belief Propagation on the fundamental non-linear factor graph describing the probabilistic structure of all of the observations robots make internally or of each other, and is flexible for any type of robot, motion or sensor. We define a simple and efficient communication protocol which can be implemented by the publishing and reading of web pages or other asynchronous communication technologies. We show in simulations with up to 1000 robots interacting in arbitrary patterns that our solution convergently achieves global accuracy as accurate as a centralised non-linear factor graph solver while operating with high distributed efficiency of computation and communication. Via the use of robust factors in GBP, our method is tolerant to a high percentage of faults in sensor measurements or dropped communication packets.