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Abstract:This manuscript gives a big-picture, up-to-date overview of the field of (deep) reinforcement learning and sequential decision making, covering value-based RL, policy-gradient methods, model-based methods, and various other topics (including a very brief discussion of RL+LLMs).
Abstract:We propose a mechanism for diffusion generalization based on local denoising operations. Through analysis of network and empirical denoisers, we identify local inductive biases in diffusion models. We demonstrate that local denoising operations can be used to approximate the optimal diffusion denoiser. Using a collection of patch-based, local empirical denoisers, we construct a denoiser which approximates the generalization behaviour of diffusion model denoisers over forward and reverse diffusion processes.
Abstract:We propose a unifying framework for methods that perform Bayesian online learning in non-stationary environments. We call the framework BONE, which stands for (B)ayesian (O)nline learning in (N)on-stationary (E)nvironments. BONE provides a common structure to tackle a variety of problems, including online continual learning, prequential forecasting, and contextual bandits. The framework requires specifying three modelling choices: (i) a model for measurements (e.g., a neural network), (ii) an auxiliary process to model non-stationarity (e.g., the time since the last changepoint), and (iii) a conditional prior over model parameters (e.g., a multivariate Gaussian). The framework also requires two algorithmic choices, which we use to carry out approximate inference under this framework: (i) an algorithm to estimate beliefs (posterior distribution) about the model parameters given the auxiliary variable, and (ii) an algorithm to estimate beliefs about the auxiliary variable. We show how this modularity allows us to write many different existing methods as instances of BONE; we also use this framework to propose a new method. We then experimentally compare existing methods with our proposed new method on several datasets; we provide insights into the situations that make one method more suitable than another for a given task.
Abstract:Recent years in NLP have seen the continued development of domain-specific information extraction tools for scientific documents, alongside the release of increasingly multimodal pretrained transformer models. While the opportunity for scientists outside of NLP to evaluate and apply such systems to their own domains has never been clearer, these models are difficult to compare: they accept different input formats, are often black-box and give little insight into processing failures, and rarely handle PDF documents, the most common format of scientific publication. In this work, we present Collage, a tool designed for rapid prototyping, visualization, and evaluation of different information extraction models on scientific PDFs. Collage allows the use and evaluation of any HuggingFace token classifier, several LLMs, and multiple other task-specific models out of the box, and provides extensible software interfaces to accelerate experimentation with new models. Further, we enable both developers and users of NLP-based tools to inspect, debug, and better understand modeling pipelines by providing granular views of intermediate states of processing. We demonstrate our system in the context of information extraction to assist with literature review in materials science.
Abstract:We propose Diffusion Model Predictive Control (D-MPC), a novel MPC approach that learns a multi-step action proposal and a multi-step dynamics model, both using diffusion models, and combines them for use in online MPC. On the popular D4RL benchmark, we show performance that is significantly better than existing model-based offline planning methods using MPC and competitive with state-of-the-art (SOTA) model-based and model-free reinforcement learning methods. We additionally illustrate D-MPC's ability to optimize novel reward functions at run time and adapt to novel dynamics, and highlight its advantages compared to existing diffusion-based planning baselines.
Abstract:Learning from previously collected data via behavioral cloning or offline reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful recipe for scaling generalist agents by avoiding the need for expensive online learning. Despite strong generalization in some respects, agents are often remarkably brittle to minor visual variations in control-irrelevant factors such as the background or camera viewpoint. In this paper, we present theDeepMind Control Visual Benchmark (DMC-VB), a dataset collected in the DeepMind Control Suite to evaluate the robustness of offline RL agents for solving continuous control tasks from visual input in the presence of visual distractors. In contrast to prior works, our dataset (a) combines locomotion and navigation tasks of varying difficulties, (b) includes static and dynamic visual variations, (c) considers data generated by policies with different skill levels, (d) systematically returns pairs of state and pixel observation, (e) is an order of magnitude larger, and (f) includes tasks with hidden goals. Accompanying our dataset, we propose three benchmarks to evaluate representation learning methods for pretraining, and carry out experiments on several recently proposed methods. First, we find that pretrained representations do not help policy learning on DMC-VB, and we highlight a large representation gap between policies learned on pixel observations and on states. Second, we demonstrate when expert data is limited, policy learning can benefit from representations pretrained on (a) suboptimal data, and (b) tasks with stochastic hidden goals. Our dataset and benchmark code to train and evaluate agents are available at:
Abstract:We propose an approach to simulating trajectories of multiple interacting agents (road users) based on transformers and probabilistic graphical models (PGMs), and apply it to the Waymo SimAgents challenge. The transformer baseline is based on the MTR model, which predicts multiple future trajectories conditioned on the past trajectories and static road layout features. We then improve upon these generated trajectories using a PGM, which contains factors which encode prior knowledge, such as a preference for smooth trajectories, and avoidance of collisions with static obstacles and other moving agents. We perform (approximate) MAP inference in this PGM using the Gauss-Newton method. Finally we sample $K=32$ trajectories for each of the $N \sim 100$ agents for the next $T=8 \Delta$ time steps, where $\Delta=10$ is the sampling rate per second. Following the Model Predictive Control (MPC) paradigm, we only return the first element of our forecasted trajectories at each step, and then we replan, so that the simulation can constantly adapt to its changing environment. We therefore call our approach "Model Predictive Simulation" or MPS. We show that MPS improves upon the MTR baseline, especially in safety critical metrics such as collision rate. Furthermore, our approach is compatible with any underlying forecasting model, and does not require extra training, so we believe it is a valuable contribution to the community.
Abstract:We propose a novel approach to sequential Bayesian inference based on variational Bayes. The key insight is that, in the online setting, we do not need to add the KL term to regularize to the prior (which comes from the posterior at the previous timestep); instead we can optimize just the expected log-likelihood, performing a single step of natural gradient descent starting at the prior predictive. We prove this method recovers exact Bayesian inference if the model is conjugate, and empirically outperforms other online VB methods in the non-conjugate setting, such as online learning for neural networks, especially when controlling for computational costs.
Abstract:We derive a novel, provably robust, and closed-form Bayesian update rule for online filtering in state-space models in the presence of outliers and misspecified measurement models. Our method combines generalised Bayesian inference with filtering methods such as the extended and ensemble Kalman filter. We use the former to show robustness and the latter to ensure computational efficiency in the case of nonlinear models. Our method matches or outperforms other robust filtering methods (such as those based on variational Bayes) at a much lower computational cost. We show this empirically on a range of filtering problems with outlier measurements, such as object tracking, state estimation in high-dimensional chaotic systems, and online learning of neural networks.
Abstract:Soldiers in the field often need to cross negative obstacles, such as rivers or canyons, to reach goals or safety. Military gap crossing involves on-site temporary bridges construction. However, this procedure is conducted with dangerous, time and labor intensive operations, and specialized machinery. We envision a scalable robotic solution inspired by advancements in force-controlled and Cable Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs); this solution can address the challenges inherent in this transportation problem, achieving fast, efficient, and safe deployment and field operations. We introduce the embodied vision in Co3MaNDR, a solution to the military gap crossing problem, a distributed robot consisting of several modules simultaneously pulling on a central payload, controlling the cables' tensions to achieve complex objectives, such as precise trajectory tracking or force amplification. Hardware experiments demonstrate teleoperation of a payload, trajectory following, and the sensing and amplification of operators' applied physical forces during slow operations. An operator was shown to manipulate a 27.2 kg (60 lb) payload with an average force utilization of 14.5\% of its weight. Results indicate that the system can be scaled up to heavier payloads without compromising performance or introducing superfluous complexity. This research lays a foundation to expand CDPR technology to uncoordinated and unstable mobile platforms in unknown environments.