University of Washington
Abstract:Simulation has been pivotal in recent robotics milestones and is poised to play a prominent role in the field's future. However, recent robotic advances often rely on expensive and high-maintenance platforms, limiting access to broader robotics audiences. This work introduces Wheeled Lab, a framework for the low-cost, open-source wheeled platforms that are already widely established in education and research. Through integration with Isaac Lab, Wheeled Lab introduces modern techniques in Sim2Real, such as domain randomization, sensor simulation, and end-to-end learning, to new user communities. To kickstart education and demonstrate the framework's capabilities, we develop three state-of-the-art policies for small-scale RC cars: controlled drifting, elevation traversal, and visual navigation, each trained in simulation and deployed in the real world. By bridging the gap between advanced Sim2Real methods and affordable, available robotics, Wheeled Lab aims to democratize access to cutting-edge tools, fostering innovation and education in a broader robotics context. The full stack, from hardware to software, is low cost and open-source.
Abstract:We investigate the problem of teaching a robot manipulator to perform dynamic non-prehensile object transport, also known as the `robot waiter' task, from a limited set of real-world demonstrations. We propose an approach that combines batch reinforcement learning (RL) with model-predictive control (MPC) by pretraining an ensemble of value functions from demonstration data, and utilizing them online within an uncertainty-aware MPC scheme to ensure robustness to limited data coverage. Our approach is straightforward to integrate with off-the-shelf MPC frameworks and enables learning solely from task space demonstrations with sparsely labeled transitions, while leveraging MPC to ensure smooth joint space motions and constraint satisfaction. We validate the proposed approach through extensive simulated and real-world experiments on a Franka Panda robot performing the robot waiter task and demonstrate robust deployment of value functions learned from 50-100 demonstrations. Furthermore, our approach enables generalization to novel objects not seen during training and can improve upon suboptimal demonstrations. We believe that such a framework can reduce the burden of providing extensive demonstrations and facilitate rapid training of robot manipulators to perform non-prehensile manipulation tasks. Project videos and supplementary material can be found at:
Abstract:In this work, we introduce general purpose touch representations for the increasingly accessible class of vision-based tactile sensors. Such sensors have led to many recent advances in robot manipulation as they markedly complement vision, yet solutions today often rely on task and sensor specific handcrafted perception models. Collecting real data at scale with task centric ground truth labels, like contact forces and slip, is a challenge further compounded by sensors of various form factor differing in aspects like lighting and gel markings. To tackle this we turn to self-supervised learning (SSL) that has demonstrated remarkable performance in computer vision. We present Sparsh, a family of SSL models that can support various vision-based tactile sensors, alleviating the need for custom labels through pre-training on 460k+ tactile images with masking and self-distillation in pixel and latent spaces. We also build TacBench, to facilitate standardized benchmarking across sensors and models, comprising of six tasks ranging from comprehending tactile properties to enabling physical perception and manipulation planning. In evaluations, we find that SSL pre-training for touch representation outperforms task and sensor-specific end-to-end training by 95.1% on average over TacBench, and Sparsh (DINO) and Sparsh (IJEPA) are the most competitive, indicating the merits of learning in latent space for tactile images. Project page:
Abstract:In order to mitigate the sample complexity of real-world reinforcement learning, common practice is to first train a policy in a simulator where samples are cheap, and then deploy this policy in the real world, with the hope that it generalizes effectively. Such \emph{direct sim2real} transfer is not guaranteed to succeed, however, and in cases where it fails, it is unclear how to best utilize the simulator. In this work, we show that in many regimes, while direct sim2real transfer may fail, we can utilize the simulator to learn a set of \emph{exploratory} policies which enable efficient exploration in the real world. In particular, in the setting of low-rank MDPs, we show that coupling these exploratory policies with simple, practical approaches -- least-squares regression oracles and naive randomized exploration -- yields a polynomial sample complexity in the real world, an exponential improvement over direct sim2real transfer, or learning without access to a simulator. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence that simulation transfer yields a provable gain in reinforcement learning in settings where direct sim2real transfer fails. We validate our theoretical results on several realistic robotic simulators and a real-world robotic sim2real task, demonstrating that transferring exploratory policies can yield substantial gains in practice as well.
Abstract:We focus on agile, continuous, and terrain-adaptive jumping of quadrupedal robots in discontinuous terrains such as stairs and stepping stones. Unlike single-step jumping, continuous jumping requires accurately executing highly dynamic motions over long horizons, which is challenging for existing approaches. To accomplish this task, we design a hierarchical learning and control framework, which consists of a learned heightmap predictor for robust terrain perception, a reinforcement-learning-based centroidal-level motion policy for versatile and terrain-adaptive planning, and a low-level model-based leg controller for accurate motion tracking. In addition, we minimize the sim-to-real gap by accurately modeling the hardware characteristics. Our framework enables a Unitree Go1 robot to perform agile and continuous jumps on human-sized stairs and sparse stepping stones, for the first time to the best of our knowledge. In particular, the robot can cross two stair steps in each jump and completes a 3.5m long, 2.8m high, 14-step staircase in 4.5 seconds. Moreover, the same policy outperforms baselines in various other parkour tasks, such as jumping over single horizontal or vertical discontinuities. Experiment videos can be found at \url{\_cod/}.
Abstract:Current developments in autonomous off-road driving are steadily increasing performance through higher speeds and more challenging, unstructured environments. However, this operating regime subjects the vehicle to larger inertial effects, where consideration of higher-order states is necessary to avoid failures such as rollovers or excessive impact forces. Aggressive driving through Model Predictive Control (MPC) in these conditions requires dynamics models that accurately predict safety-critical information. This work aims to empirically quantify this aggressive operating regime and its effects on the performance of current models. We evaluate three dynamics models of varying complexity on two distinct off-road driving datasets: one simulated and the other real-world. By conditioning trajectory data on higher-order states, we show that model accuracy degrades with aggressiveness and simpler models degrade faster. These models are also validated across datasets, where accuracies over safety-critical states are reported and provide benchmarks for future work.
Abstract:Quadrupedal robots have emerged as versatile agents capable of locomoting and manipulating in complex environments. Traditional designs typically rely on the robot's inherent body parts or incorporate top-mounted arms for manipulation tasks. However, these configurations may limit the robot's operational dexterity, efficiency and adaptability, particularly in cluttered or constrained spaces. In this work, we present LocoMan, a dexterous quadrupedal robot with a novel morphology to perform versatile manipulation in diverse constrained environments. By equipping a Unitree Go1 robot with two low-cost and lightweight modular 3-DoF loco-manipulators on its front calves, LocoMan leverages the combined mobility and functionality of the legs and grippers for complex manipulation tasks that require precise 6D positioning of the end effector in a wide workspace. To harness the loco-manipulation capabilities of LocoMan, we introduce a unified control framework that extends the whole-body controller (WBC) to integrate the dynamics of loco-manipulators. Through experiments, we validate that the proposed whole-body controller can accurately and stably follow desired 6D trajectories of the end effector and torso, which, when combined with the large workspace from our design, facilitates a diverse set of challenging dexterous loco-manipulation tasks in confined spaces, such as opening doors, plugging into sockets, picking objects in narrow and low-lying spaces, and bimanual manipulation.
Abstract:We focus on the problem of long-range dynamic replanning for off-road autonomous vehicles, where a robot plans paths through a previously unobserved environment while continuously receiving noisy local observations. An effective approach for planning under sensing uncertainty is determinization, where one converts a stochastic world into a deterministic one and plans under this simplification. This makes the planning problem tractable, but the cost of following the planned path in the real world may be different than in the determinized world. This causes collisions if the determinized world optimistically ignores obstacles, or causes unnecessarily long routes if the determinized world pessimistically imagines more obstacles. We aim to be robust to uncertainty over potential worlds while still achieving the efficiency benefits of determinization. We evaluate algorithms for dynamic replanning on a large real-world dataset of challenging long-range planning problems from the DARPA RACER program. Our method, Dynamic Replanning via Evaluating and Aggregating Multiple Samples (DREAMS), outperforms other determinization-based approaches in terms of combined traversal time and collision cost.
Abstract:Reliable estimation of terrain traversability is critical for the successful deployment of autonomous systems in wild, outdoor environments. Given the lack of large-scale annotated datasets for off-road navigation, strictly-supervised learning approaches remain limited in their generalization ability. To this end, we introduce a novel, image-based self-supervised learning method for traversability prediction, leveraging a state-of-the-art vision foundation model for improved out-of-distribution performance. Our method employs contrastive representation learning using both human driving data and instance-based segmentation masks during training. We show that this simple, yet effective, technique drastically outperforms recent methods in predicting traversability for both on- and off-trail driving scenarios. We compare our method with recent baselines on both a common benchmark as well as our own datasets, covering a diverse range of outdoor environments and varied terrain types. We also demonstrate the compatibility of resulting costmap predictions with a model-predictive controller. Finally, we evaluate our approach on zero- and few-shot tasks, demonstrating unprecedented performance for generalization to new environments. Videos and additional material can be found here: \url{}.
Abstract:Terrain traversability in off-road autonomy has traditionally relied on semantic classification or resource-intensive dynamics models to capture vehicle-terrain interactions. However, our experiences in the development of a high-speed off-road platform have revealed several critical challenges that are not adequately addressed by current methods at our operating speeds of 7--10 m/s. This study focuses particularly on uneven terrain geometries such as hills, banks, and ditches. These common high-risk geometries are capable of disabling the vehicle and causing severe passenger injuries if poorly traversed. We introduce a physics-based framework for identifying traversability constraints on terrain dynamics. Using this framework, we then derive two fundamental constraints, with a primary focus on mitigating rollover and ditch-crossing failures. In addition, we present the design of our planning and control system, which uses Model Predictive Control (MPC) and a low-level controller to enable the fast and efficient computation of these constraints to meet the demands of our aggressive driving. Through real-world experimentation and traversal of hills and ditches, our approach is tested and benchmarked against a human expert. These results demonstrate that our approach captures fundamental elements of safe and aggressive control on these terrain features.