Abstract:Simulation is critical for safety evaluation in autonomous driving, particularly in capturing complex interactive behaviors. However, generating realistic and controllable traffic scenarios in long-tail situations remains a significant challenge. Existing generative models suffer from the conflicting objective between user-defined controllability and realism constraints, which is amplified in safety-critical contexts. In this work, we introduce the Causal Compositional Diffusion Model (CCDiff), a structure-guided diffusion framework to address these challenges. We first formulate the learning of controllable and realistic closed-loop simulation as a constrained optimization problem. Then, CCDiff maximizes controllability while adhering to realism by automatically identifying and injecting causal structures directly into the diffusion process, providing structured guidance to enhance both realism and controllability. Through rigorous evaluations on benchmark datasets and in a closed-loop simulator, CCDiff demonstrates substantial gains over state-of-the-art approaches in generating realistic and user-preferred trajectories. Our results show CCDiff's effectiveness in extracting and leveraging causal structures, showing improved closed-loop performance based on key metrics such as collision rate, off-road rate, FDE, and comfort.
Abstract:Human drivers rely on commonsense reasoning to navigate diverse and dynamic real-world scenarios. Existing end-to-end (E2E) autonomous driving (AD) models are typically optimized to mimic driving patterns observed in data, without capturing the underlying reasoning processes. This limitation constrains their ability to handle challenging driving scenarios. To close this gap, we propose VLM-AD, a method that leverages vision-language models (VLMs) as teachers to enhance training by providing additional supervision that incorporates unstructured reasoning information and structured action labels. Such supervision enhances the model's ability to learn richer feature representations that capture the rationale behind driving patterns. Importantly, our method does not require a VLM during inference, making it practical for real-time deployment. When integrated with state-of-the-art methods, VLM-AD achieves significant improvements in planning accuracy and reduced collision rates on the nuScenes dataset.
Abstract:We present DriveGPT, a scalable behavior model for autonomous driving. We model driving as a sequential decision making task, and learn a transformer model to predict future agent states as tokens in an autoregressive fashion. We scale up our model parameters and training data by multiple orders of magnitude, enabling us to explore the scaling properties in terms of dataset size, model parameters, and compute. We evaluate DriveGPT across different scales in a planning task, through both quantitative metrics and qualitative examples including closed-loop driving in complex real-world scenarios. In a separate prediction task, DriveGPT outperforms a state-of-the-art baseline and exhibits improved performance by pretraining on a large-scale dataset, further validating the benefits of data scaling.
Abstract:We focus on the problem of long-range dynamic replanning for off-road autonomous vehicles, where a robot plans paths through a previously unobserved environment while continuously receiving noisy local observations. An effective approach for planning under sensing uncertainty is determinization, where one converts a stochastic world into a deterministic one and plans under this simplification. This makes the planning problem tractable, but the cost of following the planned path in the real world may be different than in the determinized world. This causes collisions if the determinized world optimistically ignores obstacles, or causes unnecessarily long routes if the determinized world pessimistically imagines more obstacles. We aim to be robust to uncertainty over potential worlds while still achieving the efficiency benefits of determinization. We evaluate algorithms for dynamic replanning on a large real-world dataset of challenging long-range planning problems from the DARPA RACER program. Our method, Dynamic Replanning via Evaluating and Aggregating Multiple Samples (DREAMS), outperforms other determinization-based approaches in terms of combined traversal time and collision cost. https://sites.google.com/cs.washington.edu/dreams/
Abstract:We demonstrate a robot-assisted feeding system that enables people with mobility impairments to feed themselves. Our system design embodies Safety, Portability, and User Control, with comprehensive full-stack safety checks, the ability to be mounted on and powered by any powered wheelchair, and a custom web-app allowing care-recipients to leverage their own assistive devices for robot control. For bite acquisition, we leverage multi-modal online learning to tractably adapt to unseen food types. For bite transfer, we leverage real-time mouth perception and interaction-aware control. Co-designed with community researchers, our system has been validated through multiple end-user studies.
Abstract:We present a new technique to enhance the robustness of imitation learning methods by generating corrective data to account for compounding errors and disturbances. While existing methods rely on interactive expert labeling, additional offline datasets, or domain-specific invariances, our approach requires minimal additional assumptions beyond access to expert data. The key insight is to leverage local continuity in the environment dynamics to generate corrective labels. Our method first constructs a dynamics model from the expert demonstration, encouraging local Lipschitz continuity in the learned model. In locally continuous regions, this model allows us to generate corrective labels within the neighborhood of the demonstrations but beyond the actual set of states and actions in the dataset. Training on this augmented data enhances the agent's ability to recover from perturbations and deal with compounding errors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our generated labels through experiments in a variety of robotics domains in simulation that have distinct forms of continuity and discontinuity, including classic control problems, drone flying, navigation with high-dimensional sensor observations, legged locomotion, and tabletop manipulation.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs), through their contextualized representations, have been empirically proven to encapsulate syntactic, semantic, word sense, and common-sense knowledge. However, there has been limited exploration of their physical reasoning abilities, specifically concerning the crucial attributes for comprehending everyday objects. To address this gap, we introduce NEWTON, a repository and benchmark for evaluating the physics reasoning skills of LLMs. Further, to enable domain-specific adaptation of this benchmark, we present a pipeline to enable researchers to generate a variant of this benchmark that has been customized to the objects and attributes relevant for their application. The NEWTON repository comprises a collection of 2800 object-attribute pairs, providing the foundation for generating infinite-scale assessment templates. The NEWTON benchmark consists of 160K QA questions, curated using the NEWTON repository to investigate the physical reasoning capabilities of several mainstream language models across foundational, explicit, and implicit reasoning tasks. Through extensive empirical analysis, our results highlight the capabilities of LLMs for physical reasoning. We find that LLMs like GPT-4 demonstrate strong reasoning capabilities in scenario-based tasks but exhibit less consistency in object-attribute reasoning compared to humans (50% vs. 84%). Furthermore, the NEWTON platform demonstrates its potential for evaluating and enhancing language models, paving the way for their integration into physically grounded settings, such as robotic manipulation. Project site: https://newtonreasoning.github.io
Abstract:Grasping small objects surrounded by unstable or non-rigid material plays a crucial role in applications such as surgery, harvesting, construction, disaster recovery, and assisted feeding. This task is especially difficult when fine manipulation is required in the presence of sensor noise and perception errors; this inevitably triggers dynamic motion, which is challenging to model precisely. Circumventing the difficulty to build accurate models for contacts and dynamics, data-driven methods like reinforcement learning (RL) can optimize task performance via trial and error. Applying these methods to real robots, however, has been hindered by factors such as prohibitively high sample complexity or the high training infrastructure cost for providing resets on hardware. This work presents CherryBot, an RL system that uses chopsticks for fine manipulation that surpasses human reactiveness for some dynamic grasping tasks. By carefully designing the training paradigm and algorithm, we study how to make a real-world robot learning system sample efficient and general while reducing the human effort required for supervision. Our system shows continual improvement through 30 minutes of real-world interaction: through reactive retry, it achieves an almost 100% success rate on the demanding task of using chopsticks to grasp small objects swinging in the air. We demonstrate the reactiveness, robustness and generalizability of CherryBot to varying object shapes and dynamics (e.g., external disturbances like wind and human perturbations). Videos are available at https://goodcherrybot.github.io/.
Abstract:We present a lazy incremental search algorithm, Lifelong-GLS (L-GLS), along with its bounded suboptimal version, Bounded L-GLS (B-LGLS) that combine the search efficiency of incremental search algorithms with the evaluation efficiency of lazy search algorithms for fast replanning in problem domains where edge-evaluations are more expensive than vertex-expansions. The proposed algorithms generalize Lifelong Planning A* (LPA*) and its bounded suboptimal version, Truncated LPA* (TLPA*), within the Generalized Lazy Search (GLS) framework, so as to restrict expensive edge evaluations only to the current shortest subpath when the cost-to-come inconsistencies are propagated during repair. We also present dynamic versions of the L-GLS and B-LGLS algorithms, called Generalized D* (GD*) and Bounded Generalized D* (B-GD*), respectively, for efficient replanning with non-stationary queries, designed specifically for navigation of mobile robots. We prove that the proposed algorithms are complete and correct in finding a solution that is guaranteed not to exceed the optimal solution cost by a user-chosen factor. Our numerical and experimental results support the claim that the proposed integration of the incremental and lazy search frameworks can help find solutions faster compared to the regular incremental or regular lazy search algorithms when the underlying graph representation changes often.
Abstract:Offline reinforcement learning (ORL) holds great promise for robot learning due to its ability to learn from arbitrary pre-generated experience. However, current ORL benchmarks are almost entirely in simulation and utilize contrived datasets like replay buffers of online RL agents or sub-optimal trajectories, and thus hold limited relevance for real-world robotics. In this work (Real-ORL), we posit that data collected from safe operations of closely related tasks are more practical data sources for real-world robot learning. Under these settings, we perform an extensive (6500+ trajectories collected over 800+ robot hours and 270+ human labor hour) empirical study evaluating generalization and transfer capabilities of representative ORL methods on four real-world tabletop manipulation tasks. Our study finds that ORL and imitation learning prefer different action spaces, and that ORL algorithms can generalize from leveraging offline heterogeneous data sources and outperform imitation learning. We release our dataset and implementations at URL: https://sites.google.com/view/real-orl