University of Washington
Abstract:Physical AI needs to be trained digitally first. It needs a digital twin of itself, the policy model, and a digital twin of the world, the world model. In this paper, we present the Cosmos World Foundation Model Platform to help developers build customized world models for their Physical AI setups. We position a world foundation model as a general-purpose world model that can be fine-tuned into customized world models for downstream applications. Our platform covers a video curation pipeline, pre-trained world foundation models, examples of post-training of pre-trained world foundation models, and video tokenizers. To help Physical AI builders solve the most critical problems of our society, we make our platform open-source and our models open-weight with permissive licenses available via
Abstract:Despite the recent advancements of vision-language-action (VLA) models on a variety of robotics tasks, they suffer from critical issues such as poor generalizability to unseen tasks, due to their reliance on behavior cloning exclusively from successful rollouts. Furthermore, they are typically fine-tuned to replicate demonstrations collected by experts under different settings, thus introducing distribution bias and limiting their adaptability to diverse manipulation objectives, such as efficiency, safety, and task completion. To bridge this gap, we introduce GRAPE: Generalizing Robot Policy via Preference Alignment. Specifically, GRAPE aligns VLAs on a trajectory level and implicitly models reward from both successful and failure trials to boost generalizability to diverse tasks. Moreover, GRAPE breaks down complex manipulation tasks to independent stages and automatically guides preference modeling through customized spatiotemporal constraints with keypoints proposed by a large vision-language model. Notably, these constraints are flexible and can be customized to align the model with varying objectives, such as safety, efficiency, or task success. We evaluate GRAPE across a diverse array of tasks in both real-world and simulated environments. Experimental results demonstrate that GRAPE enhances the performance of state-of-the-art VLA models, increasing success rates on in-domain and unseen manipulation tasks by 51.79% and 60.36%, respectively. Additionally, GRAPE can be aligned with various objectives, such as safety and efficiency, reducing collision rates by 44.31% and rollout step-length by 11.15%, respectively. All code, models, and data are available at
Abstract:Generative policies trained with human demonstrations can autonomously accomplish multimodal, long-horizon tasks. However, during inference, humans are often removed from the policy execution loop, limiting the ability to guide a pre-trained policy towards a specific sub-goal or trajectory shape among multiple predictions. Naive human intervention may inadvertently exacerbate distribution shift, leading to constraint violations or execution failures. To better align policy output with human intent without inducing out-of-distribution errors, we propose an Inference-Time Policy Steering (ITPS) framework that leverages human interactions to bias the generative sampling process, rather than fine-tuning the policy on interaction data. We evaluate ITPS across three simulated and real-world benchmarks, testing three forms of human interaction and associated alignment distance metrics. Among six sampling strategies, our proposed stochastic sampling with diffusion policy achieves the best trade-off between alignment and distribution shift. Videos are available at
Abstract:Existing navigation systems mostly consider "success" when the robot reaches within 1m radius to a goal. This precision is insufficient for emerging applications where the robot needs to be positioned precisely relative to an object for downstream tasks, such as docking, inspection, and manipulation. To this end, we design and implement Aim-My-Robot (AMR), a local navigation system that enables a robot to reach any object in its vicinity at the desired relative pose, with centimeter-level precision. AMR achieves high precision and robustness by leveraging multi-modal perception, precise action prediction, and is trained on large-scale photorealistic data generated in simulation. AMR shows strong sim2real transfer and can adapt to different robot kinematics and unseen objects with little to no fine-tuning.
Abstract:Foundation models trained on internet-scale data, such as Vision-Language Models (VLMs), excel at performing tasks involving common sense, such as visual question answering. Despite their impressive capabilities, these models cannot currently be directly applied to challenging robot manipulation problems that require complex and precise continuous reasoning. Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) systems can control high-dimensional continuous systems over long horizons through combining traditional primitive robot operations. However, these systems require detailed model of how the robot can impact its environment, preventing them from directly interpreting and addressing novel human objectives, for example, an arbitrary natural language goal. We propose deploying VLMs within TAMP systems by having them generate discrete and continuous language-parameterized constraints that enable TAMP to reason about open-world concepts. Specifically, we propose algorithms for VLM partial planning that constrain a TAMP system's discrete temporal search and VLM continuous constraints interpretation to augment the traditional manipulation constraints that TAMP systems seek to satisfy. We demonstrate our approach on two robot embodiments, including a real world robot, across several manipulation tasks, where the desired objectives are conveyed solely through language.
Abstract:Imitation learning from human demonstrations is an effective paradigm for robot manipulation, but acquiring large datasets is costly and resource-intensive, especially for long-horizon tasks. To address this issue, we propose SkillMimicGen (SkillGen), an automated system for generating demonstration datasets from a few human demos. SkillGen segments human demos into manipulation skills, adapts these skills to new contexts, and stitches them together through free-space transit and transfer motion. We also propose a Hybrid Skill Policy (HSP) framework for learning skill initiation, control, and termination components from SkillGen datasets, enabling skills to be sequenced using motion planning at test-time. We demonstrate that SkillGen greatly improves data generation and policy learning performance over a state-of-the-art data generation framework, resulting in the capability to produce data for large scene variations, including clutter, and agents that are on average 24% more successful. We demonstrate the efficacy of SkillGen by generating over 24K demonstrations across 18 task variants in simulation from just 60 human demonstrations, and training proficient, often near-perfect, HSP agents. Finally, we apply SkillGen to 3 real-world manipulation tasks and also demonstrate zero-shot sim-to-real transfer on a long-horizon assembly task. Videos, and more at
Abstract:Robot learning has proven to be a general and effective technique for programming manipulators. Imitation learning is able to teach robots solely from human demonstrations but is bottlenecked by the capabilities of the demonstrations. Reinforcement learning uses exploration to discover better behaviors; however, the space of possible improvements can be too large to start from scratch. And for both techniques, the learning difficulty increases proportional to the length of the manipulation task. Accounting for this, we propose SPIRE, a system that first uses Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) to decompose tasks into smaller learning subproblems and second combines imitation and reinforcement learning to maximize their strengths. We develop novel strategies to train learning agents when deployed in the context of a planning system. We evaluate SPIRE on a suite of long-horizon and contact-rich robot manipulation problems. We find that SPIRE outperforms prior approaches that integrate imitation learning, reinforcement learning, and planning by 35% to 50% in average task performance, is 6 times more data efficient in the number of human demonstrations needed to train proficient agents, and learns to complete tasks nearly twice as efficiently. View for more details.
Abstract:Running optimization across many parallel seeds leveraging GPU compute have relaxed the need for a good initialization, but this can fail if the problem is highly non-convex as all seeds could get stuck in local minima. One such setting is collision-free motion optimization for robot manipulation, where optimization converges quickly on easy problems but struggle in obstacle dense environments (e.g., a cluttered cabinet or table). In these situations, graph-based planning algorithms are used to obtain seeds, resulting in significant slowdowns. We propose DiffusionSeeder, a diffusion based approach that generates trajectories to seed motion optimization for rapid robot motion planning. DiffusionSeeder takes the initial depth image observation of the scene and generates high quality, multi-modal trajectories that are then fine-tuned with a few iterations of motion optimization. We integrate DiffusionSeeder to generate the seed trajectories for cuRobo, a GPU-accelerated motion optimization method, which results in 12x speed up on average, and 36x speed up for more complicated problems, while achieving 10% higher success rate in partially observed simulation environments. Our results show the effectiveness of using diverse solutions from a learned diffusion model. Physical experiments on a Franka robot demonstrate the sim2real transfer of DiffusionSeeder to the real robot, with an average success rate of 86% and planning time of 26ms, improving on cuRobo by 51% higher success rate while also being 2.5x faster.
Abstract:We introduce Latent Action Pretraining for general Action models (LAPA), an unsupervised method for pretraining Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models without ground-truth robot action labels. Existing Vision-Language-Action models require action labels typically collected by human teleoperators during pretraining, which significantly limits possible data sources and scale. In this work, we propose a method to learn from internet-scale videos that do not have robot action labels. We first train an action quantization model leveraging VQ-VAE-based objective to learn discrete latent actions between image frames, then pretrain a latent VLA model to predict these latent actions from observations and task descriptions, and finally finetune the VLA on small-scale robot manipulation data to map from latent to robot actions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing techniques that train robot manipulation policies from large-scale videos. Furthermore, it outperforms the state-of-the-art VLA model trained with robotic action labels on real-world manipulation tasks that require language conditioning, generalization to unseen objects, and semantic generalization to unseen instructions. Training only on human manipulation videos also shows positive transfer, opening up the potential for leveraging web-scale data for robotics foundation model.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLM) can generate plausible high-level plans when prompted with a goal, the context, an image of the scene, and any planning constraints. However, there is no guarantee that the predicted actions are geometrically and kinematically feasible for a particular robot embodiment. As a result, many prerequisite steps such as opening drawers to access objects are often omitted in their plans. Robot task and motion planners can generate motion trajectories that respect the geometric feasibility of actions and insert physically necessary actions, but do not scale to everyday problems that require common-sense knowledge and involve large state spaces comprised of many variables. We propose VLM-TAMP, a hierarchical planning algorithm that leverages a VLM to generate goth semantically-meaningful and horizon-reducing intermediate subgoals that guide a task and motion planner. When a subgoal or action cannot be refined, the VLM is queried again for replanning. We evaluate VLM- TAMP on kitchen tasks where a robot must accomplish cooking goals that require performing 30-50 actions in sequence and interacting with up to 21 objects. VLM-TAMP substantially outperforms baselines that rigidly and independently execute VLM-generated action sequences, both in terms of success rates (50 to 100% versus 0%) and average task completion percentage (72 to 100% versus 15 to 45%). See project site for more information.