Abstract:Generative policies trained with human demonstrations can autonomously accomplish multimodal, long-horizon tasks. However, during inference, humans are often removed from the policy execution loop, limiting the ability to guide a pre-trained policy towards a specific sub-goal or trajectory shape among multiple predictions. Naive human intervention may inadvertently exacerbate distribution shift, leading to constraint violations or execution failures. To better align policy output with human intent without inducing out-of-distribution errors, we propose an Inference-Time Policy Steering (ITPS) framework that leverages human interactions to bias the generative sampling process, rather than fine-tuning the policy on interaction data. We evaluate ITPS across three simulated and real-world benchmarks, testing three forms of human interaction and associated alignment distance metrics. Among six sampling strategies, our proposed stochastic sampling with diffusion policy achieves the best trade-off between alignment and distribution shift. Videos are available at https://yanweiw.github.io/itps/.
Abstract:Vision-based object detectors are a crucial basis for robotics applications as they provide valuable information about object localisation in the environment. These need to ensure high reliability in different lighting conditions, occlusions, and visual artifacts, all while running in real-time. Collecting and annotating real-world data for these networks is prohibitively time consuming and costly, especially for custom assets, such as industrial objects, making it untenable for generalization to in-the-wild scenarios. To this end, we present Synthetica, a method for large-scale synthetic data generation for training robust state estimators. This paper focuses on the task of object detection, an important problem which can serve as the front-end for most state estimation problems, such as pose estimation. Leveraging data from a photorealistic ray-tracing renderer, we scale up data generation, generating 2.7 million images, to train highly accurate real-time detection transformers. We present a collection of rendering randomization and training-time data augmentation techniques conducive to robust sim-to-real performance for vision tasks. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on the task of object detection while having detectors that run at 50-100Hz which is 9 times faster than the prior SOTA. We further demonstrate the usefulness of our training methodology for robotics applications by showcasing a pipeline for use in the real world with custom objects for which there do not exist prior datasets. Our work highlights the importance of scaling synthetic data generation for robust sim-to-real transfer while achieving the fastest real-time inference speeds. Videos and supplementary information can be found at this URL: https://sites.google.com/view/synthetica-vision.
Abstract:We introduce Latent Action Pretraining for general Action models (LAPA), an unsupervised method for pretraining Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models without ground-truth robot action labels. Existing Vision-Language-Action models require action labels typically collected by human teleoperators during pretraining, which significantly limits possible data sources and scale. In this work, we propose a method to learn from internet-scale videos that do not have robot action labels. We first train an action quantization model leveraging VQ-VAE-based objective to learn discrete latent actions between image frames, then pretrain a latent VLA model to predict these latent actions from observations and task descriptions, and finally finetune the VLA on small-scale robot manipulation data to map from latent to robot actions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing techniques that train robot manipulation policies from large-scale videos. Furthermore, it outperforms the state-of-the-art VLA model trained with robotic action labels on real-world manipulation tasks that require language conditioning, generalization to unseen objects, and semantic generalization to unseen instructions. Training only on human manipulation videos also shows positive transfer, opening up the potential for leveraging web-scale data for robotics foundation model.
Abstract:In this work, we study how to build a robotic system that can solve multiple 3D manipulation tasks given language instructions. To be useful in industrial and household domains, such a system should be capable of learning new tasks with few demonstrations and solving them precisely. Prior works, like PerAct and RVT, have studied this problem, however, they often struggle with tasks requiring high precision. We study how to make them more effective, precise, and fast. Using a combination of architectural and system-level improvements, we propose RVT-2, a multitask 3D manipulation model that is 6X faster in training and 2X faster in inference than its predecessor RVT. RVT-2 achieves a new state-of-the-art on RLBench, improving the success rate from 65% to 82%. RVT-2 is also effective in the real world, where it can learn tasks requiring high precision, like picking up and inserting plugs, with just 10 demonstrations. Visual results, code, and trained model are provided at: https://robotic-view-transformer-2.github.io/.
Abstract:We introduce a data capture system and a new dataset named HO-Cap that can be used to study 3D reconstruction and pose tracking of hands and objects in videos. The capture system uses multiple RGB-D cameras and a HoloLens headset for data collection, avoiding the use of expensive 3D scanners or mocap systems. We propose a semi-automatic method to obtain annotations of shape and pose of hands and objects in the collected videos, which significantly reduces the required annotation time compared to manual labeling. With this system, we captured a video dataset of humans using objects to perform different tasks, as well as simple pick-and-place and handover of an object from one hand to the other, which can be used as human demonstrations for embodied AI and robot manipulation research. Our data capture setup and annotation framework can be used by the community to reconstruct 3D shapes of objects and human hands and track their poses in videos.
Abstract:We study the problem of hanging a wide range of grasped objects on diverse supporting items. Hanging objects is a ubiquitous task that is encountered in numerous aspects of our everyday lives. However, both the objects and supporting items can exhibit substantial variations in their shapes and structures, bringing two challenging issues: (1) determining the task-relevant geometric structures across different objects and supporting items, and (2) identifying a robust action sequence to accommodate the shape variations of supporting items. To this end, we propose Semantic Keypoint Trajectory (SKT), an object-agnostic representation that is highly versatile and applicable to various everyday objects. We also propose Shape-conditioned Trajectory Deformation Network (SCTDN), a model that learns to generate SKT by deforming a template trajectory based on the task-relevant geometric structure features of the supporting items. We conduct extensive experiments and demonstrate substantial improvements in our framework over existing robot hanging methods in the success rate and inference time. Finally, our simulation-trained framework shows promising hanging results in the real world. For videos and supplementary materials, please visit our project webpage: https://hcis-lab.github.io/SKT-Hang/.
Abstract:Vision-based human-to-robot handover is an important and challenging task in human-robot interaction. Recent work has attempted to train robot policies by interacting with dynamic virtual humans in simulated environments, where the policies can later be transferred to the real world. However, a major bottleneck is the reliance on human motion capture data, which is expensive to acquire and difficult to scale to arbitrary objects and human grasping motions. In this paper, we introduce a framework that can generate plausible human grasping motions suitable for training the robot. To achieve this, we propose a hand-object synthesis method that is designed to generate handover-friendly motions similar to humans. This allows us to generate synthetic training and testing data with 100x more objects than previous work. In our experiments, we show that our method trained purely with synthetic data is competitive with state-of-the-art methods that rely on real human motion data both in simulation and on a real system. In addition, we can perform evaluations on a larger scale compared to prior work. With our newly introduced test set, we show that our model can better scale to a large variety of unseen objects and human motions compared to the baselines. Project page: https://eth-ait.github.io/synthetic-handovers/
Abstract:Vision-based teleoperation offers the possibility to endow robots with human-level intelligence to physically interact with the environment, while only requiring low-cost camera sensors. However, current vision-based teleoperation systems are designed and engineered towards a particular robot model and deploy environment, which scales poorly as the pool of the robot models expands and the variety of the operating environment increases. In this paper, we propose AnyTeleop, a unified and general teleoperation system to support multiple different arms, hands, realities, and camera configurations within a single system. Although being designed to provide great flexibility to the choice of simulators and real hardware, our system can still achieve great performance. For real-world experiments, AnyTeleop can outperform a previous system that was designed for a specific robot hardware with a higher success rate, using the same robot. For teleoperation in simulation, AnyTeleop leads to better imitation learning performance, compared with a previous system that is particularly designed for that simulator. Project page: http://anyteleop.com/.
Abstract:We propose a novel framework for few-shot learning by leveraging large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP. Motivated by the unimodal prototypical networks for few-shot learning, we introduce PROTO-CLIP that utilizes image prototypes and text prototypes for few-shot learning. Specifically, PROTO-CLIP adapts the image encoder and text encoder in CLIP in a joint fashion using few-shot examples. The two encoders are used to compute prototypes of image classes for classification. During adaptation, we propose aligning the image and text prototypes of corresponding classes. Such a proposed alignment is beneficial for few-shot classification due to the contributions from both types of prototypes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by conducting experiments on benchmark datasets for few-shot learning as well as in the real world for robot perception.
Abstract:For 3D object manipulation, methods that build an explicit 3D representation perform better than those relying only on camera images. But using explicit 3D representations like voxels comes at large computing cost, adversely affecting scalability. In this work, we propose RVT, a multi-view transformer for 3D manipulation that is both scalable and accurate. Some key features of RVT are an attention mechanism to aggregate information across views and re-rendering of the camera input from virtual views around the robot workspace. In simulations, we find that a single RVT model works well across 18 RLBench tasks with 249 task variations, achieving 26% higher relative success than the existing state-of-the-art method (PerAct). It also trains 36X faster than PerAct for achieving the same performance and achieves 2.3X the inference speed of PerAct. Further, RVT can perform a variety of manipulation tasks in the real world with just a few ($\sim$10) demonstrations per task. Visual results, code, and trained model are provided at https://robotic-view-transformer.github.io/.