Abstract:In this paper, we present WonderHuman to reconstruct dynamic human avatars from a monocular video for high-fidelity novel view synthesis. Previous dynamic human avatar reconstruction methods typically require the input video to have full coverage of the observed human body. However, in daily practice, one typically has access to limited viewpoints, such as monocular front-view videos, making it a cumbersome task for previous methods to reconstruct the unseen parts of the human avatar. To tackle the issue, we present WonderHuman, which leverages 2D generative diffusion model priors to achieve high-quality, photorealistic reconstructions of dynamic human avatars from monocular videos, including accurate rendering of unseen body parts. Our approach introduces a Dual-Space Optimization technique, applying Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) in both canonical and observation spaces to ensure visual consistency and enhance realism in dynamic human reconstruction. Additionally, we present a View Selection strategy and Pose Feature Injection to enforce the consistency between SDS predictions and observed data, ensuring pose-dependent effects and higher fidelity in the reconstructed avatar. In the experiments, our method achieves SOTA performance in producing photorealistic renderings from the given monocular video, particularly for those challenging unseen parts. The project page and source code can be found at https://wyiguanw.github.io/WonderHuman/.
Abstract:We introduce RMAvatar, a novel human avatar representation with Gaussian splatting embedded on mesh to learn clothed avatar from a monocular video. We utilize the explicit mesh geometry to represent motion and shape of a virtual human and implicit appearance rendering with Gaussian Splatting. Our method consists of two main modules: Gaussian initialization module and Gaussian rectification module. We embed Gaussians into triangular faces and control their motion through the mesh, which ensures low-frequency motion and surface deformation of the avatar. Due to the limitations of LBS formula, the human skeleton is hard to control complex non-rigid transformations. We then design a pose-related Gaussian rectification module to learn fine-detailed non-rigid deformations, further improving the realism and expressiveness of the avatar. We conduct extensive experiments on public datasets, RMAvatar shows state-of-the-art performance on both rendering quality and quantitative evaluations. Please see our project page at https://rm-avatar.github.io.
Abstract:Reconstructing 3D models of dynamic, real-world objects with high-fidelity textures from monocular frame sequences has been a challenging problem in recent years. This difficulty stems from factors such as shadows, indirect illumination, and inaccurate object-pose estimations due to occluding hand-object interactions. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach that predicts the hand's impact on environmental visibility and indirect illumination on the object's surface albedo. Our method first learns the geometry and low-fidelity texture of the object, hand, and background through composite rendering of radiance fields. Simultaneously, we optimize the hand and object poses to achieve accurate object-pose estimations. We then refine physics-based rendering parameters - including roughness, specularity, albedo, hand visibility, skin color reflections, and environmental illumination - to produce precise albedo, and accurate hand illumination and shadow regions. Our approach surpasses state-of-the-art methods in texture reconstruction and, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to account for hand-object interactions in object texture reconstruction.
Abstract:Recent advances in co-speech gesture and talking head generation have been impressive, yet most methods focus on only one of the two tasks. Those that attempt to generate both often rely on separate models or network modules, increasing training complexity and ignoring the inherent relationship between face and body movements. To address the challenges, in this paper, we propose a novel model architecture that jointly generates face and body motions within a single network. This approach leverages shared weights between modalities, facilitated by adapters that enable adaptation to a common latent space. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework not only maintains state-of-the-art co-speech gesture and talking head generation performance but also significantly reduces the number of parameters required.
Abstract:This paper introduces a new learning-based method, NASM, for anisotropic surface meshing. Our key idea is to propose a graph neural network to embed an input mesh into a high-dimensional (high-d) Euclidean embedding space to preserve curvature-based anisotropic metric by using a dot product loss between high-d edge vectors. This can dramatically reduce the computational time and increase the scalability. Then, we propose a novel feature-sensitive remeshing on the generated high-d embedding to automatically capture sharp geometric features. We define a high-d normal metric, and then derive an automatic differentiation on a high-d centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) optimization with the normal metric to simultaneously preserve geometric features and curvature anisotropy that exhibit in the original 3D shapes. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a deep learning framework and a large dataset are proposed to construct a high-d Euclidean embedding space for 3D anisotropic surface meshing. Experimental results are evaluated and compared with the state-of-the-art in anisotropic surface meshing on a large number of surface models from Thingi10K dataset as well as tested on extensive unseen 3D shapes from Multi-Garment Network dataset and FAUST human dataset.
Abstract:Audio-driven talking video generation has advanced significantly, but existing methods often depend on video-to-video translation techniques and traditional generative networks like GANs and they typically generate taking heads and co-speech gestures separately, leading to less coherent outputs. Furthermore, the gestures produced by these methods often appear overly smooth or subdued, lacking in diversity, and many gesture-centric approaches do not integrate talking head generation. To address these limitations, we introduce DiffTED, a new approach for one-shot audio-driven TED-style talking video generation from a single image. Specifically, we leverage a diffusion model to generate sequences of keypoints for a Thin-Plate Spline motion model, precisely controlling the avatar's animation while ensuring temporally coherent and diverse gestures. This innovative approach utilizes classifier-free guidance, empowering the gestures to flow naturally with the audio input without relying on pre-trained classifiers. Experiments demonstrate that DiffTED generates temporally coherent talking videos with diverse co-speech gestures.
Abstract:Dynamic reconstruction of deformable tissues in endoscopic video is a key technology for robot-assisted surgery. Recent reconstruction methods based on neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have achieved remarkable results in the reconstruction of surgical scenes. However, based on implicit representation, NeRFs struggle to capture the intricate details of objects in the scene and cannot achieve real-time rendering. In addition, restricted single view perception and occluded instruments also propose special challenges in surgical scene reconstruction. To address these issues, we develop SurgicalGaussian, a deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting method to model dynamic surgical scenes. Our approach models the spatio-temporal features of soft tissues at each time stamp via a forward-mapping deformation MLP and regularization to constrain local 3D Gaussians to comply with consistent movement. With the depth initialization strategy and tool mask-guided training, our method can remove surgical instruments and reconstruct high-fidelity surgical scenes. Through experiments on various surgical videos, our network outperforms existing method on many aspects, including rendering quality, rendering speed and GPU usage. The project page can be found at https://surgicalgaussian.github.io.
Abstract:We introduce a data capture system and a new dataset named HO-Cap that can be used to study 3D reconstruction and pose tracking of hands and objects in videos. The capture system uses multiple RGB-D cameras and a HoloLens headset for data collection, avoiding the use of expensive 3D scanners or mocap systems. We propose a semi-automatic method to obtain annotations of shape and pose of hands and objects in the collected videos, which significantly reduces the required annotation time compared to manual labeling. With this system, we captured a video dataset of humans using objects to perform different tasks, as well as simple pick-and-place and handover of an object from one hand to the other, which can be used as human demonstrations for embodied AI and robot manipulation research. Our data capture setup and annotation framework can be used by the community to reconstruct 3D shapes of objects and human hands and track their poses in videos.
Abstract:In mesh simplification, common requirements like accuracy, triangle quality, and feature alignment are often considered as a trade-off. Existing algorithms concentrate on just one or a few specific aspects of these requirements. For example, the well-known Quadric Error Metrics (QEM) approach prioritizes accuracy and can preserve strong feature lines/points as well but falls short in ensuring high triangle quality and may degrade weak features that are not as distinctive as strong ones. In this paper, we propose a smooth functional that simultaneously considers all of these requirements. The functional comprises a normal anisotropy term and a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) energy term, with the variables being a set of movable points lying on the surface. The former inherits the spirit of QEM but operates in a continuous setting, while the latter encourages even point distribution, allowing various surface metrics. We further introduce a decaying weight to automatically balance the two terms. We selected 100 CAD models from the ABC dataset, along with 21 organic models, to compare the existing mesh simplification algorithms with ours. Experimental results reveal an important observation: the introduction of a decaying weight effectively reduces the conflict between the two terms and enables the alignment of weak features. This distinctive feature sets our approach apart from most existing mesh simplification methods and demonstrates significant potential in shape understanding.
Abstract:This paper addresses the issue of active speaker detection (ASD) in noisy environments and formulates a robust active speaker detection (rASD) problem. Existing ASD approaches leverage both audio and visual modalities, but non-speech sounds in the surrounding environment can negatively impact performance. To overcome this, we propose a novel framework that utilizes audio-visual speech separation as guidance to learn noise-free audio features. These features are then utilized in an ASD model, and both tasks are jointly optimized in an end-to-end framework. Our proposed framework mitigates residual noise and audio quality reduction issues that can occur in a naive cascaded two-stage framework that directly uses separated speech for ASD, and enables the two tasks to be optimized simultaneously. To further enhance the robustness of the audio features and handle inherent speech noises, we propose a dynamic weighted loss approach to train the speech separator. We also collected a real-world noise audio dataset to facilitate investigations. Experiments demonstrate that non-speech audio noises significantly impact ASD models, and our proposed approach improves ASD performance in noisy environments. The framework is general and can be applied to different ASD approaches to improve their robustness. Our code, models, and data will be released.