Abstract:Complex instruction-following with elaborate constraints is imperative for Large Language Models (LLMs). While existing methods have constructed data for complex instruction alignment, they all rely on a more advanced model, especially GPT-4, limiting their application. In this paper, we propose a Multi-granularity Self-Contrastive Training (MuSC) framework, to improve the complex instruction alignment without relying on a stronger model. Our method is conducted on both coarse and fine granularity. On coarse-granularity, we construct constraint-aware preference data based on instruction decomposition and recombination. On fine-granularity, we perform token-aware preference optimization with dynamic token-level supervision. Our method is evaluated on open-sourced models, and experiment results show our method achieves significant improvement on both complex and general instruction-following benchmarks, surpassing previous self-alignment methods.
Abstract:Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ranks as the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide, with early detection being crucial for improving patient survival rates. However, early screening for HCC using ultrasound suffers from insufficient sensitivity and is highly dependent on the expertise of radiologists for interpretation. Leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) in medical imaging, this study proposes an innovative Hierarchical Sparse Query Transformer (HSQformer) model that combines the strengths of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) to enhance the accuracy of HCC diagnosis in ultrasound screening. The HSQformer leverages sparse latent space representations to capture hierarchical details at various granularities without the need for complex adjustments, and adopts a modular, plug-and-play design philosophy, ensuring the model's versatility and ease of use. The HSQformer's performance was rigorously tested across three distinct clinical scenarios: single-center, multi-center, and high-risk patient testing. In each of these settings, it consistently outperformed existing state-of-the-art models, such as ConvNext and SwinTransformer. Notably, the HSQformer even matched the diagnostic capabilities of senior radiologists and comprehensively surpassed those of junior radiologists. The experimental results from this study strongly demonstrate the effectiveness and clinical potential of AI-assisted tools in HCC screening. The full code is available at https://github.com/Asunatan/HSQformer.
Abstract:View transformation robustness (VTR) is critical for deep-learning-based multi-view 3D object reconstruction models, which indicates the methods' stability under inputs with various view transformations. However, existing research seldom focused on view transformation robustness in multi-view 3D object reconstruction. One direct way to improve the models' VTR is to produce data with more view transformations and add them to model training. Recent progress on large vision models, particularly Stable Diffusion models, has provided great potential for generating 3D models or synthesizing novel view images with only a single image input. Directly deploying these models at inference consumes heavy computation resources and their robustness to view transformations is not guaranteed either. To fully utilize the power of Stable Diffusion models without extra inference computation burdens, we propose to generate novel views with Stable Diffusion models for better view transformation robustness. Instead of synthesizing random views, we propose a reconstruction error-guided view selection method, which considers the reconstruction errors' spatial distribution of the 3D predictions and chooses the views that could cover the reconstruction errors as much as possible. The methods are trained and tested on sets with large view transformations to validate the 3D reconstruction models' robustness to view transformations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can outperform state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction methods and other view transformation robustness comparison methods.
Abstract:We introduce camera ray matching (CRAYM) into the joint optimization of camera poses and neural fields from multi-view images. The optimized field, referred to as a feature volume, can be "probed" by the camera rays for novel view synthesis (NVS) and 3D geometry reconstruction. One key reason for matching camera rays, instead of pixels as in prior works, is that the camera rays can be parameterized by the feature volume to carry both geometric and photometric information. Multi-view consistencies involving the camera rays and scene rendering can be naturally integrated into the joint optimization and network training, to impose physically meaningful constraints to improve the final quality of both the geometric reconstruction and photorealistic rendering. We formulate our per-ray optimization and matched ray coherence by focusing on camera rays passing through keypoints in the input images to elevate both the efficiency and accuracy of scene correspondences. Accumulated ray features along the feature volume provide a means to discount the coherence constraint amid erroneous ray matching. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CRAYM for both NVS and geometry reconstruction, over dense- or sparse-view settings, with qualitative and quantitative comparisons to state-of-the-art alternatives.
Abstract:New LLM evaluation benchmarks are important to align with the rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs). In this work, we present Chinese SimpleQA, the first comprehensive Chinese benchmark to evaluate the factuality ability of language models to answer short questions, and Chinese SimpleQA mainly has five properties (i.e., Chinese, Diverse, High-quality, Static, Easy-to-evaluate). Specifically, first, we focus on the Chinese language over 6 major topics with 99 diverse subtopics. Second, we conduct a comprehensive quality control process to achieve high-quality questions and answers, where the reference answers are static and cannot be changed over time. Third, following SimpleQA, the questions and answers are very short, and the grading process is easy-to-evaluate based on OpenAI API. Based on Chinese SimpleQA, we perform a comprehensive evaluation on the factuality abilities of existing LLMs. Finally, we hope that Chinese SimpleQA could guide the developers to better understand the Chinese factuality abilities of their models and facilitate the growth of foundation models.
Abstract:Long-tail learning has garnered widespread attention and achieved significant progress in recent times. However, even with pre-trained prior knowledge, models still exhibit weaker generalization performance on tail classes. The promising Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) can effectively improve the generalization capability of models by seeking out flat minima in the loss landscape, which, however, comes at the cost of doubling the computational time. Since the update rule of SAM necessitates two consecutive (non-parallelizable) forward and backpropagation at each step. To address this issue, we propose a novel method called Random SAM prompt tuning (RSAM-PT) to improve the model generalization, requiring only one-step gradient computation at each step. Specifically, we search for the gradient descent direction within a random neighborhood of the parameters during each gradient update. To amplify the impact of tail-class samples and avoid overfitting, we employ the deferred re-weight scheme to increase the significance of tail-class samples. The classification accuracy of long-tailed data can be significantly improved by the proposed RSAM-PT, particularly for tail classes. RSAM-PT achieves the state-of-the-art performance of 90.3\%, 76.5\%, and 50.1\% on benchmark datasets CIFAR100-LT (IF 100), iNaturalist 2018, and Places-LT, respectively. The source code is temporarily available at https://github.com/Keke921/GNM-PT.
Abstract:Recent advancements in Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) have significantly enhanced the alignment of Large Language Models (LLMs) with human preferences, owing to its simplicity and effectiveness. However, existing methods typically optimize a scalar score or ranking reward, thereby overlooking the multi-dimensional nature of human preferences. In this work, we propose to extend the preference of DPO to two dimensions: segments and aspects. We first introduce a 2D supervision dataset called HelpSteer-2D. For the segment dimension, we divide the response into sentences and assign scores to each segment. For the aspect dimension, we meticulously design several criteria covering the response quality rubrics. With the 2-dimensional signals as feedback, we develop a 2D-DPO framework, decomposing the overall objective into multi-segment and multi-aspect objectives. Extensive experiments on popular benchmarks demonstrate that 2D-DPO performs better than methods that optimize for scalar or 1-dimensional preferences.
Abstract:Recently, there has been a trend of evaluating the Large Language Model (LLM) quality in the flavor of LLM-as-a-Judge, namely leveraging another LLM to evaluate the current output quality. However, existing judges are proven to be biased, namely they would favor answers which present better superficial quality (such as verbosity, fluency) while ignoring the instruction following ability. In this work, we propose systematic research about the bias of LLM-as-a-Judge. Specifically, for closed-source judge models, we apply calibration to mitigate the significance of superficial quality, both on probability level and prompt level. For open-source judge models, we propose to mitigate the bias by contrastive training, with curated negative samples that deviate from instruction but present better superficial quality. We apply our methods on the bias evaluation benchmark, and experiment results show our methods mitigate the bias by a large margin while maintaining a satisfactory evaluation accuracy.
Abstract:Legal facts refer to the facts that can be proven by acknowledged evidence in a trial. They form the basis for the determination of court judgments. This paper introduces a novel NLP task: legal fact prediction, which aims to predict the legal fact based on a list of evidence. The predicted facts can instruct the parties and their lawyers involved in a trial to strengthen their submissions and optimize their strategies during the trial. Moreover, since real legal facts are difficult to obtain before the final judgment, the predicted facts also serve as an important basis for legal judgment prediction. We construct a benchmark dataset consisting of evidence lists and ground-truth legal facts for real civil loan cases, LFPLoan. Our experiments on this dataset show that this task is non-trivial and requires further considerable research efforts.
Abstract:Diffusion models have achieved notable success in image generation, but they remain highly vulnerable to backdoor attacks, which compromise their integrity by producing specific undesirable outputs when presented with a pre-defined trigger. In this paper, we investigate how to protect diffusion models from this dangerous threat. Specifically, we propose TERD, a backdoor defense framework that builds unified modeling for current attacks, which enables us to derive an accessible reversed loss. A trigger reversion strategy is further employed: an initial approximation of the trigger through noise sampled from a prior distribution, followed by refinement through differential multi-step samplers. Additionally, with the reversed trigger, we propose backdoor detection from the noise space, introducing the first backdoor input detection approach for diffusion models and a novel model detection algorithm that calculates the KL divergence between reversed and benign distributions. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that TERD secures a 100% True Positive Rate (TPR) and True Negative Rate (TNR) across datasets of varying resolutions. TERD also demonstrates nice adaptability to other Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE)-based models. Our code is available at https://github.com/PKU-ML/TERD.