Abstract:Renewable energy power is influenced by the atmospheric system, which exhibits nonlinear and time-varying features. To address this, a dynamic temporal correlation modeling framework is proposed for renewable energy scenario generation. A novel decoupled mapping path is employed for joint probability distribution modeling, formulating regression tasks for both marginal distributions and the correlation structure using proper scoring rules to ensure the rationality of the modeling process. The scenario generation process is divided into two stages. Firstly, the dynamic correlation network models temporal correlations based on a dynamic covariance matrix, capturing the time-varying features of renewable energy while enhancing the interpretability of the black-box model. Secondly, the implicit quantile network models the marginal quantile function in a nonparametric, continuous manner, enabling scenario generation through marginal inverse sampling. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed dynamic correlation quantile network outperforms state-of-the-art methods in quantifying uncertainty and capturing dynamic correlation for short-term renewable energy scenario generation.
Abstract:Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) finds diverse applications in medicine. Ensuring high image quality in CBCT scans is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment delivery. Yet, the susceptibility of CBCT images to noise and artifacts undermines both their usefulness and reliability. Existing methods typically address CBCT artifacts through image-to-image translation approaches. These methods, however, are limited by the artifact types present in the training data, which may not cover the complete spectrum of CBCT degradations stemming from variations in imaging protocols. Gathering additional data to encompass all possible scenarios can often pose a challenge. To address this, we present SinoSynth, a physics-based degradation model that simulates various CBCT-specific artifacts to generate a diverse set of synthetic CBCT images from high-quality CT images without requiring pre-aligned data. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that several different generative networks trained on our synthesized data achieve remarkable results on heterogeneous multi-institutional datasets, outperforming even the same networks trained on actual data. We further show that our degradation model conveniently provides an avenue to enforce anatomical constraints in conditional generative models, yielding high-quality and structure-preserving synthetic CT images.
Abstract:We present a new approach for generating 3D house wireframes with semantic enrichment using an autoregressive model. Unlike conventional generative models that independently process vertices, edges, and faces, our approach employs a unified wire-based representation for improved coherence in learning 3D wireframe structures. By re-ordering wire sequences based on semantic meanings, we facilitate seamless semantic integration during sequence generation. Our two-phase technique merges a graph-based autoencoder with a transformer-based decoder to learn latent geometric tokens and generate semantic-aware wireframes. Through iterative prediction and decoding during inference, our model produces detailed wireframes that can be easily segmented into distinct components, such as walls, roofs, and rooms, reflecting the semantic essence of the shape. Empirical results on a comprehensive house dataset validate the superior accuracy, novelty, and semantic fidelity of our model compared to existing generative models. More results and details can be found on https://vcc.tech/research/2024/3DWire.
Abstract:We introduce a novel method for acquiring boundary representations (B-Reps) of 3D CAD models which involves a two-step process: it first applies a spatial partitioning, referred to as the ``split``, followed by a ``fit`` operation to derive a single primitive within each partition. Specifically, our partitioning aims to produce the classical Voronoi diagram of the set of ground-truth (GT) B-Rep primitives. In contrast to prior B-Rep constructions which were bottom-up, either via direct primitive fitting or point clustering, our Split-and-Fit approach is top-down and structure-aware, since a Voronoi partition explicitly reveals both the number of and the connections between the primitives. We design a neural network to predict the Voronoi diagram from an input point cloud or distance field via a binary classification. We show that our network, coined NVD-Net for neural Voronoi diagrams, can effectively learn Voronoi partitions for CAD models from training data and exhibits superior generalization capabilities. Extensive experiments and evaluation demonstrate that the resulting B-Reps, consisting of parametric surfaces, curves, and vertices, are more plausible than those obtained by existing alternatives, with significant improvements in reconstruction quality. Code will be released on https://github.com/yilinliu77/NVDNet.
Abstract:Our project proposes an end-to-end 3D face alignment and reconstruction network. The backbone of our model is built by Bottle-Neck structure via Depth-wise Separable Convolution. We integrate Coordinate Attention mechanism and Spatial Group-wise Enhancement to extract more representative features. For more stable training process and better convergence, we jointly use Wing loss and the Weighted Parameter Distance Cost to learn parameters for 3D Morphable model and 3D vertices. Our proposed model outperforms all baseline models both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Abstract:Recently, circle representation has been introduced for medical imaging, designed specifically to enhance the detection of instance objects that are spherically shaped (e.g., cells, glomeruli, and nuclei). Given its outstanding effectiveness in instance detection, it is compelling to consider the application of circle representation for segmenting instance medical objects. In this study, we introduce CircleSnake, a simple end-to-end segmentation approach that utilizes circle contour deformation for segmenting ball-shaped medical objects at the instance level. The innovation of CircleSnake lies in these three areas: (1) It substitutes the complex bounding box-to-octagon contour transformation with a more consistent and rotation-invariant bounding circle-to-circle contour adaptation. This adaptation specifically targets ball-shaped medical objects. (2) The circle representation employed in CircleSnake significantly reduces the degrees of freedom to two, compared to eight in the octagon representation. This reduction enhances both the robustness of the segmentation performance and the rotational consistency of the method. (3) CircleSnake is the first end-to-end deep instance segmentation pipeline to incorporate circle representation, encompassing consistent circle detection, circle contour proposal, and circular convolution in a unified framework. This integration is achieved through the novel application of circular graph convolution within the context of circle detection and instance segmentation. In practical applications, such as the detection of glomeruli, nuclei, and eosinophils in pathological images, CircleSnake has demonstrated superior performance and greater rotation invariance when compared to benchmarks. The code has been made publicly available: https://github.com/hrlblab/CircleSnake.
Abstract:Untrained neural networks pioneered by Deep Image Prior (DIP) have recently enabled MRI reconstruction without requiring fully-sampled measurements for training. Their success is widely attributed to the implicit regularization induced by suitable network architectures. However, the lack of understanding of such architectural priors results in superfluous design choices and sub-optimal outcomes. This work aims to simplify the architectural design decisions for DIP-MRI to facilitate its practical deployment. We observe that certain architectural components are more prone to causing overfitting regardless of the number of parameters, incurring severe reconstruction artifacts by hindering accurate extrapolation on the un-acquired measurements. We interpret this phenomenon from a frequency perspective and find that the architectural characteristics favoring low frequencies, i.e., deep and narrow with unlearnt upsampling, can lead to enhanced generalization and hence better reconstruction. Building on this insight, we propose two architecture-agnostic remedies: one to constrain the frequency range of the white-noise input and the other to penalize the Lipschitz constants of the network. We demonstrate that even with just one extra line of code on the input, the performance gap between the ill-designed models and the high-performing ones can be closed. These results signify that for the first time, architectural biases on untrained MRI reconstruction can be mitigated without architectural modifications.
Abstract:Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic and relapsing disease characterized by esophageal inflammation. Symptoms of EoE include difficulty swallowing, food impaction, and chest pain which significantly impact the quality of life, resulting in nutritional impairments, social limitations, and psychological distress. The diagnosis of EoE is typically performed with a threshold (15 to 20) of eosinophils (Eos) per high-power field (HPF). Since the current counting process of Eos is a resource-intensive process for human pathologists, automatic methods are desired. Circle representation has been shown as a more precise, yet less complicated, representation for automatic instance cell segmentation such as CircleSnake approach. However, the CircleSnake was designed as a single-label model, which is not able to deal with multi-label scenarios. In this paper, we propose the multi-label CircleSnake model for instance segmentation on Eos. It extends the original CircleSnake model from a single-label design to a multi-label model, allowing segmentation of multiple object types. Experimental results illustrate the CircleSnake model's superiority over the traditional Mask R-CNN model and DeepSnake model in terms of average precision (AP) in identifying and segmenting eosinophils, thereby enabling enhanced characterization of EoE. This automated approach holds promise for streamlining the assessment process and improving diagnostic accuracy in EoE analysis. The source code has been made publicly available at https://github.com/yilinliu610730/EoE.
Abstract:Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic, immune/antigen-mediated esophageal disease, characterized by symptoms related to esophageal dysfunction and histological evidence of eosinophil-dominant inflammation. Owing to the intricate microscopic representation of EoE in imaging, current methodologies which depend on manual identification are not only labor-intensive but also prone to inaccuracies. In this study, we develop an open-source toolkit, named Open-EoE, to perform end-to-end whole slide image (WSI) level eosinophil (Eos) detection using one line of command via Docker. Specifically, the toolkit supports three state-of-the-art deep learning-based object detection models. Furthermore, Open-EoE further optimizes the performance by implementing an ensemble learning strategy, and enhancing the precision and reliability of our results. The experimental results demonstrated that the Open-EoE toolkit can efficiently detect Eos on a testing set with 289 WSIs. At the widely accepted threshold of >= 15 Eos per high power field (HPF) for diagnosing EoE, the Open-EoE achieved an accuracy of 91%, showing decent consistency with pathologist evaluations. This suggests a promising avenue for integrating machine learning methodologies into the diagnostic process for EoE. The docker and source code has been made publicly available at https://github.com/hrlblab/Open-EoE.
Abstract:Podocytes, specialized epithelial cells that envelop the glomerular capillaries, play a pivotal role in maintaining renal health. The current description and quantification of features on pathology slides are limited, prompting the need for innovative solutions to comprehensively assess diverse phenotypic attributes within Whole Slide Images (WSIs). In particular, understanding the morphological characteristics of podocytes, terminally differentiated glomerular epithelial cells, is crucial for studying glomerular injury. This paper introduces the Spatial Pathomics Toolkit (SPT) and applies it to podocyte pathomics. The SPT consists of three main components: (1) instance object segmentation, enabling precise identification of podocyte nuclei; (2) pathomics feature generation, extracting a comprehensive array of quantitative features from the identified nuclei; and (3) robust statistical analyses, facilitating a comprehensive exploration of spatial relationships between morphological and spatial transcriptomics features.The SPT successfully extracted and analyzed morphological and textural features from podocyte nuclei, revealing a multitude of podocyte morphomic features through statistical analysis. Additionally, we demonstrated the SPT's ability to unravel spatial information inherent to podocyte distribution, shedding light on spatial patterns associated with glomerular injury. By disseminating the SPT, our goal is to provide the research community with a powerful and user-friendly resource that advances cellular spatial pathomics in renal pathology. The implementation and its complete source code of the toolkit are made openly accessible at https://github.com/hrlblab/spatial_pathomics.