Abstract:The spatio-temporal relationship between the pixels of a video carries critical information for low-level 4D perception. A single model that reasons about it should be able to solve several such tasks well. Yet, most state-of-the-art methods rely on architectures specialized for the task at hand. We present L4P (pronounced "LAP"), a feedforward, general-purpose architecture that solves low-level 4D perception tasks in a unified framework. L4P combines a ViT-based backbone with per-task heads that are lightweight and therefore do not require extensive training. Despite its general and feedforward formulation, our method matches or surpasses the performance of existing specialized methods on both dense tasks, such as depth or optical flow estimation, and sparse tasks, such as 2D/3D tracking. Moreover, it solves all those tasks at once in a time comparable to that of individual single-task methods.
Abstract:We introduce SPOT, an object-centric imitation learning framework. The key idea is to capture each task by an object-centric representation, specifically the SE(3) object pose trajectory relative to the target. This approach decouples embodiment actions from sensory inputs, facilitating learning from various demonstration types, including both action-based and action-less human hand demonstrations, as well as cross-embodiment generalization. Additionally, object pose trajectories inherently capture planning constraints from demonstrations without the need for manually crafted rules. To guide the robot in executing the task, the object trajectory is used to condition a diffusion policy. We show improvement compared to prior work on RLBench simulated tasks. In real-world evaluation, using only eight demonstrations shot on an iPhone, our approach completed all tasks while fully complying with task constraints. Project page: https://nvlabs.github.io/object_centric_diffusion
Abstract:Imitation learning from human demonstrations is an effective paradigm for robot manipulation, but acquiring large datasets is costly and resource-intensive, especially for long-horizon tasks. To address this issue, we propose SkillMimicGen (SkillGen), an automated system for generating demonstration datasets from a few human demos. SkillGen segments human demos into manipulation skills, adapts these skills to new contexts, and stitches them together through free-space transit and transfer motion. We also propose a Hybrid Skill Policy (HSP) framework for learning skill initiation, control, and termination components from SkillGen datasets, enabling skills to be sequenced using motion planning at test-time. We demonstrate that SkillGen greatly improves data generation and policy learning performance over a state-of-the-art data generation framework, resulting in the capability to produce data for large scene variations, including clutter, and agents that are on average 24% more successful. We demonstrate the efficacy of SkillGen by generating over 24K demonstrations across 18 task variants in simulation from just 60 human demonstrations, and training proficient, often near-perfect, HSP agents. Finally, we apply SkillGen to 3 real-world manipulation tasks and also demonstrate zero-shot sim-to-real transfer on a long-horizon assembly task. Videos, and more at https://skillgen.github.io.
Abstract:We present FORGE, a method that enables sim-to-real transfer of contact-rich manipulation policies in the presence of significant pose uncertainty. FORGE combines a force threshold mechanism with a dynamics randomization scheme during policy learning in simulation, to enable the robust transfer of the learned policies to the real robot. At deployment, FORGE policies, conditioned on a maximum allowable force, adaptively perform contact-rich tasks while respecting the specified force threshold, regardless of the controller gains. Additionally, FORGE autonomously predicts a termination action once the task has succeeded. We demonstrate that FORGE can be used to learn a variety of robust contact-rich policies, enabling multi-stage assembly of a planetary gear system, which requires success across three assembly tasks: nut-threading, insertion, and gear meshing. Project website can be accessed at https://noseworm.github.io/forge/.
Abstract:Robotic assembly for high-mixture settings requires adaptivity to diverse parts and poses, which is an open challenge. Meanwhile, in other areas of robotics, large models and sim-to-real have led to tremendous progress. Inspired by such work, we present AutoMate, a learning framework and system that consists of 4 parts: 1) a dataset of 100 assemblies compatible with simulation and the real world, along with parallelized simulation environments for policy learning, 2) a novel simulation-based approach for learning specialist (i.e., part-specific) policies and generalist (i.e., unified) assembly policies, 3) demonstrations of specialist policies that individually solve 80 assemblies with 80% or higher success rates in simulation, as well as a generalist policy that jointly solves 20 assemblies with an 80%+ success rate, and 4) zero-shot sim-to-real transfer that achieves similar (or better) performance than simulation, including on perception-initialized assembly. The key methodological takeaway is that a union of diverse algorithms from manufacturing engineering, character animation, and time-series analysis provides a generic and robust solution for a diverse range of robotic assembly problems.To our knowledge, AutoMate provides the first simulation-based framework for learning specialist and generalist policies over a wide range of assemblies, as well as the first system demonstrating zero-shot sim-to-real transfer over such a range.
Abstract:We present a method for automatically modifying a NeRF representation based on a single observation of a non-rigid transformed version of the original scene. Our method defines the transformation as a 3D flow, specifically as a weighted linear blending of rigid transformations of 3D anchor points that are defined on the surface of the scene. In order to identify anchor points, we introduce a novel correspondence algorithm that first matches RGB-based pairs, then leverages multi-view information and 3D reprojection to robustly filter false positives in two steps. We also introduce a new dataset for exploring the problem of modifying a NeRF scene through a single observation. Our dataset ( https://github.com/nerfdeformer/nerfdeformer ) contains 113 synthetic scenes leveraging 47 3D assets. We show that our proposed method outperforms NeRF editing methods as well as diffusion-based methods, and we also explore different methods for filtering correspondences.
Abstract:We introduce a data capture system and a new dataset named HO-Cap that can be used to study 3D reconstruction and pose tracking of hands and objects in videos. The capture system uses multiple RGB-D cameras and a HoloLens headset for data collection, avoiding the use of expensive 3D scanners or mocap systems. We propose a semi-automatic method to obtain annotations of shape and pose of hands and objects in the collected videos, which significantly reduces the required annotation time compared to manual labeling. With this system, we captured a video dataset of humans using objects to perform different tasks, as well as simple pick-and-place and handover of an object from one hand to the other, which can be used as human demonstrations for embodied AI and robot manipulation research. Our data capture setup and annotation framework can be used by the community to reconstruct 3D shapes of objects and human hands and track their poses in videos.
Abstract:We address the problem of building digital twins of unknown articulated objects from two RGBD scans of the object at different articulation states. We decompose the problem into two stages, each addressing distinct aspects. Our method first reconstructs object-level shape at each state, then recovers the underlying articulation model including part segmentation and joint articulations that associate the two states. By explicitly modeling point-level correspondences and exploiting cues from images, 3D reconstructions, and kinematics, our method yields more accurate and stable results compared to prior work. It also handles more than one movable part and does not rely on any object shape or structure priors. Project page: https://github.com/NVlabs/DigitalTwinArt
Abstract:We present FoundationPose, a unified foundation model for 6D object pose estimation and tracking, supporting both model-based and model-free setups. Our approach can be instantly applied at test-time to a novel object without fine-tuning, as long as its CAD model is given, or a small number of reference images are captured. We bridge the gap between these two setups with a neural implicit representation that allows for effective novel view synthesis, keeping the downstream pose estimation modules invariant under the same unified framework. Strong generalizability is achieved via large-scale synthetic training, aided by a large language model (LLM), a novel transformer-based architecture, and contrastive learning formulation. Extensive evaluation on multiple public datasets involving challenging scenarios and objects indicate our unified approach outperforms existing methods specialized for each task by a large margin. In addition, it even achieves comparable results to instance-level methods despite the reduced assumptions. Project page: https://nvlabs.github.io/FoundationPose/
Abstract:Imitation learning from a large set of human demonstrations has proved to be an effective paradigm for building capable robot agents. However, the demonstrations can be extremely costly and time-consuming to collect. We introduce MimicGen, a system for automatically synthesizing large-scale, rich datasets from only a small number of human demonstrations by adapting them to new contexts. We use MimicGen to generate over 50K demonstrations across 18 tasks with diverse scene configurations, object instances, and robot arms from just ~200 human demonstrations. We show that robot agents can be effectively trained on this generated dataset by imitation learning to achieve strong performance in long-horizon and high-precision tasks, such as multi-part assembly and coffee preparation, across broad initial state distributions. We further demonstrate that the effectiveness and utility of MimicGen data compare favorably to collecting additional human demonstrations, making it a powerful and economical approach towards scaling up robot learning. Datasets, simulation environments, videos, and more at https://mimicgen.github.io .