Member, IEEE
Abstract:Recent advancements in robot learning have used imitation learning with large models and extensive demonstrations to develop effective policies. However, these models are often limited by the quantity, quality, and diversity of demonstrations. This paper explores improving offline-trained imitation learning models through online interactions with the environment. We introduce Policy Decorator, which uses a model-agnostic residual policy to refine large imitation learning models during online interactions. By implementing controlled exploration strategies, Policy Decorator enables stable, sample-efficient online learning. Our evaluation spans eight tasks across two benchmarks-ManiSkill and Adroit-and involves two state-of-the-art imitation learning models (Behavior Transformer and Diffusion Policy). The results show Policy Decorator effectively improves the offline-trained policies and preserves the smooth motion of imitation learning models, avoiding the erratic behaviors of pure RL policies. See our project page ( for videos.
Abstract:Learning policies from high-dimensional visual inputs, such as pixels and point clouds, is crucial in various applications. Visual reinforcement learning is a promising approach that directly trains policies from visual observations, although it faces challenges in sample efficiency and computational costs. This study conducts an empirical comparison of State-to-Visual DAgger, a two-stage framework that initially trains a state policy before adopting online imitation to learn a visual policy, and Visual RL across a diverse set of tasks. We evaluate both methods across 16 tasks from three benchmarks, focusing on their asymptotic performance, sample efficiency, and computational costs. Surprisingly, our findings reveal that State-to-Visual DAgger does not universally outperform Visual RL but shows significant advantages in challenging tasks, offering more consistent performance. In contrast, its benefits in sample efficiency are less pronounced, although it often reduces the overall wall-clock time required for training. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for practitioners and hope that our results contribute valuable perspectives for future research in visual policy learning.
Abstract:This article introduces the ManiSkill-ViTac Challenge 2025, which focuses on learning contact-rich manipulation skills using both tactile and visual sensing. Expanding upon the 2024 challenge, ManiSkill-ViTac 2025 includes 3 independent tracks: tactile manipulation, tactile-vision fusion manipulation, and tactile sensor structure design. The challenge aims to push the boundaries of robotic manipulation skills, emphasizing the integration of tactile and visual data to enhance performance in complex, real-world tasks. Participants will be evaluated using standardized metrics across both simulated and real-world environments, spurring innovations in sensor design and significantly advancing the field of vision-tactile fusion in robotics.
Abstract:Multi-view image diffusion models have significantly advanced open-domain 3D object generation. However, most existing models rely on 2D network architectures that lack inherent 3D biases, resulting in compromised geometric consistency. To address this challenge, we introduce 3D-Adapter, a plug-in module designed to infuse 3D geometry awareness into pretrained image diffusion models. Central to our approach is the idea of 3D feedback augmentation: for each denoising step in the sampling loop, 3D-Adapter decodes intermediate multi-view features into a coherent 3D representation, then re-encodes the rendered RGBD views to augment the pretrained base model through feature addition. We study two variants of 3D-Adapter: a fast feed-forward version based on Gaussian splatting and a versatile training-free version utilizing neural fields and meshes. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that 3D-Adapter not only greatly enhances the geometry quality of text-to-multi-view models such as Instant3D and Zero123++, but also enables high-quality 3D generation using the plain text-to-image Stable Diffusion. Furthermore, we showcase the broad application potential of 3D-Adapter by presenting high quality results in text-to-3D, image-to-3D, text-to-texture, and text-to-avatar tasks.
Abstract:Imitation learning (IL) enables agents to acquire skills directly from expert demonstrations, providing a compelling alternative to reinforcement learning. However, prior online IL approaches struggle with complex tasks characterized by high-dimensional inputs and complex dynamics. In this work, we propose a novel approach to online imitation learning that leverages reward-free world models. Our method learns environmental dynamics entirely in latent spaces without reconstruction, enabling efficient and accurate modeling. We adopt the inverse soft-Q learning objective, reformulating the optimization process in the Q-policy space to mitigate the instability associated with traditional optimization in the reward-policy space. By employing a learned latent dynamics model and planning for control, our approach consistently achieves stable, expert-level performance in tasks with high-dimensional observation or action spaces and intricate dynamics. We evaluate our method on a diverse set of benchmarks, including DMControl, MyoSuite, and ManiSkill2, demonstrating superior empirical performance compared to existing approaches.
Abstract:Simulation has enabled unprecedented compute-scalable approaches to robot learning. However, many existing simulation frameworks typically support a narrow range of scenes/tasks and lack features critical for scaling generalizable robotics and sim2real. We introduce and open source ManiSkill3, the fastest state-visual GPU parallelized robotics simulator with contact-rich physics targeting generalizable manipulation. ManiSkill3 supports GPU parallelization of many aspects including simulation+rendering, heterogeneous simulation, pointclouds/voxels visual input, and more. Simulation with rendering on ManiSkill3 can run 10-1000x faster with 2-3x less GPU memory usage than other platforms, achieving up to 30,000+ FPS in benchmarked environments due to minimal python/pytorch overhead in the system, simulation on the GPU, and the use of the SAPIEN parallel rendering system. Tasks that used to take hours to train can now take minutes. We further provide the most comprehensive range of GPU parallelized environments/tasks spanning 12 distinct domains including but not limited to mobile manipulation for tasks such as drawing, humanoids, and dextrous manipulation in realistic scenes designed by artists or real-world digital twins. In addition, millions of demonstration frames are provided from motion planning, RL, and teleoperation. ManiSkill3 also provides a comprehensive set of baselines that span popular RL and learning-from-demonstrations algorithms.
Abstract:To advance the state of the art in the creation of 3D foundation models, this paper introduces the ConDense framework for 3D pre-training utilizing existing pre-trained 2D networks and large-scale multi-view datasets. We propose a novel 2D-3D joint training scheme to extract co-embedded 2D and 3D features in an end-to-end pipeline, where 2D-3D feature consistency is enforced through a volume rendering NeRF-like ray marching process. Using dense per pixel features we are able to 1) directly distill the learned priors from 2D models to 3D models and create useful 3D backbones, 2) extract more consistent and less noisy 2D features, 3) formulate a consistent embedding space where 2D, 3D, and other modalities of data (e.g., natural language prompts) can be jointly queried. Furthermore, besides dense features, ConDense can be trained to extract sparse features (e.g., key points), also with 2D-3D consistency -- condensing 3D NeRF representations into compact sets of decorated key points. We demonstrate that our pre-trained model provides good initialization for various 3D tasks including 3D classification and segmentation, outperforming other 3D pre-training methods by a significant margin. It also enables, by exploiting our sparse features, additional useful downstream tasks, such as matching 2D images to 3D scenes, detecting duplicate 3D scenes, and querying a repository of 3D scenes through natural language -- all quite efficiently and without any per-scene fine-tuning.
Abstract:Open-world 3D reconstruction models have recently garnered significant attention. However, without sufficient 3D inductive bias, existing methods typically entail expensive training costs and struggle to extract high-quality 3D meshes. In this work, we introduce MeshFormer, a sparse-view reconstruction model that explicitly leverages 3D native structure, input guidance, and training supervision. Specifically, instead of using a triplane representation, we store features in 3D sparse voxels and combine transformers with 3D convolutions to leverage an explicit 3D structure and projective bias. In addition to sparse-view RGB input, we require the network to take input and generate corresponding normal maps. The input normal maps can be predicted by 2D diffusion models, significantly aiding in the guidance and refinement of the geometry's learning. Moreover, by combining Signed Distance Function (SDF) supervision with surface rendering, we directly learn to generate high-quality meshes without the need for complex multi-stage training processes. By incorporating these explicit 3D biases, MeshFormer can be trained efficiently and deliver high-quality textured meshes with fine-grained geometric details. It can also be integrated with 2D diffusion models to enable fast single-image-to-3D and text-to-3D tasks. Project page:
Abstract:Open-world 3D generation has recently attracted considerable attention. While many single-image-to-3D methods have yielded visually appealing outcomes, they often lack sufficient controllability and tend to produce hallucinated regions that may not align with users' expectations. In this paper, we explore an important scenario in which the input consists of one or a few unposed 2D images of a single object, with little or no overlap. We propose a novel method, SpaRP, to reconstruct a 3D textured mesh and estimate the relative camera poses for these sparse-view images. SpaRP distills knowledge from 2D diffusion models and finetunes them to implicitly deduce the 3D spatial relationships between the sparse views. The diffusion model is trained to jointly predict surrogate representations for camera poses and multi-view images of the object under known poses, integrating all information from the input sparse views. These predictions are then leveraged to accomplish 3D reconstruction and pose estimation, and the reconstructed 3D model can be used to further refine the camera poses of input views. Through extensive experiments on three datasets, we demonstrate that our method not only significantly outperforms baseline methods in terms of 3D reconstruction quality and pose prediction accuracy but also exhibits strong efficiency. It requires only about 20 seconds to produce a textured mesh and camera poses for the input views. Project page:
Abstract:To address data heterogeneity, the key strategy of Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) is to decouple general knowledge (shared among clients) and client-specific knowledge, as the latter can have a negative impact on collaboration if not removed. Existing PFL methods primarily adopt a parameter partitioning approach, where the parameters of a model are designated as one of two types: parameters shared with other clients to extract general knowledge and parameters retained locally to learn client-specific knowledge. However, as these two types of parameters are put together like a jigsaw puzzle into a single model during the training process, each parameter may simultaneously absorb both general and client-specific knowledge, thus struggling to separate the two types of knowledge effectively. In this paper, we introduce FedDecomp, a simple but effective PFL paradigm that employs parameter additive decomposition to address this issue. Instead of assigning each parameter of a model as either a shared or personalized one, FedDecomp decomposes each parameter into the sum of two parameters: a shared one and a personalized one, thus achieving a more thorough decoupling of shared and personalized knowledge compared to the parameter partitioning method. In addition, as we find that retaining local knowledge of specific clients requires much lower model capacity compared with general knowledge across all clients, we let the matrix containing personalized parameters be low rank during the training process. Moreover, a new alternating training strategy is proposed to further improve the performance. Experimental results across multiple datasets and varying degrees of data heterogeneity demonstrate that FedDecomp outperforms state-of-the-art methods up to 4.9\%.