Abstract:Imitation learning is an efficient method for teaching robots a variety of tasks. Diffusion Policy, which uses a conditional denoising diffusion process to generate actions, has demonstrated superior performance, particularly in learning from multi-modal demonstrates. However, it relies on executing multiple actions to retain performance and prevent mode bouncing, which limits its responsiveness, as actions are not conditioned on the most recent observations. To address this, we introduce Responsive Noise-Relaying Diffusion Policy (RNR-DP), which maintains a noise-relaying buffer with progressively increasing noise levels and employs a sequential denoising mechanism that generates immediate, noise-free actions at the head of the sequence, while appending noisy actions at the tail. This ensures that actions are responsive and conditioned on the latest observations, while maintaining motion consistency through the noise-relaying buffer. This design enables the handling of tasks requiring responsive control, and accelerates action generation by reusing denoising steps. Experiments on response-sensitive tasks demonstrate that, compared to Diffusion Policy, ours achieves 18% improvement in success rate. Further evaluation on regular tasks demonstrates that RNR-DP also exceeds the best acceleration method by 6.9%, highlighting its computational efficiency advantage in scenarios where responsiveness is less critical.
Abstract:Learning policies from high-dimensional visual inputs, such as pixels and point clouds, is crucial in various applications. Visual reinforcement learning is a promising approach that directly trains policies from visual observations, although it faces challenges in sample efficiency and computational costs. This study conducts an empirical comparison of State-to-Visual DAgger, a two-stage framework that initially trains a state policy before adopting online imitation to learn a visual policy, and Visual RL across a diverse set of tasks. We evaluate both methods across 16 tasks from three benchmarks, focusing on their asymptotic performance, sample efficiency, and computational costs. Surprisingly, our findings reveal that State-to-Visual DAgger does not universally outperform Visual RL but shows significant advantages in challenging tasks, offering more consistent performance. In contrast, its benefits in sample efficiency are less pronounced, although it often reduces the overall wall-clock time required for training. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for practitioners and hope that our results contribute valuable perspectives for future research in visual policy learning.
Abstract:Recent advancements in robot learning have used imitation learning with large models and extensive demonstrations to develop effective policies. However, these models are often limited by the quantity, quality, and diversity of demonstrations. This paper explores improving offline-trained imitation learning models through online interactions with the environment. We introduce Policy Decorator, which uses a model-agnostic residual policy to refine large imitation learning models during online interactions. By implementing controlled exploration strategies, Policy Decorator enables stable, sample-efficient online learning. Our evaluation spans eight tasks across two benchmarks-ManiSkill and Adroit-and involves two state-of-the-art imitation learning models (Behavior Transformer and Diffusion Policy). The results show Policy Decorator effectively improves the offline-trained policies and preserves the smooth motion of imitation learning models, avoiding the erratic behaviors of pure RL policies. See our project page (https://policydecorator.github.io) for videos.
Abstract:Simulation has enabled unprecedented compute-scalable approaches to robot learning. However, many existing simulation frameworks typically support a narrow range of scenes/tasks and lack features critical for scaling generalizable robotics and sim2real. We introduce and open source ManiSkill3, the fastest state-visual GPU parallelized robotics simulator with contact-rich physics targeting generalizable manipulation. ManiSkill3 supports GPU parallelization of many aspects including simulation+rendering, heterogeneous simulation, pointclouds/voxels visual input, and more. Simulation with rendering on ManiSkill3 can run 10-1000x faster with 2-3x less GPU memory usage than other platforms, achieving up to 30,000+ FPS in benchmarked environments due to minimal python/pytorch overhead in the system, simulation on the GPU, and the use of the SAPIEN parallel rendering system. Tasks that used to take hours to train can now take minutes. We further provide the most comprehensive range of GPU parallelized environments/tasks spanning 12 distinct domains including but not limited to mobile manipulation for tasks such as drawing, humanoids, and dextrous manipulation in realistic scenes designed by artists or real-world digital twins. In addition, millions of demonstration frames are provided from motion planning, RL, and teleoperation. ManiSkill3 also provides a comprehensive set of baselines that span popular RL and learning-from-demonstrations algorithms.
Abstract:The success of many RL techniques heavily relies on human-engineered dense rewards, which typically demand substantial domain expertise and extensive trial and error. In our work, we propose DrS (Dense reward learning from Stages), a novel approach for learning reusable dense rewards for multi-stage tasks in a data-driven manner. By leveraging the stage structures of the task, DrS learns a high-quality dense reward from sparse rewards and demonstrations if given. The learned rewards can be \textit{reused} in unseen tasks, thus reducing the human effort for reward engineering. Extensive experiments on three physical robot manipulation task families with 1000+ task variants demonstrate that our learned rewards can be reused in unseen tasks, resulting in improved performance and sample efficiency of RL algorithms. The learned rewards even achieve comparable performance to human-engineered rewards on some tasks. See our project page (https://sites.google.com/view/iclr24drs) for more details.
Abstract:Encouraged by the remarkable achievements of language and vision foundation models, developing generalist robotic agents through imitation learning, using large demonstration datasets, has become a prominent area of interest in robot learning. The efficacy of imitation learning is heavily reliant on the quantity and quality of the demonstration datasets. In this study, we aim to scale up demonstrations in a data-efficient way to facilitate the learning of generalist robotic agents. We introduce AdaDemo (Adaptive Online Demonstration Expansion), a general framework designed to improve multi-task policy learning by actively and continually expanding the demonstration dataset. AdaDemo strategically collects new demonstrations to address the identified weakness in the existing policy, ensuring data efficiency is maximized. Through a comprehensive evaluation on a total of 22 tasks across two robotic manipulation benchmarks (RLBench and Adroit), we demonstrate AdaDemo's capability to progressively improve policy performance by guiding the generation of high-quality demonstration datasets in a data-efficient manner.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved tremendous progress, yet they still often struggle with challenging reasoning problems. Current approaches address this challenge by sampling or searching detailed and low-level reasoning chains. However, these methods are still limited in their exploration capabilities, making it challenging for correct solutions to stand out in the huge solution space. In this work, we unleash LLMs' creative potential for exploring multiple diverse problem solving strategies by framing an LLM as a hierarchical policy via in-context learning. This policy comprises of a visionary leader that proposes multiple diverse high-level problem-solving tactics as hints, accompanied by a follower that executes detailed problem-solving processes following each of the high-level instruction. The follower uses each of the leader's directives as a guide and samples multiple reasoning chains to tackle the problem, generating a solution group for each leader proposal. Additionally, we propose an effective and efficient tournament-based approach to select among these explored solution groups to reach the final answer. Our approach produces meaningful and inspiring hints, enhances problem-solving strategy exploration, and improves the final answer accuracy on challenging problems in the MATH dataset. Code will be released at https://github.com/lz1oceani/LLM-As-Hierarchical-Policy.
Abstract:Nowadays, algorithms with fast convergence, small memory footprints, and low per-iteration complexity are particularly favorable for artificial intelligence applications. In this paper, we propose a doubly stochastic algorithm with a novel accelerating multi-momentum technique to solve large scale empirical risk minimization problem for learning tasks. While enjoying a provably superior convergence rate, in each iteration, such algorithm only accesses a mini batch of samples and meanwhile updates a small block of variable coordinates, which substantially reduces the amount of memory reference when both the massive sample size and ultra-high dimensionality are involved. Empirical studies on huge scale datasets are conducted to illustrate the efficiency of our method in practice.
Abstract:Although reinforcement learning has seen tremendous success recently, this kind of trial-and-error learning can be impractical or inefficient in complex environments. The use of demonstrations, on the other hand, enables agents to benefit from expert knowledge rather than having to discover the best action to take through exploration. In this survey, we discuss the advantages of using demonstrations in sequential decision making, various ways to apply demonstrations in learning-based decision making paradigms (for example, reinforcement learning and planning in the learned models), and how to collect the demonstrations in various scenarios. Additionally, we exemplify a practical pipeline for generating and utilizing demonstrations in the recently proposed ManiSkill robot learning benchmark.
Abstract:Generalizable manipulation skills, which can be composed to tackle long-horizon and complex daily chores, are one of the cornerstones of Embodied AI. However, existing benchmarks, mostly composed of a suite of simulatable environments, are insufficient to push cutting-edge research works because they lack object-level topological and geometric variations, are not based on fully dynamic simulation, or are short of native support for multiple types of manipulation tasks. To this end, we present ManiSkill2, the next generation of the SAPIEN ManiSkill benchmark, to address critical pain points often encountered by researchers when using benchmarks for generalizable manipulation skills. ManiSkill2 includes 20 manipulation task families with 2000+ object models and 4M+ demonstration frames, which cover stationary/mobile-base, single/dual-arm, and rigid/soft-body manipulation tasks with 2D/3D-input data simulated by fully dynamic engines. It defines a unified interface and evaluation protocol to support a wide range of algorithms (e.g., classic sense-plan-act, RL, IL), visual observations (point cloud, RGBD), and controllers (e.g., action type and parameterization). Moreover, it empowers fast visual input learning algorithms so that a CNN-based policy can collect samples at about 2000 FPS with 1 GPU and 16 processes on a regular workstation. It implements a render server infrastructure to allow sharing rendering resources across all environments, thereby significantly reducing memory usage. We open-source all codes of our benchmark (simulator, environments, and baselines) and host an online challenge open to interdisciplinary researchers.