Abstract:Diffusion-based visuomotor policies excel at learning complex robotic tasks by effectively combining visual data with high-dimensional, multi-modal action distributions. However, diffusion models often suffer from slow inference due to costly denoising processes or require complex sequential training arising from recent distilling approaches. This paper introduces Riemannian Flow Matching Policy (RFMP), a model that inherits the easy training and fast inference capabilities of flow matching (FM). Moreover, RFMP inherently incorporates geometric constraints commonly found in realistic robotic applications, as the robot state resides on a Riemannian manifold. To enhance the robustness of RFMP, we propose Stable RFMP (SRFMP), which leverages LaSalle's invariance principle to equip the dynamics of FM with stability to the support of a target Riemannian distribution. Rigorous evaluation on eight simulated and real-world tasks show that RFMP successfully learns and synthesizes complex sensorimotor policies on Euclidean and Riemannian spaces with efficient training and inference phases, outperforming Diffusion Policies while remaining competitive with Consistency Policies.
Abstract:Grasping objects successfully from a single-view camera is crucial in many robot manipulation tasks. An approach to solve this problem is to leverage simulation to create large datasets of pairs of objects and grasp poses, and then learn a conditional generative model that can be prompted quickly during deployment. However, the grasp pose data is highly multimodal since there are several ways to grasp an object. Hence, in this work, we learn a grasp generative model with diffusion models to sample candidate grasp poses given a partial point cloud of an object. A novel aspect of our method is to consider diffusion in the manifold space of rotations and to propose a collision-avoidance cost guidance to improve the grasp success rate during inference. To accelerate grasp sampling we use recent techniques from the diffusion literature to achieve faster inference times. We show in simulation and real-world experiments that our approach can grasp several objects from raw depth images with $90\%$ success rate and benchmark it against several baselines.
Abstract:Object pose estimation from a single view remains a challenging problem. In particular, partial observability, occlusions, and object symmetries eventually result in pose ambiguity. To account for this multimodality, this work proposes training a diffusion-based generative model for 6D object pose estimation. During inference, the trained generative model allows for sampling multiple particles, i.e., pose hypotheses. To distill this information into a single pose estimate, we propose two novel and effective pose selection strategies that do not require any additional training or computationally intensive operations. Moreover, while many existing methods for pose estimation primarily focus on the image domain and only incorporate depth information for final pose refinement, our model solely operates on point cloud data. The model thereby leverages recent advancements in point cloud processing and operates upon an SE(3)-equivariant latent space that forms the basis for the particle selection strategies and allows for improved inference times. Our thorough experimental results demonstrate the competitive performance of our approach on the Linemod dataset and showcase the effectiveness of our design choices. Code is available at https://github.com/zitronian/6DPoseDiffusion .
Abstract:Batch planning is increasingly crucial for the scalability of robotics tasks and dataset generation diversity. This paper presents Global Tensor Motion Planning (GTMP) -- a sampling-based motion planning algorithm comprising only tensor operations. We introduce a novel discretization structure represented as a random multipartite graph, enabling efficient vectorized sampling, collision checking, and search. We provide an early theoretical investigation showing that GTMP exhibits probabilistic completeness while supporting modern GPU/TPU. Additionally, by incorporating smooth structures into the multipartite graph, GTMP directly plans smooth splines without requiring gradient-based optimization. Experiments on lidar-scanned occupancy maps and the MotionBenchMarker dataset demonstrate GTMP's computation efficiency in batch planning compared to baselines, underscoring GTMP's potential as a robust, scalable planner for diverse applications and large-scale robot learning tasks.
Abstract:Machine learning methods have a groundbreaking impact in many application domains, but their application on real robotic platforms is still limited. Despite the many challenges associated with combining machine learning technology with robotics, robot learning remains one of the most promising directions for enhancing the capabilities of robots. When deploying learning-based approaches on real robots, extra effort is required to address the challenges posed by various real-world factors. To investigate the key factors influencing real-world deployment and to encourage original solutions from different researchers, we organized the Robot Air Hockey Challenge at the NeurIPS 2023 conference. We selected the air hockey task as a benchmark, encompassing low-level robotics problems and high-level tactics. Different from other machine learning-centric benchmarks, participants need to tackle practical challenges in robotics, such as the sim-to-real gap, low-level control issues, safety problems, real-time requirements, and the limited availability of real-world data. Furthermore, we focus on a dynamic environment, removing the typical assumption of quasi-static motions of other real-world benchmarks. The competition's results show that solutions combining learning-based approaches with prior knowledge outperform those relying solely on data when real-world deployment is challenging. Our ablation study reveals which real-world factors may be overlooked when building a learning-based solution. The successful real-world air hockey deployment of best-performing agents sets the foundation for future competitions and follow-up research directions.
Abstract:Training robot policies in simulation is becoming increasingly popular; nevertheless, a precise, reliable, and easy-to-use tactile simulator for contact-rich manipulation tasks is still missing. To close this gap, we develop TacEx -- a modular tactile simulation framework. We embed a state-of-the-art soft-body simulator for contacts named GIPC and vision-based tactile simulators Taxim and FOTS into Isaac Sim to achieve robust and plausible simulation of the visuotactile sensor GelSight Mini. We implement several Isaac Lab environments for Reinforcement Learning (RL) leveraging our TacEx simulation, including object pushing, lifting, and pole balancing. We validate that the simulation is stable and that the high-dimensional observations, such as the gel deformation and the RGB images from the GelSight camera, can be used for training. The code, videos, and additional results will be released online https://sites.google.com/view/tacex.
Abstract:Humanoids have the potential to be the ideal embodiment in environments designed for humans. Thanks to the structural similarity to the human body, they benefit from rich sources of demonstration data, e.g., collected via teleoperation, motion capture, or even using videos of humans performing tasks. However, distilling a policy from demonstrations is still a challenging problem. While Diffusion Policies (DPs) have shown impressive results in robotic manipulation, their applicability to locomotion and humanoid control remains underexplored. In this paper, we investigate how dataset diversity and size affect the performance of DPs for humanoid whole-body control. In a simulated IsaacGym environment, we generate synthetic demonstrations by training Adversarial Motion Prior (AMP) agents under various Domain Randomization (DR) conditions, and we compare DPs fitted to datasets of different size and diversity. Our findings show that, although DPs can achieve stable walking behavior, successful training of locomotion policies requires significantly larger and more diverse datasets compared to manipulation tasks, even in simple scenarios.
Abstract:Robotic insertion tasks remain challenging due to uncertainties in perception and the need for precise control, particularly in unstructured environments. While humans seamlessly combine vision and touch for such tasks, effectively integrating these modalities in robotic systems is still an open problem. Our work presents an extensive analysis of the interplay between visual and tactile feedback during dexterous insertion tasks, showing that tactile sensing can greatly enhance success rates on challenging insertions with tight tolerances and varied hole orientations that vision alone cannot solve. These findings provide valuable insights for designing more effective multi-modal robotic control systems and highlight the critical role of tactile feedback in contact-rich manipulation tasks.
Abstract:The ``AI Olympics with RealAIGym'' competition challenges participants to stabilize chaotic underactuated dynamical systems with advanced control algorithms. In this paper, we present a novel solution submitted to IROS'24 competition, which builds upon Soft Actor-Critic (SAC), a popular model-free entropy-regularized Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm. We add a `context' vector to the state, which encodes the immediate history via a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to counteract the unmodeled effects on the real system. Our method achieves high performance scores and competitive robustness scores on both tracks of the competition: Pendubot and Acrobot.
Abstract:Being widespread in human motor behavior, dynamic movements demonstrate higher efficiency and greater capacity to address a broader range of skill domains compared to their quasi-static counterparts. Among the frequently studied dynamic manipulation problems, robotic juggling tasks stand out due to their inherent ability to scale their difficulty levels to arbitrary extents, making them an excellent subject for investigation. In this study, we explore juggling patterns with mixed throw heights, following the vanilla siteswap juggling notation, which jugglers widely adopted to describe toss juggling patterns. This requires extending our previous analysis of the simpler cascade juggling task by a throw-height sequence planner and further constraints on the end effector trajectory. These are not necessary for cascade patterns but are vital to achieving patterns with mixed throw heights. Using a simulated environment, we demonstrate successful juggling of most common 3-9 ball siteswap patterns up to 9 ball height, transitions between these patterns, and random sequences covering all possible vanilla siteswap patterns with throws between 2 and 9 ball height. https://kai-ploeger.com/beyond-cascades