Abstract:Batch planning is increasingly crucial for the scalability of robotics tasks and dataset generation diversity. This paper presents Global Tensor Motion Planning (GTMP) -- a sampling-based motion planning algorithm comprising only tensor operations. We introduce a novel discretization structure represented as a random multipartite graph, enabling efficient vectorized sampling, collision checking, and search. We provide an early theoretical investigation showing that GTMP exhibits probabilistic completeness while supporting modern GPU/TPU. Additionally, by incorporating smooth structures into the multipartite graph, GTMP directly plans smooth splines without requiring gradient-based optimization. Experiments on lidar-scanned occupancy maps and the MotionBenchMarker dataset demonstrate GTMP's computation efficiency in batch planning compared to baselines, underscoring GTMP's potential as a robust, scalable planner for diverse applications and large-scale robot learning tasks.
Abstract:This survey examines the broad suite of methods and models for combining machine learning with physics knowledge for prediction and forecast, with a focus on partial differential equations. These methods have attracted significant interest due to their potential impact on advancing scientific research and industrial practices by improving predictive models with small- or large-scale datasets and expressive predictive models with useful inductive biases. The survey has two parts. The first considers incorporating physics knowledge on an architectural level through objective functions, structured predictive models, and data augmentation. The second considers data as physics knowledge, which motivates looking at multi-task, meta, and contextual learning as an alternative approach to incorporating physics knowledge in a data-driven fashion. Finally, we also provide an industrial perspective on the application of these methods and a survey of the open-source ecosystem for physics-informed machine learning.
Abstract:Bayesian deep learning approaches assume model parameters to be latent random variables and infer posterior distributions to quantify uncertainty, increase safety and trust, and prevent overconfident and unpredictable behavior. However, weight-space priors are model-specific, can be difficult to interpret and are hard to specify. Instead, we apply a Dirichlet prior in predictive space and perform approximate function-space variational inference. To this end, we interpret conventional categorical predictions from stochastic neural network classifiers as samples from an implicit Dirichlet distribution. By adapting the inference, the same function-space prior can be combined with different models without affecting model architecture or size. We illustrate the flexibility and efficacy of such a prior with toy experiments and demonstrate scalability, improved uncertainty quantification and adversarial robustness with large-scale image classification experiments.
Abstract:Imitation learning methods seek to learn from an expert either through behavioral cloning (BC) of the policy or inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) of the reward. Such methods enable agents to learn complex tasks from humans that are difficult to capture with hand-designed reward functions. Choosing BC or IRL for imitation depends on the quality and state-action coverage of the demonstrations, as well as additional access to the Markov decision process. Hybrid strategies that combine BC and IRL are not common, as initial policy optimization against inaccurate rewards diminishes the benefit of pretraining the policy with BC. This work derives an imitation method that captures the strengths of both BC and IRL. In the entropy-regularized ('soft') reinforcement learning setting, we show that the behaviour-cloned policy can be used as both a shaped reward and a critic hypothesis space by inverting the regularized policy update. This coherency facilities fine-tuning cloned policies using the reward estimate and additional interactions with the environment. This approach conveniently achieves imitation learning through initial behaviour cloning, followed by refinement via RL with online or offline data sources. The simplicity of the approach enables graceful scaling to high-dimensional and vision-based tasks, with stable learning and minimal hyperparameter tuning, in contrast to adversarial approaches.
Abstract:Monte Carlo methods have become increasingly relevant for control of non-differentiable systems, approximate dynamics models and learning from data. These methods scale to high-dimensional spaces and are effective at the non-convex optimizations often seen in robot learning. We look at sample-based methods from the perspective of inference-based control, specifically posterior policy iteration. From this perspective, we highlight how Gaussian noise priors produce rough control actions that are unsuitable for physical robot deployment. Considering smoother Gaussian process priors, as used in episodic reinforcement learning and motion planning, we demonstrate how smoother model predictive control can be achieved using online sequential inference. This inference is realized through an efficient factorization of the action distribution and a novel means of optimizing the likelihood temperature to improve importance sampling accuracy. We evaluate this approach on several high-dimensional robot control tasks, matching the sample efficiency of prior heuristic methods while also ensuring smoothness. Simulation results can be seen at https://monte-carlo-ppi.github.io/.
Abstract:Obtaining dynamics models is essential for robotics to achieve accurate model-based controllers and simulators for planning. The dynamics models are typically obtained using model specification of the manufacturer or simple numerical methods such as linear regression. However, this approach does not guarantee physically plausible parameters and can only be applied to kinematic chains consisting of rigid bodies. In this article, we describe a differentiable simulator that can be used to identify the system parameters of real-world mechanical systems with complex friction models, holonomic as well as non-holonomic constraints. To guarantee physically consistent parameters, we utilize virtual parameters and gradient-based optimization. The described Differentiable Newton-Euler Algorithm (DiffNEA) can be applied to a class of dynamical systems and guarantees physically plausible predictions. The extensive experimental evaluation shows, that the proposed model learning approach learns accurate dynamics models of systems with complex friction and non-holonomic constraints. Especially in the offline reinforcement learning experiments, the identified DiffNEA models excel. For the challenging ball in a cup task, these models solve the task using model-based offline reinforcement learning on the physical system. The black-box baselines fail on this task in simulation and on the physical system despite using more data for learning the model.
Abstract:Dexterous manipulation remains an open problem in robotics. To coordinate efforts of the research community towards tackling this problem, we propose a shared benchmark. We designed and built robotic platforms that are hosted at the MPI-IS and can be accessed remotely. Each platform consists of three robotic fingers that are capable of dexterous object manipulation. Users are able to control the platforms remotely by submitting code that is executed automatically, akin to a computational cluster. Using this setup, i) we host robotics competitions, where teams from anywhere in the world access our platforms to tackle challenging tasks, ii) we publish the datasets collected during these competitions (consisting of hundreds of robot hours), and iii) we give researchers access to these platforms for their own projects.
Abstract:Optimal control under uncertainty is a prevailing challenge in control, due to the difficulty in producing tractable solutions for the stochastic optimization problem. By framing the control problem as one of input estimation, advanced approximate inference techniques can be used to handle the statistical approximations in a principled and practical manner. Analyzing the Gaussian setting, we present a solver capable of several stochastic control methods, and was found to be superior to popular baselines on nonlinear simulated tasks. We draw connections that relate this inference formulation to previous approaches for stochastic optimal control, and outline several advantages that this inference view brings due to its statistical nature.
Abstract:Dexterous manipulation is a challenging and important problem in robotics. While data-driven methods are a promising approach, current benchmarks require simulation or extensive engineering support due to the sample inefficiency of popular methods. We present benchmarks for the TriFinger system, an open-source robotic platform for dexterous manipulation and the focus of the 2020 Real Robot Challenge. The benchmarked methods, which were successful in the challenge, can be generally described as structured policies, as they combine elements of classical robotics and modern policy optimization. This inclusion of inductive biases facilitates sample efficiency, interpretability, reliability and high performance. The key aspects of this benchmarking is validation of the baselines across both simulation and the real system, thorough ablation study over the core features of each solution, and a retrospective analysis of the challenge as a manipulation benchmark. The code and demo videos for this work can be found on our website (https://sites.google.com/view/benchmark-rrc).
Abstract:Discrete-time stochastic optimal control remains a challenging problem for general, nonlinear systems under significant uncertainty, with practical solvers typically relying on the certainty equivalence assumption, replanning and/or extensive regularization. Control as inference is an approach that frames stochastic control as an equivalent inference problem, and has demonstrated desirable qualities over existing methods, namely in exploration and regularization. We look specifically at the input inference for control (i2c) algorithm, and derive three key characteristics that enable advanced trajectory optimization: An `expert' linear Gaussian controller that combines the benefits of open-loop optima and closed-loop variance reduction when optimizing for nonlinear systems, inherent adaptive risk sensitivity from the inference formulation, and covariance control functionality with only a minor algorithmic adjustment.