Abstract:We present RigAnything, a novel autoregressive transformer-based model, which makes 3D assets rig-ready by probabilistically generating joints, skeleton topologies, and assigning skinning weights in a template-free manner. Unlike most existing auto-rigging methods, which rely on predefined skeleton template and are limited to specific categories like humanoid, RigAnything approaches the rigging problem in an autoregressive manner, iteratively predicting the next joint based on the global input shape and the previous prediction. While autoregressive models are typically used to generate sequential data, RigAnything extends their application to effectively learn and represent skeletons, which are inherently tree structures. To achieve this, we organize the joints in a breadth-first search (BFS) order, enabling the skeleton to be defined as a sequence of 3D locations and the parent index. Furthermore, our model improves the accuracy of position prediction by leveraging diffusion modeling, ensuring precise and consistent placement of joints within the hierarchy. This formulation allows the autoregressive model to efficiently capture both spatial and hierarchical relationships within the skeleton. Trained end-to-end on both RigNet and Objaverse datasets, RigAnything demonstrates state-of-the-art performance across diverse object types, including humanoids, quadrupeds, marine creatures, insects, and many more, surpassing prior methods in quality, robustness, generalizability, and efficiency. Please check our website for more details: https://www.liuisabella.com/RigAnything.
Abstract:We introduce GRM, a large-scale reconstructor capable of recovering a 3D asset from sparse-view images in around 0.1s. GRM is a feed-forward transformer-based model that efficiently incorporates multi-view information to translate the input pixels into pixel-aligned Gaussians, which are unprojected to create a set of densely distributed 3D Gaussians representing a scene. Together, our transformer architecture and the use of 3D Gaussians unlock a scalable and efficient reconstruction framework. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method over alternatives regarding both reconstruction quality and efficiency. We also showcase the potential of GRM in generative tasks, i.e., text-to-3D and image-to-3D, by integrating it with existing multi-view diffusion models. Our project website is at: https://justimyhxu.github.io/projects/grm/.
Abstract:This work presents 3DPE, a practical tool that can efficiently edit a face image following given prompts, like reference images or text descriptions, in the 3D-aware manner. To this end, a lightweight module is distilled from a 3D portrait generator and a text-to-image model, which provide prior knowledge of face geometry and open-vocabulary editing capability, respectively. Such a design brings two compelling advantages over existing approaches. First, our system achieves real-time editing with a feedforward network (i.e., ~0.04s per image), over 100x faster than the second competitor. Second, thanks to the powerful priors, our module could focus on the learning of editing-related variations, such that it manages to handle various types of editing simultaneously in the training phase and further supports fast adaptation to user-specified novel types of editing during inference (e.g., with ~5min fine-tuning per case). The code, the model, and the interface will be made publicly available to facilitate future research.
Abstract:Neural radiance fields, which represent a 3D scene as a color field and a density field, have demonstrated great progress in novel view synthesis yet are unfavorable for editing due to the implicitness. In view of such a deficiency, we propose to replace the color field with an explicit 2D appearance aggregation, also called canonical image, with which users can easily customize their 3D editing via 2D image processing. To avoid the distortion effect and facilitate convenient editing, we complement the canonical image with a projection field that maps 3D points onto 2D pixels for texture lookup. This field is carefully initialized with a pseudo canonical camera model and optimized with offset regularity to ensure naturalness of the aggregated appearance. Extensive experimental results on three datasets suggest that our representation, dubbed AGAP, well supports various ways of 3D editing (e.g., stylization, interactive drawing, and content extraction) with no need of re-optimization for each case, demonstrating its generalizability and efficiency. Project page is available at https://felixcheng97.github.io/AGAP/.
Abstract:We offer a new perspective on approaching the task of video generation. Instead of directly synthesizing a sequence of frames, we propose to render a video by warping one static image with a generative deformation field (GenDeF). Such a pipeline enjoys three appealing advantages. First, we can sufficiently reuse a well-trained image generator to synthesize the static image (also called canonical image), alleviating the difficulty in producing a video and thereby resulting in better visual quality. Second, we can easily convert a deformation field to optical flows, making it possible to apply explicit structural regularizations for motion modeling, leading to temporally consistent results. Third, the disentanglement between content and motion allows users to process a synthesized video through processing its corresponding static image without any tuning, facilitating many applications like video editing, keypoint tracking, and video segmentation. Both qualitative and quantitative results on three common video generation benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our GenDeF method.
Abstract:Efficient generation of 3D digital humans is important in several industries, including virtual reality, social media, and cinematic production. 3D generative adversarial networks (GANs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art (SOTA) quality and diversity for generated assets. Current 3D GAN architectures, however, typically rely on volume representations, which are slow to render, thereby hampering the GAN training and requiring multi-view-inconsistent 2D upsamplers. Here, we introduce Gaussian Shell Maps (GSMs) as a framework that connects SOTA generator network architectures with emerging 3D Gaussian rendering primitives using an articulable multi shell--based scaffold. In this setting, a CNN generates a 3D texture stack with features that are mapped to the shells. The latter represent inflated and deflated versions of a template surface of a digital human in a canonical body pose. Instead of rasterizing the shells directly, we sample 3D Gaussians on the shells whose attributes are encoded in the texture features. These Gaussians are efficiently and differentiably rendered. The ability to articulate the shells is important during GAN training and, at inference time, to deform a body into arbitrary user-defined poses. Our efficient rendering scheme bypasses the need for view-inconsistent upsamplers and achieves high-quality multi-view consistent renderings at a native resolution of $512 \times 512$ pixels. We demonstrate that GSMs successfully generate 3D humans when trained on single-view datasets, including SHHQ and DeepFashion.
Abstract:We propose \textbf{DMV3D}, a novel 3D generation approach that uses a transformer-based 3D large reconstruction model to denoise multi-view diffusion. Our reconstruction model incorporates a triplane NeRF representation and can denoise noisy multi-view images via NeRF reconstruction and rendering, achieving single-stage 3D generation in $\sim$30s on single A100 GPU. We train \textbf{DMV3D} on large-scale multi-view image datasets of highly diverse objects using only image reconstruction losses, without accessing 3D assets. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results for the single-image reconstruction problem where probabilistic modeling of unseen object parts is required for generating diverse reconstructions with sharp textures. We also show high-quality text-to-3D generation results outperforming previous 3D diffusion models. Our project website is at: https://justimyhxu.github.io/projects/dmv3d/ .
Abstract:Due to the difficulty in scaling up, generative adversarial networks (GANs) seem to be falling from grace on the task of text-conditioned image synthesis. Sparsely-activated mixture-of-experts (MoE) has recently been demonstrated as a valid solution to training large-scale models with limited computational resources. Inspired by such a philosophy, we present Aurora, a GAN-based text-to-image generator that employs a collection of experts to learn feature processing, together with a sparse router to help select the most suitable expert for each feature point. To faithfully decode the sampling stochasticity and the text condition to the final synthesis, our router adaptively makes its decision by taking into account the text-integrated global latent code. At 64x64 image resolution, our model trained on LAION2B-en and COYO-700M achieves 6.2 zero-shot FID on MS COCO. We release the code and checkpoints to facilitate the community for further development.
Abstract:Despite the rapid advance of 3D-aware image synthesis, existing studies usually adopt a mixture of techniques and tricks, leaving it unclear how each part contributes to the final performance in terms of generality. Following the most popular and effective paradigm in this field, which incorporates a neural radiance field (NeRF) into the generator of a generative adversarial network (GAN), we build a well-structured codebase, dubbed Carver, through modularizing the generation process. Such a design allows researchers to develop and replace each module independently, and hence offers an opportunity to fairly compare various approaches and recognize their contributions from the module perspective. The reproduction of a range of cutting-edge algorithms demonstrates the availability of our modularized codebase. We also perform a variety of in-depth analyses, such as the comparison across different types of point feature, the necessity of the tailing upsampler in the generator, the reliance on the camera pose prior, etc., which deepen our understanding of existing methods and point out some further directions of the research work. We release code and models at https://github.com/qiuyu96/Carver to facilitate the development and evaluation of this field.
Abstract:Existing methods for 3D-aware image synthesis largely depend on the 3D pose distribution pre-estimated on the training set. An inaccurate estimation may mislead the model into learning faulty geometry. This work proposes PoF3D that frees generative radiance fields from the requirements of 3D pose priors. We first equip the generator with an efficient pose learner, which is able to infer a pose from a latent code, to approximate the underlying true pose distribution automatically. We then assign the discriminator a task to learn pose distribution under the supervision of the generator and to differentiate real and synthesized images with the predicted pose as the condition. The pose-free generator and the pose-aware discriminator are jointly trained in an adversarial manner. Extensive results on a couple of datasets confirm that the performance of our approach, regarding both image quality and geometry quality, is on par with state of the art. To our best knowledge, PoF3D demonstrates the feasibility of learning high-quality 3D-aware image synthesis without using 3D pose priors for the first time.