Abstract:The diffusion models are widely used for image and video generation, but their iterative generation process is slow and expansive. While existing distillation approaches have demonstrated the potential for one-step generation in the image domain, they still suffer from significant quality degradation. In this work, we propose Adversarial Post-Training (APT) against real data following diffusion pre-training for one-step video generation. To improve the training stability and quality, we introduce several improvements to the model architecture and training procedures, along with an approximated R1 regularization objective. Empirically, our experiments show that our adversarial post-trained model, Seaweed-APT, can generate 2-second, 1280x720, 24fps videos in real time using a single forward evaluation step. Additionally, our model is capable of generating 1024px images in a single step, achieving quality comparable to state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Video restoration poses non-trivial challenges in maintaining fidelity while recovering temporally consistent details from unknown degradations in the wild. Despite recent advances in diffusion-based restoration, these methods often face limitations in generation capability and sampling efficiency. In this work, we present SeedVR, a diffusion transformer designed to handle real-world video restoration with arbitrary length and resolution. The core design of SeedVR lies in the shifted window attention that facilitates effective restoration on long video sequences. SeedVR further supports variable-sized windows near the boundary of both spatial and temporal dimensions, overcoming the resolution constraints of traditional window attention. Equipped with contemporary practices, including causal video autoencoder, mixed image and video training, and progressive training, SeedVR achieves highly-competitive performance on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks, as well as AI-generated videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate SeedVR's superiority over existing methods for generic video restoration.
Abstract:As a verified need, consistent editing across in-the-wild images remains a technical challenge arising from various unmanageable factors, like object poses, lighting conditions, and photography environments. Edicho steps in with a training-free solution based on diffusion models, featuring a fundamental design principle of using explicit image correspondence to direct editing. Specifically, the key components include an attention manipulation module and a carefully refined classifier-free guidance (CFG) denoising strategy, both of which take into account the pre-estimated correspondence. Such an inference-time algorithm enjoys a plug-and-play nature and is compatible to most diffusion-based editing methods, such as ControlNet and BrushNet. Extensive results demonstrate the efficacy of Edicho in consistent cross-image editing under diverse settings. We will release the code to facilitate future studies.
Abstract:Diffusion transformers (DiT) have already achieved appealing synthesis and scaling properties in content recreation, e.g., image and video generation. However, scaling laws of DiT are less explored, which usually offer precise predictions regarding optimal model size and data requirements given a specific compute budget. Therefore, experiments across a broad range of compute budgets, from 1e17 to 6e18 FLOPs are conducted to confirm the existence of scaling laws in DiT for the first time. Concretely, the loss of pretraining DiT also follows a power-law relationship with the involved compute. Based on the scaling law, we can not only determine the optimal model size and required data but also accurately predict the text-to-image generation loss given a model with 1B parameters and a compute budget of 1e21 FLOPs. Additionally, we also demonstrate that the trend of pre-training loss matches the generation performances (e.g., FID), even across various datasets, which complements the mapping from compute to synthesis quality and thus provides a predictable benchmark that assesses model performance and data quality at a reduced cost.
Abstract:Scene image editing is crucial for entertainment, photography, and advertising design. Existing methods solely focus on either 2D individual object or 3D global scene editing. This results in a lack of a unified approach to effectively control and manipulate scenes at the 3D level with different levels of granularity. In this work, we propose 3DitScene, a novel and unified scene editing framework leveraging language-guided disentangled Gaussian Splatting that enables seamless editing from 2D to 3D, allowing precise control over scene composition and individual objects. We first incorporate 3D Gaussians that are refined through generative priors and optimization techniques. Language features from CLIP then introduce semantics into 3D geometry for object disentanglement. With the disentangled Gaussians, 3DitScene allows for manipulation at both the global and individual levels, revolutionizing creative expression and empowering control over scenes and objects. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of 3DitScene in scene image editing. Code and online demo can be found at our project homepage: https://zqh0253.github.io/3DitScene/.
Abstract:Controllability plays a crucial role in video generation since it allows users to create desired content. However, existing models largely overlooked the precise control of camera pose that serves as a cinematic language to express deeper narrative nuances. To alleviate this issue, we introduce CameraCtrl, enabling accurate camera pose control for text-to-video(T2V) models. After precisely parameterizing the camera trajectory, a plug-and-play camera module is then trained on a T2V model, leaving others untouched. Additionally, a comprehensive study on the effect of various datasets is also conducted, suggesting that videos with diverse camera distribution and similar appearances indeed enhance controllability and generalization. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of CameraCtrl in achieving precise and domain-adaptive camera control, marking a step forward in the pursuit of dynamic and customized video storytelling from textual and camera pose inputs. Our project website is at: https://hehao13.github.io/projects-CameraCtrl/.
Abstract:We introduce GRM, a large-scale reconstructor capable of recovering a 3D asset from sparse-view images in around 0.1s. GRM is a feed-forward transformer-based model that efficiently incorporates multi-view information to translate the input pixels into pixel-aligned Gaussians, which are unprojected to create a set of densely distributed 3D Gaussians representing a scene. Together, our transformer architecture and the use of 3D Gaussians unlock a scalable and efficient reconstruction framework. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method over alternatives regarding both reconstruction quality and efficiency. We also showcase the potential of GRM in generative tasks, i.e., text-to-3D and image-to-3D, by integrating it with existing multi-view diffusion models. Our project website is at: https://justimyhxu.github.io/projects/grm/.
Abstract:This work presents 3DPE, a practical tool that can efficiently edit a face image following given prompts, like reference images or text descriptions, in the 3D-aware manner. To this end, a lightweight module is distilled from a 3D portrait generator and a text-to-image model, which provide prior knowledge of face geometry and open-vocabulary editing capability, respectively. Such a design brings two compelling advantages over existing approaches. First, our system achieves real-time editing with a feedforward network (i.e., ~0.04s per image), over 100x faster than the second competitor. Second, thanks to the powerful priors, our module could focus on the learning of editing-related variations, such that it manages to handle various types of editing simultaneously in the training phase and further supports fast adaptation to user-specified novel types of editing during inference (e.g., with ~5min fine-tuning per case). The code, the model, and the interface will be made publicly available to facilitate future research.
Abstract:We are witnessing significant breakthroughs in the technology for generating 3D objects from text. Existing approaches either leverage large text-to-image models to optimize a 3D representation or train 3D generators on object-centric datasets. Generating entire scenes, however, remains very challenging as a scene contains multiple 3D objects, diverse and scattered. In this work, we introduce SceneWiz3D, a novel approach to synthesize high-fidelity 3D scenes from text. We marry the locality of objects with globality of scenes by introducing a hybrid 3D representation: explicit for objects and implicit for scenes. Remarkably, an object, being represented explicitly, can be either generated from text using conventional text-to-3D approaches, or provided by users. To configure the layout of the scene and automatically place objects, we apply the Particle Swarm Optimization technique during the optimization process. Furthermore, it is difficult for certain parts of the scene (e.g., corners, occlusion) to receive multi-view supervision, leading to inferior geometry. We incorporate an RGBD panorama diffusion model to mitigate it, resulting in high-quality geometry. Extensive evaluation supports that our approach achieves superior quality over previous approaches, enabling the generation of detailed and view-consistent 3D scenes.
Abstract:We offer a new perspective on approaching the task of video generation. Instead of directly synthesizing a sequence of frames, we propose to render a video by warping one static image with a generative deformation field (GenDeF). Such a pipeline enjoys three appealing advantages. First, we can sufficiently reuse a well-trained image generator to synthesize the static image (also called canonical image), alleviating the difficulty in producing a video and thereby resulting in better visual quality. Second, we can easily convert a deformation field to optical flows, making it possible to apply explicit structural regularizations for motion modeling, leading to temporally consistent results. Third, the disentanglement between content and motion allows users to process a synthesized video through processing its corresponding static image without any tuning, facilitating many applications like video editing, keypoint tracking, and video segmentation. Both qualitative and quantitative results on three common video generation benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our GenDeF method.