NVIDIA, University of Toronto, Vector Institute
Abstract:Understanding and modeling lighting effects are fundamental tasks in computer vision and graphics. Classic physically-based rendering (PBR) accurately simulates the light transport, but relies on precise scene representations--explicit 3D geometry, high-quality material properties, and lighting conditions--that are often impractical to obtain in real-world scenarios. Therefore, we introduce DiffusionRenderer, a neural approach that addresses the dual problem of inverse and forward rendering within a holistic framework. Leveraging powerful video diffusion model priors, the inverse rendering model accurately estimates G-buffers from real-world videos, providing an interface for image editing tasks, and training data for the rendering model. Conversely, our rendering model generates photorealistic images from G-buffers without explicit light transport simulation. Experiments demonstrate that DiffusionRenderer effectively approximates inverse and forwards rendering, consistently outperforming the state-of-the-art. Our model enables practical applications from a single video input--including relighting, material editing, and realistic object insertion.
Abstract:We present InfiniCube, a scalable method for generating unbounded dynamic 3D driving scenes with high fidelity and controllability. Previous methods for scene generation either suffer from limited scales or lack geometric and appearance consistency along generated sequences. In contrast, we leverage the recent advancements in scalable 3D representation and video models to achieve large dynamic scene generation that allows flexible controls through HD maps, vehicle bounding boxes, and text descriptions. First, we construct a map-conditioned sparse-voxel-based 3D generative model to unleash its power for unbounded voxel world generation. Then, we re-purpose a video model and ground it on the voxel world through a set of carefully designed pixel-aligned guidance buffers, synthesizing a consistent appearance. Finally, we propose a fast feed-forward approach that employs both voxel and pixel branches to lift the dynamic videos to dynamic 3D Gaussians with controllable objects. Our method can generate controllable and realistic 3D driving scenes, and extensive experiments validate the effectiveness and superiority of our model.
Abstract:Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting elicits large language models (LLMs) to produce a series of intermediate reasoning steps before arriving at the final answer. However, when transitioning to vision-language models (VLMs), their text-only rationales struggle to express the fine-grained associations with the original image. In this paper, we propose an image-incorporated multimodal Chain-of-Thought, named \textbf{Interleaved-modal Chain-of-Thought (ICoT)}, which generates sequential reasoning steps consisting of paired visual and textual rationales to infer the final answer. Intuitively, the novel ICoT requires VLMs to enable the generation of fine-grained interleaved-modal content, which is hard for current VLMs to fulfill. Considering that the required visual information is usually part of the input image, we propose \textbf{Attention-driven Selection (ADS)} to realize ICoT over existing VLMs. ADS intelligently inserts regions of the input image to generate the interleaved-modal reasoning steps with ignorable additional latency. ADS relies solely on the attention map of VLMs without the need for parameterization, and therefore it is a plug-and-play strategy that can be generalized to a spectrum of VLMs. We apply ADS to realize ICoT on two popular VLMs of different architectures. Extensive evaluations of three benchmarks have shown that ICoT prompting achieves substantial performance (up to 14\%) and interpretability improvements compared to existing multimodal CoT prompting methods.
Abstract:We propose an effective method for inserting adapters into text-to-image foundation models, which enables the execution of complex downstream tasks while preserving the generalization ability of the base model. The core idea of this method is to optimize the attention mechanism related to 2D feature maps, which enhances the performance of the adapter. This approach was validated on the task of meme video generation and achieved significant results. We hope this work can provide insights for post-training tasks of large text-to-image models. Additionally, as this method demonstrates good compatibility with SD1.5 derivative models, it holds certain value for the open-source community. Therefore, we will release the related code (\url{https://songkey.github.io/hellomeme}).
Abstract:The detection of malicious social bots has become a crucial task, as bots can be easily deployed and manipulated to spread disinformation, promote conspiracy messages, and more. Most existing approaches utilize graph neural networks (GNNs)to capture both user profle and structural features,achieving promising progress. However, they still face limitations including the expensive training on large underlying graph, the performance degration when similar neighborhood patterns' assumption preferred by GNNs is not satisfied, and the dynamic features of bots in a highly adversarial context. Motivated by these limitations, this paper proposes a method named BSG4Bot with an intuition that GNNs training on Biased SubGraphs can improve both performance and time/space efficiency in bot detection. Specifically, BSG4Bot first pre-trains a classifier on node features efficiently to define the node similarities, and constructs biased subgraphs by combining the similarities computed by the pre-trained classifier and the node importances computed by Personalized PageRank (PPR scores). BSG4Bot then introduces a heterogeneous GNN over the constructed subgraphs to detect bots effectively and efficiently. The relatively stable features, including the content category and temporal activity features, are explored and incorporated into BSG4Bot after preliminary verification on sample data. The extensive experimental studies show that BSG4Bot outperforms the state-of-the-art bot detection methods, while only needing nearly 1/5 training time.
Abstract:Meshes are ubiquitous in visual computing and simulation, yet most existing machine learning techniques represent meshes only indirectly, e.g. as the level set of a scalar field or deformation of a template, or as a disordered triangle soup lacking local structure. This work presents a scheme to directly generate manifold, polygonal meshes of complex connectivity as the output of a neural network. Our key innovation is to define a continuous latent connectivity space at each mesh vertex, which implies the discrete mesh. In particular, our vertex embeddings generate cyclic neighbor relationships in a halfedge mesh representation, which gives a guarantee of edge-manifoldness and the ability to represent general polygonal meshes. This representation is well-suited to machine learning and stochastic optimization, without restriction on connectivity or topology. We first explore the basic properties of this representation, then use it to fit distributions of meshes from large datasets. The resulting models generate diverse meshes with tessellation structure learned from the dataset population, with concise details and high-quality mesh elements. In applications, this approach not only yields high-quality outputs from generative models, but also enables directly learning challenging geometry processing tasks such as mesh repair.
Abstract:More and more end-to-end text spotting methods based on Transformer architecture have demonstrated superior performance. These methods utilize a bipartite graph matching algorithm to perform one-to-one optimal matching between predicted objects and actual objects. However, the instability of bipartite graph matching can lead to inconsistent optimization targets, thereby affecting the training performance of the model. Existing literature applies denoising training to solve the problem of bipartite graph matching instability in object detection tasks. Unfortunately, this denoising training method cannot be directly applied to text spotting tasks, as these tasks need to perform irregular shape detection tasks and more complex text recognition tasks than classification. To address this issue, we propose a novel denoising training method (DNTextSpotter) for arbitrary-shaped text spotting. Specifically, we decompose the queries of the denoising part into noised positional queries and noised content queries. We use the four Bezier control points of the Bezier center curve to generate the noised positional queries. For the noised content queries, considering that the output of the text in a fixed positional order is not conducive to aligning position with content, we employ a masked character sliding method to initialize noised content queries, thereby assisting in the alignment of text content and position. To improve the model's perception of the background, we further utilize an additional loss function for background characters classification in the denoising training part.Although DNTextSpotter is conceptually simple, it outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on four benchmarks (Total-Text, SCUT-CTW1500, ICDAR15, and Inverse-Text), especially yielding an improvement of 11.3% against the best approach in Inverse-Text dataset.
Abstract:In-context learning (ICL) facilitates Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibiting emergent ability on downstream tasks without updating billions of parameters. However, in the area of multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs), two problems hinder the application of multi-modal ICL: (1) Most primary MLLMs are only trained on single-image datasets, making them unable to read multi-modal demonstrations. (2) With the demonstrations increasing, thousands of visual tokens highly challenge hardware and degrade ICL performance. During preliminary explorations, we discovered that the inner LLM tends to focus more on the linguistic modality within multi-modal demonstrations to generate responses. Therefore, we propose a general and light-weighted framework \textbf{AIM} to tackle the mentioned problems through \textbf{A}ggregating \textbf{I}mage information of \textbf{M}ultimodal demonstrations to the dense latent space of the corresponding linguistic part. Specifically, AIM first uses the frozen backbone MLLM to read each image-text demonstration and extracts the vector representations on top of the text. These vectors naturally fuse the information of the image-text pair, and AIM transforms them into fused virtual tokens acceptable for the inner LLM via a trainable projection layer. Ultimately, these fused tokens function as variants of multi-modal demonstrations, fed into the MLLM to direct its response to the current query as usual. Because these fused tokens stem from the textual component of the image-text pair, a multi-modal demonstration is nearly reduced to a pure textual demonstration, thus seamlessly applying to any MLLMs. With its de facto MLLM frozen, AIM is parameter-efficient and we train it on public multi-modal web corpora which have nothing to do with downstream test tasks.
Abstract:ChatGPT is instruct-tuned to generate general and human-expected content to align with human preference through Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), meanwhile resulting in generated responses not salient enough. Therefore, in this case, ChatGPT may fail to satisfy domain requirements in zero-shot settings, leading to poor ROUGE scores. Inspired by the In-Context Learning (ICL) and retelling ability of ChatGPT, this paper proposes PADS, a \textbf{P}ipeline for \textbf{A}ssisting ChatGPT in \textbf{D}omain \textbf{S}ummarization. PADS consists of a retriever to retrieve similar examples from corpora and a rank model to rerank the multiple candidate summaries generated by ChatGPT. Specifically, given an inference document, we first retrieve an in-context demonstration via the retriever. Then, we require ChatGPT to generate $k$ candidate summaries for the inference document at a time under the guidance of the retrieved demonstration. Finally, the rank model independently scores the $k$ candidate summaries according to their quality and selects the optimal one. We extensively explore dense and sparse retrieval methods to select effective demonstrations for reference and efficiently train the rank model to reflect the quality of candidate summaries for each given summarized document. Additionally, PADS contains merely 400M trainable parameters originating from the rank model and we merely collect 2.5k data to train it. We evaluate PADS on five datasets from different domains, and the result indicates that each module in PADS is committed to effectively guiding ChatGPT to generate salient summaries fitting different domain requirements. Specifically, in the popular summarization dataset Gigaword, PADS achieves over +8 gain on ROUGE-L, compared with the naive ChatGPT in the zero-shot setting. \footnote{Our code are available at \url{https://github.com/jungao1106/PADS}}
Abstract:Long prompt leads to huge hardware costs when using Large Language Models (LLMs). Unfortunately, many tasks, such as summarization, inevitably introduce long task-inputs, and the wide application of in-context learning easily makes the prompt length explode. Inspired by the language understanding ability of LLMs, this paper proposes SelfCP, which uses the LLM \textbf{itself} to \textbf{C}ompress long \textbf{P}rompt into compact virtual tokens. SelfCP applies a general frozen LLM twice, first as an encoder to compress the prompt and then as a decoder to generate responses. Specifically, given a long prompt, we place special tokens within the lengthy segment for compression and signal the LLM to generate $k$ virtual tokens. Afterward, the virtual tokens concatenate with the uncompressed prompt and are fed into the same LLM to generate the response. In general, SelfCP facilitates the unconditional and conditional compression of prompts, fitting both standard tasks and those with specific objectives. Since the encoder and decoder are frozen, SelfCP only contains 17M trainable parameters and allows for convenient adaptation across various backbones. We implement SelfCP with two LLM backbones and evaluate it in both in- and out-domain tasks. Results show that the compressed virtual tokens can substitute $12 \times$ larger original prompts effectively