Abstract:Robot learning requires a considerable amount of high-quality data to realize the promise of generalization. However, large data sets are costly to collect in the real world. Physics simulators can cheaply generate vast data sets with broad coverage over states, actions, and environments. However, physics engines are fundamentally misspecified approximations to reality. This makes direct zero-shot transfer from simulation to reality challenging, especially in tasks where precise and force-sensitive manipulation is necessary. Thus, fine-tuning these policies with small real-world data sets is an appealing pathway for scaling robot learning. However, current reinforcement learning fine-tuning frameworks leverage general, unstructured exploration strategies which are too inefficient to make real-world adaptation practical. This paper introduces the Simulation-Guided Fine-tuning (SGFT) framework, which demonstrates how to extract structural priors from physics simulators to substantially accelerate real-world adaptation. Specifically, our approach uses a value function learned in simulation to guide real-world exploration. We demonstrate this approach across five real-world dexterous manipulation tasks where zero-shot sim-to-real transfer fails. We further demonstrate our framework substantially outperforms baseline fine-tuning methods, requiring up to an order of magnitude fewer real-world samples and succeeding at difficult tasks where prior approaches fail entirely. Last but not least, we provide theoretical justification for this new paradigm which underpins how SGFT can rapidly learn high-performance policies in the face of large sim-to-real dynamics gaps. Project webpage: https://weirdlabuw.github.io/sgft/{weirdlabuw.github.io/sgft}
Abstract:In order to mitigate the sample complexity of real-world reinforcement learning, common practice is to first train a policy in a simulator where samples are cheap, and then deploy this policy in the real world, with the hope that it generalizes effectively. Such \emph{direct sim2real} transfer is not guaranteed to succeed, however, and in cases where it fails, it is unclear how to best utilize the simulator. In this work, we show that in many regimes, while direct sim2real transfer may fail, we can utilize the simulator to learn a set of \emph{exploratory} policies which enable efficient exploration in the real world. In particular, in the setting of low-rank MDPs, we show that coupling these exploratory policies with simple, practical approaches -- least-squares regression oracles and naive randomized exploration -- yields a polynomial sample complexity in the real world, an exponential improvement over direct sim2real transfer, or learning without access to a simulator. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence that simulation transfer yields a provable gain in reinforcement learning in settings where direct sim2real transfer fails. We validate our theoretical results on several realistic robotic simulators and a real-world robotic sim2real task, demonstrating that transferring exploratory policies can yield substantial gains in practice as well.
Abstract:Speech foundation models, trained on vast datasets, have opened unique opportunities in addressing challenging low-resource speech understanding, such as child speech. In this work, we explore the capabilities of speech foundation models on child-adult speaker diarization. We show that exemplary foundation models can achieve 39.5% and 62.3% relative reductions in Diarization Error Rate and Speaker Confusion Rate, respectively, compared to previous speaker diarization methods. In addition, we benchmark and evaluate the speaker diarization results of the speech foundation models with varying the input audio window size, speaker demographics, and training data ratio. Our results highlight promising pathways for understanding and adopting speech foundation models to facilitate child speech understanding.
Abstract:Precise arbitrary trajectory tracking for quadrotors is challenging due to unknown nonlinear dynamics, trajectory infeasibility, and actuation limits. To tackle these challenges, we present Deep Adaptive Trajectory Tracking (DATT), a learning-based approach that can precisely track arbitrary, potentially infeasible trajectories in the presence of large disturbances in the real world. DATT builds on a novel feedforward-feedback-adaptive control structure trained in simulation using reinforcement learning. When deployed on real hardware, DATT is augmented with a disturbance estimator using L1 adaptive control in closed-loop, without any fine-tuning. DATT significantly outperforms competitive adaptive nonlinear and model predictive controllers for both feasible smooth and infeasible trajectories in unsteady wind fields, including challenging scenarios where baselines completely fail. Moreover, DATT can efficiently run online with an inference time less than 3.2 ms, less than 1/4 of the adaptive nonlinear model predictive control baseline
Abstract:Interactions involving children span a wide range of important domains from learning to clinical diagnostic and therapeutic contexts. Automated analyses of such interactions are motivated by the need to seek accurate insights and offer scale and robustness across diverse and wide-ranging conditions. Identifying the speech segments belonging to the child is a critical step in such modeling. Conventional child-adult speaker classification typically relies on audio modeling approaches, overlooking visual signals that convey speech articulation information, such as lip motion. Building on the foundation of an audio-only child-adult speaker classification pipeline, we propose incorporating visual cues through active speaker detection and visual processing models. Our framework involves video pre-processing, utterance-level child-adult speaker detection, and late fusion of modality-specific predictions. We demonstrate from extensive experiments that a visually aided classification pipeline enhances the accuracy and robustness of the classification. We show relative improvements of 2.38% and 3.97% in F1 macro score when one face and two faces are visible, respectively.
Abstract:A major challenge in robotics is to design robust policies which enable complex and agile behaviors in the real world. On one end of the spectrum, we have model-free reinforcement learning (MFRL), which is incredibly flexible and general but often results in brittle policies. In contrast, model predictive control (MPC) continually re-plans at each time step to remain robust to perturbations and model inaccuracies. However, despite its real-world successes, MPC often under-performs the optimal strategy. This is due to model quality, myopic behavior from short planning horizons, and approximations due to computational constraints. And even with a perfect model and enough compute, MPC can get stuck in bad local optima, depending heavily on the quality of the optimization algorithm. To this end, we propose Deep Model Predictive Optimization (DMPO), which learns the inner-loop of an MPC optimization algorithm directly via experience, specifically tailored to the needs of the control problem. We evaluate DMPO on a real quadrotor agile trajectory tracking task, on which it improves performance over a baseline MPC algorithm for a given computational budget. It can outperform the best MPC algorithm by up to 27% with fewer samples and an end-to-end policy trained with MFRL by 19%. Moreover, because DMPO requires fewer samples, it can also achieve these benefits with 4.3X less memory. When we subject the quadrotor to turbulent wind fields with an attached drag plate, DMPO can adapt zero-shot while still outperforming all baselines. Additional results can be found at https://tinyurl.com/mr2ywmnw.
Abstract:The architecture of a deep neural network is defined explicitly in terms of the number of layers, the width of each layer and the general network topology. Existing optimisation frameworks neglect this information in favour of implicit architectural information (e.g. second-order methods) or architecture-agnostic distance functions (e.g. mirror descent). Meanwhile, the most popular optimiser in practice, Adam, is based on heuristics. This paper builds a new framework for deriving optimisation algorithms that explicitly leverage neural architecture. The theory extends mirror descent to non-convex composite objective functions: the idea is to transform a Bregman divergence to account for the non-linear structure of neural architecture. Working through the details for deep fully-connected networks yields automatic gradient descent: a first-order optimiser without any hyperparameters. Automatic gradient descent trains both fully-connected and convolutional networks out-of-the-box and at ImageNet scale. A PyTorch implementation is available at https://github.com/jxbz/agd and also in Appendix B. Overall, the paper supplies a rigorous theoretical foundation for a next-generation of architecture-dependent optimisers that work automatically and without hyperparameters.
Abstract:Exposure to ideas in domains outside a scientist's own may benefit her in reformulating existing research problems in novel ways and discovering new application domains for existing solution ideas. While improved performance in scholarly search engines can help scientists efficiently identify relevant advances in domains they may already be familiar with, it may fall short of helping them explore diverse ideas \textit{outside} such domains. In this paper we explore the design of systems aimed at augmenting the end-user ability in cross-domain exploration with flexible query specification. To this end, we develop an exploratory search system in which end-users can select a portion of text core to their interest from a paper abstract and retrieve papers that have a high similarity to the user-selected core aspect but differ in terms of domains. Furthermore, end-users can `zoom in' to specific domain clusters to retrieve more papers from them and understand nuanced differences within the clusters. Our case studies with scientists uncover opportunities and design implications for systems aimed at facilitating cross-domain exploration and inspiration.
Abstract:Current state-of-the-art model-based reinforcement learning algorithms use trajectory sampling methods, such as the Cross-Entropy Method (CEM), for planning in continuous control settings. These zeroth-order optimizers require sampling a large number of trajectory rollouts to select an optimal action, which scales poorly for large prediction horizons or high dimensional action spaces. First-order methods that use the gradients of the rewards with respect to the actions as an update can mitigate this issue, but suffer from local optima due to the non-convex optimization landscape. To overcome these issues and achieve the best of both worlds, we propose a novel planner, Cross-Entropy Method with Gradient Descent (CEM-GD), that combines first-order methods with CEM. At the beginning of execution, CEM-GD uses CEM to sample a significant amount of trajectory rollouts to explore the optimization landscape and avoid poor local minima. It then uses the top trajectories as initialization for gradient descent and applies gradient updates to each of these trajectories to find the optimal action sequence. At each subsequent time step, however, CEM-GD samples much fewer trajectories from CEM before applying gradient updates. We show that as the dimensionality of the planning problem increases, CEM-GD maintains desirable performance with a constant small number of samples by using the gradient information, while avoiding local optima using initially well-sampled trajectories. Furthermore, CEM-GD achieves better performance than CEM on a variety of continuous control benchmarks in MuJoCo with 100x fewer samples per time step, resulting in around 25% less computation time and 10% less memory usage. The implementation of CEM-GD is available at $\href{https://github.com/KevinHuang8/CEM-GD}{\text{https://github.com/KevinHuang8/CEM-GD}}$.
Abstract:A music piece is both comprehended hierarchically, from sonic events to melodies, and sequentially, in the form of repetition and variation. Music from different cultures establish different aesthetics by having different style conventions on these two aspects. We propose a framework that could be used to quantitatively compare music from different cultures by looking at these two aspects. The framework is based on an Music Information Dynamics model, a Variable Markov Oracle (VMO), and is extended with a variational representation learning of audio. A variational autoencoder (VAE) is trained to map audio fragments into a latent representation. The latent representation is fed into a VMO. The VMO then learns a clustering of the latent representation via a threshold that maximizes the information rate of the quantized latent representation sequence. This threshold effectively controls the sensibility of the predictive step to acoustic changes, which determines the framework's ability to track repetitions on longer time scales. This approach allows characterization of the overall information contents of a musical signal at each level of acoustic sensibility. Our findings under this framework show that sensibility to subtle acoustic changes is higher for East-Asian musical traditions, while the Western works exhibit longer motivic structures at higher thresholds of differences in the latent space. This suggests that a profile of information contents, analyzed as a function of the level of acoustic detail can serve as a possible cultural characteristic.