Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown significant potential in understanding human communication and interaction. However, their performance in the domain of child-inclusive interactions, including in clinical settings, remains less explored. In this work, we evaluate generic LLMs' ability to analyze child-adult dyadic interactions in a clinically relevant context involving children with ASD. Specifically, we explore LLMs in performing four tasks: classifying child-adult utterances, predicting engaged activities, recognizing language skills and understanding traits that are clinically relevant. Our evaluation shows that generic LLMs are highly capable of analyzing long and complex conversations in clinical observation sessions, often surpassing the performance of non-expert human evaluators. The results show their potential to segment interactions of interest, assist in language skills evaluation, identify engaged activities, and offer clinical-relevant context for assessments.
Abstract:Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social communication, repetitive behavior, and sensory processing. One important research area in ASD is evaluating children's behavioral changes over time during treatment. The standard protocol with this objective is BOSCC, which involves dyadic interactions between a child and clinicians performing a pre-defined set of activities. A fundamental aspect of understanding children's behavior in these interactions is automatic speech understanding, particularly identifying who speaks and when. Conventional approaches in this area heavily rely on speech samples recorded from a spectator perspective, and there is limited research on egocentric speech modeling. In this study, we design an experiment to perform speech sampling in BOSCC interviews from an egocentric perspective using wearable sensors and explore pre-training Ego4D speech samples to enhance child-adult speaker classification in dyadic interactions. Our findings highlight the potential of egocentric speech collection and pre-training to improve speaker classification accuracy.
Abstract:Automating child speech analysis is crucial for applications such as neurocognitive assessments. Speaker diarization, which identifies ``who spoke when'', is an essential component of the automated analysis. However, publicly available child-adult speaker diarization solutions are scarce due to privacy concerns and a lack of annotated datasets, while manually annotating data for each scenario is both time-consuming and costly. To overcome these challenges, we propose a data-efficient solution by creating simulated child-adult conversations using AudioSet. We then train a Whisper Encoder-based model, achieving strong zero-shot performance on child-adult speaker diarization using real datasets. The model performance improves substantially when fine-tuned with only 30 minutes of real train data, with LoRA further improving the transfer learning performance. The source code and the child-adult speaker diarization model trained on simulated conversations are publicly available.
Abstract:Keyword spotting (KWS) is an important speech processing component for smart devices with voice assistance capability. In this paper, we investigate if Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) can be used to enhance the performance of KWS. We explore various approaches to integrate KAN for a model architecture based on 1D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). We find that KAN is effective at modeling high-level features in lower-dimensional spaces, resulting in improved KWS performance when integrated appropriately. The findings shed light on understanding KAN for speech processing tasks and on other modalities for future researchers.
Abstract:Speech foundation models, trained on vast datasets, have opened unique opportunities in addressing challenging low-resource speech understanding, such as child speech. In this work, we explore the capabilities of speech foundation models on child-adult speaker diarization. We show that exemplary foundation models can achieve 39.5% and 62.3% relative reductions in Diarization Error Rate and Speaker Confusion Rate, respectively, compared to previous speaker diarization methods. In addition, we benchmark and evaluate the speaker diarization results of the speech foundation models with varying the input audio window size, speaker demographics, and training data ratio. Our results highlight promising pathways for understanding and adopting speech foundation models to facilitate child speech understanding.
Abstract:Interactions involving children span a wide range of important domains from learning to clinical diagnostic and therapeutic contexts. Automated analyses of such interactions are motivated by the need to seek accurate insights and offer scale and robustness across diverse and wide-ranging conditions. Identifying the speech segments belonging to the child is a critical step in such modeling. Conventional child-adult speaker classification typically relies on audio modeling approaches, overlooking visual signals that convey speech articulation information, such as lip motion. Building on the foundation of an audio-only child-adult speaker classification pipeline, we propose incorporating visual cues through active speaker detection and visual processing models. Our framework involves video pre-processing, utterance-level child-adult speaker detection, and late fusion of modality-specific predictions. We demonstrate from extensive experiments that a visually aided classification pipeline enhances the accuracy and robustness of the classification. We show relative improvements of 2.38% and 3.97% in F1 macro score when one face and two faces are visible, respectively.
Abstract:Advertisement videos (ads) play an integral part in the domain of Internet e-commerce as they amplify the reach of particular products to a broad audience or can serve as a medium to raise awareness about specific issues through concise narrative structures. The narrative structures of advertisements involve several elements like reasoning about the broad content (topic and the underlying message) and examining fine-grained details involving the transition of perceived tone due to the specific sequence of events and interaction among characters. In this work, to facilitate the understanding of advertisements along the three important dimensions of topic categorization, perceived tone transition, and social message detection, we introduce a multimodal multilingual benchmark called MM-AU composed of over 8.4K videos (147 hours) curated from multiple web sources. We explore multiple zero-shot reasoning baselines through the application of large language models on the ads transcripts. Further, we demonstrate that leveraging signals from multiple modalities, including audio, video, and text, in multimodal transformer-based supervised models leads to improved performance compared to unimodal approaches.
Abstract:Speech processing techniques are useful for analyzing speech and language development in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who are often varied and delayed in acquiring these skills. Early identification and intervention are crucial, but traditional assessment methodologies such as caregiver reports are not adequate for the requisite behavioral phenotyping. Natural Language Sample (NLS) analysis has gained attention as a promising complement. Researchers have developed benchmarks for spoken language capabilities in children with ASD, obtainable through the analysis of NLS. This paper proposes applications of speech processing technologies in support of automated assessment of children's spoken language development by classification between child and adult speech and between speech and nonverbal vocalization in NLS, with respective F1 macro scores of 82.6% and 67.8%, underscoring the potential for accurate and scalable tools for ASD research and clinical use.
Abstract:Transfer learning is a problem defined over two domains. These two domains share the same feature space and class label space, but have significantly different distributions. One domain has sufficient labels, named as source domain, and the other domain has few labels, named as target do- main. The problem is to learn a effective classifier for the target domain. In this paper, we propose a novel transfer learning method for this problem by learning a partially shared classifier for the target domain, and weighting the source domain data points. We learn some shared subspaces for both the data points of the two domains, and a shared classifier in the shared subspaces. We hope that in the shared subspaces, the distributions of two domain can match each other well, and to match the distributions, we weight the source domain data points with different weighting factors. Moreover, we adapt the shared classifier to each domain by learning different adaptation functions. To learn the subspace transformation matrices, the classifier parameters, and the adaptation parameters, we build a objective function with weighted clas- sification errors, parameter regularization, local reconstruction regularization, and distribution matching. This objective function is minimized by an itera- tive algorithm. Experiments show its effectiveness over benchmark data sets, including travel destination review data set, face expression data set, spam email data set, etc.