Abstract:Teaching robots dexterous manipulation skills, such as tool use, presents a significant challenge. Current approaches can be broadly categorized into two strategies: human teleoperation (for imitation learning) and sim-to-real reinforcement learning. The first approach is difficult as it is hard for humans to produce safe and dexterous motions on a different embodiment without touch feedback. The second RL-based approach struggles with the domain gap and involves highly task-specific reward engineering on complex tasks. Our key insight is that RL is effective at learning low-level motion primitives, while humans excel at providing coarse motion commands for complex, long-horizon tasks. Therefore, the optimal solution might be a combination of both approaches. In this paper, we introduce DexterityGen (DexGen), which uses RL to pretrain large-scale dexterous motion primitives, such as in-hand rotation or translation. We then leverage this learned dataset to train a dexterous foundational controller. In the real world, we use human teleoperation as a prompt to the controller to produce highly dexterous behavior. We evaluate the effectiveness of DexGen in both simulation and real world, demonstrating that it is a general-purpose controller that can realize input dexterous manipulation commands and significantly improves stability by 10-100x measured as duration of holding objects across diverse tasks. Notably, with DexGen we demonstrate unprecedented dexterous skills including diverse object reorientation and dexterous tool use such as pen, syringe, and screwdriver for the first time.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce general purpose touch representations for the increasingly accessible class of vision-based tactile sensors. Such sensors have led to many recent advances in robot manipulation as they markedly complement vision, yet solutions today often rely on task and sensor specific handcrafted perception models. Collecting real data at scale with task centric ground truth labels, like contact forces and slip, is a challenge further compounded by sensors of various form factor differing in aspects like lighting and gel markings. To tackle this we turn to self-supervised learning (SSL) that has demonstrated remarkable performance in computer vision. We present Sparsh, a family of SSL models that can support various vision-based tactile sensors, alleviating the need for custom labels through pre-training on 460k+ tactile images with masking and self-distillation in pixel and latent spaces. We also build TacBench, to facilitate standardized benchmarking across sensors and models, comprising of six tasks ranging from comprehending tactile properties to enabling physical perception and manipulation planning. In evaluations, we find that SSL pre-training for touch representation outperforms task and sensor-specific end-to-end training by 95.1% on average over TacBench, and Sparsh (DINO) and Sparsh (IJEPA) are the most competitive, indicating the merits of learning in latent space for tactile images. Project page: https://sparsh-ssl.github.io/
Abstract:Touch is an important sensing modality for humans, but it has not yet been incorporated into a multimodal generative language model. This is partially due to the difficulty of obtaining natural language labels for tactile data and the complexity of aligning tactile readings with both visual observations and language descriptions. As a step towards bridging that gap, this work introduces a new dataset of 44K in-the-wild vision-touch pairs, with English language labels annotated by humans (10%) and textual pseudo-labels from GPT-4V (90%). We use this dataset to train a vision-language-aligned tactile encoder for open-vocabulary classification and a touch-vision-language (TVL) model for text generation using the trained encoder. Results suggest that by incorporating touch, the TVL model improves (+29% classification accuracy) touch-vision-language alignment over existing models trained on any pair of those modalities. Although only a small fraction of the dataset is human-labeled, the TVL model demonstrates improved visual-tactile understanding over GPT-4V (+12%) and open-source vision-language models (+32%) on a new touch-vision understanding benchmark. Code and data: https://tactile-vlm.github.io.
Abstract:To achieve human-level dexterity, robots must infer spatial awareness from multimodal sensing to reason over contact interactions. During in-hand manipulation of novel objects, such spatial awareness involves estimating the object's pose and shape. The status quo for in-hand perception primarily employs vision, and restricts to tracking a priori known objects. Moreover, visual occlusion of objects in-hand is imminent during manipulation, preventing current systems to push beyond tasks without occlusion. We combine vision and touch sensing on a multi-fingered hand to estimate an object's pose and shape during in-hand manipulation. Our method, NeuralFeels, encodes object geometry by learning a neural field online and jointly tracks it by optimizing a pose graph problem. We study multimodal in-hand perception in simulation and the real-world, interacting with different objects via a proprioception-driven policy. Our experiments show final reconstruction F-scores of $81$% and average pose drifts of $4.7\,\text{mm}$, further reduced to $2.3\,\text{mm}$ with known CAD models. Additionally, we observe that under heavy visual occlusion we can achieve up to $94$% improvements in tracking compared to vision-only methods. Our results demonstrate that touch, at the very least, refines and, at the very best, disambiguates visual estimates during in-hand manipulation. We release our evaluation dataset of 70 experiments, FeelSight, as a step towards benchmarking in this domain. Our neural representation driven by multimodal sensing can serve as a perception backbone towards advancing robot dexterity. Videos can be found on our project website https://suddhu.github.io/neural-feels/
Abstract:Deep learning models are often deployed in downstream tasks that the training procedure may not be aware of. For example, models solely trained to achieve accurate predictions may struggle to perform well on downstream tasks because seemingly small prediction errors may incur drastic task errors. The standard end-to-end learning approach is to make the task loss differentiable or to introduce a differentiable surrogate that the model can be trained on. In these settings, the task loss needs to be carefully balanced with the prediction loss because they may have conflicting objectives. We propose take the task loss signal one level deeper than the parameters of the model and use it to learn the parameters of the loss function the model is trained on, which can be done by learning a metric in the prediction space. This approach does not alter the optimal prediction model itself, but rather changes the model learning to emphasize the information important for the downstream task. This enables us to achieve the best of both worlds: a prediction model trained in the original prediction space while also being valuable for the desired downstream task. We validate our approach through experiments conducted in two main settings: 1) decision-focused model learning scenarios involving portfolio optimization and budget allocation, and 2) reinforcement learning in noisy environments with distracting states. The source code to reproduce our experiments is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/taskmet
Abstract:Robotic manipulation tasks such as object insertion typically involve interactions between object and environment, namely extrinsic contacts. Prior work on Neural Contact Fields (NCF) use intrinsic tactile sensing between gripper and object to estimate extrinsic contacts in simulation. However, its effectiveness and utility in real-world tasks remains unknown. In this work, we improve NCF to enable sim-to-real transfer and use it to train policies for mug-in-cupholder and bowl-in-dishrack insertion tasks. We find our model NCF-v2, is capable of estimating extrinsic contacts in the real-world. Furthermore, our insertion policy with NCF-v2 outperforms policies without it, achieving 33% higher success and 1.36x faster execution on mug-in-cupholder, and 13% higher success and 1.27x faster execution on bowl-in-dishrack.
Abstract:Scaling to arbitrarily large bundle adjustment problems requires data and compute to be distributed across multiple devices. Centralized methods in prior works are only able to solve small or medium size problems due to overhead in computation and communication. In this paper, we present a fully decentralized method that alleviates computation and communication bottlenecks to solve arbitrarily large bundle adjustment problems. We achieve this by reformulating the reprojection error and deriving a novel surrogate function that decouples optimization variables from different devices. This function makes it possible to use majorization minimization techniques and reduces bundle adjustment to independent optimization subproblems that can be solved in parallel. We further apply Nesterov's acceleration and adaptive restart to improve convergence while maintaining its theoretical guarantees. Despite limited peer-to-peer communication, our method has provable convergence to first-order critical points under mild conditions. On extensive benchmarks with public datasets, our method converges much faster than decentralized baselines with similar memory usage and communication load. Compared to centralized baselines using a single device, our method, while being decentralized, yields more accurate solutions with significant speedups of up to 953.7x over Ceres and 174.6x over DeepLM. Code: https://github.com/facebookresearch/DABA.
Abstract:In order for robots to follow open-ended instructions like "go open the brown cabinet over the sink", they require an understanding of both the scene geometry and the semantics of their environment. Robotic systems often handle these through separate pipelines, sometimes using very different representation spaces, which can be suboptimal when the two objectives conflict. In this work, we present USA-Net, a simple method for constructing a world representation that encodes both the semantics and spatial affordances of a scene in a differentiable map. This allows us to build a gradient-based planner which can navigate to locations in the scene specified using open-ended vocabulary. We use this planner to consistently generate trajectories which are both shorter 5-10% shorter and 10-30% closer to our goal query in CLIP embedding space than paths from comparable grid-based planners which don't leverage gradient information. To our knowledge, this is the first end-to-end differentiable planner optimizes for both semantics and affordance in a single implicit map. Code and visuals are available at our website: https://usa.bolte.cc/
Abstract:Simulating vision-based tactile sensors enables learning models for contact-rich tasks when collecting real world data at scale can be prohibitive. However, modeling the optical response of the gel deformation as well as incorporating the dynamics of the contact makes sim2real challenging. Prior works have explored data augmentation, fine-tuning, or learning generative models to reduce the sim2real gap. In this work, we present the first method to leverage probabilistic diffusion models for capturing complex illumination changes from gel deformations. Our tactile diffusion model is able to generate realistic tactile images from simulated contact depth bridging the reality gap for vision-based tactile sensing. On real braille reading task with a DIGIT sensor, a classifier trained with our diffusion model achieves 75.74% accuracy outperforming classifiers trained with simulation and other approaches. Project page: https://github.com/carolinahiguera/Tactile-Diffusion
Abstract:We formulate grasp learning as a neural field and present Neural Grasp Distance Fields (NGDF). Here, the input is a 6D pose of a robot end effector and output is a distance to a continuous manifold of valid grasps for an object. In contrast to current approaches that predict a set of discrete candidate grasps, the distance-based NGDF representation is easily interpreted as a cost, and minimizing this cost produces a successful grasp pose. This grasp distance cost can be incorporated directly into a trajectory optimizer for joint optimization with other costs such as trajectory smoothness and collision avoidance. During optimization, as the various costs are balanced and minimized, the grasp target is allowed to smoothly vary, as the learned grasp field is continuous. In simulation benchmarks with a Franka arm, we find that joint grasping and planning with NGDF outperforms baselines by 63% execution success while generalizing to unseen query poses and unseen object shapes. Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/neural-grasp-distance-fields.