Abstract:While internet-scale data often comes in pairs (e.g., audio/image, image/text), we often want to perform inferences over modalities unseen together in the training data (e.g., audio/text). Empirically, this can often be addressed by learning multiple contrastive embedding spaces between existing modality pairs, implicitly hoping that unseen modality pairs will end up being aligned. This theoretical paper proves that this hope is well founded, under certain assumptions. Starting with the proper Bayesian approach of integrating out intermediate modalities, we show that directly comparing the representations of data from unpaired modalities can recover the same likelihood ratio. Our analysis builds on prior work on the geometry and probabilistic interpretation of contrastive representations, showing how these representations can answer many of the same inferences as probabilistic graphical models. Our analysis suggests two new ways of using contrastive representations: in settings with pre-trained contrastive models, and for handling language ambiguity in reinforcement learning. Our numerical experiments study the importance of our assumptions and demonstrate these new applications.
Abstract:We study goal-conditioned RL through the lens of generalization, but not in the traditional sense of random augmentations and domain randomization. Rather, we aim to learn goal-directed policies that generalize with respect to the horizon: after training to reach nearby goals (which are easy to learn), these policies should succeed in reaching distant goals (which are quite challenging to learn). In the same way that invariance is closely linked with generalization is other areas of machine learning (e.g., normalization layers make a network invariant to scale, and therefore generalize to inputs of varying scales), we show that this notion of horizon generalization is closely linked with invariance to planning: a policy navigating towards a goal will select the same actions as if it were navigating to a waypoint en route to that goal. Thus, such a policy trained to reach nearby goals should succeed at reaching arbitrarily-distant goals. Our theoretical analysis proves that both horizon generalization and planning invariance are possible, under some assumptions. We present new experimental results and recall findings from prior work in support of our theoretical results. Taken together, our results open the door to studying how techniques for invariance and generalization developed in other areas of machine learning might be adapted to achieve this alluring property.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning has the potential of lifting several of the key challenges in reinforcement learning today, such as exploration, representation learning, and reward design. Recent work (METRA) has effectively argued that moving away from mutual information and instead optimizing a certain Wasserstein distance is important for good performance. In this paper, we argue that the benefits seen in that paper can largely be explained within the existing framework of mutual information skill learning (MISL). Our analysis suggests a new MISL method (contrastive successor features) that retains the excellent performance of METRA with fewer moving parts, and highlights connections between skill learning, contrastive representation learning, and successor features. Finally, through careful ablation studies, we provide further insight into some of the key ingredients for both our method and METRA.
Abstract:Assistive agents should make humans' lives easier. Classically, such assistance is studied through the lens of inverse reinforcement learning, where an assistive agent (e.g., a chatbot, a robot) infers a human's intention and then selects actions to help the human reach that goal. This approach requires inferring intentions, which can be difficult in high-dimensional settings. We build upon prior work that studies assistance through the lens of empowerment: an assistive agent aims to maximize the influence of the human's actions such that they exert a greater control over the environmental outcomes and can solve tasks in fewer steps. We lift the major limitation of prior work in this area--scalability to high-dimensional settings--with contrastive successor representations. We formally prove that these representations estimate a similar notion of empowerment to that studied by prior work and provide a ready-made mechanism for optimizing it. Empirically, our proposed method outperforms prior methods on synthetic benchmarks, and scales to Overcooked, a cooperative game setting. Theoretically, our work connects ideas from information theory, neuroscience, and reinforcement learning, and charts a path for representations to play a critical role in solving assistive problems.
Abstract:Image and video generative models that are pre-trained on Internet-scale data can greatly increase the generalization capacity of robot learning systems. These models can function as high-level planners, generating intermediate subgoals for low-level goal-conditioned policies to reach. However, the performance of these systems can be greatly bottlenecked by the interface between generative models and low-level controllers. For example, generative models may predict photorealistic yet physically infeasible frames that confuse low-level policies. Low-level policies may also be sensitive to subtle visual artifacts in generated goal images. This paper addresses these two facets of generalization, providing an interface to effectively "glue together" language-conditioned image or video prediction models with low-level goal-conditioned policies. Our method, Generative Hierarchical Imitation Learning-Glue (GHIL-Glue), filters out subgoals that do not lead to task progress and improves the robustness of goal-conditioned policies to generated subgoals with harmful visual artifacts. We find in extensive experiments in both simulated and real environments that GHIL-Glue achieves a 25% improvement across several hierarchical models that leverage generative subgoals, achieving a new state-of-the-art on the CALVIN simulation benchmark for policies using observations from a single RGB camera. GHIL-Glue also outperforms other generalist robot policies across 3/4 language-conditioned manipulation tasks testing zero-shot generalization in physical experiments.
Abstract:Offline goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (GCRL) is a major problem in reinforcement learning (RL) because it provides a simple, unsupervised, and domain-agnostic way to acquire diverse behaviors and representations from unlabeled data without rewards. Despite the importance of this setting, we lack a standard benchmark that can systematically evaluate the capabilities of offline GCRL algorithms. In this work, we propose OGBench, a new, high-quality benchmark for algorithms research in offline goal-conditioned RL. OGBench consists of 8 types of environments, 85 datasets, and reference implementations of 6 representative offline GCRL algorithms. We have designed these challenging and realistic environments and datasets to directly probe different capabilities of algorithms, such as stitching, long-horizon reasoning, and the ability to handle high-dimensional inputs and stochasticity. While representative algorithms may rank similarly on prior benchmarks, our experiments reveal stark strengths and weaknesses in these different capabilities, providing a strong foundation for building new algorithms. Project page:
Abstract:Self-supervision has the potential to transform reinforcement learning (RL), paralleling the breakthroughs it has enabled in other areas of machine learning. While self-supervised learning in other domains aims to find patterns in a fixed dataset, self-supervised goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (GCRL) agents discover new behaviors by learning from the goals achieved during unstructured interaction with the environment. However, these methods have failed to see similar success, both due to a lack of data from slow environments as well as a lack of stable algorithms. We take a step toward addressing both of these issues by releasing a high-performance codebase and benchmark JaxGCRL for self-supervised GCRL, enabling researchers to train agents for millions of environment steps in minutes on a single GPU. The key to this performance is a combination of GPU-accelerated environments and a stable, batched version of the contrastive reinforcement learning algorithm, based on an infoNCE objective, that effectively makes use of this increased data throughput. With this approach, we provide a foundation for future research in self-supervised GCRL, enabling researchers to quickly iterate on new ideas and evaluate them in a diverse set of challenging environments. Website + Code:
Abstract:In this paper, we present empirical evidence of skills and directed exploration emerging from a simple RL algorithm long before any successful trials are observed. For example, in a manipulation task, the agent is given a single observation of the goal state and learns skills, first for moving its end-effector, then for pushing the block, and finally for picking up and placing the block. These skills emerge before the agent has ever successfully placed the block at the goal location and without the aid of any reward functions, demonstrations, or manually-specified distance metrics. Once the agent has learned to reach the goal state reliably, exploration is reduced. Implementing our method involves a simple modification of prior work and does not require density estimates, ensembles, or any additional hyperparameters. Intuitively, the proposed method seems like it should be terrible at exploration, and we lack a clear theoretical understanding of why it works so effectively, though our experiments provide some hints.
Abstract:Temporal distances lie at the heart of many algorithms for planning, control, and reinforcement learning that involve reaching goals, allowing one to estimate the transit time between two states. However, prior attempts to define such temporal distances in stochastic settings have been stymied by an important limitation: these prior approaches do not satisfy the triangle inequality. This is not merely a definitional concern, but translates to an inability to generalize and find shortest paths. In this paper, we build on prior work in contrastive learning and quasimetrics to show how successor features learned by contrastive learning (after a change of variables) form a temporal distance that does satisfy the triangle inequality, even in stochastic settings. Importantly, this temporal distance is computationally efficient to estimate, even in high-dimensional and stochastic settings. Experiments in controlled settings and benchmark suites demonstrate that an RL algorithm based on these new temporal distances exhibits combinatorial generalization (i.e., "stitching") and can sometimes learn more quickly than prior methods, including those based on quasimetrics.
Abstract:In supervised learning, understanding an input's proximity to the training data can help a model decide whether it has sufficient evidence for reaching a reliable prediction. While powerful probabilistic models such as Gaussian Processes naturally have this property, deep neural networks often lack it. In this paper, we introduce Distance Aware Bottleneck (DAB), i.e., a new method for enriching deep neural networks with this property. Building on prior information bottleneck approaches, our method learns a codebook that stores a compressed representation of all inputs seen during training. The distance of a new example from this codebook can serve as an uncertainty estimate for the example. The resulting model is simple to train and provides deterministic uncertainty estimates by a single forward pass. Finally, our method achieves better out-of-distribution (OOD) detection and misclassification prediction than prior methods, including expensive ensemble methods, deep kernel Gaussian Processes, and approaches based on the standard information bottleneck.