Abstract:We propose scaling up 3D scene reconstruction by training with synthesized data. At the core of our work is MegaSynth, a procedurally generated 3D dataset comprising 700K scenes - over 50 times larger than the prior real dataset DL3DV - dramatically scaling the training data. To enable scalable data generation, our key idea is eliminating semantic information, removing the need to model complex semantic priors such as object affordances and scene composition. Instead, we model scenes with basic spatial structures and geometry primitives, offering scalability. Besides, we control data complexity to facilitate training while loosely aligning it with real-world data distribution to benefit real-world generalization. We explore training LRMs with both MegaSynth and available real data. Experiment results show that joint training or pre-training with MegaSynth improves reconstruction quality by 1.2 to 1.8 dB PSNR across diverse image domains. Moreover, models trained solely on MegaSynth perform comparably to those trained on real data, underscoring the low-level nature of 3D reconstruction. Additionally, we provide an in-depth analysis of MegaSynth's properties for enhancing model capability, training stability, and generalization.
Abstract:Anticipating how a person will interact with objects in an environment is essential for activity understanding, but existing methods are limited to the 2D space of video frames-capturing physically ungrounded predictions of 'what' and ignoring the 'where' and 'how'. We introduce 4D future interaction prediction from videos. Given an input video of a human activity, the goal is to predict what objects at what 3D locations the person will interact with in the next time period (e.g., cabinet, fridge), and how they will execute that interaction (e.g., poses for bending, reaching, pulling). We propose a novel model FIction that fuses the past video observation of the person's actions and their environment to predict both the 'where' and 'how' of future interactions. Through comprehensive experiments on a variety of activities and real-world environments in Ego-Exo4D, we show that our proposed approach outperforms prior autoregressive and (lifted) 2D video models substantially, with more than 30% relative gains.
Abstract:We study the problem of teaching humanoid robots manipulation skills by imitating from single video demonstrations. We introduce OKAMI, a method that generates a manipulation plan from a single RGB-D video and derives a policy for execution. At the heart of our approach is object-aware retargeting, which enables the humanoid robot to mimic the human motions in an RGB-D video while adjusting to different object locations during deployment. OKAMI uses open-world vision models to identify task-relevant objects and retarget the body motions and hand poses separately. Our experiments show that OKAMI achieves strong generalizations across varying visual and spatial conditions, outperforming the state-of-the-art baseline on open-world imitation from observation. Furthermore, OKAMI rollout trajectories are leveraged to train closed-loop visuomotor policies, which achieve an average success rate of 79.2% without the need for labor-intensive teleoperation. More videos can be found on our website https://ut-austin-rpl.github.io/OKAMI/.
Abstract:We present EgoAllo, a system for human motion estimation from a head-mounted device. Using only egocentric SLAM poses and images, EgoAllo guides sampling from a conditional diffusion model to estimate 3D body pose, height, and hand parameters that capture the wearer's actions in the allocentric coordinate frame of the scene. To achieve this, our key insight is in representation: we propose spatial and temporal invariance criteria for improving model performance, from which we derive a head motion conditioning parameterization that improves estimation by up to 18%. We also show how the bodies estimated by our system can improve the hands: the resulting kinematic and temporal constraints result in over 40% lower hand estimation errors compared to noisy monocular estimates. Project page: https://egoallo.github.io/
Abstract:This paper asks to what extent social interaction influences one's behavior. We study this in the setting of two dancers dancing as a couple. We first consider a baseline in which we predict a dancer's future moves conditioned only on their past motion without regard to their partner. We then investigate the advantage of taking social information into account by conditioning also on the motion of their dancing partner. We focus our analysis on Swing, a dance genre with tight physical coupling for which we present an in-the-wild video dataset. We demonstrate that single-person future motion prediction in this context is challenging. Instead, we observe that prediction greatly benefits from considering the interaction partners' behavior, resulting in surprisingly compelling couple dance synthesis results (see supp. video). Our contributions are a demonstration of the advantages of socially conditioned future motion prediction and an in-the-wild, couple dance video dataset to enable future research in this direction. Video results are available on the project website: https://von31.github.io/synNsync
Abstract:Using the latent diffusion model has proven effective in developing novel 3D generation techniques. To harness the latent diffusion model, a key challenge is designing a high-fidelity and efficient representation that links the latent space and the 3D space. In this paper, we introduce Atlas Gaussians, a novel representation for feed-forward native 3D generation. Atlas Gaussians represent a shape as the union of local patches, and each patch can decode 3D Gaussians. We parameterize a patch as a sequence of feature vectors and design a learnable function to decode 3D Gaussians from the feature vectors. In this process, we incorporate UV-based sampling, enabling the generation of a sufficiently large, and theoretically infinite, number of 3D Gaussian points. The large amount of 3D Gaussians enables high-quality details of generation results. Moreover, due to local awareness of the representation, the transformer-based decoding procedure operates on a patch level, ensuring efficiency. We train a variational autoencoder to learn the Atlas Gaussians representation, and then apply a latent diffusion model on its latent space for learning 3D Generation. Experiments show that our approach outperforms the prior arts of feed-forward native 3D generation.
Abstract:Feedback is essential for learning a new skill or improving one's current skill-level. However, current methods for skill-assessment from video only provide scores or compare demonstrations, leaving the burden of knowing what to do differently on the user. We introduce a novel method to generate actionable feedback from video of a person doing a physical activity, such as basketball or soccer. Our method takes a video demonstration and its accompanying 3D body pose and generates (1) free-form expert commentary describing what the person is doing well and what they could improve, and (2) a visual expert demonstration that incorporates the required corrections. We show how to leverage Ego-Exo4D's videos of skilled activity and expert commentary together with a strong language model to create a weakly-supervised training dataset for this task, and we devise a multimodal video-language model to infer coaching feedback. Our method is able to reason across multi-modal input combinations to output full-spectrum, actionable coaching -- expert commentary, expert video retrieval, and the first-of-its-kind expert pose generation -- outperforming strong vision-language models on both established metrics and human preference studies.
Abstract:Nuanced expressiveness, particularly through fine-grained hand and facial expressions, is pivotal for enhancing the realism and vitality of digital human representations. In this work, we focus on investigating the expressiveness of human avatars when learned from monocular RGB video; a setting that introduces new challenges in capturing and animating fine-grained details. To this end, we introduce EVA, a drivable human model that meticulously sculpts fine details based on 3D Gaussians and SMPL-X, an expressive parametric human model. Focused on enhancing expressiveness, our work makes three key contributions. First, we highlight the critical importance of aligning the SMPL-X model with RGB frames for effective avatar learning. Recognizing the limitations of current SMPL-X prediction methods for in-the-wild videos, we introduce a plug-and-play module that significantly ameliorates misalignment issues. Second, we propose a context-aware adaptive density control strategy, which is adaptively adjusting the gradient thresholds to accommodate the varied granularity across body parts. Last but not least, we develop a feedback mechanism that predicts per-pixel confidence to better guide the learning of 3D Gaussians. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our framework both quantitatively and qualitatively, especially on the fine-grained hand and facial details. See the project website at \url{https://evahuman.github.io}
Abstract:The default strategy for training single-view Large Reconstruction Models (LRMs) follows the fully supervised route using large-scale datasets of synthetic 3D assets or multi-view captures. Although these resources simplify the training procedure, they are hard to scale up beyond the existing datasets and they are not necessarily representative of the real distribution of object shapes. To address these limitations, in this paper, we introduce Real3D, the first LRM system that can be trained using single-view real-world images. Real3D introduces a novel self-training framework that can benefit from both the existing synthetic data and diverse single-view real images. We propose two unsupervised losses that allow us to supervise LRMs at the pixel- and semantic-level, even for training examples without ground-truth 3D or novel views. To further improve performance and scale up the image data, we develop an automatic data curation approach to collect high-quality examples from in-the-wild images. Our experiments show that Real3D consistently outperforms prior work in four diverse evaluation settings that include real and synthetic data, as well as both in-domain and out-of-domain shapes. Code and model can be found here: https://hwjiang1510.github.io/Real3D/
Abstract:This paper introduces CoFie, a novel local geometry-aware neural surface representation. CoFie is motivated by the theoretical analysis of local SDFs with quadratic approximation. We find that local shapes are highly compressive in an aligned coordinate frame defined by the normal and tangent directions of local shapes. Accordingly, we introduce Coordinate Field, which is a composition of coordinate frames of all local shapes. The Coordinate Field is optimizable and is used to transform the local shapes from the world coordinate frame to the aligned shape coordinate frame. It largely reduces the complexity of local shapes and benefits the learning of MLP-based implicit representations. Moreover, we introduce quadratic layers into the MLP to enhance expressiveness concerning local shape geometry. CoFie is a generalizable surface representation. It is trained on a curated set of 3D shapes and works on novel shape instances during testing. When using the same amount of parameters with prior works, CoFie reduces the shape error by 48% and 56% on novel instances of both training and unseen shape categories. Moreover, CoFie demonstrates comparable performance to prior works when using only 70% fewer parameters.