Abstract:Deep learning has achieved significant success in single hyperspectral image super-resolution (SHSR); however, the high spectral dimensionality leads to a heavy computational burden, thus making it difficult to deploy in real-time scenarios. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel lightweight SHSR network, i.e., LKCA-Net, that incorporates channel attention to calibrate multi-scale channel features of hyperspectral images. Furthermore, we demonstrate, for the first time, that the low-rank property of the learnable upsampling layer is a key bottleneck in lightweight SHSR methods. To address this, we employ the low-rank approximation strategy to optimize the parameter redundancy of the learnable upsampling layer. Additionally, we introduce a knowledge distillation-based feature alignment technique to ensure the low-rank approximated network retains the same feature representation capacity as the original. We conducted extensive experiments on the Chikusei, Houston 2018, and Pavia Center datasets compared to some SOTAs. The results demonstrate that our method is competitive in performance while achieving speedups of several dozen to even hundreds of times compared to other well-performing SHSR methods.
Abstract:Semi-supervised learning offers an appealing solution for remote sensing (RS) image segmentation to relieve the burden of labor-intensive pixel-level labeling. However, RS images pose unique challenges, including rich multi-scale features and high inter-class similarity. To address these problems, this paper proposes a novel semi-supervised Multi-Scale Uncertainty and Cross-Teacher-Student Attention (MUCA) model for RS image semantic segmentation tasks. Specifically, MUCA constrains the consistency among feature maps at different layers of the network by introducing a multi-scale uncertainty consistency regularization. It improves the multi-scale learning capability of semi-supervised algorithms on unlabeled data. Additionally, MUCA utilizes a Cross-Teacher-Student attention mechanism to guide the student network, guiding the student network to construct more discriminative feature representations through complementary features from the teacher network. This design effectively integrates weak and strong augmentations (WA and SA) to further boost segmentation performance. To verify the effectiveness of our model, we conduct extensive experiments on ISPRS-Potsdam and LoveDA datasets. The experimental results show the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods. Notably, our model excels in distinguishing highly similar objects, showcasing its potential for advancing semi-supervised RS image segmentation tasks.
Abstract:We propose scaling up 3D scene reconstruction by training with synthesized data. At the core of our work is MegaSynth, a procedurally generated 3D dataset comprising 700K scenes - over 50 times larger than the prior real dataset DL3DV - dramatically scaling the training data. To enable scalable data generation, our key idea is eliminating semantic information, removing the need to model complex semantic priors such as object affordances and scene composition. Instead, we model scenes with basic spatial structures and geometry primitives, offering scalability. Besides, we control data complexity to facilitate training while loosely aligning it with real-world data distribution to benefit real-world generalization. We explore training LRMs with both MegaSynth and available real data. Experiment results show that joint training or pre-training with MegaSynth improves reconstruction quality by 1.2 to 1.8 dB PSNR across diverse image domains. Moreover, models trained solely on MegaSynth perform comparably to those trained on real data, underscoring the low-level nature of 3D reconstruction. Additionally, we provide an in-depth analysis of MegaSynth's properties for enhancing model capability, training stability, and generalization.
Abstract:Deep learning has enabled the development of highly robust foundation models for various pathological tasks across diverse diseases and patient cohorts. Among these models, vision-language pre-training, which leverages large-scale paired data to align pathology image and text embedding spaces, and provides a novel zero-shot paradigm for downstream tasks. However, existing models have been primarily data-driven and lack the incorporation of domain-specific knowledge, which limits their performance in cancer diagnosis, especially for rare tumor subtypes. To address this limitation, we establish a Knowledge-enhanced Pathology (KEEP) foundation model that harnesses disease knowledge to facilitate vision-language pre-training. Specifically, we first construct a disease knowledge graph (KG) that covers 11,454 human diseases with 139,143 disease attributes, including synonyms, definitions, and hypernym relations. We then systematically reorganize the millions of publicly available noisy pathology image-text pairs, into 143K well-structured semantic groups linked through the hierarchical relations of the disease KG. To derive more nuanced image and text representations, we propose a novel knowledge-enhanced vision-language pre-training approach that integrates disease knowledge into the alignment within hierarchical semantic groups instead of unstructured image-text pairs. Validated on 18 diverse benchmarks with more than 14,000 whole slide images (WSIs), KEEP achieves state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot cancer diagnostic tasks. Notably, for cancer detection, KEEP demonstrates an average sensitivity of 89.8% at a specificity of 95.0% across 7 cancer types. For cancer subtyping, KEEP achieves a median balanced accuracy of 0.456 in subtyping 30 rare brain cancers, indicating strong generalizability for diagnosing rare tumors.
Abstract:Auscultation of internal body sounds is essential for diagnosing a range of health conditions, yet its effectiveness is often limited by clinicians' expertise and the acoustic constraints of human hearing, restricting its use across various clinical scenarios. To address these challenges, we introduce AuscultaBase, a foundational framework aimed at advancing body sound diagnostics through innovative data integration and contrastive learning techniques. Our contributions include the following: First, we compile AuscultaBase-Corpus, a large-scale, multi-source body sound database encompassing 11 datasets with 40,317 audio recordings and totaling 322.4 hours of heart, lung, and bowel sounds. Second, we develop AuscultaBase-Model, a foundational diagnostic model for body sounds, utilizing contrastive learning on the compiled corpus. Third, we establish AuscultaBase-Bench, a comprehensive benchmark containing 16 sub-tasks, assessing the performance of various open-source acoustic pre-trained models. Evaluation results indicate that our model outperforms all other open-source models in 12 out of 16 tasks, demonstrating the efficacy of our approach in advancing diagnostic capabilities for body sound analysis.
Abstract:Chatbots or conversational agents (CAs) are increasingly used to improve access to digital psychotherapy. Many current systems rely on rigid, rule-based designs, heavily dependent on expert-crafted dialogue scripts for guiding therapeutic conversations. Although recent advances in large language models (LLMs) offer the potential for more flexible interactions, their lack of controllability and transparency poses significant challenges in sensitive areas like psychotherapy. In this work, we explored how aligning LLMs with expert-crafted scripts can enhance psychotherapeutic chatbot performance. Our comparative study showed that LLMs aligned with expert-crafted scripts through prompting and fine-tuning significantly outperformed both pure LLMs and rule-based chatbots, achieving a more effective balance between dialogue flexibility and adherence to therapeutic principles. Building on findings, we proposed ``Script-Strategy Aligned Generation (SSAG)'', a flexible alignment approach that reduces reliance on fully scripted content while enhancing LLMs' therapeutic adherence and controllability. In a 10-day field study, SSAG demonstrated performance comparable to full script alignment and outperformed rule-based chatbots, empirically supporting SSAG as an efficient approach for aligning LLMs with domain expertise. Our work advances LLM applications in psychotherapy by providing a controllable, adaptable, and scalable solution for digital interventions, reducing reliance on expert effort. It also provides a collaborative framework for domain experts and developers to efficiently build expertise-aligned chatbots, broadening access to psychotherapy and behavioral interventions.
Abstract:Molecular property prediction (MPP) is integral to drug discovery and material science, but often faces the challenge of data scarcity in real-world scenarios. Addressing this, few-shot molecular property prediction (FSMPP) has been developed. Unlike other few-shot tasks, FSMPP typically employs a pre-trained molecular encoder and a context-aware classifier, benefiting from molecular pre-training and molecular context information. Despite these advancements, existing methods struggle with the ineffective fine-tuning of pre-trained encoders. We attribute this issue to the imbalance between the abundance of tunable parameters and the scarcity of labeled molecules, and the lack of contextual perceptiveness in the encoders. To overcome this hurdle, we propose a parameter-efficient in-context tuning method, named Pin-Tuning. Specifically, we propose a lightweight adapter for pre-trained message passing layers (MP-Adapter) and Bayesian weight consolidation for pre-trained atom/bond embedding layers (Emb-BWC), to achieve parameter-efficient tuning while preventing over-fitting and catastrophic forgetting. Additionally, we enhance the MP-Adapters with contextual perceptiveness. This innovation allows for in-context tuning of the pre-trained encoder, thereby improving its adaptability for specific FSMPP tasks. When evaluated on public datasets, our method demonstrates superior tuning with fewer trainable parameters, improving few-shot predictive performance.
Abstract:Phytoplankton are a crucial component of aquatic ecosystems, and effective monitoring of them can provide valuable insights into ocean environments and ecosystem changes. Traditional phytoplankton monitoring methods are often complex and lack timely analysis. Therefore, deep learning algorithms offer a promising approach for automated phytoplankton monitoring. However, the lack of large-scale, high-quality training samples has become a major bottleneck in advancing phytoplankton tracking. In this paper, we propose a challenging benchmark dataset, Multiple Phytoplankton Tracking (MPT), which covers diverse background information and variations in motion during observation. The dataset includes 27 species of phytoplankton and zooplankton, 14 different backgrounds to simulate diverse and complex underwater environments, and a total of 140 videos. To enable accurate real-time observation of phytoplankton, we introduce a multi-object tracking method, Deviation-Corrected Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Tracker(DSFT), which addresses issues such as focus shifts during tracking and the loss of small target information when computing frame-to-frame similarity. Specifically, we introduce an additional feature extractor to predict the residuals of the standard feature extractor's output, and compute multi-scale frame-to-frame similarity based on features from different layers of the extractor. Extensive experiments on the MPT have demonstrated the validity of the dataset and the superiority of DSFT in tracking phytoplankton, providing an effective solution for phytoplankton monitoring.
Abstract:This paper addresses the persistent challenge in Keyword Spotting (KWS), a fundamental component in speech technology, regarding the acquisition of substantial labeled data for training. Given the difficulty in obtaining large quantities of positive samples and the laborious process of collecting new target samples when the keyword changes, we introduce a novel approach combining unsupervised contrastive learning and a unique augmentation-based technique. Our method allows the neural network to train on unlabeled data sets, potentially improving performance in downstream tasks with limited labeled data sets. We also propose that similar high-level feature representations should be employed for speech utterances with the same keyword despite variations in speed or volume. To achieve this, we present a speech augmentation-based unsupervised learning method that utilizes the similarity between the bottleneck layer feature and the audio reconstructing information for auxiliary training. Furthermore, we propose a compressed convolutional architecture to address potential redundancy and non-informative information in KWS tasks, enabling the model to simultaneously learn local features and focus on long-term information. This method achieves strong performance on the Google Speech Commands V2 Dataset. Inspired by recent advancements in sign spotting and spoken term detection, our method underlines the potential of our contrastive learning approach in KWS and the advantages of Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection strategies. The presented CAB-KWS provide new perspectives in the field of KWS, demonstrating effective ways to reduce data collection efforts and increase the system's robustness.
Abstract:Heart sound auscultation holds significant importance in the diagnosis of congenital heart disease. However, existing methods for Heart Sound Diagnosis (HSD) tasks are predominantly limited to a few fixed categories, framing the HSD task as a rigid classification problem that does not fully align with medical practice and offers only limited information to physicians. Besides, such methods do not utilize echocardiography reports, the gold standard in the diagnosis of related diseases. To tackle this challenge, we introduce HSDreport, a new benchmark for HSD, which mandates the direct utilization of heart sounds obtained from auscultation to predict echocardiography reports. This benchmark aims to merge the convenience of auscultation with the comprehensive nature of echocardiography reports. First, we collect a new dataset for this benchmark, comprising 2,275 heart sound samples along with their corresponding reports. Subsequently, we develop a knowledge-aware query-based transformer to handle this task. The intent is to leverage the capabilities of medically pre-trained models and the internal knowledge of large language models (LLMs) to address the task's inherent complexity and variability, thereby enhancing the robustness and scientific validity of the method. Furthermore, our experimental results indicate that our method significantly outperforms traditional HSD approaches and existing multimodal LLMs in detecting key abnormalities in heart sounds.