Abstract:As video generation models advance rapidly, assessing the quality of generated videos has become increasingly critical. Existing metrics, such as Fr\'echet Video Distance (FVD), Inception Score (IS), and ClipSim, measure quality primarily in latent space rather than from a human visual perspective, often overlooking key aspects like appearance and motion consistency to physical laws. In this paper, we propose a novel metric, VAMP (Visual Appearance and Motion Plausibility), that evaluates both the visual appearance and physical plausibility of generated videos. VAMP is composed of two main components: an appearance score, which assesses color, shape, and texture consistency across frames, and a motion score, which evaluates the realism of object movements. We validate VAMP through two experiments: corrupted video evaluation and generated video evaluation. In the corrupted video evaluation, we introduce various types of corruptions into real videos and measure the correlation between corruption severity and VAMP scores. In the generated video evaluation, we use state-of-the-art models to generate videos from carefully designed prompts and compare VAMP's performance to human evaluators' rankings. Our results demonstrate that VAMP effectively captures both visual fidelity and temporal consistency, offering a more comprehensive evaluation of video quality than traditional methods.
Abstract:Diffusion models have achieved excellent success in solving inverse problems due to their ability to learn strong image priors, but existing approaches require a large training dataset of images that should come from the same distribution as the test dataset. When the training and test distributions are mismatched, artifacts and hallucinations can occur in reconstructed images due to the incorrect priors. In this work, we systematically study out of distribution (OOD) problems where a known training distribution is first provided. We first study the setting where only a single measurement obtained from the unknown test distribution is available. Next we study the setting where a very small sample of data belonging to the test distribution is available, and our goal is still to reconstruct an image from a measurement that came from the test distribution. In both settings, we use a patch-based diffusion prior that learns the image distribution solely from patches. Furthermore, in the first setting, we include a self-supervised loss that helps the network output maintain consistency with the measurement. Extensive experiments show that in both settings, the patch-based method can obtain high quality image reconstructions that can outperform whole-image models and can compete with methods that have access to large in-distribution training datasets. Furthermore, we show how whole-image models are prone to memorization and overfitting, leading to artifacts in the reconstructions, while a patch-based model can resolve these issues.
Abstract:Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) have achieved remarkable success in diverse and high-quality text-to-image(T2I) generation. However, how text and image latents individually and jointly contribute to the semantics of generated images, remain largely unexplored. Through our investigation of DiT's latent space, we have uncovered key findings that unlock the potential for zero-shot fine-grained semantic editing: (1) Both the text and image spaces in DiTs are inherently decomposable. (2) These spaces collectively form a disentangled semantic representation space, enabling precise and fine-grained semantic control. (3) Effective image editing requires the combined use of both text and image latent spaces. Leveraging these insights, we propose a simple and effective Extract-Manipulate-Sample (EMS) framework for zero-shot fine-grained image editing. Our approach first utilizes a multi-modal Large Language Model to convert input images and editing targets into text descriptions. We then linearly manipulate text embeddings based on the desired editing degree and employ constrained score distillation sampling to manipulate image embeddings. We quantify the disentanglement degree of the latent space of diffusion models by proposing a new metric. To evaluate fine-grained editing performance, we introduce a comprehensive benchmark incorporating both human annotations, manual evaluation, and automatic metrics. We have conducted extensive experimental results and in-depth analysis to thoroughly uncover the semantic disentanglement properties of the diffusion transformer, as well as the effectiveness of our proposed method. Our annotated benchmark dataset is publicly available at https://anonymous.com/anonymous/EMS-Benchmark, facilitating reproducible research in this domain.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel family of descriptors of chemical graphs, named cycle-configuration (CC), that can be used in the standard "two-layered (2L) model" of mol-infer, a molecular inference framework based on mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and machine learning (ML). Proposed descriptors capture the notion of ortho/meta/para patterns that appear in aromatic rings, which has been impossible in the framework so far. Computational experiments show that, when the new descriptors are supplied, we can construct prediction functions of similar or better performance for all of the 27 tested chemical properties. We also provide an MILP formulation that asks for a chemical graph with desired properties under the 2L model with CC descriptors (2L+CC model). We show that a chemical graph with up to 50 non-hydrogen vertices can be inferred in a practical time.
Abstract:Diffusion models have been demonstrated as strong priors for solving general inverse problems. Most existing Diffusion model-based Inverse Problem Solvers (DIS) employ a plug-and-play approach to guide the sampling trajectory with either projections or gradients. Though effective, these methods generally necessitate hundreds of sampling steps, posing a dilemma between inference time and reconstruction quality. In this work, we try to push the boundary of inference steps to 1-2 NFEs while still maintaining high reconstruction quality. To achieve this, we propose to leverage a pretrained distillation of diffusion model, namely consistency model, as the data prior. The key to achieving few-step guidance is to enforce two types of constraints during the sampling process of the consistency model: soft measurement constraint with ControlNet and hard measurement constraint via optimization. Supporting both single-step reconstruction and multistep refinement, the proposed framework further provides a way to trade image quality with additional computational cost. Within comparable NFEs, our method achieves new state-of-the-art in diffusion-based inverse problem solving, showcasing the significant potential of employing prior-based inverse problem solvers for real-world applications. Code is available at: https://github.com/BioMed-AI-Lab-U-Michgan/cosign.
Abstract:During the acquisition of satellite images, there is generally a trade-off between spatial resolution and temporal resolution (acquisition frequency) due to the onboard sensors of satellite imaging systems. High-resolution satellite images are very important for land crop monitoring, urban planning, wildfire management and a variety of applications. It is a significant yet challenging task to achieve high spatial-temporal resolution in satellite imaging. With the advent of diffusion models, we can now learn strong generative priors to generate realistic satellite images with high resolution, which can be utilized to promote the super-resolution task as well. In this work, we propose a novel diffusion-based fusion algorithm called \textbf{SatDiffMoE} that can take an arbitrary number of sequential low-resolution satellite images at the same location as inputs, and fuse them into one high-resolution reconstructed image with more fine details, by leveraging and fusing the complementary information from different time points. Our algorithm is highly flexible and allows training and inference on arbitrary number of low-resolution images. Experimental results show that our proposed SatDiffMoE method not only achieves superior performance for the satellite image super-resolution tasks on a variety of datasets, but also gets an improved computational efficiency with reduced model parameters, compared with previous methods.
Abstract:Diffusion models face significant challenges when employed for large-scale medical image reconstruction in real practice such as 3D Computed Tomography (CT). Due to the demanding memory, time, and data requirements, it is difficult to train a diffusion model directly on the entire volume of high-dimensional data to obtain an efficient 3D diffusion prior. Existing works utilizing diffusion priors on single 2D image slice with hand-crafted cross-slice regularization would sacrifice the z-axis consistency, which results in severe artifacts along the z-axis. In this work, we propose a novel framework that enables learning the 3D image prior through position-aware 3D-patch diffusion score blending for reconstructing large-scale 3D medical images. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to utilize a 3D-patch diffusion prior for 3D medical image reconstruction. Extensive experiments on sparse view and limited angle CT reconstruction show that our DiffusionBlend method significantly outperforms previous methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance on real-world CT reconstruction problems with high-dimensional 3D image (i.e., $256 \times 256 \times 500$). Our algorithm also comes with better or comparable computational efficiency than previous state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Diffusion models can learn strong image priors from underlying data distribution and use them to solve inverse problems, but the training process is computationally expensive and requires lots of data. Such bottlenecks prevent most existing works from being feasible for high-dimensional and high-resolution data such as 3D images. This paper proposes a method to learn an efficient data prior for the entire image by training diffusion models only on patches of images. Specifically, we propose a patch-based position-aware diffusion inverse solver, called PaDIS, where we obtain the score function of the whole image through scores of patches and their positional encoding and utilize this as the prior for solving inverse problems. First of all, we show that this diffusion model achieves an improved memory efficiency and data efficiency while still maintaining the capability to generate entire images via positional encoding. Additionally, the proposed PaDIS model is highly flexible and can be plugged in with different diffusion inverse solvers (DIS). We demonstrate that the proposed PaDIS approach enables solving various inverse problems in both natural and medical image domains, including CT reconstruction, deblurring, and superresolution, given only patch-based priors. Notably, PaDIS outperforms previous DIS methods trained on entire image priors in the case of limited training data, demonstrating the data efficiency of our proposed approach by learning patch-based prior.
Abstract:The study of ground reaction forces (GRF) is used to characterize the mechanical loading experienced by individuals in movements such as running, which is clinically applicable to identify athletes at risk for stress-related injuries. Our aim in this paper is to determine if data collected with inertial measurement units (IMUs), that can be worn by athletes during outdoor runs, can be used to predict GRF with sufficient accuracy to allow the analysis of its derived biomechanical variables (e.g., contact time and loading rate). In this paper, we consider lightweight approaches in contrast to state-of-the-art prediction using LSTM neural networks. Specifically, we compare use of LSTMs to k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) regression as well as propose a novel solution, SVD Embedding Regression (SER), using linear regression between singular value decomposition embeddings of IMUs data (input) and GRF data (output). We evaluate the accuracy of these techniques when using training data collected from different athletes, from the same athlete, or both, and we explore the use of acceleration and angular velocity data from sensors at different locations (sacrum and shanks). Our results illustrate that simple machine learning methods such as SER and KNN can be similarly accurate or more accurate than LSTM neural networks, with much faster training times and hyperparameter optimization; in particular, SER and KNN are more accurate when personal training data are available, and KNN comes with benefit of providing provenance of prediction. Notably, the use of personal data reduces prediction errors of all methods for most biomechanical variables.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have made impressive progress in natural language processing. These models rely on proper human instructions (or prompts) to generate suitable responses. However, the potential of LLMs are not fully harnessed by commonly-used prompting methods: many human-in-the-loop algorithms employ ad-hoc procedures for prompt selection; while auto prompt generation approaches are essentially searching all possible prompts randomly and inefficiently. We propose Evoke, an automatic prompt refinement framework. In Evoke, there are two instances of a same LLM: one as a reviewer (LLM-Reviewer), it scores the current prompt; the other as an author (LLM-Author), it edits the prompt by considering the edit history and the reviewer's feedback. Such an author-reviewer feedback loop ensures that the prompt is refined in each iteration. We further aggregate a data selection approach to Evoke, where only the hard samples are exposed to the LLM. The hard samples are more important because the LLM can develop deeper understanding of the tasks out of them, while the model may already know how to solve the easier cases. Experimental results show that Evoke significantly outperforms existing methods. For instance, in the challenging task of logical fallacy detection, Evoke scores above 80, while all other baseline methods struggle to reach 20.