Abstract:Character video generation is a significant real-world application focused on producing high-quality videos featuring specific characters. Recent advancements have introduced various control signals to animate static characters, successfully enhancing control over the generation process. However, these methods often lack flexibility, limiting their applicability and making it challenging for users to synthesize a source character into a desired target scene. To address this issue, we propose a novel framework, AnyCharV, that flexibly generates character videos using arbitrary source characters and target scenes, guided by pose information. Our approach involves a two-stage training process. In the first stage, we develop a base model capable of integrating the source character with the target scene using pose guidance. The second stage further bootstraps controllable generation through a self-boosting mechanism, where we use the generated video in the first stage and replace the fine mask with the coarse one, enabling training outcomes with better preservation of character details. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed method. Our project page is https://anycharv.github.io.
Abstract:Human skeleton information is important in skeleton-based action recognition, which provides a simple and efficient way to describe human pose. However, existing skeleton-based methods focus more on the skeleton, ignoring the objects interacting with humans, resulting in poor performance in recognizing actions that involve object interactions. We propose a new action recognition framework introducing object nodes to supplement absent interactive object information. We also propose Spatial Temporal Variable Graph Convolutional Networks (ST-VGCN) to effectively model the Variable Graph (VG) containing object nodes. Specifically, in order to validate the role of interactive object information, by leveraging a simple self-training approach, we establish a new dataset, JXGC 24, and an extended dataset, NTU RGB+D+Object 60, including more than 2 million additional object nodes. At the same time, we designe the Variable Graph construction method to accommodate a variable number of nodes for graph structure. Additionally, we are the first to explore the overfitting issue introduced by incorporating additional object information, and we propose a VG-based data augmentation method to address this issue, called Random Node Attack. Finally, regarding the network structure, we introduce two fusion modules, CAF and WNPool, along with a novel Node Balance Loss, to enhance the comprehensive performance by effectively fusing and balancing skeleton and object node information. Our method surpasses the previous state-of-the-art on multiple skeleton-based action recognition benchmarks. The accuracy of our method on NTU RGB+D 60 cross-subject split is 96.7\%, and on cross-view split, it is 99.2\%.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have brought exciting new advances to mobile UI agents, a long-standing research field that aims to complete arbitrary natural language tasks through mobile UI interactions. However, existing UI agents usually demand high reasoning capabilities of powerful large models that are difficult to be deployed locally on end-users' devices, which raises huge concerns about user privacy and centralized serving cost. One way to reduce the required model size is to customize a smaller domain-specific model with high-quality training data, e.g. large-scale human demonstrations of diverse types of apps and tasks, while such datasets are extremely difficult to obtain. Inspired by the remarkable coding abilities of recent small language models (SLMs), we propose to convert the UI task automation problem to a code generation problem, which can be effectively solved by an on-device SLM and efficiently executed with an on-device code interpreter. Unlike normal coding tasks that can be extensively pretrained with public datasets, generating UI automation code is challenging due to the diversity, complexity, and variability of target apps. Therefore, we adopt a document-centered approach that automatically builds fine-grained API documentation for each app and generates diverse task samples based on this documentation. By guiding the agent with the synthetic documents and task samples, it learns to generate precise and efficient scripts to complete unseen tasks. Based on detailed comparisons with state-of-the-art mobile UI agents, our approach effectively improves the mobile task automation with significantly higher success rates and lower latency/token consumption. Code will be open-sourced.
Abstract:Creating a high-fidelity, animatable 3D full-body avatar from a single image is a challenging task due to the diverse appearance and poses of humans and the limited availability of high-quality training data. To achieve fast and high-quality human reconstruction, this work rethinks the task from the perspectives of dataset, model, and representation. First, we introduce a large-scale HUman-centric GEnerated dataset, HuGe100K, consisting of 100K diverse, photorealistic sets of human images. Each set contains 24-view frames in specific human poses, generated using a pose-controllable image-to-multi-view model. Next, leveraging the diversity in views, poses, and appearances within HuGe100K, we develop a scalable feed-forward transformer model to predict a 3D human Gaussian representation in a uniform space from a given human image. This model is trained to disentangle human pose, body shape, clothing geometry, and texture. The estimated Gaussians can be animated without post-processing. We conduct comprehensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of the proposed dataset and method. Our model demonstrates the ability to efficiently reconstruct photorealistic humans at 1K resolution from a single input image using a single GPU instantly. Additionally, it seamlessly supports various applications, as well as shape and texture editing tasks.
Abstract:Many applications demand context sensing to offer personalized and timely services. Yet, developing sensing programs can be challenging for developers and using them is privacy-concerning for end-users. In this paper, we propose to use natural language as the unified interface to process personal data and sense user context, which can effectively ease app development and make the data pipeline more transparent. Our work is inspired by large language models (LLMs) and other generative models, while directly applying them does not solve the problem - letting the model directly process the data cannot handle complex sensing requests and letting the model write the data processing program suffers error-prone code generation. We address the problem with 1) a unified data processing framework that makes context-sensing programs simpler and 2) a feedback-guided query optimizer that makes data query more informative. To evaluate the performance of natural language-based context sensing, we create a benchmark that contains 133 context sensing tasks. Extensive evaluation has shown that our approach is able to automatically solve the context-sensing tasks efficiently and precisely. The code is opensourced at https://github.com/MobileLLM/ChainStream.
Abstract:Night unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tracking is impeded by the challenges of poor illumination, with previous daylight-optimized methods demonstrating suboptimal performance in low-light conditions, limiting the utility of UAV applications. To this end, we propose an efficient mamba-based tracker, leveraging dual enhancement techniques to boost night UAV tracking. The mamba-based low-light enhancer, equipped with an illumination estimator and a damage restorer, achieves global image enhancement while preserving the details and structure of low-light images. Additionally, we advance a cross-modal mamba network to achieve efficient interactive learning between vision and language modalities. Extensive experiments showcase that our method achieves advanced performance and exhibits significantly improved computation and memory efficiency. For instance, our method is 2.8$\times$ faster than CiteTracker and reduces 50.2$\%$ GPU memory. Codes will be made publicly available.
Abstract:This paper aims to reconstruct hundreds of people's 3D poses, shapes, and locations from a single image with unknown camera parameters. Due to the small and highly varying 2D human scales, depth ambiguity, and perspective distortion, no existing methods can achieve globally consistent reconstruction and accurate reprojection. To address these challenges, we first propose Crowd3D, which leverages a new concept, Human-scene Virtual Interaction Point (HVIP), to convert the complex 3D human localization into 2D-pixel localization with robust camera and ground estimation to achieve globally consistent reconstruction. To achieve stable generalization on different camera FoVs without test-time optimization, we propose an extended version, Crowd3D++, which eliminates the influence of camera parameters and the cropping operation by the proposed canonical upright space and ground-aware normalization transform. In the defined upright space, Crowd3D++ also designs an HVIPNet to regress 2D HVIP and infer the depths. Besides, we contribute two benchmark datasets, LargeCrowd and SyntheticCrowd, for evaluating crowd reconstruction in large scenes. The source code and data will be made publicly available after acceptance.
Abstract:Over the past decade, significant progress has been made in visual object tracking, largely due to the availability of large-scale training datasets. However, existing tracking datasets are primarily focused on open-air scenarios, which greatly limits the development of object tracking in underwater environments. To address this issue, we take a step forward by proposing the first large-scale underwater camouflaged object tracking dataset, namely UW-COT. Based on the proposed dataset, this paper presents an experimental evaluation of several advanced visual object tracking methods and the latest advancements in image and video segmentation. Specifically, we compare the performance of the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and its updated version, SAM 2, in challenging underwater environments. Our findings highlight the improvements in SAM 2 over SAM, demonstrating its enhanced capability to handle the complexities of underwater camouflaged objects. Compared to current advanced visual object tracking methods, the latest video segmentation foundation model SAM 2 also exhibits significant advantages, providing valuable insights into the development of more effective tracking technologies for underwater scenarios. The dataset will be accessible at \color{magenta}{https://github.com/983632847/Awesome-Multimodal-Object-Tracking}.
Abstract:In spite of great success in many image recognition tasks achieved by recent deep models, directly applying them to recognize low-resolution images may suffer from low accuracy due to the missing of informative details during resolution degradation. However, these images are still recognizable for subjects who are familiar with the corresponding high-resolution ones. Inspired by that, we propose a teacher-student learning approach to facilitate low-resolution image recognition via hybrid order relational knowledge distillation. The approach refers to three streams: the teacher stream is pretrained to recognize high-resolution images in high accuracy, the student stream is learned to identify low-resolution images by mimicking the teacher's behaviors, and the extra assistant stream is introduced as bridge to help knowledge transfer across the teacher to the student. To extract sufficient knowledge for reducing the loss in accuracy, the learning of student is supervised with multiple losses, which preserves the similarities in various order relational structures. In this way, the capability of recovering missing details of familiar low-resolution images can be effectively enhanced, leading to a better knowledge transfer. Extensive experiments on metric learning, low-resolution image classification and low-resolution face recognition tasks show the effectiveness of our approach, while taking reduced models.
Abstract:Neural-based multi-task learning (MTL) has been successfully applied to many recommendation applications. However, these MTL models (e.g., MMoE, PLE) did not consider feature interaction during the optimization, which is crucial for capturing complex high-order features and has been widely used in ranking models for real-world recommender systems. Moreover, through feature importance analysis across various tasks in MTL, we have observed an interesting divergence phenomenon that the same feature can have significantly different importance across different tasks in MTL. To address these issues, we propose Deep Multiple Task-specific Feature Interactions Network (DTN) with a novel model structure design. DTN introduces multiple diversified task-specific feature interaction methods and task-sensitive network in MTL networks, enabling the model to learn task-specific diversified feature interaction representations, which improves the efficiency of joint representation learning in a general setup. We applied DTN to our company's real-world E-commerce recommendation dataset, which consisted of over 6.3 billion samples, the results demonstrated that DTN significantly outperformed state-of-the-art MTL models. Moreover, during online evaluation of DTN in a large-scale E-commerce recommender system, we observed a 3.28% in clicks, a 3.10% increase in orders and a 2.70% increase in GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) compared to the state-of-the-art MTL models. Finally, extensive offline experiments conducted on public benchmark datasets demonstrate that DTN can be applied to various scenarios beyond recommendations, enhancing the performance of ranking models.