Abstract:Graphical User Interface (GUI) agents, powered by Large Foundation Models, have emerged as a transformative approach to automating human-computer interaction. These agents autonomously interact with digital systems or software applications via GUIs, emulating human actions such as clicking, typing, and navigating visual elements across diverse platforms. Motivated by the growing interest and fundamental importance of GUI agents, we provide a comprehensive survey that categorizes their benchmarks, evaluation metrics, architectures, and training methods. We propose a unified framework that delineates their perception, reasoning, planning, and acting capabilities. Furthermore, we identify important open challenges and discuss key future directions. Finally, this work serves as a basis for practitioners and researchers to gain an intuitive understanding of current progress, techniques, benchmarks, and critical open problems that remain to be addressed.
Abstract:We present Florence-VL, a new family of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) with enriched visual representations produced by Florence-2, a generative vision foundation model. Unlike the widely used CLIP-style vision transformer trained by contrastive learning, Florence-2 can capture different levels and aspects of visual features, which are more versatile to be adapted to diverse downstream tasks. We propose a novel feature-fusion architecture and an innovative training recipe that effectively integrates Florence-2's visual features into pretrained LLMs, such as Phi 3.5 and LLama 3. In particular, we propose "depth-breath fusion (DBFusion)" to fuse the visual features extracted from different depths and under multiple prompts. Our model training is composed of end-to-end pretraining of the whole model followed by finetuning of the projection layer and the LLM, on a carefully designed recipe of diverse open-source datasets that include high-quality image captions and instruction-tuning pairs. Our quantitative analysis and visualization of Florence-VL's visual features show its advantages over popular vision encoders on vision-language alignment, where the enriched depth and breath play important roles. Florence-VL achieves significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art MLLMs across various multi-modal and vision-centric benchmarks covering general VQA, perception, hallucination, OCR, Chart, knowledge-intensive understanding, etc. To facilitate future research, our models and the complete training recipe are open-sourced. https://github.com/JiuhaiChen/Florence-VL
Abstract:Adversarial audio attacks pose a significant threat to the growing use of large language models (LLMs) in voice-based human-machine interactions. While existing research has primarily focused on model-specific adversarial methods, real-world applications demand a more generalizable and universal approach to audio adversarial attacks. In this paper, we introduce the Chat-Audio Attacks (CAA) benchmark including four distinct types of audio attacks, which aims to explore the the vulnerabilities of LLMs to these audio attacks in conversational scenarios. To evaluate the robustness of LLMs, we propose three evaluation strategies: Standard Evaluation, utilizing traditional metrics to quantify model performance under attacks; GPT-4o-Based Evaluation, which simulates real-world conversational complexities; and Human Evaluation, offering insights into user perception and trust. We evaluate six state-of-the-art LLMs with voice interaction capabilities, including Gemini-1.5-Pro, GPT-4o, and others, using three distinct evaluation methods on the CAA benchmark. Our comprehensive analysis reveals the impact of four types of audio attacks on the performance of these models, demonstrating that GPT-4o exhibits the highest level of resilience.
Abstract:This paper aims to reconstruct hundreds of people's 3D poses, shapes, and locations from a single image with unknown camera parameters. Due to the small and highly varying 2D human scales, depth ambiguity, and perspective distortion, no existing methods can achieve globally consistent reconstruction and accurate reprojection. To address these challenges, we first propose Crowd3D, which leverages a new concept, Human-scene Virtual Interaction Point (HVIP), to convert the complex 3D human localization into 2D-pixel localization with robust camera and ground estimation to achieve globally consistent reconstruction. To achieve stable generalization on different camera FoVs without test-time optimization, we propose an extended version, Crowd3D++, which eliminates the influence of camera parameters and the cropping operation by the proposed canonical upright space and ground-aware normalization transform. In the defined upright space, Crowd3D++ also designs an HVIPNet to regress 2D HVIP and infer the depths. Besides, we contribute two benchmark datasets, LargeCrowd and SyntheticCrowd, for evaluating crowd reconstruction in large scenes. The source code and data will be made publicly available after acceptance.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have become essential in advancing natural language processing (NLP) tasks, but their sequential token generation limits inference speed. Multi-Draft Speculative Decoding (MDSD) offers a promising solution by using a smaller draft model to generate multiple token sequences, which the target LLM verifies in parallel. However, current heuristic approaches, such as Recursive Rejection Sampling (RRS), suffer from low acceptance rates in subsequent drafts, limiting the advantages of using multiple drafts. Meanwhile, Optimal Transport with Membership Cost (OTM) can theoretically improve acceptance rates, but its computational cost is too high for real-time use. We present SpecHub, a novel, efficient sampling-verification method for MDSD that improves acceptance rates with only linear computational overhead. By simplifying the OTM problem into a compact Linear Programming model, SpecHub significantly reduces computational complexity. It further accelerates sampling by leveraging a sparse joint distribution, focusing computation on high-probability token sequences. In extensive experiments, Spechub consistently generates 0.05-0.27 and 0.02-0.16 more tokens per step than RRS and RRS without replacement. We attach our code at \url{https://github.com/MasterGodzilla/Speculative_decoding_OT}.
Abstract:Existing LLM agent systems typically select actions from a fixed and predefined set at every step. While this approach is effective in closed, narrowly-scoped environments, we argue that it presents two major challenges when deploying LLM agents in real-world scenarios: (1) selecting from a fixed set of actions significantly restricts the planning and acting capabilities of LLM agents, and (2) this approach requires substantial human effort to enumerate and implement all possible actions, which becomes impractical in complex environments with a vast number of potential actions. In this work, we propose an LLM agent framework that enables the dynamic creation and composition of actions in an online manner. In this framework, the agent interacts with the environment by generating and executing programs written in a general-purpose programming language at each step. Furthermore, generated actions are accumulated over time for future reuse. Our extensive experiments on the GAIA benchmark demonstrate that this framework offers significantly greater flexibility and outperforms previous methods. Notably, it allows an LLM agent to recover in scenarios where no relevant action exists in the predefined set or when existing actions fail due to unforeseen edge cases. At the time of writing, we hold the top position on the GAIA public leaderboard. Our code can be found in \href{https://github.com/adobe-research/dynasaur}{https://github.com/adobe-research/dynasaur}.
Abstract:What makes a difference in the post-training of LLMs? We investigate the training patterns of different layers in large language models (LLMs), through the lens of gradient, when training with different responses and initial models. We are specifically interested in how fast vs. slow thinking affects the layer-wise gradients, given the recent popularity of training LLMs on reasoning paths such as chain-of-thoughts (CoT) and process rewards. In our study, fast thinking without CoT leads to larger gradients and larger differences of gradients across layers than slow thinking (Detailed CoT), indicating the learning stability brought by the latter. Moreover, pre-trained LLMs are less affected by the instability of fast thinking than instruction-tuned LLMs. Additionally, we study whether the gradient patterns can reflect the correctness of responses when training different LLMs using slow vs. fast thinking paths. The results show that the gradients of slow thinking can distinguish correct and irrelevant reasoning paths. As a comparison, we conduct similar gradient analyses on non-reasoning knowledge learning tasks, on which, however, trivially increasing the response length does not lead to similar behaviors of slow thinking. Our study strengthens fundamental understandings of LLM training and sheds novel insights on its efficiency and stability, which pave the way towards building a generalizable System-2 agent. Our code, data, and gradient statistics can be found in: https://github.com/MingLiiii/Layer_Gradient.
Abstract:Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) has been demonstrated to improve the generalization performance of overparameterized models by seeking flat minima on the loss landscape through optimizing model parameters that incur the largest loss within a neighborhood. Nevertheless, such min-max formulations are computationally challenging especially when the problem is highly non-convex. Additionally, focusing only on the worst-case local solution while ignoring potentially many other local solutions may be suboptimal when searching for flat minima. In this work, we propose Tilted SAM (TSAM), a generalization of SAM inspired by exponential tilting that effectively assigns higher priority to local solutions that are flatter and that incur larger losses. TSAM is parameterized by a tilt hyperparameter t and reduces to SAM as t approaches infinity. We prove that (1) the TSAM objective is smoother than SAM and thus easier to optimize; and (2) TSAM explicitly favors flatter minima as t increases. This is desirable as flatter minima could have better generalization properties for certain tasks. We develop algorithms motivated by the discretization of Hamiltonian dynamics to solve TSAM. Empirically, TSAM arrives at flatter local minima and results in superior test performance than the baselines of SAM and ERM across a range of image and text tasks.
Abstract:Incremental learning (IL) aims to acquire new knowledge from current tasks while retaining knowledge learned from previous tasks. Replay-based IL methods store a set of exemplars from previous tasks in a buffer and replay them when learning new tasks. However, there is usually a size-limited buffer that cannot store adequate real exemplars to retain the knowledge of previous tasks. In contrast, data distillation (DD) can reduce the exemplar buffer's size, by condensing a large real dataset into a much smaller set of more information-compact synthetic exemplars. Nevertheless, DD's performance gain on IL quickly vanishes as the number of synthetic exemplars grows. To overcome the weaknesses of real-data and synthetic-data buffers, we instead optimize a hybrid memory including both types of data. Specifically, we propose an innovative modification to DD that distills synthetic data from a sliding window of checkpoints in history (rather than checkpoints on multiple training trajectories). Conditioned on the synthetic data, we then optimize the selection of real exemplars to provide complementary improvement to the DD objective. The optimized hybrid memory combines the strengths of synthetic and real exemplars, effectively mitigating catastrophic forgetting in Class IL (CIL) when the buffer size for exemplars is limited. Notably, our method can be seamlessly integrated into most existing replay-based CIL models. Extensive experiments across multiple benchmarks demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing replay-based baselines.
Abstract:Evaluating large language models (LLMs) is costly: it requires the generation and examination of LLM outputs on a large-scale benchmark of various tasks. This paper investigates how to efficiently reduce the tasks used to benchmark LLMs without affecting the evaluation quality. Our study reveals that task transferability and relevance provide critical information to identify the most representative subset of tasks via optimizing a facility location function. We propose a practically efficient metric for estimating the transferability between two tasks via in-context learning (ICL). By analyzing the pairwise transferability, we can reduce tasks in a modern LLM benchmark (e.g., MMLU or FLAN) to 5% while inducing only a <4% difference to the evaluation on the original benchmark. Compared to prior works, our method is training-free, gradient-free, and highly efficient requiring ICL only.