Abstract:We present Fillerbuster, a method that completes unknown regions of a 3D scene by utilizing a novel large-scale multi-view latent diffusion transformer. Casual captures are often sparse and miss surrounding content behind objects or above the scene. Existing methods are not suitable for handling this challenge as they focus on making the known pixels look good with sparse-view priors, or on creating the missing sides of objects from just one or two photos. In reality, we often have hundreds of input frames and want to complete areas that are missing and unobserved from the input frames. Additionally, the images often do not have known camera parameters. Our solution is to train a generative model that can consume a large context of input frames while generating unknown target views and recovering image poses when desired. We show results where we complete partial captures on two existing datasets. We also present an uncalibrated scene completion task where our unified model predicts both poses and creates new content. Our model is the first to predict many images and poses together for scene completion.
Abstract:We present a unified framework capable of solving a broad range of 3D tasks. Our approach features a stateful recurrent model that continuously updates its state representation with each new observation. Given a stream of images, this evolving state can be used to generate metric-scale pointmaps (per-pixel 3D points) for each new input in an online fashion. These pointmaps reside within a common coordinate system, and can be accumulated into a coherent, dense scene reconstruction that updates as new images arrive. Our model, called CUT3R (Continuous Updating Transformer for 3D Reconstruction), captures rich priors of real-world scenes: not only can it predict accurate pointmaps from image observations, but it can also infer unseen regions of the scene by probing at virtual, unobserved views. Our method is simple yet highly flexible, naturally accepting varying lengths of images that may be either video streams or unordered photo collections, containing both static and dynamic content. We evaluate our method on various 3D/4D tasks and demonstrate competitive or state-of-the-art performance in each. Project Page: https://cut3r.github.io/
Abstract:Large-scale AI model training divides work across thousands of GPUs, then synchronizes gradients across them at each step. This incurs a significant network burden that only centralized, monolithic clusters can support, driving up infrastructure costs and straining power systems. We propose Decentralized Diffusion Models, a scalable framework for distributing diffusion model training across independent clusters or datacenters by eliminating the dependence on a centralized, high-bandwidth networking fabric. Our method trains a set of expert diffusion models over partitions of the dataset, each in full isolation from one another. At inference time, the experts ensemble through a lightweight router. We show that the ensemble collectively optimizes the same objective as a single model trained over the whole dataset. This means we can divide the training burden among a number of "compute islands," lowering infrastructure costs and improving resilience to localized GPU failures. Decentralized diffusion models empower researchers to take advantage of smaller, more cost-effective and more readily available compute like on-demand GPU nodes rather than central integrated systems. We conduct extensive experiments on ImageNet and LAION Aesthetics, showing that decentralized diffusion models FLOP-for-FLOP outperform standard diffusion models. We finally scale our approach to 24 billion parameters, demonstrating that high-quality diffusion models can now be trained with just eight individual GPU nodes in less than a week.
Abstract:We present "Humans and Structure from Motion" (HSfM), a method for jointly reconstructing multiple human meshes, scene point clouds, and camera parameters in a metric world coordinate system from a sparse set of uncalibrated multi-view images featuring people. Our approach combines data-driven scene reconstruction with the traditional Structure-from-Motion (SfM) framework to achieve more accurate scene reconstruction and camera estimation, while simultaneously recovering human meshes. In contrast to existing scene reconstruction and SfM methods that lack metric scale information, our method estimates approximate metric scale by leveraging a human statistical model. Furthermore, it reconstructs multiple human meshes within the same world coordinate system alongside the scene point cloud, effectively capturing spatial relationships among individuals and their positions in the environment. We initialize the reconstruction of humans, scenes, and cameras using robust foundational models and jointly optimize these elements. This joint optimization synergistically improves the accuracy of each component. We compare our method to existing approaches on two challenging benchmarks, EgoHumans and EgoExo4D, demonstrating significant improvements in human localization accuracy within the world coordinate frame (reducing error from 3.51m to 1.04m in EgoHumans and from 2.9m to 0.56m in EgoExo4D). Notably, our results show that incorporating human data into the SfM pipeline improves camera pose estimation (e.g., increasing RRA@15 by 20.3% on EgoHumans). Additionally, qualitative results show that our approach improves overall scene reconstruction quality. Our code is available at: muelea.github.io/hsfm.
Abstract:We present a system that allows for accurate, fast, and robust estimation of camera parameters and depth maps from casual monocular videos of dynamic scenes. Most conventional structure from motion and monocular SLAM techniques assume input videos that feature predominantly static scenes with large amounts of parallax. Such methods tend to produce erroneous estimates in the absence of these conditions. Recent neural network-based approaches attempt to overcome these challenges; however, such methods are either computationally expensive or brittle when run on dynamic videos with uncontrolled camera motion or unknown field of view. We demonstrate the surprising effectiveness of a deep visual SLAM framework: with careful modifications to its training and inference schemes, this system can scale to real-world videos of complex dynamic scenes with unconstrained camera paths, including videos with little camera parallax. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real videos demonstrate that our system is significantly more accurate and robust at camera pose and depth estimation when compared with prior and concurrent work, with faster or comparable running times. See interactive results on our project page: https://mega-sam.github.io/
Abstract:Self-occlusion is common when capturing people in the wild, where the performer do not follow predefined motion scripts. This challenges existing monocular human reconstruction systems that assume full body visibility. We introduce Self-Occluded Avatar Recovery (SOAR), a method for complete human reconstruction from partial observations where parts of the body are entirely unobserved. SOAR leverages structural normal prior and generative diffusion prior to address such an ill-posed reconstruction problem. For structural normal prior, we model human with an reposable surfel model with well-defined and easily readable shapes. For generative diffusion prior, we perform an initial reconstruction and refine it using score distillation. On various benchmarks, we show that SOAR performs favorably than state-of-the-art reconstruction and generation methods, and on-par comparing to concurrent works. Additional video results and code are available at https://soar-avatar.github.io/.
Abstract:We present Agent-to-Sim (ATS), a framework for learning interactive behavior models of 3D agents from casual longitudinal video collections. Different from prior works that rely on marker-based tracking and multiview cameras, ATS learns natural behaviors of animal and human agents non-invasively through video observations recorded over a long time-span (e.g., a month) in a single environment. Modeling 3D behavior of an agent requires persistent 3D tracking (e.g., knowing which point corresponds to which) over a long time period. To obtain such data, we develop a coarse-to-fine registration method that tracks the agent and the camera over time through a canonical 3D space, resulting in a complete and persistent spacetime 4D representation. We then train a generative model of agent behaviors using paired data of perception and motion of an agent queried from the 4D reconstruction. ATS enables real-to-sim transfer from video recordings of an agent to an interactive behavior simulator. We demonstrate results on pets (e.g., cat, dog, bunny) and human given monocular RGBD videos captured by a smartphone.
Abstract:We present EgoAllo, a system for human motion estimation from a head-mounted device. Using only egocentric SLAM poses and images, EgoAllo guides sampling from a conditional diffusion model to estimate 3D body pose, height, and hand parameters that capture the wearer's actions in the allocentric coordinate frame of the scene. To achieve this, our key insight is in representation: we propose spatial and temporal invariance criteria for improving model performance, from which we derive a head motion conditioning parameterization that improves estimation by up to 18%. We also show how the bodies estimated by our system can improve the hands: the resulting kinematic and temporal constraints result in over 40% lower hand estimation errors compared to noisy monocular estimates. Project page: https://egoallo.github.io/
Abstract:Humans can learn to manipulate new objects by simply watching others; providing robots with the ability to learn from such demonstrations would enable a natural interface specifying new behaviors. This work develops Robot See Robot Do (RSRD), a method for imitating articulated object manipulation from a single monocular RGB human demonstration given a single static multi-view object scan. We first propose 4D Differentiable Part Models (4D-DPM), a method for recovering 3D part motion from a monocular video with differentiable rendering. This analysis-by-synthesis approach uses part-centric feature fields in an iterative optimization which enables the use of geometric regularizers to recover 3D motions from only a single video. Given this 4D reconstruction, the robot replicates object trajectories by planning bimanual arm motions that induce the demonstrated object part motion. By representing demonstrations as part-centric trajectories, RSRD focuses on replicating the demonstration's intended behavior while considering the robot's own morphological limits, rather than attempting to reproduce the hand's motion. We evaluate 4D-DPM's 3D tracking accuracy on ground truth annotated 3D part trajectories and RSRD's physical execution performance on 9 objects across 10 trials each on a bimanual YuMi robot. Each phase of RSRD achieves an average of 87% success rate, for a total end-to-end success rate of 60% across 90 trials. Notably, this is accomplished using only feature fields distilled from large pretrained vision models -- without any task-specific training, fine-tuning, dataset collection, or annotation. Project page: https://robot-see-robot-do.github.io
Abstract:gsplat is an open-source library designed for training and developing Gaussian Splatting methods. It features a front-end with Python bindings compatible with the PyTorch library and a back-end with highly optimized CUDA kernels. gsplat offers numerous features that enhance the optimization of Gaussian Splatting models, which include optimization improvements for speed, memory, and convergence times. Experimental results demonstrate that gsplat achieves up to 10% less training time and 4x less memory than the original implementation. Utilized in several research projects, gsplat is actively maintained on GitHub. Source code is available at https://github.com/nerfstudio-project/gsplat under Apache License 2.0. We welcome contributions from the open-source community.