Abstract:We present Fillerbuster, a method that completes unknown regions of a 3D scene by utilizing a novel large-scale multi-view latent diffusion transformer. Casual captures are often sparse and miss surrounding content behind objects or above the scene. Existing methods are not suitable for handling this challenge as they focus on making the known pixels look good with sparse-view priors, or on creating the missing sides of objects from just one or two photos. In reality, we often have hundreds of input frames and want to complete areas that are missing and unobserved from the input frames. Additionally, the images often do not have known camera parameters. Our solution is to train a generative model that can consume a large context of input frames while generating unknown target views and recovering image poses when desired. We show results where we complete partial captures on two existing datasets. We also present an uncalibrated scene completion task where our unified model predicts both poses and creates new content. Our model is the first to predict many images and poses together for scene completion.
Abstract:We propose Relightable Full-Body Gaussian Codec Avatars, a new approach for modeling relightable full-body avatars with fine-grained details including face and hands. The unique challenge for relighting full-body avatars lies in the large deformations caused by body articulation and the resulting impact on appearance caused by light transport. Changes in body pose can dramatically change the orientation of body surfaces with respect to lights, resulting in both local appearance changes due to changes in local light transport functions, as well as non-local changes due to occlusion between body parts. To address this, we decompose the light transport into local and non-local effects. Local appearance changes are modeled using learnable zonal harmonics for diffuse radiance transfer. Unlike spherical harmonics, zonal harmonics are highly efficient to rotate under articulation. This allows us to learn diffuse radiance transfer in a local coordinate frame, which disentangles the local radiance transfer from the articulation of the body. To account for non-local appearance changes, we introduce a shadow network that predicts shadows given precomputed incoming irradiance on a base mesh. This facilitates the learning of non-local shadowing between the body parts. Finally, we use a deferred shading approach to model specular radiance transfer and better capture reflections and highlights such as eye glints. We demonstrate that our approach successfully models both the local and non-local light transport required for relightable full-body avatars, with a superior generalization ability under novel illumination conditions and unseen poses.
Abstract:Neural radiance fields have achieved remarkable performance in modeling the appearance of 3D scenes. However, existing approaches still struggle with the view-dependent appearance of glossy surfaces, especially under complex lighting of indoor environments. Unlike existing methods, which typically assume distant lighting like an environment map, we propose a learnable Gaussian directional encoding to better model the view-dependent effects under near-field lighting conditions. Importantly, our new directional encoding captures the spatially-varying nature of near-field lighting and emulates the behavior of prefiltered environment maps. As a result, it enables the efficient evaluation of preconvolved specular color at any 3D location with varying roughness coefficients. We further introduce a data-driven geometry prior that helps alleviate the shape radiance ambiguity in reflection modeling. We show that our Gaussian directional encoding and geometry prior significantly improve the modeling of challenging specular reflections in neural radiance fields, which helps decompose appearance into more physically meaningful components.
Abstract:Neural radiance fields provide state-of-the-art view synthesis quality but tend to be slow to render. One reason is that they make use of volume rendering, thus requiring many samples (and model queries) per ray at render time. Although this representation is flexible and easy to optimize, most real-world objects can be modeled more efficiently with surfaces instead of volumes, requiring far fewer samples per ray. This observation has spurred considerable progress in surface representations such as signed distance functions, but these may struggle to model semi-opaque and thin structures. We propose a method, HybridNeRF, that leverages the strengths of both representations by rendering most objects as surfaces while modeling the (typically) small fraction of challenging regions volumetrically. We evaluate HybridNeRF against the challenging Eyeful Tower dataset along with other commonly used view synthesis datasets. When comparing to state-of-the-art baselines, including recent rasterization-based approaches, we improve error rates by 15-30% while achieving real-time framerates (at least 36 FPS) for virtual-reality resolutions (2Kx2K).
Abstract:We present an end-to-end system for the high-fidelity capture, model reconstruction, and real-time rendering of walkable spaces in virtual reality using neural radiance fields. To this end, we designed and built a custom multi-camera rig to densely capture walkable spaces in high fidelity and with multi-view high dynamic range images in unprecedented quality and density. We extend instant neural graphics primitives with a novel perceptual color space for learning accurate HDR appearance, and an efficient mip-mapping mechanism for level-of-detail rendering with anti-aliasing, while carefully optimizing the trade-off between quality and speed. Our multi-GPU renderer enables high-fidelity volume rendering of our neural radiance field model at the full VR resolution of dual 2K$\times$2K at 36 Hz on our custom demo machine. We demonstrate the quality of our results on our challenging high-fidelity datasets, and compare our method and datasets to existing baselines. We release our dataset on our project website.
Abstract:Since facial actions such as lip movements contain significant information about speech content, it is not surprising that audio-visual speech enhancement methods are more accurate than their audio-only counterparts. Yet, state-of-the-art approaches still struggle to generate clean, realistic speech without noise artifacts and unnatural distortions in challenging acoustic environments. In this paper, we propose a novel audio-visual speech enhancement framework for high-fidelity telecommunications in AR/VR. Our approach leverages audio-visual speech cues to generate the codes of a neural speech codec, enabling efficient synthesis of clean, realistic speech from noisy signals. Given the importance of speaker-specific cues in speech, we focus on developing personalized models that work well for individual speakers. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on a new audio-visual speech dataset collected in an unconstrained, large vocabulary setting, as well as existing audio-visual datasets, outperforming speech enhancement baselines on both quantitative metrics and human evaluation studies. Please see the supplemental video for qualitative results at https://github.com/facebookresearch/facestar/releases/download/paper_materials/video.mp4.