Abstract:We propose Relightable Full-Body Gaussian Codec Avatars, a new approach for modeling relightable full-body avatars with fine-grained details including face and hands. The unique challenge for relighting full-body avatars lies in the large deformations caused by body articulation and the resulting impact on appearance caused by light transport. Changes in body pose can dramatically change the orientation of body surfaces with respect to lights, resulting in both local appearance changes due to changes in local light transport functions, as well as non-local changes due to occlusion between body parts. To address this, we decompose the light transport into local and non-local effects. Local appearance changes are modeled using learnable zonal harmonics for diffuse radiance transfer. Unlike spherical harmonics, zonal harmonics are highly efficient to rotate under articulation. This allows us to learn diffuse radiance transfer in a local coordinate frame, which disentangles the local radiance transfer from the articulation of the body. To account for non-local appearance changes, we introduce a shadow network that predicts shadows given precomputed incoming irradiance on a base mesh. This facilitates the learning of non-local shadowing between the body parts. Finally, we use a deferred shading approach to model specular radiance transfer and better capture reflections and highlights such as eye glints. We demonstrate that our approach successfully models both the local and non-local light transport required for relightable full-body avatars, with a superior generalization ability under novel illumination conditions and unseen poses.
Abstract:We present a new approach to creating photorealistic and relightable head avatars from a phone scan with unknown illumination. The reconstructed avatars can be animated and relit in real time with the global illumination of diverse environments. Unlike existing approaches that estimate parametric reflectance parameters via inverse rendering, our approach directly models learnable radiance transfer that incorporates global light transport in an efficient manner for real-time rendering. However, learning such a complex light transport that can generalize across identities is non-trivial. A phone scan in a single environment lacks sufficient information to infer how the head would appear in general environments. To address this, we build a universal relightable avatar model represented by 3D Gaussians. We train on hundreds of high-quality multi-view human scans with controllable point lights. High-resolution geometric guidance further enhances the reconstruction accuracy and generalization. Once trained, we finetune the pretrained model on a phone scan using inverse rendering to obtain a personalized relightable avatar. Our experiments establish the efficacy of our design, outperforming existing approaches while retaining real-time rendering capability.
Abstract:Operations research (OR) uses mathematical models to enhance decision-making, but developing these models requires expert knowledge and can be time-consuming. Automated mathematical programming (AMP) has emerged to simplify this process, but existing systems have limitations. This paper introduces a novel methodology that uses recent advances in Large Language Model (LLM) to create and edit OR solutions from non-expert user queries expressed using Natural Language. This reduces the need for domain expertise and the time to formulate a problem. The paper presents an end-to-end pipeline, named NL2OR, that generates solutions to OR problems from natural language input, and shares experimental results on several important OR problems.
Abstract:Semantic scene completion (SSC) has recently gained popularity because it can provide both semantic and geometric information that can be used directly for autonomous vehicle navigation. However, there are still challenges to overcome. SSC is often hampered by occlusion and short-range perception due to sensor limitations, which can pose safety risks. This paper proposes a fundamental solution to this problem by leveraging vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose the first generalized collaborative SSC framework that allows autonomous vehicles to share sensing information from different sensor views to jointly perform SSC tasks. To validate the proposed framework, we further build V2VSSC, the first V2V SSC benchmark, on top of the large-scale V2V perception dataset OPV2V. Extensive experiments demonstrate that by leveraging V2V communication, the SSC performance can be increased by 8.3% on geometric metric IoU and 6.0% mIOU.
Abstract:The fidelity of relighting is bounded by both geometry and appearance representations. For geometry, both mesh and volumetric approaches have difficulty modeling intricate structures like 3D hair geometry. For appearance, existing relighting models are limited in fidelity and often too slow to render in real-time with high-resolution continuous environments. In this work, we present Relightable Gaussian Codec Avatars, a method to build high-fidelity relightable head avatars that can be animated to generate novel expressions. Our geometry model based on 3D Gaussians can capture 3D-consistent sub-millimeter details such as hair strands and pores on dynamic face sequences. To support diverse materials of human heads such as the eyes, skin, and hair in a unified manner, we present a novel relightable appearance model based on learnable radiance transfer. Together with global illumination-aware spherical harmonics for the diffuse components, we achieve real-time relighting with spatially all-frequency reflections using spherical Gaussians. This appearance model can be efficiently relit under both point light and continuous illumination. We further improve the fidelity of eye reflections and enable explicit gaze control by introducing relightable explicit eye models. Our method outperforms existing approaches without compromising real-time performance. We also demonstrate real-time relighting of avatars on a tethered consumer VR headset, showcasing the efficiency and fidelity of our avatars.
Abstract:This paper proposes a practical photometric solution for the challenging problem of in-the-wild inverse rendering under unknown ambient lighting. Our system recovers scene geometry and reflectance using only multi-view images captured by a smartphone. The key idea is to exploit smartphone's built-in flashlight as a minimally controlled light source, and decompose image intensities into two photometric components -- a static appearance corresponds to ambient flux, plus a dynamic reflection induced by the moving flashlight. Our method does not require flash/non-flash images to be captured in pairs. Building on the success of neural light fields, we use an off-the-shelf method to capture the ambient reflections, while the flashlight component enables physically accurate photometric constraints to decouple reflectance and illumination. Compared to existing inverse rendering methods, our setup is applicable to non-darkroom environments yet sidesteps the inherent difficulties of explicit solving ambient reflections. We demonstrate by extensive experiments that our method is easy to implement, casual to set up, and consistently outperforms existing in-the-wild inverse rendering techniques. Finally, our neural reconstruction can be easily exported to PBR textured triangle mesh ready for industrial renderers.
Abstract:Eyeglasses play an important role in the perception of identity. Authentic virtual representations of faces can benefit greatly from their inclusion. However, modeling the geometric and appearance interactions of glasses and the face of virtual representations of humans is challenging. Glasses and faces affect each other's geometry at their contact points, and also induce appearance changes due to light transport. Most existing approaches do not capture these physical interactions since they model eyeglasses and faces independently. Others attempt to resolve interactions as a 2D image synthesis problem and suffer from view and temporal inconsistencies. In this work, we propose a 3D compositional morphable model of eyeglasses that accurately incorporates high-fidelity geometric and photometric interaction effects. To support the large variation in eyeglass topology efficiently, we employ a hybrid representation that combines surface geometry and a volumetric representation. Unlike volumetric approaches, our model naturally retains correspondences across glasses, and hence explicit modification of geometry, such as lens insertion and frame deformation, is greatly simplified. In addition, our model is relightable under point lights and natural illumination, supporting high-fidelity rendering of various frame materials, including translucent plastic and metal within a single morphable model. Importantly, our approach models global light transport effects, such as casting shadows between faces and glasses. Our morphable model for eyeglasses can also be fit to novel glasses via inverse rendering. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art methods and demonstrate significant quality improvements.
Abstract:This paper tackles the task of uncalibrated photometric stereo for 3D object reconstruction, where both the object shape, object reflectance, and lighting directions are unknown. This is an extremely difficult task, and the challenge is further compounded with the existence of the well-known generalized bas-relief (GBR) ambiguity in photometric stereo. Previous methods to resolve this ambiguity either rely on an overly simplified reflectance model, or assume special light distribution. We propose a new method that jointly optimizes object shape, light directions, and light intensities, all under general surfaces and lights assumptions. The specularities are used explicitly to solve uncalibrated photometric stereo via a neural inverse rendering process. We gradually fit specularities from shiny to rough using novel progressive specular bases. Our method leverages a physically based rendering equation by minimizing the reconstruction error on a per-object-basis. Our method demonstrates state-of-the-art accuracy in light estimation and shape recovery on real-world datasets.
Abstract:This paper aims at recovering the shape of a scene with unknown, non-Lambertian, and possibly spatially-varying surface materials. When the shape of the object is highly complex and that shadows cast on the surface, the task becomes very challenging. To overcome these challenges, we propose a coordinate-based deep MLP (multilayer perceptron) to parameterize both the unknown 3D shape and the unknown reflectance at every surface point. This network is able to leverage the observed photometric variance and shadows on the surface, and recover both surface shape and general non-Lambertian reflectance. We explicitly predict cast shadows, mitigating possible artifacts on these shadowing regions, leading to higher estimation accuracy. Our framework is entirely self-supervised, in the sense that it requires neither ground truth shape nor BRDF. Tests on real-world images demonstrate that our method outperform existing methods by a significant margin. Thanks to the small size of the MLP-net, our method is an order of magnitude faster than previous CNN-based methods.
Abstract:We propose a method for estimating high-definition spatially-varying lighting, reflectance, and geometry of a scene from 360$^{\circ}$ stereo images. Our model takes advantage of the 360$^{\circ}$ input to observe the entire scene with geometric detail, then jointly estimates the scene's properties with physical constraints. We first reconstruct a near-field environment light for predicting the lighting at any 3D location within the scene. Then we present a deep learning model that leverages the stereo information to infer the reflectance and surface normal. Lastly, we incorporate the physical constraints between lighting and geometry to refine the reflectance of the scene. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments show that our method, benefiting from the 360$^{\circ}$ observation of the scene, outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods and enables more augmented reality applications such as mirror-objects insertion.