Abstract:Inter-image association modeling is crucial for co-salient object detection. Despite satisfactory performance, previous methods still have limitations on sufficient inter-image association modeling. Because most of them focus on image feature optimization under the guidance of heuristically calculated raw inter-image associations. They directly rely on raw associations which are not reliable in complex scenarios, and their image feature optimization approach is not explicit for inter-image association modeling. To alleviate these limitations, this paper proposes a deep association learning strategy that deploys deep networks on raw associations to explicitly transform them into deep association features. Specifically, we first create hyperassociations to collect dense pixel-pair-wise raw associations and then deploys deep aggregation networks on them. We design a progressive association generation module for this purpose with additional enhancement of the hyperassociation calculation. More importantly, we propose a correspondence-induced association condensation module that introduces a pretext task, i.e. semantic correspondence estimation, to condense the hyperassociations for computational burden reduction and noise elimination. We also design an object-aware cycle consistency loss for high-quality correspondence estimations. Experimental results in three benchmark datasets demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of our proposed method with various training settings.
Abstract:Existing Camouflaged Object Detection (COD) methods rely heavily on large-scale pixel-annotated training sets, which are both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Although weakly supervised methods offer higher annotation efficiency, their performance is far behind due to the unclear visual demarcations between foreground and background in camouflaged images. In this paper, we explore the potential of using boxes as prompts in camouflaged scenes and introduce the first weakly semi-supervised COD method, aiming for budget-efficient and high-precision camouflaged object segmentation with an extremely limited number of fully labeled images. Critically, learning from such limited set inevitably generates pseudo labels with serious noisy pixels. To address this, we propose a noise correction loss that facilitates the model's learning of correct pixels in the early learning stage, and corrects the error risk gradients dominated by noisy pixels in the memorization stage, ultimately achieving accurate segmentation of camouflaged objects from noisy labels. When using only 20% of fully labeled data, our method shows superior performance over the state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:While large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant success in various applications, they often struggle with hallucinations, especially in scenarios that require deep and responsible reasoning. These issues could be partially mitigate by integrating external knowledge graphs (KG) in LLM reasoning. However, the method of their incorporation is still largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose a retrieval-exploration interactive method, FiDelis to handle intermediate steps of reasoning grounded by KGs. Specifically, we propose Path-RAG module for recalling useful intermediate knowledge from KG for LLM reasoning. We incorporate the logic and common-sense reasoning of LLMs and topological connectivity of KGs into the knowledge retrieval process, which provides more accurate recalling performance. Furthermore, we propose to leverage deductive reasoning capabilities of LLMs as a better criterion to automatically guide the reasoning process in a stepwise and generalizable manner. Deductive verification serve as precise indicators for when to cease further reasoning, thus avoiding misleading the chains of reasoning and unnecessary computation. Extensive experiments show that our method, as a training-free method with lower computational cost and better generality outperforms the existing strong baselines in three benchmarks.
Abstract:Spectral graph convolution, an important tool of data filtering on graphs, relies on two essential decisions; selecting spectral bases for signal transformation and parameterizing the kernel for frequency analysis. While recent techniques mainly focus on standard Fourier transform and vector-valued spectral functions, they fall short in flexibility to describe specific signal distribution for each node, and expressivity of spectral function. In this paper, we present a novel wavelet-based graph convolution network, namely WaveGC, which integrates multi-resolution spectral bases and a matrix-valued filter kernel. Theoretically, we establish that WaveGC can effectively capture and decouple short-range and long-range information, providing superior filtering flexibility, surpassing existing graph convolutional networks and graph Transformers (GTs). To instantiate WaveGC, we introduce a novel technique for learning general graph wavelets by separately combining odd and even terms of Chebyshev polynomials. This approach strictly satisfies wavelet admissibility criteria. Our numerical experiments showcase the capabilities of the new network. By replacing the Transformer part in existing architectures with WaveGC, we consistently observe improvements in both short-range and long-range tasks. This underscores the effectiveness of the proposed model in handling different scenarios. Our code is available at https://github.com/liun-online/WaveGC.
Abstract:In recent times, following the paradigm of DETR (DEtection TRansformer), query-based end-to-end instance segmentation (QEIS) methods have exhibited superior performance compared to CNN-based models, particularly when trained on large-scale datasets. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these QEIS methods diminishes significantly when confronted with limited training data. This limitation arises from their reliance on substantial data volumes to effectively train the pivotal queries/kernels that are essential for acquiring localization and shape priors. To address this problem, we propose a novel method for unsupervised pre-training in low-data regimes. Inspired by the recently successful prompting technique, we introduce a new method, Unsupervised Pre-training with Language-Vision Prompts (UPLVP), which improves QEIS models' instance segmentation by bringing language-vision prompts to queries/kernels. Our method consists of three parts: (1) Masks Proposal: Utilizes language-vision models to generate pseudo masks based on unlabeled images. (2) Prompt-Kernel Matching: Converts pseudo masks into prompts and injects the best-matched localization and shape features to their corresponding kernels. (3) Kernel Supervision: Formulates supervision for pre-training at the kernel level to ensure robust learning. With the help of our pre-training method, QEIS models can converge faster and perform better than CNN-based models in low-data regimes. Experimental evaluations conducted on MS COCO, Cityscapes, and CTW1500 datasets indicate that the QEIS models' performance can be significantly improved when pre-trained with our method. Code will be available at: https://github.com/lifuguan/UPLVP.
Abstract:Social relations have been widely incorporated into recommender systems to alleviate data sparsity problem. However, raw social relations don't always benefit recommendation due to their inferior quality and insufficient quantity, especially for inactive users, whose interacted items are limited. In this paper, we propose a novel social recommendation method called LSIR (\textbf{L}earning \textbf{S}ocial Graph for \textbf{I}nactive User \textbf{R}ecommendation) that learns an optimal social graph structure for social recommendation, especially for inactive users. LSIR recursively aggregates user and item embeddings to collaboratively encode item and user features. Then, graph structure learning (GSL) is employed to refine the raw user-user social graph, by removing noisy edges and adding new edges based on the enhanced embeddings. Meanwhile, mimic learning is implemented to guide active users in mimicking inactive users during model training, which improves the construction of new edges for inactive users. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that LSIR achieves significant improvements of up to 129.58\% on NDCG in inactive user recommendation. Our code is available at~\url{https://github.com/liun-online/LSIR}.
Abstract:Traditional approaches in physics-based motion generation, centered around imitation learning and reward shaping, often struggle to adapt to new scenarios. To tackle this limitation, we propose AnySkill, a novel hierarchical method that learns physically plausible interactions following open-vocabulary instructions. Our approach begins by developing a set of atomic actions via a low-level controller trained via imitation learning. Upon receiving an open-vocabulary textual instruction, AnySkill employs a high-level policy that selects and integrates these atomic actions to maximize the CLIP similarity between the agent's rendered images and the text. An important feature of our method is the use of image-based rewards for the high-level policy, which allows the agent to learn interactions with objects without manual reward engineering. We demonstrate AnySkill's capability to generate realistic and natural motion sequences in response to unseen instructions of varying lengths, marking it the first method capable of open-vocabulary physical skill learning for interactive humanoid agents.
Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs) have become increasingly popular in modeling graph-structured data due to their ability to learn node representations by aggregating local structure information. However, it is widely acknowledged that the test graph structure may differ from the training graph structure, resulting in a structure shift. In this paper, we experimentally find that the performance of GNNs drops significantly when the structure shift happens, suggesting that the learned models may be biased towards specific structure patterns. To address this challenge, we propose the Cluster Information Transfer (CIT) mechanism (Code available at https://github.com/BUPT-GAMMA/CITGNN), which can learn invariant representations for GNNs, thereby improving their generalization ability to various and unknown test graphs with structure shift. The CIT mechanism achieves this by combining different cluster information with the nodes while preserving their cluster-independent information. By generating nodes across different clusters, the mechanism significantly enhances the diversity of the nodes and helps GNNs learn the invariant representations. We provide a theoretical analysis of the CIT mechanism, showing that the impact of changing clusters during structure shift can be mitigated after transfer. Additionally, the proposed mechanism is a plug-in that can be easily used to improve existing GNNs. We comprehensively evaluate our proposed method on three typical structure shift scenarios, demonstrating its effectiveness in enhancing GNNs' performance.
Abstract:Gaze object prediction aims to predict the location and category of the object that is watched by a human. Previous gaze object prediction works use CNN-based object detectors to predict the object's location. However, we find that Transformer-based object detectors can predict more accurate object location for dense objects in retail scenarios. Moreover, the long-distance modeling capability of the Transformer can help to build relationships between the human head and the gaze object, which is important for the GOP task. To this end, this paper introduces Transformer into the fields of gaze object prediction and proposes an end-to-end Transformer-based gaze object prediction method named TransGOP. Specifically, TransGOP uses an off-the-shelf Transformer-based object detector to detect the location of objects and designs a Transformer-based gaze autoencoder in the gaze regressor to establish long-distance gaze relationships. Moreover, to improve gaze heatmap regression, we propose an object-to-gaze cross-attention mechanism to let the queries of the gaze autoencoder learn the global-memory position knowledge from the object detector. Finally, to make the whole framework end-to-end trained, we propose a Gaze Box loss to jointly optimize the object detector and gaze regressor by enhancing the gaze heatmap energy in the box of the gaze object. Extensive experiments on the GOO-Synth and GOO-Real datasets demonstrate that our TransGOP achieves state-of-the-art performance on all tracks, i.e., object detection, gaze estimation, and gaze object prediction. Our code will be available at https://github.com/chenxi-Guo/TransGOP.git.
Abstract:Semantic scene completion (SSC) has recently gained popularity because it can provide both semantic and geometric information that can be used directly for autonomous vehicle navigation. However, there are still challenges to overcome. SSC is often hampered by occlusion and short-range perception due to sensor limitations, which can pose safety risks. This paper proposes a fundamental solution to this problem by leveraging vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose the first generalized collaborative SSC framework that allows autonomous vehicles to share sensing information from different sensor views to jointly perform SSC tasks. To validate the proposed framework, we further build V2VSSC, the first V2V SSC benchmark, on top of the large-scale V2V perception dataset OPV2V. Extensive experiments demonstrate that by leveraging V2V communication, the SSC performance can be increased by 8.3% on geometric metric IoU and 6.0% mIOU.