University of Potsdam, Germany
Abstract:We propose Relightable Full-Body Gaussian Codec Avatars, a new approach for modeling relightable full-body avatars with fine-grained details including face and hands. The unique challenge for relighting full-body avatars lies in the large deformations caused by body articulation and the resulting impact on appearance caused by light transport. Changes in body pose can dramatically change the orientation of body surfaces with respect to lights, resulting in both local appearance changes due to changes in local light transport functions, as well as non-local changes due to occlusion between body parts. To address this, we decompose the light transport into local and non-local effects. Local appearance changes are modeled using learnable zonal harmonics for diffuse radiance transfer. Unlike spherical harmonics, zonal harmonics are highly efficient to rotate under articulation. This allows us to learn diffuse radiance transfer in a local coordinate frame, which disentangles the local radiance transfer from the articulation of the body. To account for non-local appearance changes, we introduce a shadow network that predicts shadows given precomputed incoming irradiance on a base mesh. This facilitates the learning of non-local shadowing between the body parts. Finally, we use a deferred shading approach to model specular radiance transfer and better capture reflections and highlights such as eye glints. We demonstrate that our approach successfully models both the local and non-local light transport required for relightable full-body avatars, with a superior generalization ability under novel illumination conditions and unseen poses.
Abstract:We are interested in automating reasoning with and about study regulations, catering to various stakeholders, ranging from administrators, over faculty, to students at different stages. Our work builds on an extensive analysis of various study programs at the University of Potsdam. The conceptualization of the underlying principles provides us with a formal account of study regulations. In particular, the formalization reveals the properties of admissible study plans. With these at end, we propose an encoding of study regulations in Answer Set Programming that produces corresponding study plans. Finally, we show how this approach can be extended to a generic user interface for exploring study plans.
Abstract:The representation of a dynamic problem in ASP usually boils down to using copies of variables and constraints, one for each time stamp, no matter whether it is directly encoded or via an action or temporal language. The multiplication of variables and constraints is commonly done during grounding and the solver is completely ignorant about the temporal relationship among the different instances. On the other hand, a key factor in the performance of today's ASP solvers is conflict-driven constraint learning. Our question is now whether a constraint learned for particular time steps can be generalized and reused at other time stamps, and ultimately whether this enhances the overall solver performance on temporal problems. Knowing full well the domain of time, we study conditions under which learned dynamic constraints can be generalized. We propose a simple translation of the original logic program such that, for the translated programs, the learned constraints can be generalized to other time points. Additionally, we identify a property of temporal problems that allows us to generalize all learned constraints to all time steps. It turns out that this property is satisfied by many planning problems. Finally, we empirically evaluate the impact of adding the generalized constraints to an ASP solver
Abstract:Existing photorealistic relightable hand models require extensive identity-specific observations in different views, poses, and illuminations, and face challenges in generalizing to natural illuminations and novel identities. To bridge this gap, we present URHand, the first universal relightable hand model that generalizes across viewpoints, poses, illuminations, and identities. Our model allows few-shot personalization using images captured with a mobile phone, and is ready to be photorealistically rendered under novel illuminations. To simplify the personalization process while retaining photorealism, we build a powerful universal relightable prior based on neural relighting from multi-view images of hands captured in a light stage with hundreds of identities. The key challenge is scaling the cross-identity training while maintaining personalized fidelity and sharp details without compromising generalization under natural illuminations. To this end, we propose a spatially varying linear lighting model as the neural renderer that takes physics-inspired shading as input feature. By removing non-linear activations and bias, our specifically designed lighting model explicitly keeps the linearity of light transport. This enables single-stage training from light-stage data while generalizing to real-time rendering under arbitrary continuous illuminations across diverse identities. In addition, we introduce the joint learning of a physically based model and our neural relighting model, which further improves fidelity and generalization. Extensive experiments show that our approach achieves superior performance over existing methods in terms of both quality and generalizability. We also demonstrate quick personalization of URHand from a short phone scan of an unseen identity.
Abstract:We present a framework for generating full-bodied photorealistic avatars that gesture according to the conversational dynamics of a dyadic interaction. Given speech audio, we output multiple possibilities of gestural motion for an individual, including face, body, and hands. The key behind our method is in combining the benefits of sample diversity from vector quantization with the high-frequency details obtained through diffusion to generate more dynamic, expressive motion. We visualize the generated motion using highly photorealistic avatars that can express crucial nuances in gestures (e.g. sneers and smirks). To facilitate this line of research, we introduce a first-of-its-kind multi-view conversational dataset that allows for photorealistic reconstruction. Experiments show our model generates appropriate and diverse gestures, outperforming both diffusion- and VQ-only methods. Furthermore, our perceptual evaluation highlights the importance of photorealism (vs. meshes) in accurately assessing subtle motion details in conversational gestures. Code and dataset available online.
Abstract:We present Drivable 3D Gaussian Avatars (D3GA), the first 3D controllable model for human bodies rendered with Gaussian splats. Current photorealistic drivable avatars require either accurate 3D registrations during training, dense input images during testing, or both. The ones based on neural radiance fields also tend to be prohibitively slow for telepresence applications. This work uses the recently presented 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) technique to render realistic humans at real-time framerates, using dense calibrated multi-view videos as input. To deform those primitives, we depart from the commonly used point deformation method of linear blend skinning (LBS) and use a classic volumetric deformation method: cage deformations. Given their smaller size, we drive these deformations with joint angles and keypoints, which are more suitable for communication applications. Our experiments on nine subjects with varied body shapes, clothes, and motions obtain higher-quality results than state-of-the-art methods when using the same training and test data.
Abstract:Registering clothes from 4D scans with vertex-accurate correspondence is challenging, yet important for dynamic appearance modeling and physics parameter estimation from real-world data. However, previous methods either rely on texture information, which is not always reliable, or achieve only coarse-level alignment. In this work, we present a novel approach to enabling accurate surface registration of texture-less clothes with large deformation. Our key idea is to effectively leverage a shape prior learned from pre-captured clothing using diffusion models. We also propose a multi-stage guidance scheme based on learned functional maps, which stabilizes registration for large-scale deformation even when they vary significantly from training data. Using high-fidelity real captured clothes, our experiments show that the proposed approach based on diffusion models generalizes better than surface registration with VAE or PCA-based priors, outperforming both optimization-based and learning-based non-rigid registration methods for both interpolation and extrapolation tests.
Abstract:We present a Body Measurement network (BMnet) for estimating 3D anthropomorphic measurements of the human body shape from silhouette images. Training of BMnet is performed on data from real human subjects, and augmented with a novel adversarial body simulator (ABS) that finds and synthesizes challenging body shapes. ABS is based on the skinned multiperson linear (SMPL) body model, and aims to maximize BMnet measurement prediction error with respect to latent SMPL shape parameters. ABS is fully differentiable with respect to these parameters, and trained end-to-end via backpropagation with BMnet in the loop. Experiments show that ABS effectively discovers adversarial examples, such as bodies with extreme body mass indices (BMI), consistent with the rarity of extreme-BMI bodies in BMnet's training set. Thus ABS is able to reveal gaps in training data and potential failures in predicting under-represented body shapes. Results show that training BMnet with ABS improves measurement prediction accuracy on real bodies by up to 10%, when compared to no augmentation or random body shape sampling. Furthermore, our method significantly outperforms SOTA measurement estimation methods by as much as 3x. Finally, we release BodyM, the first challenging, large-scale dataset of photo silhouettes and body measurements of real human subjects, to further promote research in this area. Project website:
Abstract:Despite recent progress in developing animatable full-body avatars, realistic modeling of clothing - one of the core aspects of human self-expression - remains an open challenge. State-of-the-art physical simulation methods can generate realistically behaving clothing geometry at interactive rate. Modeling photorealistic appearance, however, usually requires physically-based rendering which is too expensive for interactive applications. On the other hand, data-driven deep appearance models are capable of efficiently producing realistic appearance, but struggle at synthesizing geometry of highly dynamic clothing and handling challenging body-clothing configurations. To this end, we introduce pose-driven avatars with explicit modeling of clothing that exhibit both realistic clothing dynamics and photorealistic appearance learned from real-world data. The key idea is to introduce a neural clothing appearance model that operates on top of explicit geometry: at train time we use high-fidelity tracking, whereas at animation time we rely on physically simulated geometry. Our key contribution is a physically-inspired appearance network, capable of generating photorealistic appearance with view-dependent and dynamic shadowing effects even for unseen body-clothing configurations. We conduct a thorough evaluation of our model and demonstrate diverse animation results on several subjects and different types of clothing. Unlike previous work on photorealistic full-body avatars, our approach can produce much richer dynamics and more realistic deformations even for loose clothing. We also demonstrate that our formulation naturally allows clothing to be used with avatars of different people while staying fully animatable, thus enabling, for the first time, photorealistic avatars with novel clothing.
Abstract:We present plingo, an extension of the ASP system clingo with various probabilistic reasoning modes. Plingo is centered upon LP^MLN, a probabilistic extension of ASP based on a weight scheme from Markov Logic. This choice is motivated by the fact that the core probabilistic reasoning modes can be mapped onto optimization problems and that LP^MLN may serve as a middle-ground formalism connecting to other probabilistic approaches. As a result, plingo offers three alternative frontends, for LP^MLN, P-log, and ProbLog. The corresponding input languages and reasoning modes are implemented by means of clingo's multi-shot and theory solving capabilities. The core of plingo amounts to a re-implementation of LP^MLN in terms of modern ASP technology, extended by an approximation technique based on a new method for answer set enumeration in the order of optimality. We evaluate plingo's performance empirically by comparing it to other probabilistic systems.