Abstract:We propose Relightable Full-Body Gaussian Codec Avatars, a new approach for modeling relightable full-body avatars with fine-grained details including face and hands. The unique challenge for relighting full-body avatars lies in the large deformations caused by body articulation and the resulting impact on appearance caused by light transport. Changes in body pose can dramatically change the orientation of body surfaces with respect to lights, resulting in both local appearance changes due to changes in local light transport functions, as well as non-local changes due to occlusion between body parts. To address this, we decompose the light transport into local and non-local effects. Local appearance changes are modeled using learnable zonal harmonics for diffuse radiance transfer. Unlike spherical harmonics, zonal harmonics are highly efficient to rotate under articulation. This allows us to learn diffuse radiance transfer in a local coordinate frame, which disentangles the local radiance transfer from the articulation of the body. To account for non-local appearance changes, we introduce a shadow network that predicts shadows given precomputed incoming irradiance on a base mesh. This facilitates the learning of non-local shadowing between the body parts. Finally, we use a deferred shading approach to model specular radiance transfer and better capture reflections and highlights such as eye glints. We demonstrate that our approach successfully models both the local and non-local light transport required for relightable full-body avatars, with a superior generalization ability under novel illumination conditions and unseen poses.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end relightable neural inverse rendering system that achieves high-quality reconstruction of geometry and material properties, thus enabling high-quality relighting. The cornerstone of our method is a two-stage approach for learning a better factorization of scene parameters. In the first stage, we develop a reflection-aware radiance field using a neural signed distance field (SDF) as the geometry representation and deploy an MLP (multilayer perceptron) to estimate indirect illumination. In the second stage, we introduce a novel information-sharing network structure to jointly learn the radiance field and the physically based factorization of the scene. For the physically based factorization, to reduce the noise caused by Monte Carlo sampling, we apply a split-sum approximation with a simplified Disney BRDF and cube mipmap as the environment light representation. In the relighting phase, to enhance the quality of indirect illumination, we propose a second split-sum algorithm to trace secondary rays under the split-sum rendering framework.Furthermore, there is no dataset or protocol available to quantitatively evaluate the inverse rendering performance for glossy objects. To assess the quality of material reconstruction and relighting, we have created a new dataset with ground truth BRDF parameters and relighting results. Our experiments demonstrate that our algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance in inverse rendering and relighting, with particularly strong results in the reconstruction of highly reflective objects.
Abstract:Recent advances in generative diffusion models have enabled the previously unfeasible capability of generating 3D assets from a single input image or a text prompt. In this work, we aim to enhance the quality and functionality of these models for the task of creating controllable, photorealistic human avatars. We achieve this by integrating a 3D morphable model into the state-of-the-art multiview-consistent diffusion approach. We demonstrate that accurate conditioning of a generative pipeline on the articulated 3D model enhances the baseline model performance on the task of novel view synthesis from a single image. More importantly, this integration facilitates a seamless and accurate incorporation of facial expression and body pose control into the generation process. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed framework is the first diffusion model to enable the creation of fully 3D-consistent, animatable, and photorealistic human avatars from a single image of an unseen subject; extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the advantages of our approach over existing state-of-the-art avatar creation models on both novel view and novel expression synthesis tasks.
Abstract:We introduce an approach that creates animatable human avatars from monocular videos using 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). Existing methods based on neural radiance fields (NeRFs) achieve high-quality novel-view/novel-pose image synthesis but often require days of training, and are extremely slow at inference time. Recently, the community has explored fast grid structures for efficient training of clothed avatars. Albeit being extremely fast at training, these methods can barely achieve an interactive rendering frame rate with around 15 FPS. In this paper, we use 3D Gaussian Splatting and learn a non-rigid deformation network to reconstruct animatable clothed human avatars that can be trained within 30 minutes and rendered at real-time frame rates (50+ FPS). Given the explicit nature of our representation, we further introduce as-isometric-as-possible regularizations on both the Gaussian mean vectors and the covariance matrices, enhancing the generalization of our model on highly articulated unseen poses. Experimental results show that our method achieves comparable and even better performance compared to state-of-the-art approaches on animatable avatar creation from a monocular input, while being 400x and 250x faster in training and inference, respectively.
Abstract:We present IntrinsicAvatar, a novel approach to recovering the intrinsic properties of clothed human avatars including geometry, albedo, material, and environment lighting from only monocular videos. Recent advancements in human-based neural rendering have enabled high-quality geometry and appearance reconstruction of clothed humans from just monocular videos. However, these methods bake intrinsic properties such as albedo, material, and environment lighting into a single entangled neural representation. On the other hand, only a handful of works tackle the problem of estimating geometry and disentangled appearance properties of clothed humans from monocular videos. They usually achieve limited quality and disentanglement due to approximations of secondary shading effects via learned MLPs. In this work, we propose to model secondary shading effects explicitly via Monte-Carlo ray tracing. We model the rendering process of clothed humans as a volumetric scattering process, and combine ray tracing with body articulation. Our approach can recover high-quality geometry, albedo, material, and lighting properties of clothed humans from a single monocular video, without requiring supervised pre-training using ground truth materials. Furthermore, since we explicitly model the volumetric scattering process and ray tracing, our model naturally generalizes to novel poses, enabling animation of the reconstructed avatar in novel lighting conditions.
Abstract:We present a novel method for populating 3D indoor scenes with virtual humans that can navigate the environment and interact with objects in a realistic manner. Existing approaches rely on high-quality training sequences that capture a diverse range of human motions in 3D scenes. However, such motion data is costly, difficult to obtain and can never cover the full range of plausible human-scene interactions in complex indoor environments. To address these challenges, we propose a reinforcement learning-based approach to learn policy networks that predict latent variables of a powerful generative motion model that is trained on a large-scale motion capture dataset (AMASS). For navigating in a 3D environment, we propose a scene-aware policy training scheme with a novel collision avoidance reward function. Combined with the powerful generative motion model, we can synthesize highly diverse human motions navigating 3D indoor scenes, meanwhile effectively avoiding obstacles. For detailed human-object interactions, we carefully curate interaction-aware reward functions by leveraging a marker-based body representation and the signed distance field (SDF) representation of the 3D scene. With a number of important training design schemes, our method can synthesize realistic and diverse human-object interactions (e.g.,~sitting on a chair and then getting up) even for out-of-distribution test scenarios with different object shapes, orientations, starting body positions, and poses. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art human-scene interaction synthesis frameworks in terms of both motion naturalness and diversity. Video results are available on the project page: https://zkf1997.github.io/DIMOS.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning has become a popular approach in recent years for its ability to learn meaningful representations without the need for data annotation. This paper proposes a novel image augmentation technique, overlaying images, which has not been widely applied in self-supervised learning. This method is designed to provide better guidance for the model to understand underlying information, resulting in more useful representations. The proposed method is evaluated using contrastive learning, a widely used self-supervised learning method that has shown solid performance in downstream tasks. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed augmentation technique in improving the performance of self-supervised models.
Abstract:Combining human body models with differentiable rendering has recently enabled animatable avatars of clothed humans from sparse sets of multi-view RGB videos. While state-of-the-art approaches achieve realistic appearance with neural radiance fields (NeRF), the inferred geometry often lacks detail due to missing geometric constraints. Further, animating avatars in out-of-distribution poses is not yet possible because the mapping from observation space to canonical space does not generalize faithfully to unseen poses. In this work, we address these shortcomings and propose a model to create animatable clothed human avatars with detailed geometry that generalize well to out-of-distribution poses. To achieve detailed geometry, we combine an articulated implicit surface representation with volume rendering. For generalization, we propose a novel joint root-finding algorithm for simultaneous ray-surface intersection search and correspondence search. Our algorithm enables efficient point sampling and accurate point canonicalization while generalizing well to unseen poses. We demonstrate that our proposed pipeline can generate clothed avatars with high-quality pose-dependent geometry and appearance from a sparse set of multi-view RGB videos. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on geometry and appearance reconstruction while creating animatable avatars that generalize well to out-of-distribution poses beyond the small number of training poses.
Abstract:Synthesizing natural interactions between virtual humans and their 3D environments is critical for numerous applications, such as computer games and AR/VR experiences. Our goal is to synthesize humans interacting with a given 3D scene controlled by high-level semantic specifications as pairs of action categories and object instances, e.g., "sit on the chair". The key challenge of incorporating interaction semantics into the generation framework is to learn a joint representation that effectively captures heterogeneous information, including human body articulation, 3D object geometry, and the intent of the interaction. To address this challenge, we design a novel transformer-based generative model, in which the articulated 3D human body surface points and 3D objects are jointly encoded in a unified latent space, and the semantics of the interaction between the human and objects are embedded via positional encoding. Furthermore, inspired by the compositional nature of interactions that humans can simultaneously interact with multiple objects, we define interaction semantics as the composition of varying numbers of atomic action-object pairs. Our proposed generative model can naturally incorporate varying numbers of atomic interactions, which enables synthesizing compositional human-scene interactions without requiring composite interaction data. We extend the PROX dataset with interaction semantic labels and scene instance segmentation to evaluate our method and demonstrate that our method can generate realistic human-scene interactions with semantic control. Our perceptual study shows that our synthesized virtual humans can naturally interact with 3D scenes, considerably outperforming existing methods. We name our method COINS, for COmpositional INteraction Synthesis with Semantic Control. Code and data are available at https://github.com/zkf1997/COINS.
Abstract:In this paper, we aim to create generalizable and controllable neural signed distance fields (SDFs) that represent clothed humans from monocular depth observations. Recent advances in deep learning, especially neural implicit representations, have enabled human shape reconstruction and controllable avatar generation from different sensor inputs. However, to generate realistic cloth deformations from novel input poses, watertight meshes or dense full-body scans are usually needed as inputs. Furthermore, due to the difficulty of effectively modeling pose-dependent cloth deformations for diverse body shapes and cloth types, existing approaches resort to per-subject/cloth-type optimization from scratch, which is computationally expensive. In contrast, we propose an approach that can quickly generate realistic clothed human avatars, represented as controllable neural SDFs, given only monocular depth images. We achieve this by using meta-learning to learn an initialization of a hypernetwork that predicts the parameters of neural SDFs. The hypernetwork is conditioned on human poses and represents a clothed neural avatar that deforms non-rigidly according to the input poses. Meanwhile, it is meta-learned to effectively incorporate priors of diverse body shapes and cloth types and thus can be much faster to fine-tune, compared to models trained from scratch. We qualitatively and quantitatively show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art approaches that require complete meshes as inputs while our approach requires only depth frames as inputs and runs orders of magnitudes faster. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our meta-learned hypernetwork is very robust, being the first to generate avatars with realistic dynamic cloth deformations given as few as 8 monocular depth frames.