Abstract:3D semantic occupancy prediction is a crucial task in visual perception, as it requires the simultaneous comprehension of both scene geometry and semantics. It plays a crucial role in understanding 3D scenes and has great potential for various applications, such as robotic vision perception and autonomous driving. Many existing works utilize planar-based representations such as Bird's Eye View (BEV) and Tri-Perspective View (TPV). These representations aim to simplify the complexity of 3D scenes while preserving essential object information, thereby facilitating efficient scene representation. However, in dense indoor environments with prevalent occlusions, directly applying these planar-based methods often leads to difficulties in capturing global semantic occupancy, ultimately degrading model performance. In this paper, we present a new vertical slice representation that divides the scene along the vertical axis and projects spatial point features onto the nearest pair of parallel planes. To utilize these slice features, we propose SliceOcc, an RGB camera-based model specifically tailored for indoor 3D semantic occupancy prediction. SliceOcc utilizes pairs of slice queries and cross-attention mechanisms to extract planar features from input images. These local planar features are then fused to form a global scene representation, which is employed for indoor occupancy prediction. Experimental results on the EmbodiedScan dataset demonstrate that SliceOcc achieves a mIoU of 15.45% across 81 indoor categories, setting a new state-of-the-art performance among RGB camera-based models for indoor 3D semantic occupancy prediction. Code is available at https://github.com/NorthSummer/SliceOcc.
Abstract:Effective image tokenization is crucial for both multi-modal understanding and generation tasks due to the necessity of the alignment with discrete text data. To this end, existing approaches utilize vector quantization (VQ) to project pixels onto a discrete codebook and reconstruct images from the discrete representation. However, compared with the continuous latent space, the limited discrete codebook space significantly restrict the representational ability of these image tokenizers. In this paper, we propose GaussianToken: An Effective Image Tokenizer with 2D Gaussian Splatting as a solution. We first represent the encoded samples as multiple flexible featured 2D Gaussians characterized by positions, rotation angles, scaling factors, and feature coefficients. We adopt the standard quantization for the Gaussian features and then concatenate the quantization results with the other intrinsic Gaussian parameters before the corresponding splatting operation and the subsequent decoding module. In general, GaussianToken integrates the local influence of 2D Gaussian distribution into the discrete space and thus enhances the representation capability of the image tokenizer. Competitive reconstruction performances on CIFAR, Mini-ImageNet, and ImageNet-1K demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. Our code is available at: https://github.com/ChrisDong-THU/GaussianToken.
Abstract:Vector-quantized networks (VQNs) have exhibited remarkable performance across various tasks, yet they are prone to training instability, which complicates the training process due to the necessity for techniques such as subtle initialization and model distillation. In this study, we identify the local minima issue as the primary cause of this instability. To address this, we integrate an optimal transport method in place of the nearest neighbor search to achieve a more globally informed assignment. We introduce OptVQ, a novel vector quantization method that employs the Sinkhorn algorithm to optimize the optimal transport problem, thereby enhancing the stability and efficiency of the training process. To mitigate the influence of diverse data distributions on the Sinkhorn algorithm, we implement a straightforward yet effective normalization strategy. Our comprehensive experiments on image reconstruction tasks demonstrate that OptVQ achieves 100% codebook utilization and surpasses current state-of-the-art VQNs in reconstruction quality.
Abstract:Vision-based autonomous driving shows great potential due to its satisfactory performance and low costs. Most existing methods adopt dense representations (e.g., bird's eye view) or sparse representations (e.g., instance boxes) for decision-making, which suffer from the trade-off between comprehensiveness and efficiency. This paper explores a Gaussian-centric end-to-end autonomous driving (GaussianAD) framework and exploits 3D semantic Gaussians to extensively yet sparsely describe the scene. We initialize the scene with uniform 3D Gaussians and use surrounding-view images to progressively refine them to obtain the 3D Gaussian scene representation. We then use sparse convolutions to efficiently perform 3D perception (e.g., 3D detection, semantic map construction). We predict 3D flows for the Gaussians with dynamic semantics and plan the ego trajectory accordingly with an objective of future scene forecasting. Our GaussianAD can be trained in an end-to-end manner with optional perception labels when available. Extensive experiments on the widely used nuScenes dataset verify the effectiveness of our end-to-end GaussianAD on various tasks including motion planning, 3D occupancy prediction, and 4D occupancy forecasting. Code: https://github.com/wzzheng/GaussianAD.
Abstract:3D occupancy prediction is important for autonomous driving due to its comprehensive perception of the surroundings. To incorporate sequential inputs, most existing methods fuse representations from previous frames to infer the current 3D occupancy. However, they fail to consider the continuity of driving scenarios and ignore the strong prior provided by the evolution of 3D scenes (e.g., only dynamic objects move). In this paper, we propose a world-model-based framework to exploit the scene evolution for perception. We reformulate 3D occupancy prediction as a 4D occupancy forecasting problem conditioned on the current sensor input. We decompose the scene evolution into three factors: 1) ego motion alignment of static scenes; 2) local movements of dynamic objects; and 3) completion of newly-observed scenes. We then employ a Gaussian world model (GaussianWorld) to explicitly exploit these priors and infer the scene evolution in the 3D Gaussian space considering the current RGB observation. We evaluate the effectiveness of our framework on the widely used nuScenes dataset. Our GaussianWorld improves the performance of the single-frame counterpart by over 2% in mIoU without introducing additional computations. Code: https://github.com/zuosc19/GaussianWorld.
Abstract:Video generation models (VGMs) have received extensive attention recently and serve as promising candidates for general-purpose large vision models. While they can only generate short videos each time, existing methods achieve long video generation by iteratively calling the VGMs, using the last-frame output as the condition for the next-round generation. However, the last frame only contains short-term fine-grained information about the scene, resulting in inconsistency in the long horizon. To address this, we propose an Omni World modeL (Owl-1) to produce long-term coherent and comprehensive conditions for consistent long video generation. As videos are observations of the underlying evolving world, we propose to model the long-term developments in a latent space and use VGMs to film them into videos. Specifically, we represent the world with a latent state variable which can be decoded into explicit video observations. These observations serve as a basis for anticipating temporal dynamics which in turn update the state variable. The interaction between evolving dynamics and persistent state enhances the diversity and consistency of the long videos. Extensive experiments show that Owl-1 achieves comparable performance with SOTA methods on VBench-I2V and VBench-Long, validating its ability to generate high-quality video observations. Code: https://github.com/huang-yh/Owl.
Abstract:Photorealistic 4D reconstruction of street scenes is essential for developing real-world simulators in autonomous driving. However, most existing methods perform this task offline and rely on time-consuming iterative processes, limiting their practical applications. To this end, we introduce the Large 4D Gaussian Reconstruction Model (DrivingRecon), a generalizable driving scene reconstruction model, which directly predicts 4D Gaussian from surround view videos. To better integrate the surround-view images, the Prune and Dilate Block (PD-Block) is proposed to eliminate overlapping Gaussian points between adjacent views and remove redundant background points. To enhance cross-temporal information, dynamic and static decoupling is tailored to better learn geometry and motion features. Experimental results demonstrate that DrivingRecon significantly improves scene reconstruction quality and novel view synthesis compared to existing methods. Furthermore, we explore applications of DrivingRecon in model pre-training, vehicle adaptation, and scene editing. Our code is available at https://github.com/EnVision-Research/DriveRecon.
Abstract:End-to-end autonomous driving has received increasing attention due to its potential to learn from large amounts of data. However, most existing methods are still open-loop and suffer from weak scalability, lack of high-order interactions, and inefficient decision-making. In this paper, we explore a closed-loop framework for autonomous driving and propose a large Driving wOrld modEl (Doe-1) for unified perception, prediction, and planning. We formulate autonomous driving as a next-token generation problem and use multi-modal tokens to accomplish different tasks. Specifically, we use free-form texts (i.e., scene descriptions) for perception and generate future predictions directly in the RGB space with image tokens. For planning, we employ a position-aware tokenizer to effectively encode action into discrete tokens. We train a multi-modal transformer to autoregressively generate perception, prediction, and planning tokens in an end-to-end and unified manner. Experiments on the widely used nuScenes dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of Doe-1 in various tasks including visual question-answering, action-conditioned video generation, and motion planning. Code: https://github.com/wzzheng/Doe.
Abstract:Modeling the evolutions of driving scenarios is important for the evaluation and decision-making of autonomous driving systems. Most existing methods focus on one aspect of scene evolution such as map generation, motion prediction, and trajectory planning. In this paper, we propose a unified Generative Pre-training for Driving (GPD-1) model to accomplish all these tasks altogether without additional fine-tuning. We represent each scene with ego, agent, and map tokens and formulate autonomous driving as a unified token generation problem. We adopt the autoregressive transformer architecture and use a scene-level attention mask to enable intra-scene bi-directional interactions. For the ego and agent tokens, we propose a hierarchical positional tokenizer to effectively encode both 2D positions and headings. For the map tokens, we train a map vector-quantized autoencoder to efficiently compress ego-centric semantic maps into discrete tokens. We pre-train our GPD-1 on the large-scale nuPlan dataset and conduct extensive experiments to evaluate its effectiveness. With different prompts, our GPD-1 successfully generalizes to various tasks without finetuning, including scene generation, traffic simulation, closed-loop simulation, map prediction, and motion planning. Code: https://github.com/wzzheng/GPD.
Abstract:Realtime 4D reconstruction for dynamic scenes remains a crucial challenge for autonomous driving perception. Most existing methods rely on depth estimation through self-supervision or multi-modality sensor fusion. In this paper, we propose Driv3R, a DUSt3R-based framework that directly regresses per-frame point maps from multi-view image sequences. To achieve streaming dense reconstruction, we maintain a memory pool to reason both spatial relationships across sensors and dynamic temporal contexts to enhance multi-view 3D consistency and temporal integration. Furthermore, we employ a 4D flow predictor to identify moving objects within the scene to direct our network focus more on reconstructing these dynamic regions. Finally, we align all per-frame pointmaps consistently to the world coordinate system in an optimization-free manner. We conduct extensive experiments on the large-scale nuScenes dataset to evaluate the effectiveness of our method. Driv3R outperforms previous frameworks in 4D dynamic scene reconstruction, achieving 15x faster inference speed compared to methods requiring global alignment. Code: https://github.com/Barrybarry-Smith/Driv3R.