Abstract:3D occupancy prediction is important for autonomous driving due to its comprehensive perception of the surroundings. To incorporate sequential inputs, most existing methods fuse representations from previous frames to infer the current 3D occupancy. However, they fail to consider the continuity of driving scenarios and ignore the strong prior provided by the evolution of 3D scenes (e.g., only dynamic objects move). In this paper, we propose a world-model-based framework to exploit the scene evolution for perception. We reformulate 3D occupancy prediction as a 4D occupancy forecasting problem conditioned on the current sensor input. We decompose the scene evolution into three factors: 1) ego motion alignment of static scenes; 2) local movements of dynamic objects; and 3) completion of newly-observed scenes. We then employ a Gaussian world model (GaussianWorld) to explicitly exploit these priors and infer the scene evolution in the 3D Gaussian space considering the current RGB observation. We evaluate the effectiveness of our framework on the widely used nuScenes dataset. Our GaussianWorld improves the performance of the single-frame counterpart by over 2% in mIoU without introducing additional computations. Code: https://github.com/zuosc19/GaussianWorld.
Abstract:Video generation models (VGMs) have received extensive attention recently and serve as promising candidates for general-purpose large vision models. While they can only generate short videos each time, existing methods achieve long video generation by iteratively calling the VGMs, using the last-frame output as the condition for the next-round generation. However, the last frame only contains short-term fine-grained information about the scene, resulting in inconsistency in the long horizon. To address this, we propose an Omni World modeL (Owl-1) to produce long-term coherent and comprehensive conditions for consistent long video generation. As videos are observations of the underlying evolving world, we propose to model the long-term developments in a latent space and use VGMs to film them into videos. Specifically, we represent the world with a latent state variable which can be decoded into explicit video observations. These observations serve as a basis for anticipating temporal dynamics which in turn update the state variable. The interaction between evolving dynamics and persistent state enhances the diversity and consistency of the long videos. Extensive experiments show that Owl-1 achieves comparable performance with SOTA methods on VBench-I2V and VBench-Long, validating its ability to generate high-quality video observations. Code: https://github.com/huang-yh/Owl.
Abstract:End-to-end autonomous driving has received increasing attention due to its potential to learn from large amounts of data. However, most existing methods are still open-loop and suffer from weak scalability, lack of high-order interactions, and inefficient decision-making. In this paper, we explore a closed-loop framework for autonomous driving and propose a large Driving wOrld modEl (Doe-1) for unified perception, prediction, and planning. We formulate autonomous driving as a next-token generation problem and use multi-modal tokens to accomplish different tasks. Specifically, we use free-form texts (i.e., scene descriptions) for perception and generate future predictions directly in the RGB space with image tokens. For planning, we employ a position-aware tokenizer to effectively encode action into discrete tokens. We train a multi-modal transformer to autoregressively generate perception, prediction, and planning tokens in an end-to-end and unified manner. Experiments on the widely used nuScenes dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of Doe-1 in various tasks including visual question-answering, action-conditioned video generation, and motion planning. Code: https://github.com/wzzheng/Doe.
Abstract:3D semantic occupancy prediction is an important task for robust vision-centric autonomous driving, which predicts fine-grained geometry and semantics of the surrounding scene. Most existing methods leverage dense grid-based scene representations, overlooking the spatial sparsity of the driving scenes. Although 3D semantic Gaussian serves as an object-centric sparse alternative, most of the Gaussians still describe the empty region with low efficiency. To address this, we propose a probabilistic Gaussian superposition model which interprets each Gaussian as a probability distribution of its neighborhood being occupied and conforms to probabilistic multiplication to derive the overall geometry. Furthermore, we adopt the exact Gaussian mixture model for semantics calculation to avoid unnecessary overlapping of Gaussians. To effectively initialize Gaussians in non-empty region, we design a distribution-based initialization module which learns the pixel-aligned occupancy distribution instead of the depth of surfaces. We conduct extensive experiments on nuScenes and KITTI-360 datasets and our GaussianFormer-2 achieves state-of-the-art performance with high efficiency. Code: https://github.com/huang-yh/GaussianFormer.
Abstract:3D occupancy prediction provides a comprehensive description of the surrounding scenes and has become an essential task for 3D perception. Most existing methods focus on offline perception from one or a few views and cannot be applied to embodied agents which demands to gradually perceive the scene through progressive embodied exploration. In this paper, we formulate an embodied 3D occupancy prediction task to target this practical scenario and propose a Gaussian-based EmbodiedOcc framework to accomplish it. We initialize the global scene with uniform 3D semantic Gaussians and progressively update local regions observed by the embodied agent. For each update, we extract semantic and structural features from the observed image and efficiently incorporate them via deformable cross-attention to refine the regional Gaussians. Finally, we employ Gaussian-to-voxel splatting to obtain the global 3D occupancy from the updated 3D Gaussians. Our EmbodiedOcc assumes an unknown (i.e., uniformly distributed) environment and maintains an explicit global memory of it with 3D Gaussians. It gradually gains knowledge through local refinement of regional Gaussians, which is consistent with how humans understand new scenes through embodied exploration. We reorganize an EmbodiedOcc-ScanNet benchmark based on local annotations to facilitate the evaluation of the embodied 3D occupancy prediction task. Experiments demonstrate that our EmbodiedOcc outperforms existing local prediction methods and accomplishes the embodied occupancy prediction with high accuracy and strong expandability. Our code is available at: https://github.com/YkiWu/EmbodiedOcc.
Abstract:3D semantic occupancy prediction is an important task for robust vision-centric autonomous driving, which predicts fine-grained geometry and semantics of the surrounding scene. Most existing methods leverage dense grid-based scene representations, overlooking the spatial sparsity of the driving scenes. Although 3D semantic Gaussian serves as an object-centric sparse alternative, most of the Gaussians still describe the empty region with low efficiency. To address this, we propose a probabilistic Gaussian superposition model which interprets each Gaussian as a probability distribution of its neighborhood being occupied and conforms to probabilistic multiplication to derive the overall geometry. Furthermore, we adopt the exact Gaussian mixture model for semantics calculation to avoid unnecessary overlapping of Gaussians. To effectively initialize Gaussians in non-empty region, we design a distribution-based initialization module which learns the pixel-aligned occupancy distribution instead of the depth of surfaces. We conduct extensive experiments on nuScenes and KITTI-360 datasets and our GaussianFormer-2 achieves state-of-the-art performance with high efficiency. Code: https://github.com/huang-yh/GaussianFormer.
Abstract:Mamba has garnered widespread attention due to its flexible design and efficient hardware performance to process 1D sequences based on the state space model (SSM). Recent studies have attempted to apply Mamba to the visual domain by flattening 2D images into patches and then regarding them as a 1D sequence. To compensate for the 2D structure information loss (e.g., local similarity) of the original image, most existing methods focus on designing different orders to sequentially process the tokens, which could only alleviate this issue to some extent. In this paper, we propose a Visual 2-Dimensional Mamba (V2M) model as a complete solution, which directly processes image tokens in the 2D space. We first generalize SSM to the 2-dimensional space which generates the next state considering two adjacent states on both dimensions (e.g., columns and rows). We then construct our V2M based on the 2-dimensional SSM formulation and incorporate Mamba to achieve hardware-efficient parallel processing. The proposed V2M effectively incorporates the 2D locality prior yet inherits the efficiency and input-dependent scalability of Mamba. Extensive experimental results on ImageNet classification and downstream visual tasks including object detection and instance segmentation on COCO and semantic segmentation on ADE20K demonstrate the effectiveness of our V2M compared with other visual backbones.
Abstract:3D semantic occupancy prediction aims to obtain 3D fine-grained geometry and semantics of the surrounding scene and is an important task for the robustness of vision-centric autonomous driving. Most existing methods employ dense grids such as voxels as scene representations, which ignore the sparsity of occupancy and the diversity of object scales and thus lead to unbalanced allocation of resources. To address this, we propose an object-centric representation to describe 3D scenes with sparse 3D semantic Gaussians where each Gaussian represents a flexible region of interest and its semantic features. We aggregate information from images through the attention mechanism and iteratively refine the properties of 3D Gaussians including position, covariance, and semantics. We then propose an efficient Gaussian-to-voxel splatting method to generate 3D occupancy predictions, which only aggregates the neighboring Gaussians for a certain position. We conduct extensive experiments on the widely adopted nuScenes and KITTI-360 datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that GaussianFormer achieves comparable performance with state-of-the-art methods with only 17.8% - 24.8% of their memory consumption. Code is available at: https://github.com/huang-yh/GaussianFormer.
Abstract:3D occupancy prediction is an important task for the robustness of vision-centric autonomous driving, which aims to predict whether each point is occupied in the surrounding 3D space. Existing methods usually require 3D occupancy labels to produce meaningful results. However, it is very laborious to annotate the occupancy status of each voxel. In this paper, we propose SelfOcc to explore a self-supervised way to learn 3D occupancy using only video sequences. We first transform the images into the 3D space (e.g., bird's eye view) to obtain 3D representation of the scene. We directly impose constraints on the 3D representations by treating them as signed distance fields. We can then render 2D images of previous and future frames as self-supervision signals to learn the 3D representations. We propose an MVS-embedded strategy to directly optimize the SDF-induced weights with multiple depth proposals. Our SelfOcc outperforms the previous best method SceneRF by 58.7% using a single frame as input on SemanticKITTI and is the first self-supervised work that produces reasonable 3D occupancy for surround cameras on nuScenes. SelfOcc produces high-quality depth and achieves state-of-the-art results on novel depth synthesis, monocular depth estimation, and surround-view depth estimation on the SemanticKITTI, KITTI-2015, and nuScenes, respectively. Code: https://github.com/huang-yh/SelfOcc.
Abstract:Understanding how the 3D scene evolves is vital for making decisions in autonomous driving. Most existing methods achieve this by predicting the movements of object boxes, which cannot capture more fine-grained scene information. In this paper, we explore a new framework of learning a world model, OccWorld, in the 3D Occupancy space to simultaneously predict the movement of the ego car and the evolution of the surrounding scenes. We propose to learn a world model based on 3D occupancy rather than 3D bounding boxes and segmentation maps for three reasons: 1) expressiveness. 3D occupancy can describe the more fine-grained 3D structure of the scene; 2) efficiency. 3D occupancy is more economical to obtain (e.g., from sparse LiDAR points). 3) versatility. 3D occupancy can adapt to both vision and LiDAR. To facilitate the modeling of the world evolution, we learn a reconstruction-based scene tokenizer on the 3D occupancy to obtain discrete scene tokens to describe the surrounding scenes. We then adopt a GPT-like spatial-temporal generative transformer to generate subsequent scene and ego tokens to decode the future occupancy and ego trajectory. Extensive experiments on the widely used nuScenes benchmark demonstrate the ability of OccWorld to effectively model the evolution of the driving scenes. OccWorld also produces competitive planning results without using instance and map supervision. Code: https://github.com/wzzheng/OccWorld.