Abstract:Incorporating geometric invariance into neural networks enhances parameter efficiency but typically increases computational costs. This paper introduces new equivariant neural networks that preserve symmetry while maintaining a comparable number of floating-point operations (FLOPs) per parameter to standard non-equivariant networks. We focus on horizontal mirroring (flopping) invariance, common in many computer vision tasks. The main idea is to parametrize the feature spaces in terms of mirror-symmetric and mirror-antisymmetric features, i.e., irreps of the flopping group. This decomposes the linear layers to be block-diagonal, requiring half the number of FLOPs. Our approach reduces both FLOPs and wall-clock time, providing a practical solution for efficient, scalable symmetry-aware architectures.
Abstract:Rapid growth in the popularity of AR/VR/MR applications and cloud-based visual localization systems has given rise to an increased focus on the privacy of user content in the localization process. This privacy concern has been further escalated by the ability of deep neural networks to recover detailed images of a scene from a sparse set of 3D or 2D points and their descriptors - the so-called inversion attacks. Research on privacy-preserving localization has therefore focused on preventing these inversion attacks on both the query image keypoints and the 3D points of the scene map. To this end, several geometry obfuscation techniques that lift points to higher-dimensional spaces, i.e., lines or planes, or that swap coordinates between points % have been proposed. In this paper, we point to a common weakness of these obfuscations that allows to recover approximations of the original point positions under the assumption of known neighborhoods. We further show that these neighborhoods can be computed by learning to identify descriptors that co-occur in neighborhoods. Extensive experiments show that our approach for point recovery is practically applicable to all existing geometric obfuscation schemes. Our results show that these schemes should not be considered privacy-preserving, even though they are claimed to be privacy-preserving. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/kunalchelani/RecoverPointsNeighborhood}.
Abstract:We propose a way to train deep learning based keypoint descriptors that makes them approximately equivariant for locally affine transformations of the image plane. The main idea is to use the representation theory of GL(2) to generalize the recently introduced concept of steerers from rotations to affine transformations. Affine steerers give high control over how keypoint descriptions transform under image transformations. We demonstrate the potential of using this control for image matching. Finally, we propose a way to finetune keypoint descriptors with a set of steerers on upright images and obtain state-of-the-art results on several standard benchmarks. Code will be published at github.com/georg-bn/affine-steerers.
Abstract:In open-set semi-supervised learning (OSSL), we consider unlabeled datasets that may contain unknown classes. Existing OSSL methods often use the softmax confidence for classifying data as in-distribution (ID) or out-of-distribution (OOD). Additionally, many works for OSSL rely on ad-hoc thresholds for ID/OOD classification, without considering the statistics of the problem. We propose a new score for ID/OOD classification based on angles in feature space between data and an ID subspace. Moreover, we propose an approach to estimate the conditional distributions of scores given ID or OOD data, enabling probabilistic predictions of data being ID or OOD. These components are put together in a framework for OSSL, termed \emph{ProSub}, that is experimentally shown to reach SOTA performance on several benchmark problems. Our code is available at https://github.com/walline/prosub.
Abstract:Few-shot image classification involves classifying images using very few training examples. Recent vision foundation models show excellent few-shot transfer abilities, but are large and slow at inference. Using knowledge distillation, the capabilities of high-performing but slow models can be transferred to tiny, efficient models. However, common distillation methods require a large set of unlabeled data, which is not available in the few-shot setting. To overcome this lack of data, there has been a recent interest in using synthetic data. We expand on this work by presenting a novel diffusion model inversion technique (TINT) combining the diversity of textual inversion with the specificity of null-text inversion. Using this method in a few-shot distillation pipeline leads to state-of-the-art accuracy among small student models on popular benchmarks, while being significantly faster than prior work. This allows us to push even tiny models to high accuracy using only a tiny application-specific dataset, albeit relying on extra data for pre-training. Popular few-shot benchmarks involve evaluation over a large number of episodes, which is computationally cumbersome for methods involving synthetic data generation. Therefore, we also present a theoretical analysis on how the variance of the accuracy estimator depends on the number of episodes and query examples, and use these results to lower the computational effort required for method evaluation. In addition, to further motivate the use of generative models in few-shot distillation, we demonstrate that our method performs better compared to training on real data mined from the dataset used to train the diffusion model. Source code will be made available at https://github.com/pixwse/tiny2.
Abstract:Object detection applied to LiDAR point clouds is a relevant task in robotics, and particularly in autonomous driving. Single frame methods, predominant in the field, exploit information from individual sensor scans. Recent approaches achieve good performance, at relatively low inference time. Nevertheless, given the inherent high sparsity of LiDAR data, these methods struggle in long-range detection (e.g. 200m) which we deem to be critical in achieving safe automation. Aggregating multiple scans not only leads to a denser point cloud representation, but it also brings time-awareness to the system, and provides information about how the environment is changing. Solutions of this kind, however, are often highly problem-specific, demand careful data processing, and tend not to fulfil runtime requirements. In this context we propose TimePillars, a temporally-recurrent object detection pipeline which leverages the pillar representation of LiDAR data across time, respecting hardware integration efficiency constraints, and exploiting the diversity and long-range information of the novel Zenseact Open Dataset (ZOD). Through experimentation, we prove the benefits of having recurrency, and show how basic building blocks are enough to achieve robust and efficient results.
Abstract:Image keypoint descriptions that are discriminative and matchable over large changes in viewpoint are vital for 3D reconstruction. However, descriptions output by learned descriptors are typically not robust to camera rotation. While they can be made more robust by, e.g., data augmentation, this degrades performance on upright images. Another approach is test-time augmentation, which incurs a significant increase in runtime. We instead learn a linear transform in description space that encodes rotations of the input image. We call this linear transform a steerer since it allows us to transform the descriptions as if the image was rotated. From representation theory we know all possible steerers for the rotation group. Steerers can be optimized (A) given a fixed descriptor, (B) jointly with a descriptor or (C) we can optimize a descriptor given a fixed steerer. We perform experiments in all of these three settings and obtain state-of-the-art results on the rotation invariant image matching benchmarks AIMS and Roto-360. We publish code and model weights at github.com/georg-bn/rotation-steerers.
Abstract:In this paper we tackle the problem of learning Structure-from-Motion (SfM) through the use of graph attention networks. SfM is a classic computer vision problem that is solved though iterative minimization of reprojection errors, referred to as Bundle Adjustment (BA), starting from a good initialization. In order to obtain a good enough initialization to BA, conventional methods rely on a sequence of sub-problems (such as pairwise pose estimation, pose averaging or triangulation) which provides an initial solution that can then be refined using BA. In this work we replace these sub-problems by learning a model that takes as input the 2D keypoints detected across multiple views, and outputs the corresponding camera poses and 3D keypoint coordinates. Our model takes advantage of graph neural networks to learn SfM-specific primitives, and we show that it can be used for fast inference of the reconstruction for new and unseen sequences. The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms competing learning-based methods, and challenges COLMAP while having lower runtime.
Abstract:We present a generalizable novel view synthesis method where it is possible to modify the visual appearance of rendered views to match a target weather or lighting condition. Our method is based on a generalizable transformer architecture, trained on synthetically generated scenes under different appearance conditions. This allows for rendering novel views in a consistent manner of 3D scenes that were not included in the training set, along with the ability to (i) modify their appearance to match the target condition and (ii) smoothly interpolate between different conditions. Experiments on both real and synthetic scenes are provided including both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Please refer to our project page for video results: https://ava-nvs.github.io/
Abstract:Many data symmetries can be described in terms of group equivariance and the most common way of encoding group equivariances in neural networks is by building linear layers that are group equivariant. In this work we investigate whether equivariance of a network implies that all layers are equivariant. On the theoretical side we find cases where equivariance implies layerwise equivariance, but also demonstrate that this is not the case generally. Nevertheless, we conjecture that CNNs that are trained to be equivariant will exhibit layerwise equivariance and explain how this conjecture is a weaker version of the recent permutation conjecture by Entezari et al. [2022]. We perform quantitative experiments with VGG-nets on CIFAR10 and qualitative experiments with ResNets on ImageNet to illustrate and support our theoretical findings. These experiments are not only of interest for understanding how group equivariance is encoded in ReLU-networks, but they also give a new perspective on Entezari et al.'s permutation conjecture as we find that it is typically easier to merge a network with a group-transformed version of itself than merging two different networks.