Abstract:Recent advances in monocular depth prediction have led to significantly improved depth prediction accuracy. In turn, this enables various applications to use such depth predictions. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for estimating the relative pose between two cameras from point correspondences with associated monocular depths. Since depth predictions are typically defined up to an unknown scale and shift parameter, our solvers jointly estimate both scale and shift parameters together with the camera pose. We derive efficient solvers for three cases: (1) two calibrated cameras, (2) two uncalibrated cameras with an unknown but shared focal length, and (3) two uncalibrated cameras with unknown and different focal lengths. Experiments on synthetic and real data, including experiments with depth maps estimated by 11 different depth predictors, show the practical viability of our solvers. Compared to prior work, our solvers achieve state-of-the-art results on two large-scale, real-world datasets. The source code is available at https://github.com/yaqding/pose_monodepth
Abstract:Estimating the relative pose between two cameras is a fundamental step in many applications such as Structure-from-Motion. The common approach to relative pose estimation is to apply a minimal solver inside a RANSAC loop. Highly efficient solvers exist for pinhole cameras. Yet, (nearly) all cameras exhibit radial distortion. Not modeling radial distortion leads to (significantly) worse results. However, minimal radial distortion solvers are significantly more complex than pinhole solvers, both in terms of run-time and implementation efforts. This paper compares radial distortion solvers with a simple-to-implement approach that combines an efficient pinhole solver with sampled radial distortion parameters. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets and RANSAC variants show that this simple approach performs similarly or better than the most accurate minimal distortion solvers at faster run-times while being significantly more accurate than faster non-minimal solvers. We clearly show that complex radial distortion solvers are not necessary in practice. Code and benchmark are available at https://github.com/kocurvik/rd.
Abstract:Visual localization is the problem of estimating the camera pose of a given query image within a known scene. Most state-of-the-art localization approaches follow the structure-based paradigm and use 2D-3D matches between pixels in a query image and 3D points in the scene for pose estimation. These approaches assume an accurate 3D model of the scene, which might not always be available, especially if only a few images are available to compute the scene representation. In contrast, structure-less methods rely on 2D-2D matches and do not require any 3D scene model. However, they are also less accurate than structure-based methods. Although one prior work proposed to combine structure-based and structure-less pose estimation strategies, its practical relevance has not been shown. We analyze combining structure-based and structure-less strategies while exploring how to select between poses obtained from 2D-2D and 2D-3D matches, respectively. We show that combining both strategies improves localization performance in multiple practically relevant scenarios.
Abstract:Rapid growth in the popularity of AR/VR/MR applications and cloud-based visual localization systems has given rise to an increased focus on the privacy of user content in the localization process. This privacy concern has been further escalated by the ability of deep neural networks to recover detailed images of a scene from a sparse set of 3D or 2D points and their descriptors - the so-called inversion attacks. Research on privacy-preserving localization has therefore focused on preventing these inversion attacks on both the query image keypoints and the 3D points of the scene map. To this end, several geometry obfuscation techniques that lift points to higher-dimensional spaces, i.e., lines or planes, or that swap coordinates between points % have been proposed. In this paper, we point to a common weakness of these obfuscations that allows to recover approximations of the original point positions under the assumption of known neighborhoods. We further show that these neighborhoods can be computed by learning to identify descriptors that co-occur in neighborhoods. Extensive experiments show that our approach for point recovery is practically applicable to all existing geometric obfuscation schemes. Our results show that these schemes should not be considered privacy-preserving, even though they are claimed to be privacy-preserving. Code will be available at \url{https://github.com/kunalchelani/RecoverPointsNeighborhood}.
Abstract:Object pose estimation is essential to many industrial applications involving robotic manipulation, navigation, and augmented reality. Current generalizable object pose estimators, i.e., approaches that do not need to be trained per object, rely on accurate 3D models. Predominantly, CAD models are used, which can be hard to obtain in practice. At the same time, it is often possible to acquire images of an object. Naturally, this leads to the question whether 3D models reconstructed from images are sufficient to facilitate accurate object pose estimation. We aim to answer this question by proposing a novel benchmark for measuring the impact of 3D reconstruction quality on pose estimation accuracy. Our benchmark provides calibrated images for object reconstruction registered with the test images of the YCB-V dataset for pose evaluation under the BOP benchmark format. Detailed experiments with multiple state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction and object pose estimation approaches show that the geometry produced by modern reconstruction methods is often sufficient for accurate pose estimation. Our experiments lead to interesting observations: (1) Standard metrics for measuring 3D reconstruction quality are not necessarily indicative of pose estimation accuracy, which shows the need for dedicated benchmarks such as ours. (2) Classical, non-learning-based approaches can perform on par with modern learning-based reconstruction techniques and can even offer a better reconstruction time-pose accuracy tradeoff. (3) There is still a sizable gap between performance with reconstructed and with CAD models. To foster research on closing this gap, our benchmark is publicly available at https://github.com/VarunBurde/reconstruction_pose_benchmark}.
Abstract:While the field of 3D scene reconstruction is dominated by NeRFs due to their photorealistic quality, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has recently emerged, offering similar quality with real-time rendering speeds. However, both methods primarily excel with well-controlled 3D scenes, while in-the-wild data - characterized by occlusions, dynamic objects, and varying illumination - remains challenging. NeRFs can adapt to such conditions easily through per-image embedding vectors, but 3DGS struggles due to its explicit representation and lack of shared parameters. To address this, we introduce WildGaussians, a novel approach to handle occlusions and appearance changes with 3DGS. By leveraging robust DINO features and integrating an appearance modeling module within 3DGS, our method achieves state-of-the-art results. We demonstrate that WildGaussians matches the real-time rendering speed of 3DGS while surpassing both 3DGS and NeRF baselines in handling in-the-wild data, all within a simple architectural framework.
Abstract:Novel view synthesis is an important problem with many applications, including AR/VR, gaming, and simulations for robotics. With the recent rapid development of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) methods, it is becoming difficult to keep track of the current state of the art (SoTA) due to methods using different evaluation protocols, codebases being difficult to install and use, and methods not generalizing well to novel 3D scenes. Our experiments support this claim by showing that tiny differences in evaluation protocols of various methods can lead to inconsistent reported metrics. To address these issues, we propose a framework called NerfBaselines, which simplifies the installation of various methods, provides consistent benchmarking tools, and ensures reproducibility. We validate our implementation experimentally by reproducing numbers reported in the original papers. To further improve the accessibility, we release a web platform where commonly used methods are compared on standard benchmarks. Web: https://jkulhanek.com/nerfbaselines
Abstract:Visual localization techniques rely upon some underlying scene representation to localize against. These representations can be explicit such as 3D SFM map or implicit, such as a neural network that learns to encode the scene. The former requires sparse feature extractors and matchers to build the scene representation. The latter might lack geometric grounding not capturing the 3D structure of the scene well enough. This paper proposes to jointly learn the scene representation along with a 3D dense feature field and a 2D feature extractor whose outputs are embedded in the same metric space. Through a contrastive framework we align this volumetric field with the image-based extractor and regularize the latter with a ranking loss from learned surface information. We learn the underlying geometry of the scene with an implicit field through volumetric rendering and design our feature field to leverage intermediate geometric information encoded in the implicit field. The resulting features are discriminative and robust to viewpoint change while maintaining rich encoded information. Visual localization is then achieved by aligning the image-based features and the rendered volumetric features. We show the effectiveness of our approach on real-world scenes, demonstrating that our approach outperforms prior and concurrent work on leveraging implicit scene representations for localization.
Abstract:Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has demonstrated impressive novel view synthesis results, while allowing the rendering of high-resolution images in real-time. However, leveraging 3D Gaussians for surface reconstruction poses significant challenges due to the explicit and disconnected nature of 3D Gaussians. In this work, we present Gaussian Opacity Fields (GOF), a novel approach for efficient, high-quality, and compact surface reconstruction in unbounded scenes. Our GOF is derived from ray-tracing-based volume rendering of 3D Gaussians, enabling direct geometry extraction from 3D Gaussians by identifying its levelset, without resorting to Poisson reconstruction or TSDF fusion as in previous work. We approximate the surface normal of Gaussians as the normal of the ray-Gaussian intersection plane, enabling the application of regularization that significantly enhances geometry. Furthermore, we develop an efficient geometry extraction method utilizing marching tetrahedra, where the tetrahedral grids are induced from 3D Gaussians and thus adapt to the scene's complexity. Our evaluations reveal that GOF surpasses existing 3DGS-based methods in surface reconstruction and novel view synthesis. Further, it compares favorably to, or even outperforms, neural implicit methods in both quality and speed.
Abstract:Pose refinement is an interesting and practically relevant research direction. Pose refinement can be used to (1) obtain a more accurate pose estimate from an initial prior (e.g., from retrieval), (2) as pre-processing, i.e., to provide a better starting point to a more expensive pose estimator, (3) as post-processing of a more accurate localizer. Existing approaches focus on learning features / scene representations for the pose refinement task. This involves training an implicit scene representation or learning features while optimizing a camera pose-based loss. A natural question is whether training specific features / representations is truly necessary or whether similar results can be already achieved with more generic features. In this work, we present a simple approach that combines pre-trained features with a particle filter and a renderable representation of the scene. Despite its simplicity, it achieves state-of-the-art results, demonstrating that one can easily build a pose refiner without the need for specific training. The code is at https://github.com/ga1i13o/mcloc_poseref