Abstract:In the era of information overload, recommendation systems play a pivotal role in filtering data and delivering personalized content. Recent advancements in feature interaction and user behavior modeling have significantly enhanced the recall and ranking processes of these systems. With the rise of large language models (LLMs), new opportunities have emerged to further improve recommendation systems. This tutorial explores two primary approaches for integrating LLMs: LLMs-enhanced recommendations, which leverage the reasoning capabilities of general LLMs, and generative large recommendation models, which focus on scaling and sophistication. While the former has been extensively covered in existing literature, the latter remains underexplored. This tutorial aims to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive overview of generative large recommendation models, including their recent advancements, challenges, and potential research directions. Key topics include data quality, scaling laws, user behavior mining, and efficiency in training and inference. By engaging with this tutorial, participants will gain insights into the latest developments and future opportunities in the field, aiding both academic research and practical applications. The timely nature of this exploration supports the rapid evolution of recommendation systems, offering valuable guidance for researchers and practitioners alike.
Abstract:Inspired by scaling laws and large language models, research on large-scale recommendation models has gained significant attention. Recent advancements have shown that expanding sequential recommendation models to large-scale recommendation models can be an effective strategy. Current state-of-the-art sequential recommendation models primarily use self-attention mechanisms for explicit feature interactions among items, while implicit interactions are managed through Feed-Forward Networks (FFNs). However, these models often inadequately integrate temporal and positional information, either by adding them to attention weights or by blending them with latent representations, which limits their expressive power. A recent model, HSTU, further reduces the focus on implicit feature interactions, constraining its performance. We propose a new model called FuXi-$\alpha$ to address these issues. This model introduces an Adaptive Multi-channel Self-attention mechanism that distinctly models temporal, positional, and semantic features, along with a Multi-stage FFN to enhance implicit feature interactions. Our offline experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms existing models, with its performance continuously improving as the model size increases. Additionally, we conducted an online A/B test within the Huawei Music app, which showed a $4.76\%$ increase in the average number of songs played per user and a $5.10\%$ increase in the average listening duration per user. Our code has been released at https://github.com/USTC-StarTeam/FuXi-alpha.
Abstract:We present HaPTIC, an approach that infers coherent 4D hand trajectories from monocular videos. Current video-based hand pose reconstruction methods primarily focus on improving frame-wise 3D pose using adjacent frames rather than studying consistent 4D hand trajectories in space. Despite the additional temporal cues, they generally underperform compared to image-based methods due to the scarcity of annotated video data. To address these issues, we repurpose a state-of-the-art image-based transformer to take in multiple frames and directly predict a coherent trajectory. We introduce two types of lightweight attention layers: cross-view self-attention to fuse temporal information, and global cross-attention to bring in larger spatial context. Our method infers 4D hand trajectories similar to the ground truth while maintaining strong 2D reprojection alignment. We apply the method to both egocentric and allocentric videos. It significantly outperforms existing methods in global trajectory accuracy while being comparable to the state-of-the-art in single-image pose estimation. Project website: https://judyye.github.io/haptic-www
Abstract:Generating personalized 3D avatars is crucial for AR/VR. However, recent text-to-3D methods that generate avatars for celebrities or fictional characters, struggle with everyday people. Methods for faithful reconstruction typically require full-body images in controlled settings. What if a user could just upload their personal "OOTD" (Outfit Of The Day) photo collection and get a faithful avatar in return? The challenge is that such casual photo collections contain diverse poses, challenging viewpoints, cropped views, and occlusion (albeit with a consistent outfit, accessories and hairstyle). We address this novel "Album2Human" task by developing PuzzleAvatar, a novel model that generates a faithful 3D avatar (in a canonical pose) from a personal OOTD album, while bypassing the challenging estimation of body and camera pose. To this end, we fine-tune a foundational vision-language model (VLM) on such photos, encoding the appearance, identity, garments, hairstyles, and accessories of a person into (separate) learned tokens and instilling these cues into the VLM. In effect, we exploit the learned tokens as "puzzle pieces" from which we assemble a faithful, personalized 3D avatar. Importantly, we can customize avatars by simply inter-changing tokens. As a benchmark for this new task, we collect a new dataset, called PuzzleIOI, with 41 subjects in a total of nearly 1K OOTD configurations, in challenging partial photos with paired ground-truth 3D bodies. Evaluation shows that PuzzleAvatar not only has high reconstruction accuracy, outperforming TeCH and MVDreamBooth, but also a unique scalability to album photos, and strong robustness. Our model and data will be public.
Abstract:We propose G-HOP, a denoising diffusion based generative prior for hand-object interactions that allows modeling both the 3D object and a human hand, conditioned on the object category. To learn a 3D spatial diffusion model that can capture this joint distribution, we represent the human hand via a skeletal distance field to obtain a representation aligned with the (latent) signed distance field for the object. We show that this hand-object prior can then serve as generic guidance to facilitate other tasks like reconstruction from interaction clip and human grasp synthesis. We believe that our model, trained by aggregating seven diverse real-world interaction datasets spanning across 155 categories, represents a first approach that allows jointly generating both hand and object. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate the benefit of this joint prior in video-based reconstruction and human grasp synthesis, outperforming current task-specific baselines. Project website: https://judyye.github.io/ghop-www
Abstract:We tackle the task of reconstructing hand-object interactions from short video clips. Given an input video, our approach casts 3D inference as a per-video optimization and recovers a neural 3D representation of the object shape, as well as the time-varying motion and hand articulation. While the input video naturally provides some multi-view cues to guide 3D inference, these are insufficient on their own due to occlusions and limited viewpoint variations. To obtain accurate 3D, we augment the multi-view signals with generic data-driven priors to guide reconstruction. Specifically, we learn a diffusion network to model the conditional distribution of (geometric) renderings of objects conditioned on hand configuration and category label, and leverage it as a prior to guide the novel-view renderings of the reconstructed scene. We empirically evaluate our approach on egocentric videos across 6 object categories, and observe significant improvements over prior single-view and multi-view methods. Finally, we demonstrate our system's ability to reconstruct arbitrary clips from YouTube, showing both 1st and 3rd person interactions.
Abstract:Recent successes in image synthesis are powered by large-scale diffusion models. However, most methods are currently limited to either text- or image-conditioned generation for synthesizing an entire image, texture transfer or inserting objects into a user-specified region. In contrast, in this work we focus on synthesizing complex interactions (ie, an articulated hand) with a given object. Given an RGB image of an object, we aim to hallucinate plausible images of a human hand interacting with it. We propose a two-step generative approach: a LayoutNet that samples an articulation-agnostic hand-object-interaction layout, and a ContentNet that synthesizes images of a hand grasping the object given the predicted layout. Both are built on top of a large-scale pretrained diffusion model to make use of its latent representation. Compared to baselines, the proposed method is shown to generalize better to novel objects and perform surprisingly well on out-of-distribution in-the-wild scenes of portable-sized objects. The resulting system allows us to predict descriptive affordance information, such as hand articulation and approaching orientation. Project page: https://judyye.github.io/affordiffusion-www
Abstract:Our work aims to reconstruct hand-held objects given a single RGB image. In contrast to prior works that typically assume known 3D templates and reduce the problem to 3D pose estimation, our work reconstructs generic hand-held object without knowing their 3D templates. Our key insight is that hand articulation is highly predictive of the object shape, and we propose an approach that conditionally reconstructs the object based on the articulation and the visual input. Given an image depicting a hand-held object, we first use off-the-shelf systems to estimate the underlying hand pose and then infer the object shape in a normalized hand-centric coordinate frame. We parameterized the object by signed distance which are inferred by an implicit network which leverages the information from both visual feature and articulation-aware coordinates to process a query point. We perform experiments across three datasets and show that our method consistently outperforms baselines and is able to reconstruct a diverse set of objects. We analyze the benefits and robustness of explicit articulation conditioning and also show that this allows the hand pose estimation to further improve in test-time optimization.
Abstract:We aim to infer 3D shape and pose of object from a single image and propose a learning-based approach that can train from unstructured image collections, supervised by only segmentation outputs from off-the-shelf recognition systems (i.e. 'shelf-supervised'). We first infer a volumetric representation in a canonical frame, along with the camera pose. We enforce the representation geometrically consistent with both appearance and masks, and also that the synthesized novel views are indistinguishable from image collections. The coarse volumetric prediction is then converted to a mesh-based representation, which is further refined in the predicted camera frame. These two steps allow both shape-pose factorization from image collections and per-instance reconstruction in finer details. We examine the method on both synthetic and real-world datasets and demonstrate its scalability on 50 categories in the wild, an order of magnitude more classes than existing works.
Abstract:We present an approach to learn an object-centric forward model, and show that this allows us to plan for sequences of actions to achieve distant desired goals. We propose to model a scene as a collection of objects, each with an explicit spatial location and implicit visual feature, and learn to model the effects of actions using random interaction data. Our model allows capturing the robot-object and object-object interactions, and leads to more sample-efficient and accurate predictions. We show that this learned model can be leveraged to search for action sequences that lead to desired goal configurations, and that in conjunction with a learned correction module, this allows for robust closed loop execution. We present experiments both in simulation and the real world, and show that our approach improves over alternate implicit or pixel-space forward models. Please see our project page (https://judyye.github.io/ocmpc/) for result videos.