Abstract:In the era of information overload, recommendation systems play a pivotal role in filtering data and delivering personalized content. Recent advancements in feature interaction and user behavior modeling have significantly enhanced the recall and ranking processes of these systems. With the rise of large language models (LLMs), new opportunities have emerged to further improve recommendation systems. This tutorial explores two primary approaches for integrating LLMs: LLMs-enhanced recommendations, which leverage the reasoning capabilities of general LLMs, and generative large recommendation models, which focus on scaling and sophistication. While the former has been extensively covered in existing literature, the latter remains underexplored. This tutorial aims to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive overview of generative large recommendation models, including their recent advancements, challenges, and potential research directions. Key topics include data quality, scaling laws, user behavior mining, and efficiency in training and inference. By engaging with this tutorial, participants will gain insights into the latest developments and future opportunities in the field, aiding both academic research and practical applications. The timely nature of this exploration supports the rapid evolution of recommendation systems, offering valuable guidance for researchers and practitioners alike.
Abstract:Given an unnormalized probability density $\pi\propto\mathrm{e}^{-V}$, estimating its normalizing constant $Z=\int_{\mathbb{R}^d}\mathrm{e}^{-V(x)}\mathrm{d}x$ or free energy $F=-\log Z$ is a crucial problem in Bayesian statistics, statistical mechanics, and machine learning. It is challenging especially in high dimensions or when $\pi$ is multimodal. To mitigate the high variance of conventional importance sampling estimators, annealing-based methods such as Jarzynski equality and annealed importance sampling are commonly adopted, yet their quantitative complexity guarantees remain largely unexplored. We take a first step toward a non-asymptotic analysis of annealed importance sampling. In particular, we derive an oracle complexity of $\widetilde{O}\left(\frac{d\beta^2{\mathcal{A}}^2}{\varepsilon^4}\right)$ for estimating $Z$ within $\varepsilon$ relative error with high probability, where $\beta$ is the smoothness of $V$ and $\mathcal{A}$ denotes the action of a curve of probability measures interpolating $\pi$ and a tractable reference distribution. Our analysis, leveraging Girsanov theorem and optimal transport, does not explicitly require isoperimetric assumptions on the target distribution. Finally, to tackle the large action of the widely used geometric interpolation of probability distributions, we propose a new normalizing constant estimation algorithm based on reverse diffusion samplers and establish a framework for analyzing its complexity.
Abstract:Inspired by scaling laws and large language models, research on large-scale recommendation models has gained significant attention. Recent advancements have shown that expanding sequential recommendation models to large-scale recommendation models can be an effective strategy. Current state-of-the-art sequential recommendation models primarily use self-attention mechanisms for explicit feature interactions among items, while implicit interactions are managed through Feed-Forward Networks (FFNs). However, these models often inadequately integrate temporal and positional information, either by adding them to attention weights or by blending them with latent representations, which limits their expressive power. A recent model, HSTU, further reduces the focus on implicit feature interactions, constraining its performance. We propose a new model called FuXi-$\alpha$ to address these issues. This model introduces an Adaptive Multi-channel Self-attention mechanism that distinctly models temporal, positional, and semantic features, along with a Multi-stage FFN to enhance implicit feature interactions. Our offline experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms existing models, with its performance continuously improving as the model size increases. Additionally, we conducted an online A/B test within the Huawei Music app, which showed a $4.76\%$ increase in the average number of songs played per user and a $5.10\%$ increase in the average listening duration per user. Our code has been released at https://github.com/USTC-StarTeam/FuXi-alpha.
Abstract:Deep learning is currently reaching outstanding performances on different tasks, including image classification, especially when using large neural networks. The success of these models is tributary to the availability of large collections of labeled training data. In many real-world scenarios, labeled data are scarce, and their hand-labeling is time, effort and cost demanding. Active learning is an alternative paradigm that mitigates the effort in hand-labeling data, where only a small fraction is iteratively selected from a large pool of unlabeled data, and annotated by an expert (a.k.a oracle), and eventually used to update the learning models. However, existing active learning solutions are dependent on handcrafted strategies that may fail in highly variable learning environments (datasets, scenarios, etc). In this work, we devise an adaptive active learning method based on Markov Decision Process (MDP). Our framework leverages deep reinforcement learning and active learning together with a Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) in order to dynamically adapt sample selection strategies to the oracle's feedback and the learning environment. Extensive experiments conducted on three different image classification benchmarks show superior performances against several existing active learning strategies.
Abstract:Sequential Recommendation (SR) plays a critical role in predicting users' sequential preferences. Despite its growing prominence in various industries, the increasing scale of SR models incurs substantial computational costs and unpredictability, challenging developers to manage resources efficiently. Under this predicament, Scaling Laws have achieved significant success by examining the loss as models scale up. However, there remains a disparity between loss and model performance, which is of greater concern in practical applications. Moreover, as data continues to expand, it incorporates repetitive and inefficient data. In response, we introduce the Performance Law for SR models, which aims to theoretically investigate and model the relationship between model performance and data quality. Specifically, we first fit the HR and NDCG metrics to transformer-based SR models. Subsequently, we propose Approximate Entropy (ApEn) to assess data quality, presenting a more nuanced approach compared to traditional data quantity metrics. Our method enables accurate predictions across various dataset scales and model sizes, demonstrating a strong correlation in large SR models and offering insights into achieving optimal performance for any given model configuration.
Abstract:Recommendation systems are essential for filtering data and retrieving relevant information across various applications. Recent advancements have seen these systems incorporate increasingly large embedding tables, scaling up to tens of terabytes for industrial use. However, the expansion of network parameters in traditional recommendation models has plateaued at tens of millions, limiting further benefits from increased embedding parameters. Inspired by the success of large language models (LLMs), a new approach has emerged that scales network parameters using innovative structures, enabling continued performance improvements. A significant development in this area is Meta's generative recommendation model HSTU, which illustrates the scaling laws of recommendation systems by expanding parameters to thousands of billions. This new paradigm has achieved substantial performance gains in online experiments. In this paper, we aim to enhance the understanding of scaling laws by conducting comprehensive evaluations of large recommendation models. Firstly, we investigate the scaling laws across different backbone architectures of the large recommendation models. Secondly, we conduct comprehensive ablation studies to explore the origins of these scaling laws. We then further assess the performance of HSTU, as the representative of large recommendation models, on complex user behavior modeling tasks to evaluate its applicability. Notably, we also analyze its effectiveness in ranking tasks for the first time. Finally, we offer insights into future directions for large recommendation models. Supplementary materials for our research are available on GitHub at https://github.com/USTC-StarTeam/Large-Recommendation-Models.
Abstract:Vision-to-audio (V2A) synthesis has broad applications in multimedia. Recent advancements of V2A methods have made it possible to generate relevant audios from inputs of videos or still images. However, the immersiveness and expressiveness of the generation are limited. One possible problem is that existing methods solely rely on the global scene and overlook details of local sounding objects (i.e., sound sources). To address this issue, we propose a Sound Source-Aware V2A (SSV2A) generator. SSV2A is able to locally perceive multimodal sound sources from a scene with visual detection and cross-modality translation. It then contrastively learns a Cross-Modal Sound Source (CMSS) Manifold to semantically disambiguate each source. Finally, we attentively mix their CMSS semantics into a rich audio representation, from which a pretrained audio generator outputs the sound. To model the CMSS manifold, we curate a novel single-sound-source visual-audio dataset VGGS3 from VGGSound. We also design a Sound Source Matching Score to measure localized audio relevance. This is to our knowledge the first work to address V2A generation at the sound-source level. Extensive experiments show that SSV2A surpasses state-of-the-art methods in both generation fidelity and relevance. We further demonstrate SSV2A's ability to achieve intuitive V2A control by compositing vision, text, and audio conditions. Our SSV2A generation can be tried and heard at https://ssv2a.github.io/SSV2A-demo .
Abstract:Click-through Rate (CTR) prediction is crucial for online personalization platforms. Recent advancements have shown that modeling rich user behaviors can significantly improve the performance of CTR prediction. Current long-term user behavior modeling algorithms predominantly follow two cascading stages. The first stage retrieves subsequence related to the target item from the long-term behavior sequence, while the second stage models the relationship between the subsequence and the target item. Despite significant progress, these methods have two critical flaws. First, the retrieval query typically includes only target item information, limiting the ability to capture the user's diverse interests. Second, relational information, such as sequential and interactive information within the subsequence, is frequently overlooked. Therefore, it requires to be further mined to more accurately model user interests. To this end, we propose Multi-granularity Interest Retrieval and Refinement Network (MIRRN). Specifically, we first construct queries based on behaviors observed at different time scales to obtain subsequences, each capturing users' interest at various granularities. We then introduce an noval multi-head Fourier transformer to efficiently learn sequential and interactive information within the subsequences, leading to more accurate modeling of user interests. Finally, we employ multi-head target attention to adaptively assess the impact of these multi-granularity interests on the target item. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that MIRRN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. Furthermore, an A/B test shows that MIRRN increases the average number of listening songs by 1.32% and the average time of listening songs by 0.55% on a popular music streaming app. The implementation code is publicly available at https://github.com/psycho-demon/MIRRN.
Abstract:Many platforms, such as e-commerce websites, offer both search and recommendation services simultaneously to better meet users' diverse needs. Recommendation services suggest items based on user preferences, while search services allow users to search for items before providing recommendations. Since users and items are often shared between the search and recommendation domains, there is a valuable opportunity to enhance the recommendation domain by leveraging user preferences extracted from the search domain. Existing approaches either overlook the shift in user intention between these domains or fail to capture the significant impact of learning from users' search queries on understanding their interests. In this paper, we propose a framework that learns from user search query embeddings within the context of user preferences in the recommendation domain. Specifically, user search query sequences from the search domain are used to predict the items users will click at the next time point in the recommendation domain. Additionally, the relationship between queries and items is explored through contrastive learning. To address issues of data sparsity, the diffusion model is incorporated to infer positive items the user will select after searching with certain queries in a denoising manner, which is particularly effective in preventing false positives. Effectively extracting this information, the queries are integrated into click-through rate prediction in the recommendation domain. Experimental analysis demonstrates that our model outperforms state-of-the-art models in the recommendation domain.
Abstract:This article makes discrete masked models for the generative modeling of discrete data controllable. The goal is to generate samples of a discrete random variable that adheres to a posterior distribution, satisfies specific constraints, or optimizes a reward function. This methodological development enables broad applications across downstream tasks such as class-specific image generation and protein design. Existing approaches for controllable generation of masked models typically rely on task-specific fine-tuning or additional modifications, which can be inefficient and resource-intensive. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel plug-and-play framework based on importance sampling that bypasses the need for training a conditional score. Our framework is agnostic to the choice of control criteria, requires no gradient information, and is well-suited for tasks such as posterior sampling, Bayesian inverse problems, and constrained generation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive experiments, showcasing its versatility across multiple domains, including protein design.